The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Oh, Andrew, I hope you’re going to be on your best behavior for your big day…

    A pale yellow sign hung on a thin pole above Andrew’s head, displaying, “Crescent Lane,” in thick white letters. He strolled down the cobblestone road with his hands clasped tightly against his back. Don’t worry, it’s just a casual visit. No need to panic. Despite trying to calm himself, Andrew’s legs began to stiffen up. 

    What if I came at a bad time? What if he never wanted to see me? His heart began to beat faster, his steps slowed as the numbers ticked closer and closer to Thomas’ address. “141, 140, 139, 138.” He turned his gaze overhead to a sky that had become occupied by fluffy white clouds. A cool breeze blew around a swirl of brown and yellow leaves. t.

    127, 126, 125, 124…” He felt a knot forming in his throat, flippers shaking as Thomas’ door drew near. The exterior of the house was a simple blank white. Large windows with dark blue shutters faced the street. The building itself was part of a row of connected houses which were nearly identical save the alternating painted colors of red or blue. 

    He trotted across a small yard and approached the door. The number, “121,” was displayed in bright golden characters. Well, here goes nothing. Andrew took a deep breath and tapped his flipper against the wood. Please don’t answer the door, please don’t answer the door, please don’t answer the door!

    As the wind continued to blow, his gaze turned to the few Pokemon roaming the quiet street. A Tirtouga pulled itself down the road as it awkwardly gripped the cool stone beneath it. I guess my life isn’t all bad, at least I can walk. The Pokemon smiled at him. He gave a short wave before turning back to face the door. Thomas probably isn’t home. What was I thinking about coming here? I’m such an idiot!

    Andrew nearly lost his balance as he hastily clamored his way back onto the street. Without realizing it, he broke into a sprint while swerving around various Pokemon.

    “Watch it!” A Shelmet called out in a high-pitched voice.

    “Are you blind, Marshtomp?” An Azumarill snapped at him, nearly knocking Andrew with their tail. 

    He turned his head down and let out a primal grunt. Man, can’t people be a bit kinder? Or… Pokemon? Am I ever going to get used to this? Andrew looked up, only for a green blur to obscure his vision. “Watch where you’re going, idiot!” He yelled. 

    “Oh? Andrew? Is that you?”

    Thomas lay on the ground, with several bags and numerous berries scattered across the cobblestone. Andrew gasped as a wave of guilt slammed into him. His heart pounded against his chest. “My god, Thomas! I didn’t see you there! I’m really sorry!”

    He scurried across the road and began to collect whatever he could from the mess of items. Running back over to Thomas, the berries nearly spilled out of his flippers. Goddamnit, why do I have to ruin his day? Can the universe just be kind to me for once? Thomas picked the bags up and began walking away from Andrew. The Marshtomp stared at him, flippers shaking uncontrollably.

    “Are you just going to stand there? Thomas asked, tapping his foot impatiently.”

    “Uh…” He trudged toward Thomas, who titled his head. “What’s the matter?”

    “You aren’t mad at me?” Andrew asked. He gulped as he prepared for the worst possible response to his question.

    To his shock, Thomas warmly smiled. “Why would I be mad? You only bumped into me. Though maybe you could have phrased your response a bit more eloquently.

    “That’s more your thing,” Andrew said, the corners of his lip twitching as he tried to hold back a grin. “Anyways, I came to visit you.”

    Thomas chuckled. “Yes, I can see that. Shall we go inside?”

    “Sure, let’s do that.” Andrew murmured, his eyes darting back and forth. 

    They sauntered toward Thomas’ home. The Servine pulled a key out of a satchel draped across his shoulder and slid it into the doorknob. The door opened with a satisfying click, allowing Thomas inside. Andrew followed, stepping into a warmly lit, well-furnished room. Two green fluffy couches sat in a corner. They were adjacent to a row of neatly organized bookshelves. 

    Andrew was immediately struck by the forest of houseplants which lay against nearly every wall. One to his left towered over him, twice his height, and poked at him with spiky leaves. He sidestepped it to avoid its thorny grasp, stepping over another plant to his right, a minuscule specimen in comparison with to his right had perfectly circular leaves. 

    Spindly vines grew upward beside the stairs. There wasn’t a single spot unoccupied by plants. I guess he is a grass type. Though this does feel a bit excessive, he remarked mentally. 

    Thomas took a deep breath in, eyes shut and standing on his tip-toes. “I did all the gardening myself. Impressive, isn’t it?”

    “It’s certainly something,” Andrew discerned. “How long did it take to do this?”

    “Not too long, only a couple of years.” 

    Andrew cupped a leaf, running his finger along its stem. “Seems like a long time to me. Now that I’m here, what do we do?”

    “I don’t know, it’s been a while since I had a visitor.” Thomas walked to a table and placed the bags. “Does sorting fruit sound fun?” 

    The Marshtomp reached into a bag and retrieved a berry. It was neon green and shaped like a semicircle. I wonder how this tastes? A part of him recognized that this food wasn’t his and that eating it would not be wise. But something in his mind forced Andrew to disregard that concern. He slowly began raising the fruit to his mouth, already imagining what wonderful tastes were hidden behind its skin. 

    Out of nowhere, Thomas’ vines entered his field of vision. A short cracking noise was followed by a sharp pain overcoming Andrew’s hands. Forcing him to drop the immaculate berry.

    “Ah, ah, ah, what do you think you’re doing? Andrew?” The Servine asked, with a sharp tone of disapproval. 

    He took a step back as his breath became short. “There was only one.” 

    “Didn’t anyone ever teach you manners?” Thomas laughed, scooping the berry into a cabinet. 

    Andrew rolled his eyes. “I sleep at the bottom of the ocean. Sorry if manners aren’t my top priority.” 

    “Oh, Andrew.” Thomas put his head down and whispered. “I didn’t mean it like that.” 

    He meekly smiled. “Don’t worry, it’s fine. I don’t know what came over me.” 

    Thomas simply nodded. They began sorting the berries in silence. Crap, did I upset him? Again? He could hear the blowing of the wind outside, and the creaking of the floor beneath them. The air itself felt suffocating as they dug into another bag. What makes Thomas happy? News? Writing? Wait for a second, I remember why I visited!

    “So Thomas, you might be wondering why I’m here.”

    He eyed Andrew. “I thought you were just here for fun. Is there a greater reason?”

    “Well, the past few days have been eventful,” Andrew smirked, leaning on the counter beside him. “I’m Chief of Police!”

    Thomas’ mouth fell agape. “Tell me everything.”

    “You’re serious?” He scribbled in his notebook, gray particles flying from it in all directions. “I’ll kill you if you’re pulling my leg.”

    Andrew raised his flippers beside his head. “I’m not lying. There’s this whole ceremony they’re gonna do tomorrow. Attend if you don’t believe me.” 

    “I will. That reminds me, did you read the article I wrote about our investigation.” Thomas asked as he narrowed his eyes.

    “Uh… Well, you see.” Andrew dug his fingers into the table. “Yeah, I totally read it.”

    Thomas reached a vine to Andrew’s flipper, smirking. “Well, if you want to read it again, I’ve got a copy.”

    “Noted.” Andrew gazed at the orangy red sky through a skylight above him. “I should probably get going. That one food stand in the castle closes after dark.”

    Thomas got up, pacing around him. “Is anyone expecting you?”

    “I don’t think so. Charlie said he’d see me again at the ceremony.”

    Thomas leaned down in front of him, his snout mere millimeters away from Andrew’s face. “Then why don’t you stay here? I imagine the ocean bed isn’t very soft.”

    “Really?” He gasped. “Do you mean that literally, or are you just being nice?”

    “I’m serious! You’d be doing me a favor, it gets a bit lonely here anyways.”

    Andrew inspected Thomas. Squinting as he looked into the Servine’s large eyes. Why am I hesitating? There’s nothing wrong with staying with a friend. Because you don’t have a house? Or any dignity? I’m-


    His heart skipped a beat as he jolted backward. The ceiling began shifting its position before he realized what had happened. In a split second, a loud bang echoed throughout the house. The house plants’ stems waved back and forth. A searing pain shot through Andrew’s back. His head flopped to the side, only to see Thomas on the ground with him laughing.

    The early morning air seemed to rise from the leaf-covered street. The trees had begun to show their true colors, lining the city with vibrant reds and yellows. Andrew allowed his flippers to swing as he strolled down the road. Thomas sauntered next to him, equipped with his satchel strung over his back. 

    “I love these early autumn mornings.” Thomas cooed, catching a leaf free-falling with his vine.

    Andrew couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, I used to go walking on mornings like these back at home. Always helped me clear my head.”

    Thomas turned, taking a loud deep breath. Before asking, “Andrew, where are you from?” 

    He sighed, “It’s a bit complicated.” 

    “Well, I’m here if you ever want to talk about it.” The Servine stated. Andrew nodded before clasping his flippers behind his back. Should I tell him? He is a journalist, what if he publishes that I’m human? But he’s also been nothing but kind to me. Eh, I’ll get around to it eventually.

    “So, your ceremony is in the castle?” Thomas questioned, quickening his pace.

    Andrew rolled his eyes. “That’s what Charlie told me. Of course, we’re going on the assumption that this isn’t all a massive prank. I still don’t understand why you haven’t heard about me becoming Police Chief.”

    “I guess we’ll find out.”

    They exited onto the dirt path Andrew had begun to find familiar. The ground was coated with more dead leaves than usual, which let out satisfying crunches beneath their feet. He gazed at the crystal blue ocean. Coming to expect its allure, he felt no surprise at his sudden urge to jump in. How long has it been since I became a Pokemon? A month? Three? Has it been six? No, that can’t be right. 

    After a short while longer, the towering monolith that was the castle came into view. “I’m surprised they left the doors open. Are they usually like that?” Thomas remarked.

    “No, that’s new,” Andrew replied, craning his head upward to see the gigantic door left ajar. “Usually there are these two Pokemon who give you a hard time when you try to get in.”

    “I guess that means that you are really getting a ceremony.”

    He laughed. “I wouldn’t be so sure.”

    The duo marched right through the doors and made their way into the chamber. Opposed to its usual emptiness, it was decked with chairs of all different sizes. Some were twice the height of them! A black platform sat in the front of the seats, decked with five padded chairs. There was no other Pokemon in sight apart from Thomas.

    “This is quieter than I expected.” Thomas found a chair roughly his size and plopped himself down. Pulling out a pencil and notebook. “Guess we’ll just have to wait.”

    Andrew reached onto the platform, wiggling his stubby legs back and forth while pulling himself up. He stood tall and swung his flippers to his hips. “I still think this is a giant prank.”

    “You know there were stairs to get up there, right?”

    He turned to see a quaint set of stairs leading up to his position. “I don’t see your point.”

    Thomas leaned back. “Just making small talk. Considering how boring this giant empty room is!” He yelled.

    “Who was that?” A voice shouted from above. Oh crap. Andrew’s eyes widened, immediately recognizing the voice.

    A certain Raichu slumped down the stairs, tail dragging behind him. He sluggishly approached, Andrew immediately taking notice of the dark bags under his eyes. As well as his drooped ears. 

    “Andrew? What the hell are you doing here? The ceremony isn’t for two hours!” Charlie shouted, flailing his paws around. 

    “You just said to come in the morning.” Andrew retorted.

    “Ugh, I’m too tired for this. Just shut up.” Charlie began making his way back toward the stairs. Suddenly, he stopped. Raising a paw in Thomas’ direction. “Hey! That wasn’t there before.”

    The Servine waved. “I’m Thomas. I’m with Andrew.”

    Charlie grumbled, murmuring something which Andrew’s ears could not pick up on. He stumbled back over to the stairs. The Raichu looked at Andrew and raised a paw one final time, before shutting his eyes and slumping on the carpeted floor. Loud snores began to echo through the chamber.

    Andrew couldn’t help but laugh. And he’s the one who’s always on my case about getting up early.

    Despite the sudden increase in Pokemon, the castle’s main hall sat in an awkward silence. Andrew looked back and forth. The King and council sat behind him, all but Mirage and Charlie looking at the floor or ceiling. The chairs in front were about half occupied with Pokemon. Each one but Thomas wore a green bandana somewhere on their person. A Typhlosion had one draped above their head like a bonnet, and a Togekiss wore theirs across a wing. Barely holding on by a thread.

    Andrew couldn’t help but wonder, do any of these Pokemon want to be here? Most had disgruntled frowns or scowls. Few made eye contact with him, the only one he noticed being Thomas. The Servine stuck out like a sore thumb. The section of seating he was in mind as well have been sanctioned by the other attendees. No other member sat within four chairs of him.

    Despite that, Thomas wore the warm smile that Andrew had come to recognize him for. It’s a little creepy, but I appreciate the gesture. He whispered, “Charlie, when do we start?”

    “Uh, I don’t know. Ask Mirage.” The Raichu replied, gray bags still lingering beneath his eyes.

    Andrew eyed Mirage as the Ninetails stood up. “We will begin when the stars align.”

    “That isn’t helpful.”

    “I suppose not. Shall we begin?” Mirage leaped, landing gracefully beside Andrew.

    The Marshtomp shrugged. “Take it away.”

    “Attention everyone! Attention!” He called out. A wave of eyes focused on the Ninetails. The faint murmurs of the room fell silent. Leaving the chamber in its usual state of peace for a split second.

    “I think you all know why I’ve gathered you here today, so I’ll keep this brief. The council and I have been looking for somebody to replace Chief Rime nonstop since his untimely death. After what has felt like an eternity, we have finally found that Pokemon. I present to you all, Andrew Marshtomp.”

    The room fell into another dead silence. The stares of the Pokemon felt blank, many drooping or rolling their eyes. Andrew shrugged and grinned awkwardly. What am I supposed to do? The sharp pounding of his heart was the only thing he could hear.

    “Don’t just sit there you imbeciles! Clap for the Marshtomp!” Mirage spat while baring a scowl.

    Suddenly, loud claps and bangs echoed throughout the room. Every Pokemon was in some way making noise. Andrew bit his tongue to hold back a laugh, at the sight of Mimikyu bouncing up and down on its chair. Even after a minute, the claps did not subside. 

    “That’s enough!” The Ninetails shouted, before stepping back. 

    Andrew felt something poke his shoulder. He turned around to see Charlie waving his arms around and mouthing something which he couldn’t make out. Charlie threw his head back, tongue slipping out. Mirage loudly cleared his throat, causing Andrew to swing his head back around to the crowd.

    “Who is this kid?” A voice called out from the back of the room.

    “Yeah, I’ve never seen this guy before.” Said another. 

    Mirage stomped his paw on the ground. “Silence! You will not interrupt me if you value your life!”

    Okay, that seems like a bit much. 

    “As I was saying.” He continued. “Andrew here will be the new Chief of Police. With that in mind, we are making a few changes to the position.”

    Whispers began yet again. The crowd members looked at each other, their eyes sharp and widened. Andrew saw Thomas scribbling away in his notebook. I bet he’s the only Pokemon here who’s paying any attention. Idiots. 

    “For the time being, Andrew Marshtomp is to remain as a figurehead leader. All major decisions or directives will be coming directly from the council and I. Is that clear?”

    A mass of voices replied with a jumbled noise. Somewhat resembling the words, “Yes, your majesty.” Though a tone of exhaustion plagued their statement. Mirage turned to face Andrew. He leaned down, allowing their eyes to align. Quietly repeating, “Is that clear?”

    Andrew gulped, unable to look away from the Ninetails’ glaring red eyes. “Yeah, clear.”

    “Excellent!” He happily exclaimed while turning back to face the crowd. “I’ve seen many Chiefs come and go. Each one has demonstrated skill and uniqueness in their own way. But the one thing they all have in common is the inaugural speech!” 

    “Speech! Speech! Speech!” The crowd chanted with arms and forelimbs raised. What the hell is happening? Mirage nudged him forward, nearly causing Andrew to fall off the stage. 

    The room fell silent. Eyes of every shape and color stared with anticipation at him. “So, uh… Lovely weather we’re having?”


    “Fine.” Andrew groaned, rolling his eyes. “To be honest, I wasn’t told there would be a speech. Or any details at all for this ceremony. I don’t know any of you, nor have I been an officer for very long. But I still want to do my best to make an impact. I want you to know that while I might still be a newer recruit, I will do whatever I can to help you with the limited power I have. You have my word.”

    “What did he say?”

    “I’m in the front and I couldn’t hear a thing!”

    “What’s his name again?”

    Andrew’s flippers curled into fists. “You want me to speak up?” He yelled. “You want me to speak up? Am I not loud enough for you?”

    He stomped forward and glared down at the Pokemon below him. “I am so sick of this. I’m sick of all of this! Every day I’ve woken up and I can’t speak for myself. I’ve just been pushed around by more powerful Pokemon, and somehow they pushed me into being Police Chief! Do you know what my qualification for this job is? A news article!

    “Oh yeah, I read that!”

    “I knew I recognized that Marshtomp!”

    “Not trying to put blame on the author, I love ya, buddy.” Andrew winked at the Servine. “But why am I even here? To be a figurehead? Should I just stand by and do nothing? Is that what you’d like?”

    He paused, scanning the crowd. The silence he had come to expect remained. But there was something different, a Meowscarada who sat in the back had a wide grin on their face. Is that the first person I’ve seen make a happy face other than Thomas? Am I onto something here?

    Andrew swung his flippers to his hips. Pushing his fishy body as tall as it would go, which was admittedly not very much. “I won’t be just another page in the history books or a picture on the wall. I will be the best damn Chief of Police you’ll ever have. I will not rest until every criminal in Grandeport is behind bars, through whatever means necessary.”

    A Vaporeon stood up. “What if I have to break into a house without a warrant?”

    Laughing, a Delphox shouted out, “What if I have to rob a bank?”

    Andrew stood still, a smug grin on his face. “Through whatever means necessary.” 

    He raised his flippers as if conducting a symphony. But was met with silence for what felt like the millionth time. A drop of sweat rolled down the side of his head, or maybe it was just the usual moisture. How am I supposed to tell?

    The Meowscarada stood up, towering above the Pokemon around it. They clasped their paws together over and over. Clapping with an energy not seen before when the crowd did so under Mirage’s harsh command. Suddenly, the Typhlosion, the Braixen, the Vaporeon, a Wigglytuff, and Dodrio he had not taken notice of before began to clap as well. Soon enough the entire audience was off their seats. Clapping and stomping with vigor Andrew had never experienced.

    He turned behind, Charlie was off his seat clapping energetically. Felicia and Eugene refrained from getting up but were still unable to hold back slight grins. Larry sat in his seat with his arms and legs crossed. Baring a scowl which Andrew was not surprised by.

    Mirage, however. The King of Grandeport showed the most vicious, angry face Andrew could ever recall seeing. His grimace stretched back farther than he thought was possible. Barely inches away from touching his ears. He bore razor-sharp teeth, easily capable of tearing into soft Marshtomp flesh. Smoke spiraled out of Mirage’s nose and collected in a small plume above.

    “Marshtomp.” He softly said, jolting forward. “I suggest you be more careful with your words. One cannot come into my home and defy me without consequence.”

    Andrew’s tail fins were forced flat against him as the strong evening air blew. Exposed fires lighting the street waved and danced, beckoning him and Thomas to the short wooden building. The letters, “BOG,” were painted in yellow letters beside the door. 

    “Are you excited?” Thomas held the door open for Andrew as they entered.

    He sighed. “I guess, though I expected to be older when I collected my first paycheck.”

    “Were you hoping to just sit around all day? I was twelve when I first got a job.” Thomas scoffed.

    “Well, at least now I’m a productive member of society.” Andrew walked up to a desk in the front of the room with a large gold circle on its front. “What am I supposed to ask, again?”

    “Just tell them your name and job.”

    He was met by a Magneton hovering just above his eye level. “May I help you?”

    “Uh, yes. My name is Andrew Marshtomp. I’m a police officer.” Thomas lightly nudged him. “I mean Chief of Police.”

    The Magneton’s three eyes all stared at Andrew. “Please give me a moment.” He said, before floating into a room nestled behind the desk. Sounds of rummaging could be heard as papers flew out of the doorway and slowly drifted to the ground. 

    He burst back out, a file clenched inside of his left magnet. “Yes, Andrew Marshtomp. I recognize you from the paper, your eyes really do look like the sunset!” 

    “What?” Andrew questioned while leaning forward.

    “Anyways, you have received five hundred Poke. Would you like to set up an account?”

    His head tilted. “Yeah, I guess.”

    “Great. Any future income will be located in the account under Andrew Marshtomp, bog. Are there any further queries?” The Magneton placed down the file and rolled down his left eye to examine it. The other two remained on Andrew. Freaky.

    He took a step back, before asking. “What’s bog?”

    “It is an acronym for Bank of Grandeport.”

    “Why not just say that?”

    “Because it’s more convenient.”

    “No, it isn’t.”

    Thomas rested a vine on Andrew’s shoulder. “Are we done here?”

    “Oh, probably.” They hastily exited the bank. The sky had become mostly a dark blue, with deep black inching closer from the horizon. 

    Andrew shivered as the wind blew against his moist skin. “Walk faster, before I turn into an ice cube.”

    They soon arrived at Thomas’ house, entering a room he had yet to see. Inside sat a large fireplace carved into the wall, and two light gray couch chairs perfectly scaled to their sizes. A knee-high table lay in between. Thomas grabbed two silvery objects and began banging them together until the wood ignited.

    “That’s better.” Andrew sat down and spread his flippers. Soaking the chair’s fabric. Thomas’ head leaned back as he sunk into the other one.

    The Servine let out a soft chuckle. “Pretty nice, isn’t it?”


    “Usually on nights like these, I’ll curl up here with a book or get some work done. But I prefer being here with you.” Thomas softly said, scooching closer to Andrew. 

    He looked up at the ceiling. “Speaking of reading, can I see the article you wrote on me?”

    “Oh, but I thought you already read it?” Thomas narrowed his eyes.

    Andrew crossed his flippers and looked up. “I want to read it again.”

    The Servine hopped up and quickly returned with a large piece of paper. “Whatever you say, chief.”

    “Thanks,” Andrew replied as he took the paper. He ran his finger across the page, as though it would absorb the knowledge from him. Let’s see here. Something about eyes like the sunset? Scanning the page, the Marshtomp’s eyes landed on a particular excerpt. Which he looked at sideways.

    A new police officer named Andrew was tasked with investigating Chief Rime’s mysterious death. Andrew is a Marshtomp with sleek flawless skin, and eyes the color of the sunset on a pristine summer’s evening.”

    “Thomas, what’s up with this part?” Andrew inquired, pointing to the peculiar passage.

    The Servine grinned. “Oh yeah, I totally nailed your appearance. Do you think so too?”

    “Uh, I guess?” He spoke wearily, slowly placing the newspaper beside him. “It is a little weird.”

    Thomas rolled his eyes. “No, it’s not. Hey, I’m doing you a favor by showing to the public how good you look.”

    “You think I look good?”

    “Yeah, no need to be negative about yourself,” He remarked. Picking it back up and waving it discontentedly at Andrew.

    Andrew felt strange. Well, stranger than he usually felt. An emotion he found indescribable seemed to plague his every instinct. His cheeks and gills felt unusually warm, but maybe that’s because I’m sitting so close to the fire. “Well, it’s getting pretty late. I should probably sleep.”

    “Yeah, me too.” Thomas got up and walked toward the room’s exit. He looked back and gestured Andrew to the door. “You coming?”

    “Can I sleep here tonight? It’s too cozy here for me to leave.” 

    Thomas smiled, “Alright then. I’ll see you in the morning, Andrew. Goodnight.”

    “Goodnight,” he murmured back as Thomas left him alone. 

    Andrew’s eyelids grew heavy. His environment began to dim as they slowly closed shut. With a deep sigh, he drifted off to sleep.

    Chapter 10! Already? Man, how time flies. As always, thank you for reading. We’re approaching the end of the first part of the story, and things are going to be getting a bit… crazy soon. There is probably going to be another one week delay for the next chapter, but after that it should be smooth sailing for the foreseeable future. Feel free to leave any feedback or comments, I very much appreciate it.

    Also, thank you to DaGamestar for helping me come up with the title for this chapter, and Zee102 for beta reading. And with that, I’ll see you soon.



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