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    Meeting R-0002-02

    Transcript from Friday, 9/25/65

    Subject: “Spur and Dolphin”

    {11:10:34} [user_COSTUME opened room_R-0002-02.]

    {11:12:15} [user_SEADOG has joined the room.]

    {11:12:43} SEADOG: My attendance will be spotty for this. Currently splitting my attention between this and negotiation planning

    {11:12:58} COSTUME: Understood. Just post when you can. I should be able to handle most of this myself.

    {11:13:22} [user_KEY has joined the room.]

    {11:13:25} KEY: yo

    {11:13:40} COSTUME: Good morning, Key. Are you feeling any better?

    {11:13:44} KEY: yeah

    {11:13:46} KEY: i did some thinking

    {11:13:49} KEY: just gonna play by ear for now

    {11:13:51} KEY: before i do anything else

    {11:14:01} COSTUME: That sounds wise.

    {11:17:22} SEADOG: I wonder where Abyss’s “fast fingers” are now?

    {11:17:25} KEY: probably on the wheel

    {11:17:27} KEY: he said hed leave at 9

    {11:17:30} KEY: but phoenix is pretty f

    {11:17:30} KEY: far

    {11:17:31} KEY: from where he was

    {11:17:32} KEY: iirc

    {11:17:39} SEADOG: Ah, yes, his fake hands are on the wheel that he doesn’t need to use. But alright

    {11:17:43} COSTUME: I am going to suggest we go ahead and start while we wait for Abyss. He can catch up after he arrives.

    {11:17:55} SEADOG: I have no objections to that

    {11:18:06} COSTUME: Alright. Key, the recount, if you would?

    {11:18:10} KEY: whats there to say really

    {11:18:13} KEY: i went to nails house

    {11:18:15} KEY: fucked around for a couple hours

    {11:18:16} KEY: and went home

    {11:18:26} COSTUME: …See, this is why we started splitting up who gives the minutes each meeting.

    {11:18:30} KEY: lol

    {11:18:53} [user_ABYSS has joined the room.]

    {11:18:53} ABYSS: Hi guys!!!!!!!!!!

    {11:18:57} KEY: hey

    {11:19:06} COSTUME: Good morning, Abyss. Are you in Phoenix now?

    {11:19:19} ABYSS: Yeah I am!! Actually I have been for the past couple hours 😀

    {11:19:20} ABYSS: I thought I should begin the investigation by paying the police dept a visit before I went to the house.

    {11:19:20} ABYSS: You’ll never believe what I saw……………..

    {11:19:41} COSTUME: Do share, then.

    {11:19:56} [User_ABYSS posted an image. Images are automatically deleted after five minutes.]

    {11:20:03} KEY: oh damn

    {11:20:05} [Transcript complete.]

    {11:20:05} [IMAGE TRANSCRIPT: MISSING — Sheriff [NIBXPJKS]. Last seen Sunday, the 20th. Reward: $68,000. Tip line: ***-***-****]

    {11:20:12} COSTUME: Well. The force there is certainly on top of things.

    {11:20:18} ABYSS: Yeah!!! With this poster and bounty, there are a lot of people on the lookout :0

    {11:20:20} KEY: not that crazy tbh

    {11:20:20} KEY: i mean

    {11:20:21} KEY: if the sheriff in my city

    {11:20:23} KEY: literally just up and dipped

    {11:20:25} KEY: id get everyone on it too

    {11:20:37} SEADOG: If I may note, this might not be as optimistic of a look as we’d like to think it is. If he’s still missing, even with the city searching for him, it could be a bad sign

    {11:20:49} COSTUME: Let’s not say anything definitive until Abyss gets more information. Please, let us know when you’ve made your search through Spur and Dolphin’s home.

    {11:20:54} ABYSS: Will do!!!!!!!!!!

    {11:44:12} ABYSS: Okay. Got some intel…………

    {11:46:02} SEADOG: How much of the house did the officers allow you to see?

    {11:46:03} ABYSS: A lot, actually!!!!

    {11:46:04} ABYSS: Safe to say……. This is a weird case :/

    {11:46:06} KEY: you hate to hear it

    {11:46:18} COSTUME: Please, explain what made it so strange.

    {11:46:20} ABYSS: For one, it doesn’t look like a kidnapping. There aren’t any signs of a struggle or a break-in.

    {11:46:21} ABYSS: But there is no indication that Spur and Dolphin fled the home, either. All of their belongings have not been disturbed, and there was no proof of them packing up luggage of any sort. Even their car is still here.

    {11:46:22} ABYSS: I ran through some transcripts of the officers’ interviews with their friends and colleagues. According to them, nothing seemed out of the ordinary with either one before the disappearance. A few even confirmed that everything in the house seemed to be in the same place as it was the last time they had visited the property.

    {11:46:23} ABYSS: All in all, the trail is pretty cold 🙁

    {11:46:57} SEADOG: Very unfortunate. Is there really no evidence to go off of?

    {11:47:01} KEY: ngl

    {11:47:02} KEY: i feel like the fact that there is

    {11:47:04} KEY: straight up nothing to go off of

    {11:47:06} KEY: is way weirder than if there were clues

    {11:47:07} ABYSS: Well, there was one thing!!!! But the officers just don’t really know what to make of it

    {11:47:08} ABYSS: And, to be honest…….. Neither do I.

    {11:47:14} SEADOG: You, confused? This has to be interesting

    {11:47:15} KEY: ??? what is it

    {11:47:18} ABYSS: In the master bedroom, the officers found three patches of an unknown substance on the floor. It was very unusual; none of my databases have any information of a substance like it.

    {11:47:19} ABYSS: The officers explained it like this…………

    {11:47:20} ABYSS: Do you remember what happens when petrol and water mix?

    {11:47:36} COSTUME: Of course. It makes this sort of gross, mushy rainbow color.

    {11:47:37} ABYSS: Think that, but with dust instead of water.

    {11:47:49} SEADOG: Hang on. How does that even work? The rainbow stems from the liquid substances

    {11:48:02} SEADOG: Is each individual grain a different color?

    {11:48:03} ABYSS: It is a highly unusual substance. :/

    {11:48:04} KEY: okay

    {11:48:06} KEY: is there alarm bells going on in anybody elses head rn

    {11:48:06} KEY: because

    {11:48:08} KEY: that is WEIRD

    {11:48:11} KEY: and not what happens when somebody dies or something

    {11:48:29} COSTUME: Let’s not make any rash assumptions. Did you find any kind of gasoline in the household?

    {11:48:30} ABYSS: Not at all…….. Besides, Dolphin would not keep gasoline in her house. It would be against what I know of her character.

    {11:48:33} KEY: so whatever this shit is

    {11:48:35} KEY: it had to come from somebody else

    {11:48:36} KEY: right?

    {11:50:04} COSTUME: I feel as though I should remind you that the officers have found no evidence of a break-in, by Abyss’ testimony.

    {11:50:06} KEY: whats your opinion on this then?

    {11:50:08} KEY: what happened to spur and dolphin?

    {11:50:09} KEY: where do we look next?

    {11:50:10} ABYSS: It’s a high profile case!!!!! And they’ve been looking alot around this dust! If there was proof, we’d probably be close to finding it by now…….

    {11:50:22} COSTUME: I’m unsure. I don’t feel like we can definitively state whether they are alive, much less left somewhere for us to look next.

    {11:50:24} KEY: okay

    {11:50:24} KEY: costume

    {11:50:25} KEY: with all due respect

    {11:50:27} KEY: shutting down literally every theory

    {11:50:28} KEY: and offering no ideas

    {11:50:30} KEY: other than the ones where they just mysteriously die

    {11:50:31} KEY: is not fucking helping

    {11:50:32} ABYSS: Woah.

    {11:50:40} SEADOG: Keep things civil here, you two

    {11:50:45} COSTUME: I’m sorry if I’ve given off the wrong impression, Key.

    {11:50:47} KEY: im sorry, i just DO NOT get it

    {11:50:49} KEY: three of our best members vanish into thin air

    {11:50:51} KEY: all of us have deja vu

    {11:50:53} KEY: things are getting weird

    {11:50:53} ABYSS: Key, let Costume type!!!!!!!!!!

    {11:50:55} KEY: and youre not curious at all???

    {11:50:56} KEY: sorry

    {11:51:05} COSTUME: It’s not that I’m not curious or concerned for their safeties. But we all need to remember what we’re here for. We can’t afford to get our hopes up and chase conspiracies that we have no basis with to determine their actual existence.

    {11:51:19} COSTUME: Regardless of their actual fates, we need to address the reality of the situation. We sought to determine their conditions, and the answer is that they are gone. We now need to act accordingly.

    {11:52:17} SEADOG: I understand, Key. I really do. It’s difficult to lose a friend, or several friends, so suddenly

    {11:52:26} SEADOG: You were closer to all three of them than any of us, I know that

    {11:52:34} SEADOG: But life’s just not fair sometimes

    {11:52:46} SEADOG: I’ve had friends just up and leave the Navy one day. I’ve had friends who seemed invincible perish in a random Floridian skirmish

    {11:52:58} SEADOG: If there’s anything I can do for you, please, speak with me after this meeting.

    {11:53:09} SEADOG: But for now, there is little we, as a collective, can do. The best action we can take is to be patient and wait for answers, then act accordingly

    {11:53:22} COSTUME: I hope this is making sense to you, Key.

    {11:55:46} KEY: yeah

    {11:55:47} KEY: i get it

    {11:55:49} KEY: ill let it be i guess

    {11:55:50} ABYSS: Sorry Key…….. 🙁

    {11:55:51} ABYSS: Anyway, the officers agreed to let me take a small sample of the dust!!! I’m gonna run an analysis of this through a wider internet search

    {11:55:52} ABYSS: Key, do you want me to update you when I receive more data???

    {11:56:06} KEY: if anybodys posted about it on the internet

    {11:56:08} KEY: the answer is

    {11:56:10} KEY: probably lol

    {11:57:11} COSTUME: Alright. You two can research that on your own time. With that out of the way, I believe we can return to our regularly scheduled meetings.

    {11:57:23} SEADOG: Then I will see you all in three days, to keep you updated on the matters of my actual negotiations with the Floridians.

    {11:57:24} ABYSS: Looks like this meeting’s over!!! So I’m gonna drive to Key’s!!!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    {11:57:25} [user_ABYSS has left the room.]

    {11:57:46} SEADOG: Getting back to discussions now. Have a nice afternoon

    {11:57:47} [user_SEADOG has left the room.]

    {11:57:51} KEY: sorry about all that costume

    {11:57:53} KEY: both now

    {11:57:54} KEY: and in advance

    {11:57:57} [user_KEY has left the room.]

    {11:57:59} COSTUME: What do you mean, in — oh

    {11:58:09} [user_COSTUME has left the room.]

    {11:58:09} [Archiving room_R-0002-02…]

    {11:58:11} [Archival complete. room_R-0002-02 is now closed.]


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