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    Meeting R-0002-01

    Transcript from Thursday, 9/24/65

    Subject: “Nail”

    {15:38:22} [user_COSTUME opened room_R-0002-01.]

    {15:38:30} [user_ABYSS has joined the room.]

    {15:38:30} ABYSS: Costume!! Hi!!!

    {15:38:45} COSTUME: Good afternoon, Abyss.

    {15:38:52} [user_SEADOG has joined the room.]

    {15:39:01} SEADOG: Ah. Abyss beat me to the first join again

    {15:39:01} ABYSS: Fast fingers >:D

    {15:39:17} COSTUME: Welcome, Seadog. How are matters on your end?

    {15:39:29} SEADOG: They are…alright. The diplomatic meeting with the Floridians is coming up quick

    {15:39:37} SEADOG: For obvious reasons, I am somewhat nervous.

    {15:39:37} ABYSS: Good luck Seadog…………….

    {15:39:51} COSTUME: I am nervous myself. I do hope your deal ends amicably, for everyone’s sake. It would be an unfortunate waste otherwise.

    {15:41:13} [user_KEY has joined the room.]

    {15:41:13} ABYSS: Hi Key!!!!!

    {15:41:15} KEY: sup

    {15:41:28} COSTUME: Good afternoon, Key. How was the drive?

    {15:41:31} KEY: kinda a pain in the ass ngl

    {15:41:35} KEY: those guys i told you about kept hounding me

    {15:41:36} KEY: but i made it

    {15:41:53} COSTUME: Excellent. That means we can now address the topic at hand.

    {15:42:05} COSTUME: Abyss, would you please recount the minutes of our previous relevant meetings?

    {15:42:12} ABYSS: Yeah sure!!!!

    {15:42:15} ABYSS: Two days ago, Costume opened meeting G-0156-20, one of several wellness checks intended to ensure the positivity and productivity of Nevada branch member Nail, AKA Upfbsa.

    {15:42:15} ABYSS: Despite having never joined any previous meetings later than eight minutes, twenty seconds after creation, Nail proceeded not to join the meeting at any time.

    {15:42:16} ABYSS: Upon observing this, Key proceeded to privately message Arizona branch member Spur, who should be in close contact with Nail. When no reply was given, further messages were sent to Arizona branch member Dolphin. Neither replied to any prompt.

    {15:42:16} ABYSS: All three members are now presumed out of commission for unknown reasons. This meeting is one of two as part of a mission to determine the status of the members. Due to proximity, Key was requested to approach Nail’s home first.

    {15:42:23} SEADOG: Ah, the beauty of well-written minutes…

    {15:42:27} KEY: yeah abyss has a way with that

    {15:42:29} KEY: took a lot of work to get him that way

    {15:42:30} KEY: but it was worth it

    {15:42:45} COSTUME: It’s incredible how elegantly it’s written, considering your own work, Key.

    {15:42:47} KEY: wow

    {15:42:48} KEY: okay

    {15:42:50} KEY: my minutes werent THAT bad

    {15:42:55} ABYSS: Thanks guys!!! 😀

    {15:42:55} ABYSS: You know, I can always make better and better reports than that……..

    {15:42:56} ABYSS: Anyways, now that my minutes are complete, how is your visit to Nail’s house going, Key?

    {15:43:37} KEY: sorry needed a hot second to settle in

    {15:43:40} KEY: just got here a couple minutes ago

    {15:43:44} KEY: already did the song and dance thing he wanted us to do in emergencies

    {15:43:48} KEY: (i looked like a dumbass, it was great)

    {15:43:50} KEY: no answer

    {15:44:04} SEADOG: doesn’t Nail have that machine manning his home? What was it called… Buttons?

    {15:44:06} KEY: yup

    {15:44:08} KEY: which means getting in by force

    {15:44:11} KEY: is gonna take a while

    {15:44:24} COSTUME: We’ll give you a few minutes, then.

    {15:44:29} KEY: aight

    {15:56:47} ABYSS: How’s it going??????

    {15:58:36} KEY: tried finding a way around

    {15:58:39} KEY: fuckers too clever to let me sneak by

    {15:58:41} KEY: back doors locked too

    {15:58:44} KEY: looks like im busting out the keyboard

    {15:58:46} ABYSS: 🙁

    {15:58:47} ABYSS: You want me to come over?? I could get there in no time…….

    {15:59:03} KEY: nah

    {15:59:06} KEY: not while youre looking into spur and dolphin

    {15:59:07} KEY: you wouldnt get past this anyway

    {15:59:09} KEY: nail knows how to keep you out

    {15:59:10} ABYSS: Awwwwww, I’m sad that you’re right…….

    {15:59:21} SEADOG: You can do this, Key. If anybody can work through Buttons, it’s you

    {15:59:35} COSTUME: …But remember that there’s no shame if you can’t.

    {16:22:03} KEY: son of a bitch

    {16:22:06} KEY: nails got this thing encrypted front to back

    {16:22:09} KEY: i KNOW there’s a protocol in here that deactivates it

    {16:22:11} KEY: he showed me it forever ago

    {16:22:15} KEY: i just

    {16:22:16} KEY: cant find it

    {16:24:40} COSTUME: Perhaps it was a bad idea to separate you and Abyss. In hindsight, we should’ve handled these cases one at a time.

    {16:25:01} COSTUME: I imagine Nail would likely have revealed himself if both of you were there…if he is still alive, that is.

    {16:25:16} KEY: if???

    {16:25:19} KEY: the hell are you talking about

    {16:25:21} KEY: nail is alive.

    {16:25:24} KEY: i dont have to break in to know that

    {16:25:32} COSTUME: I wouldn’t be so sure.

    {16:25:55} COSTUME: I think we can all agree that Nail has not been in a good place even before he joined us.

    {16:26:14} COSTUME: And, with what we heard in the past three meetings, his situation worsened significantly recently.

    {16:26:22} KEY: shut up

    {16:26:25} KEY: i talked with nail irl way more than you did

    {16:26:27} SEADOG: Let’s not get at each other’s throats

    {16:26:30} KEY: nail would not kill himself. not a chance

    {16:26:34} KEY: im not mad lol

    {16:26:36} KEY: just telling costume shes wrong

    {16:26:45} COSTUME: Fair enough.

    {16:27:07} COSTUME: You should consider asking around the neighborhood. If I remember correctly, Nail said his neighbors were decent enough.

    {16:27:18} COSTUME: Maybe they could provide some insight.

    {16:27:26} KEY: good plan

    {16:41:40} KEY: aight

    {16:41:41} KEY: asked around

    {16:41:44} KEY: apparently nail was acting his normal self

    {16:41:48} KEY: before he disappeared and everything

    {16:41:50} ABYSS: Did they say anything about him sounding relieved???? That is an important sign to look out for.

    {16:41:57} KEY: nope

    {16:42:12} COSTUME: It seems the mentality doesn’t quite line up for the act of taking his own life.

    {16:42:29} COSTUME: Still, that leaves us with no explanation as to why he would either stay in his house and not answer, or, in the case that he is not inside, why he would run off…

    {16:43:52} KEY: goddamnit

    {16:43:55} KEY: cant believe this shit is happening again

    {16:44:00} [Message from user_KEY deleted.]

    {16:44:11} COSTUME: Key, you know that that username is blacklisted in the automod.

    {16:44:19} KEY: i know but

    {16:44:22} KEY: it legit is almost the exact same thing

    {16:44:29} SEADOG: Why are you so concerned about similarities with the Mjyvojses situation, anyway?

    {16:44:32} KEY: oh yeah, forgot to censor

    {16:44:35} KEY: anyways

    {16:44:36} KEY: because

    {16:44:43} KEY: i dont WANT mjyvojses to happen again

    {16:44:59} SEADOG: Ah, that makes more sense. If you mean more disappearances, no, I do not. But that was 10+ years ago

    {16:45:13} SEADOG: The circumstances are quite different. I’m not sure they are as comparable as you think

    {16:45:21} KEY: that i can kinda agree with

    {16:45:24} KEY: this time the answers arent out of our reach

    {16:45:26} KEY: if i can just get past buttons

    {16:45:28} KEY: im sure well know exactly what happened to nail

    {16:45:51} COSTUME: The answers do seem cruelly close, but don’t get too fixated on one idea.

    {16:46:04} COSTUME: Maybe going inside Nail’s house won’t reveal anything.

    {16:46:19} COSTUME: Maybe there’s a reason Nail didn’t want us knowing what he was doing.

    {16:46:43} COSTUME: …Key?

    {16:47:23} ABYSS: Key are you okay????

    {16:47:50} KEY: give me a bit

    {18:01:10} SEADOG: Key, it’s been an hour now. Please tell us what you’re doing

    {18:01:50} KEY: ive been trying to crack it still

    {18:02:00} KEY: nothing

    {18:02:04} KEY: now im getting weird stares from people

    {18:02:31} COSTUME: Key.

    {18:02:43} COSTUME: Go home. That’s an order.

    {18:02:58} COSTUME: You worked hard. You should go take a break. Get a meal, if you’d like.

    {18:05:25} KEY: ugh

    {18:05:26} KEY: alright

    {18:05:29} ABYSS: It’s okay Key!!!!

    {18:05:29} ABYSS: Knowing our luck my investigation tomorrow won’t go any better.

    {18:05:30} ABYSS: We’ll be failures together!!!!

    {18:05:42} KEY: thanks abyss

    {18:05:43} KEY: i appreciate it

    {18:07:51} KEY: asked the neighbors to let the cops know if they see him

    {18:07:55} KEY: gonna drive back now

    {18:07:55} KEY: cya

    {18:08:01} ABYSS: Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    {18:08:01} [user_ABYSS has left the room.]

    {18:08:14} [user_KEY has left the room.]

    {18:10:24} COSTUME: Thank you for trying to ease Key’s worries for me. I would have done it myself, but…

    {18:11:45} SEADOG: I understand. We can discuss this privately later

    {18:12:02} SEADOG: We have more to do between Nail and Spur and the Floridians. Let’s just keep our focus on that

    {18:12:21} COSTUME: Right. Again, thanks, Seadog. I really appreciate it.

    {18:17:02} [user_COSTUME has left the room.]

    {18:17:49} [user_SEADOG has left the room.]

    {18:17:49} [Archiving room_R-0002-01…]

    {18:17:51} [Archival complete. room_R-0002-01 is now closed.]


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