The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    More great first impressions, I imagine?

    Andrew barely picked at the plate of pasta in front of him. They were shaped like little bowties, not unlike the one wrapped around his neck. Tomato sauce and a touch of what appeared to be parmesan topped the carefully made dish.

    Thomas smiled from across the table. “Do you like it? I made the sauce myself.”

    He plunged his fork in and scooped the bowties into his mouth, feeling the soft but firm pieces slide down his throat. The tomato sauce was savory and added an extra sweet flavor. Andrew let out a small grin as he placed his fork back down. 

    “It’s very good. Better than any of the pasta I’m used to eating.” But goddamnit! I’m sick of pasta! So much damn pasta! Do these Pokemon eat anything other than pasta?

    The Servine cocked his head to the side. “I know that look. Did something bad happen? You know I’m here for you if you ever need to talk… or get political advice.”

    “I know, I know.” Andrew sighed, shoveling more food into his mouth. “Jason blackmailed me! It was my fault, I was being stupid, and now we’re both in danger because of it! I screwed up and can’t stop screwing up because every time I open my damn mouth or open up to somebody other-”

    “Woah, slow down. Jason blackmailed you?” Thomas asked with a hint of concern.

    Andrew slapped his fist down on the table. “Yes! He knows our relationship was supposed to be secret! And he threatened to tell if I didn’t stop arresting Ryder!”

    “Stop arresting Ryder?”

    He chuckled, taking a sip of water. “Oh, yeah. It was a whole thing, I taunted him… again. He hit me… again. Except, I had him arrested this time! I was so close to nabbing that idiot!”

    “Andrew. One thing I’ve learned about rescuers is that they are quite loyal to their partners. Nothing comes between them. I’m not sure what you were expecting.” Thomas stated as he shook his head.

    “So you’re taking his side?”

    “I’m not taking his side!” Thomas yelled. “But you should have known better.”

    He crossed his flippers. “I do not see how this is my fault.”

    “I never said it was.” The Servine humphed.

    Andrew narrowed his eyes, fingers curling into fists. “Sure, sure.”

    They became silent. Andrew shoved some more of the still delicious pasta into his mouth. But, his little appetite had now long since faded. Chewing and swallowing seemed to become more of a challenging and conscious task with each bite.

    Thomas sighed, resting his head on a vine. “Andrew, I’m not trying to be mean.”

    “I know.” He muttered.

    “However, you need to have a good understanding of— I hate to say it, but of how the world works. People aren’t going to just let you arrest their friends.” The Servine stated rather matter- of-factly.

    Andrew broke eye contact, tapping his fingers against the table. “I’m the president. They need to listen to me. I’m the damn president, I’m in charge. I’m the president. Me, Andrew… Marshtomp. I’m in charge!”

    “I know, just be careful. Please, Andrew, I love you, and I’d hate to see something bad happen to you.” He looked back up to see Thomas staring at him with wide, loving eyes.

    The Marshtomp relented. “Alright, I’ll be more careful, I promise.”

    Thomas laughed, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice. “Excellent, you’ll have some good practice exercising restraint where we’re going.”

    The Marshtomp narrowed his eyes, his heart beginning to pump faster and his breathing becoming ever so slightly more challenging. “Where are we going?”

    “I promise you they are reasonable people ninety percent of the time,” Thomas assured. “But if my dad starts getting angry, don’t provoke him. My mother wrote that they wanted to meet you, so please be on your best behavior.”

    Andrew crossed his flippers as the two climbed a winding hill. Even for the cartoonish-looking Pokemon world, the grass seemed an unnatural shade of solid green. Cutting in between was a wide, tan path. The sensation of dirt sifting between  his feet felt oddly satisfying as he watched Thomas skip ahead.

    “We’re almost there!” He sang.

    A tall brown structure began to rise up from the horizon. Andrew’s mouth fell agape as it towered over in its endless volume and wooden glory. Standing atop the hill looked what seemed to be a house— a mansion. 

    Thomas never mentioned this.

    Twin, cubical spires rose up from either end of the house ending in triangular points. Each one of them went up five stories, adding to the three that made up the primary structure. A glass dome sat atop the roof reflecting the afternoon sunlight. 

    Andrew’s legs felt like they were about to slide right out from underneath his torso and roll down the hill. But with a wave of Thomas’ vine, the Marshtop found the strength to carry on. I know I’m a bit smaller now, but do I need to exercise? This would have been no problem as a human! Damn Pokemon…

    Soon enough Andrew and Thomas reached the summit and were met by two wooden, thankfully appropriately-sized doors. Despite the sweat pouring down Andrew’s back, Thomas showed no restraint while knocking on the door.

    It swung open to reveal a Growlithe. A tuft of hair-like fir sat neatly combed on top of his head. A black bowtie, identical to Andrew’s in all but color, was tied neatly around his neck as the Pokemon bore a stoic expression.

    He bowed his head down. “Welcome, Master Thomas. Your parents have been expecting you, please have a seat in the parlor.”

    Thomas smiled at the Growlithe and entered inside. The butler turned his gaze to Andrew and narrowed his eyes. He inspected the Marshtomp for a moment, fixating on his bowtie for a moment before again speaking. “And you must be the honorable Andrew Marshtomp.”

    “Uh, yeah,” his eyes darted from side to side. “The honorable me. Do I come in or…?”

    “Yes, please step inside. I must warn you, though, Master Sirius-”

    Thomas shot a glare at the Growlithe, mouthing something Andrew didn’t understand. The butler bowed his head and allowed him to come inside. The door was calmly shut behind the couple before the Growlithe swiftly scampered off. 

    Andrew grabbed Thomas’ hand. “The hell was that about?”

    “Nothing! What are you even talking about? Let’s go to the parlor.” He laughed nervously, guiding Andrew.

    There seemed to be a chandelier or fancy lighting fixture every couple of feet, hanging from the ceiling or mounted on a wall. Realist paintings of Serperiors, Servines, and Snivies lined the hallway with sizes ranging from little bigger than a plate to three times Andrew’s height. 

    Grandeport Castle was large but had hardly any expensive or impressive items lying around to imply any sense of wealth. The Guild’s castle had a room of treasure and impressive architecture but also did not display any objective or blatant signs of high status.

    But, this single home, which was only a fraction the size of either castle, tried harder to show its wealth and prosperity in a single hallway than anywhere in the entirety of the other two magnificent structures. 

    Thomas led Andrew through an opening in the wall which led to a bright, two-story room. Couches of blue and red with ornate golden lines slashing to and fro the cushions were arranged in various circular formations throughout the chamber.

    Thomas plopped himself down on a couch big enough to fit three or four Pokemon-sized to his proportions. Andrew sat down beside him, feeling bold enough to lay a flipper across his shoulder.

    “This place is something.”

    Thomas groaned. “After growing up here, it really doesn’t seem like much. I guess it’s big compared to my old place, but still.”

    Andrew let his flipper fall to his side as he gazed up at a window letting sunlight flow onto Thomas’ skin. Natural light was flowing in from all angles. The Servine leaned back and closed his eyes, fanning his tail on the side of the couch. “Just, give me a minute.”

    The sunlight also danced across Andrew’s skin. Though it probably doesn’t feel nearly as good as it does for him. Why did I have to be a Marshtomp? Some mythical force out there chose Marshtomp! How? Why? What does Marshtomp have to do with me!?

    “I haven’t visited here since before I met you. I don’t even know if my parents know about my house… you know.” Thomas shook his head. “They’re going to be so mad! I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

    “At least you aren’t homeless.” Andrew shrugged, patting his back.

    Thomas gazed up at the ceiling. It had a weaving golden pattern on white plaster, not unlike the couches. “I’m just worried. They can be intense sometimes.”

    “For what it’s worth, I’ll be here. If they go crazy parent mode on you and trust me, I have plenty of experience with crazy parent mode. I’ll be here to stand up for you. I’m the president, after all.” Andrew reassured him.  

    Thomas looked him in the eye and smiled. “I guess that’s all I can ask for.”

    Footsteps called their attention as the Growlithe butler entered the sunlit chamber. He bowed his head, before calmly speaking. “Master Thomas, your parents are ready for you in the dining hall. Master Andrew should also join.”

    Soon enough, Andrew found himself sitting next to Thomas at the biggest dining room table he’d ever seen— maybe the biggest to ever exist. There were only four seats set up despite the length, the others pushed against the wall a dozen feet away. 

    At the other end of the table sat two Serperiors. The slightly larger one had a black tie around his neck. He didn’t make eye contact with either of them, instead choosing to stare at his wife or the smooth wood of the table. 

    His wife smiled warmly at the pair, bobbing her head and whispering to her husband whenever he chose to look away. Andrew tapped his foot against the ground and also found himself gazing out the window or at Thomas as opposed to looking at the pair of grass snakes.

    “Ahem.” Thomas’ mother cleared her throat. “Thomas, are you going to introduce us?”

    The Servine perked up, forcing a smile. “Um, this is Andrew. Andrew Marshtomp, you might have heard of him. But, we met before you h-heard of him… I… uh.”

    “Oh yes, we know him all right. Stupid-” The gruff voice of his father spoke in barely a murmur. 

    “Sirius!” His wife yelled.

    “You didn’t know what I was going to say. Back me up here, son.” Sirius demanded as he glared at Thomas.

    Thomas stuck his chin up. “I’m not getting involved in this.”

    Andrew stuck up his flipper and waved awkwardly. “Uh, Thomas is very nice. I don’t know what I’d do without him. So… thank you for being his parents?”

    “You’re welcome!” His mother said cheerfully.

    “Oh boy,” Thomas murmured.

    His mother’s smile began to wane as she continued glaring at Sirius who still refused to make any eye contact with the Marshtomp. “Why don’t you tell the boys about our family business? With the new earnings report, I’m sure they’d love to hear it.”

    “The shipping trade vastly overperformed last quarter primarily due to political stability overseas and general market confidence in Grandeport provided under the leadership of King Mirage. While I hear things are still okay across the ocean, the political turmoil happening within our own nation could have profound…” Sirius continued to drone as Andrew diverted his attention toward Thomas.

    He groaned. “Man, if he’s going to say how much he hates me at least make it interesting.”

    The Servine looked wearily at him, whispering. “He doesn’t hate you, but as I said, they can be intense. Just let him run his course and soon we’ll all be having a blast.”

    “In fact.” The Serperior continued speaking, paying no attention to the couple’s banter. “I think this mud-dweller you’ve chosen to bring home might just be the cause of all of this. We could lose everything! Do you hear me? All of this luxury could be gone in an instant because of this bumbling child!” 

    Thomas’ mother rolled her eyes. “Oh, don’t listen to him. Even if the company did go bankrupt, which as it stands is near impossible, we still have enough cash to have a perfectly wonderful life.” 

    “Agatha, this is serious! We could lose a lot of money if the projections I’m dealing with come true!” Sirius yelled as he slammed a vine on the table.

    She humphed. “Well luckily for us, you’re not the one managing our money!”

    Okay, I do not need to hear this.

    “You want me to feed a child eating away at our finances!” Sirius pointed his vine straight at Andrew’s face. It might have been intimidating if they weren’t twelve feet away. “Clearly, Thomas has a worse taste in men than you do!” 

    “Sirius!” yelled Agatha.

    “Dad!” yelled Thomas.

    Andrew crossed his flippers and stuck his chin up. “Wow, uncalled for, man.”

    “Don’t you man me! Boy, me and Mirage were good friends, you know. Do you know how it feels to have a friend taken from you?” The Serperior glared menacingly, chest heaving up and down.

    Andrew rested his chin on his flipper as he gazed up into the heavens. “Every day, I have worked. The day I was born, I knew something was amiss in the great country I had spawned in. With each passing day, I worked to change it for the better. Sometimes small, sometimes large. I joined the police force and ascended to police chief.”

    “I remember! That was such a good article, Thomas.” Agatha smiled as she winked at Thomas, who chuckled awkwardly and pushed his chair an inch back.

    Andrew let out a long, exaggerated sigh. “But when Mirage was killed, to tell the truth, I was heartbroken! He was like a father to me. And to hear of his death in that horrid, horrid boating accident! I hope to never relive the pain of that day.”

    Andrew slouched back into his seat and threw a flipper over Thomas’ back, looking straight into Sirius’ eyes. “But hey! At least Thomas did some damn good reporting! Certainly, the best I’ve ever read.”

    “Aww! That’s very sweet! I’m happy for you boys. What could be better for any parents than to see their child happy?” Agatha said as she elbowed Sirius. 

    He grumbled. “Yes, fine. Even if it’s only a temporary thing, I’m happy that you get to experience some kind of love, even if it’s temporary.”


    “What?” The Serperior grunted. “They’re not getting married! These types of relationships only last so long.”

    “You don’t know that.” Thomas crossed his vines.

    Andrew smirked. “I will marry him just to spite you.”

    “Would you both stop?” Thomas stood up. “Dad, is it possible that we have one interaction that doesn’t involve you criticizing me?”

    “I don’t criticize you!”

    Agatha and Andrew exchanged a glance before she spoke. “I’m sorry, but am I talking to the same Pokemon who just suggested my son break up with his boyfriend?”

    “I did not say that.” He pouted, turning away.

    This is getting out of hand, and all I had to do was show up! I guess this explains why Thomas never mentioned much about his parents before.

    Andrew raised a finger. “It was more so implied.”

    “Shut your trap! In fact, get out!” He pointed a vine out toward the room’s exit. “This is my house, and if you are going to be rude to me then you can’t be here!”

    “I’m the president.”

    Sirius’ face had turned a bright red, Andrew could almost see the smoke rising from his ears as he yelled: “Out!”

    “Okay,” Andrew said nonchalantly. He hopped up from his seat and strolled right past an awestruck Thomas. Through a corridor he entered back into the hallway of paintings and artifacts, gazing up at a large frame depicting a Snivy holding a flower.

    Faint footsteps tapping against the carpet below preceded a familiar vine tapping against his shoulder. 

    Thomas slumped his head down. “I’m sorry about them— him. I knew my dad would give you a hard time over something, but I figured he would have calmed down over the whole Mirage thing by now.”

    “You knew he’d do this?” Andrew snapped, curling his fingers into fists. “Why would you bring me here if your dad was going to get all… mad at me!”

    Thomas turned away. “I didn’t know he would, I was hoping he wouldn’t.”

    “Fine.” Andrew threw up his flippers. Stupid snake, I’d slap him if he weren’t your dad. “How do we leave? I want out. Now.”

    The Servine bit his lip and tapped his foot. “I know things look bad right now, but we can still make this work. Dinner will be out soon and that should cause everyone to cool down a bit. Just, don’t go. It’ll make things ten times worse.”

    Thomas wrapped his vine around Andrew’s flipper and pulled him back to the dining room. They both resumed their seats as Sirius continued his angry glare at them both. 

    “I’ll go check on how dinner is coming along. I hope you boys all get along well.” Agatha stated what seemed more like an order than a request.

    She slithered out, leaving Thomas, Andrew, and Sirius alone in the empty room.

    The Serperior coughed dryly, again choosing to stare off into space. Andrew ran his finger along the dark grain of the table. 

    “Is it even five? I feel like it’s a bit early to eat dinner.” And it better not be pasta. I can’t eat any more pasta.

    Sirius mumbled under his breath. “Too early to eat dinner? You’re our guest, Marshtomp. Shut it.”

    “I wasn’t too hungry, anyways.” He sighed. “Can’t blame me, really. Consider that I’ve had to be in a room with you for more than five minutes.”

    Sirius scowled, teeth bared. “Thomas, is this really the best you can do? I’m trying to be supportive and all. And I’m sorry about earlier, I really wasn’t trying to come off as judging you. But, really? There are so many better, powerful, more dignified, and wealthy Pokemon out there than this mud dweller.”

    “No, Dad. Andrew is the sweetest Pokemon I’ve ever met and I don’t care what you have to say about it.” Thomas shot a glare at Sirius who only groaned in response.

    “Fine, but don’t come crying to me when your friend here stabs you in the back like he did to Mirage. That is assuming he can reach your back, considering his height.” The Serperior sneered with a smirk.

    A pain seized over Andrew’s mind. Not a physical one, but a loss of sorts. His heart beat faster and harder as something with him grew. An indescribable pure rage took hold within his brain, consuming rationality and supplementing it with a dark presence. 

    He was empty but full. Intelligent but stupid. Sad… but angry.

    “W-What did you just call me, old man?” The Marshtomp managed to croak out.

    Sirius laughed. “What’s that, boy? Did I hurt your feelings? Clearly not a good fit for my son.”

    “DID YOU CALL ME SHORT!?!” Andrew screamed at the top of his lungs. He hoisted himself onto the table and began stomping toward Thomas’ father.

    The Serperior’s eyes widened as an initial look of shock brandished itself upon his face, before subsiding into satisfaction. But, this did not stop the Marshtomp’s charge. He only continued on, each step louder than the one prior as he got closer and closer to the Serperior coiled around his chair.

    “Stop! Andrew, what are you doing?” Thomas yelled futilely. It fell on deaf ears as Andrew now stood barely inches away from the Serperior. With the table’s elevation, Andrew looked down at Thomas’ father in his two-foot-four glory.

    “I.” He pointed a finger in Sirius’ face. “Am. Five. Feet. Tall.”

    “What? No, you are defe-”

    Andrew slammed his foot on the table “I AM FIVE FEET TALL!” 

    “Alright, jeez.” Sirius raised his hands. “Whatever you say, boy.”

    Andrew humphed, before running back across the table and leaping back down to his seat next to Thomas.

    That’ll show him.

    However, the Servine was not happy. His brow was narrowed as his face had contorted into a pout. “What was the first thing I told you about my dad?”

    “That he was a Serperior?”

    Andrew swore he could see a flash of red go through Thomas’ eyes. “What? No! I told you not to provoke him.”

    “I inferred that he was a Serperior, that was quite smart of me.” He said as if everything was normal.



    “I told you not to provoke him.”

    “You know.” The Marshtomp tapped his chin. “Provoke is such a strong word. Maybe we could use nicer language like proving your goddamn fucking serperiority. Get it, serperiority?”

    Thomas smiled, a smile a bit too wide and far too out of place. His body began to tremble as his eyes showed a level of anger that the Marshtomp had not thought physically possible. 

    “Andrew, I am going to kill you a million times over for how you’ve acted today. But until we leave, I need you to pretend to be a calm-mannered, respectful, absolutely perfect boyfriend! Don’t embarrass me by making me scold you in front of him.”

    He tugged at his bowtie. “Your father has been watching this entire conversation.”

    The Servine turned his gaze to see his father brandishing a bright, self-satisfied smirk. He winked at the both of them, before leaning back and staring at the now setting sun through a window.

    Suddenly, Agatha slithered back into the room and sat beside her husband. “Dinner will be out soon. I heard some yelling a minute ago, is everything alright?”

    “Dad got a little upset earlier,” Thomas explained, motioning with his vine. “He and Andrew got a bit loud, but I think they have pretty much settled their differences. Right?”

    Sirius grimaced. “That is not at all what happened! This Marshtomped started berating me for no reason whatsoever!”

    Right?” Thomas repeated, not asking.

    His father grumbled. “Ugh, fine. For the time being, I take no issue with the Marshtomp.”

    “And Andrew?” The Servine nudged his partner.

    Andrew warmly smiled, speaking joyfully. “Don’t worry! Me and Mister Serperior have been getting along real nice! Especially after hearing about the success of your family business, I really admire that.”

    “Why, thank you, Andrew!” Agatha smiled back. “Lucky for you, there will be lots more time to talk about that over dinner. I think I can hear the butler bringing the food out now.”

    Through the dining room’s entrance came a Floatzel pushing a large, metal cart. It was filled with plates of varying sizes; each one was covered by shiny, metal dome-shaped tops. He began carefully lifting them and setting them near the center of the table. As soon as each item had been delivered, the butler wheeled the near-soundless cart away.

    Andrew got up to grab the food, which lay halfway across the table.

    “Wait!” Agatha called out. “No need, just wait another moment.”

    He sat back down, only for the Growlithe from earlier to enter with utensils. The butler slid the plates over before supplying everyone with long utensils with extruding, cool engravings. Like with the Floatzel, he left as quickly as he had come.

    “Bon appetit,” Andrew murmured, pulling the dome-shaped top off his plate.

    Draped in a thick, red tomato sauce… was none other than a large dish of spaghetti!

    No! God, why do you do this to me? I’m sick of pasta, I can’t eat another bit. Please, anything but spaghetti. 

    Andrew turned to Thomas. “I don’t know if I can do this.”

    “Do what?” He asked, mouth full.

    The Marshtomp shuddered. “Eat more pasta. It’s driving me mad! I can’t do it.” 

    “Andrew, eat the damn spaghetti,” Thomas ordered. “We’ve had enough problems for one day, you better not cause any more over this.”

    He gulped, picking up his fork and stabbing it into the food below. Andrew twisted several times before bringing a ball of steaming hot pasta. The Marshtomp quickly put it into his mouth and began to chew.

    Not bad, I guess. Y’know, it’s just some pasta. How much more do I have left?

    His gaze fell back onto the plate to see that he had barely made a dent.


    The last clump was the hardest to swallow. After taking so many bites, and gulping down so many tomato-covered strands of carbohydrates, Andrew thought doing it one more time would be the easiest part. But as he brought the pasta up to his mouth, his flipper would move no further.

    The Marshtomp’s small body was utterly full of pasta and required no further sustenance. 

    It’s just one bite. I’m sure nobody will mind if I don’t eat it.

    He placed his fork down onto his plate, quickly wiping his face with a napkin.

    “That was good.” He murmured to Thomas. “Can we leave?”

    “Aren’t you going to finish your pasta?” Thomas questioned as he peered down at Andrew’s plate.

    He scowled. “I did.”

    “I still see some left.”

    Sirius yelled from across the room. “I do too! I’m telling you, Agatha, he’s nothing but trouble. We’re probably upsetting Arceus by keeping him in our presence.”

    “Sirius, I don’t think Arceus will care much if Andrew eats his last bite of pasta, though he really should.” Thomas’ mother voiced.

    Thomas eyed him, his expression clearly saying ‘I told you so.’ Using all his willpower and against every natural instinct in his body, Andrew shoved the last bits of spaghetti into his mouth. It had long since grown cold. The tomato sauce seemed to have lost most of its savory flavor with the heat, but he swallowed it nonetheless.

    “Done,” croaked the stuffed Marshtomp. 

    Agatha smiled, slithering down from her seat. “That’s great! Look outside.” She pointed out the window, where the sun had nearly left the evening’s sky. “It’s getting dark out, and I wouldn’t want you boys going back home when it’s too late. I’ll see you out.”

    The couple got up from their chairs without hesitation and followed Agatha toward the mansion’s exit. Andrew could feel Sirius’ eyes follow him as he hastily exited the dining room.

    They soon arrived at the door, at which point Agatha curled up around Thomas in a hug. 

    “Mom,” he whined, but she did not release him.

    “You need to visit more often, don’t let your grump of a father stop you. I miss getting to wake my son up every day, is it really too much to ask for you to have dinner with us more than once a year?”

    The Servine broke free from his mother’s grasp and calmly stated. “Yes.”

    She sighed. “Well, continue to write to me. At least one letter a month, or I’ll come to your house and drag you back here.”

    If he still had a house.

    “And to you, Andrew.” She patted his head with a vine. “Don’t take my husband’s words to heart. He’ll never say it, but he also misses Thomas, and sometimes that sadness comes out in his anger. I’m sure he’ll come around to you eventually, just be nice.”

    The Marshtomp bowed his head. “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else, Ms. Serperior!”

    “Don’t play with me, Marshtomp. I see right through you. For some reason, my son has decided he loves you and as long as that is the case I will love you too. But, you better keep him safe. Because if I find my baby boy has even a scratch because of something you did, I will reign terror upon you greater than anything my husband could ever dream of.” The Serperior spat viciously.

    Andrew winked. “You have my word!”

    “Very good, then. Now you two get home before it gets too cold out there.” She wrapped her vine around the door and pulled it open, smiling one last time as the two Pokemon left the extravagant manor.

    They began descending down the hill as frigid winds blew. The leafless trees beckoned them in the distance as Andrew wondered when winter would let up.

    “Your parents seem like fun people.”

    Thomas gazed up at the moon. “Oh, Andrew. I’m going to kill you.”

    This chapter is what I think many other authors would consider to be something of a special episode, as it does for the most part stand on its own. If you’re interested in seeing more chapters like this one which take a step back from the main story, maybe even with some characters we don’t usually focus on, be sure to let me know!

    Anyways, you’ll never guess… but big thank you’s to DaGamestar, Zee102, and DoomHuntley!

    Be sure to leave any comments, questions, or feedback of any kind, as it’s always appreciated!

    Until next time!


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