The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Poor Andrew. Just because you aren’t human anymore, that doesn’t make it okay to do crimes. And it definitely does not put you above the law…

    Yet again, Andrew awoke in an unfamiliar place. Somehow his head hurt even more than it did the previous day. A slow thumping came from it as it pulsed with pain. 

    He found himself in an unfamiliar room. It was oddly cozy. The walls were welcoming, bright, and yellow. Unlike the Pokemon town, this place was sized to his height proportions. 

    The room was lightly furnished, with a table with two wooden benches on either side. Like the sign from the town’s entrance, the room was illuminated by oil lamps. There was a large mirror mounted to a wall and a door on the adjacent one. 

    The paint on the walls was vibrant, similar to everything else in this world it seemed. However, it also appeared aged and worn, likely applied decades ago. Small flakes had fallen off revealing tiny brown spots. The same could be said for the floorboards, some of which had noticeable cracks. 

    Andrew panned his head around the room, searching for windows or semblance of any nature. But, there was nothing. Feeling uneasy his eyes darted back and forth as his breath became erratic. He could feel his heart beating harder and harder against his chest. Gasping for air, the Marshtomp could barely breathe. 

    Without other options, he made his way over to the door. His new body had come with various weird and new features, but dexterity had not been one of them. It took him a minute to 

    figure out how to get a good grasp on the doorknob with his pseudo-hand. He twisted the handle only to hear a faint click. 

    It was locked.

    Andrew stomped his foot on the ground. He ran back to the events of the previous day in his head. The last image in his mind was of an Espeon looking down on him as he fell unconscious. 

    Have I been captured? What else could have happened? This must be some sort of interrogation room! It would explain why the door is locked from the outside… Andrew began panicking in his mind, more so than he already had been. 

    Who are these people? Are they going to hurt me? Am I going to be sent to prison? 

    His concerns would have to wait. The door slowly opened and in walked none other than the Zorua and Espeon from earlier. 

    “Hey there Marshtomp!” said the Zorua, giggling. 

    Seeing the opportunity, his flight instincts activated. He bolted towards the door, becoming inches away from it in mere seconds. Unfortunately, the Espeon was having none of this. He shut the door right before Andrew could exit the confining room, causing him to run face-first into it.

    “Please take a seat, Marshtomp,” the Espeon requested, a hint of fatigue in his voice. 

    The captors made their way to the bench facing the mirrorless wall. Embarrassed, Andrew trudged over to the bench on the other side of the table. He faced the Espeon, placing his flippers down on top of it.

    “And what might your name be?” His interrogator asked calmly. 

    “Why should I tell you?” sneered back Andrew, grimacing at the pair.

    A look of displeasure overtook the Espeon’s snout. “How about I go first? My name is Jason.”

    He lightly bumped the accompanying Pokemon sitting next to him. A smile came over his face as his eyes narrowed. The entire room’s light was redistributed, all of it had become focused on the Zorua who had stood up on the bench as if standing on a stage. 

    Andrew had taken quite a dislike to his captors. Could have just asked nicely instead of knocking me out! But even he had to admit, this illusion is pretty impressive

    Dramatically the Zorua stated, “And I, dear Marshtomp, am the mighty Ryder!” Before falling over laughing. 

    The room returned to its normal state and Jason looked at Ryder wearily. The Zorua regained his composure as the Espeon began to inquire once more.

    “And, what might your name be?”

    “Andrew,” the Marshtomp murmured while turning his gaze to the floor. 

    “Why did you steal all that food?” Yelled Ryder.

    Jason glared at him.

    I guess that wasn’t a part of the plan. 

    Andrew looked back up as a scowl enveloped his blue face. Jason leaned back, an almost sympathetic look showing in his eyes. 

    “I was hungry,” Andrew spoke meekly, “And I have no money.”

    “Just get a job, thief,” scoffed Ryder.

    Andrew’s fingers began to curl, resembling fists. His heart began to beat faster and faster. The rational part of his mind told him lashing out was a bad idea. These Pokemon took him out in a single blow! It pleaded for him to stay calm. But, its power had dwindled. The Pokemon part of his mind had been emboldened, and it was having none of this. 

    “I didn’t do anything wrong, I was hungry,” repeated Andrew, forcefully.

    The Espeon shook his head. “That isn’t how this works.”

    “I didn’t do anything wrong!” He yelled again, shooting a glare at Jason.  

    He carelessly swung his flippers down on the table, causing a loud bang to echo through the small room. However, he had not yet fully adjusted to his body. Nor did he understand its full capabilities. As his flippers made contact with the table, it cracked and fell to pieces, becoming nothing more than a mess of jagged wooden chunks on the floor. 

    The Marshtomp’s eyes darted from side to side. “Uh… Oops?” 

    Jason watched in horror as his interrogation fell to pieces with the table. His eyes widened and he continued shaking his head, the other two Pokemon began arguing with progressive malice.

    “How cute! Little Marshy doesn’t know his own strength!” Barked Ryder, backing into a lunging pose. 

    “I’m stronger than you! Why don’t you use your stupid illusions to disappear?” Andrew countered, raising a flipper fist.

    “Like how I tripped you yesterday?” 

    “Maybe I should trip you!”

    Their shouts grew louder and louder. Andrew’s sharp orange eyes stared ferociously at the deep blue of Ryder’s as they grew closer to one another. 

    “It only took a rock to make you fall unconscious, Marshy!” Ryder yelled while showing off a wide grin.

    Andrew screamed as his eyes looked just about ready to pop out of his skull. “Call me that again and I’ll crack you like the table!” 

    “Oh no! Little Marshy might hurt me!” Mocked the Zorua in a high-pitched voice. 

    Andrew picked up a splinter-ridden chunk of the destroyed table.

    “Call me that one more time! I dare you!”


    Ryder was ready to lunge at Andrew, and Andrew was ready to pummel Ryder with the table chunk. He dug his fishy fingers into the wood, reeling his arms back.

    Right before it seemed the Marshtomp and Zorua were going to duke it out in the middle of the room…

    “Shut up! Both of you! Stop acting like children!” Jason shouted with desperation.

    He leaped between the delinquents, eyes darting between each of them. Before he could provide any more commentary, Ryder disappeared.

    The Zorua had vanished into thin air.

    “Don’t you try anything funny!” Andrew cried out. He began swinging the chunk aimlessly, nearly hitting the Espeon. 

    Ryder’s back legs rematerialized, facing Andrew. In one swift motion, they left the ground and kicked right into Andrew’s face. The Marshtomp stumbled back, cursing under his breath. The Zorua let out a mocking laugh without bothering to turn around to face Andrew.

    Jason watched in horror as Andrew dropped the table chunk while dashing forward. He clasped his flippers around Ryder’s thick, bushy tail. 

    “Get your wet paws off me!” The Zorua roared. 

    But, Andrew did not release. Ryder’s cries of annoyance became louder as he jerked his body around in a desperate attempt to escape. His tail began to compress in Andrew’s palms as his grip tightened.

    “Alright, dude! Chill out! I give up!” He pleaded, as his escape attempts began to weaken.

    Andrew did not cease. His previous face of displeasure had disappeared behind the wide smile that now spanned gill to gill. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as Ryder’s screams of pain filled the room. 

    Without warning, the Zorua’s tail slipped out of Andrew’s grasp. 

    Wait, what? But I…

    His thoughts were not allowed to continue. A purple screen overcame his vision, as he felt a sense of weightlessness overcome him.

    Ouch! Andrew thought as a sharp pain shot across his back.

    As the screen lifted, he found himself on the opposite end of the room. 

    Did that Espeon just move me? How is that fair? Andrew’s heart began pulsing even faster. His gasps for oxygen were becoming audible. He began shaking uncontrollably as his anger overwhelmed him.

    “Make another move and I’ll kill you,” Yelled Jason with desperation. The Espeon was accompanied by Ryder, who had an expression somewhere between smug and horrified. 

    Goddamnit. This is… This is stupid. Andrew turned his gaze above. C’mon idiot! Get a hold of yourself!  His shaking slowed as he stared at the monotonous stone of the ceiling. As the adrenaline wore off, he processed in his mind what had just occurred. Why did I do that? How did I do that?

    “That was extremely…”

    Andrew tuned out Jason’s ramblings about how immature he had been. Alright, think. I can think of a way out of this mess! Maybe I can work off my debt to the shopkeeper? Beats going back to school

    “Are you listening? I expect your full cooperation unless you want to rot in prison for attacking a guild member!”

    Andrew shot his head back toward the Espeon and nodded.

    “Uh, yes sir?” 

    “Good enough,” Jason sighed. “Were you aware the store you robbed had been robbed earlier?”

    Andrew rolled his eyes. “Yes.”

    “Are you associated with the other Pokemon who robbed the store?”


    “You know Marshy, we caught the others who robbed the store. Lying is a serious offense,” Ryder grinned, narrowing his eyes.

    “I just woke up like this yesterday. Why would I know who robbed the store? I didn’t do anything wrong! I was just hungry!” Pleaded Andrew.

    An awestruck look spread itself across Jason’s face. He tilted his head, leaving the room in silence for a moment. Before stating plainly, “This interview is over, we will show you to your cell.” 

    Finally, this is over! I could really use some rest. Maybe a drink of water? Wait a second? My cell? Andrew’s face dropped as he eyed the Zorua, whose grin had only grown.

    I can’t go to jail! I wouldn’t last a day there! 

    “I have no need to hurt you if you go peacefully, Andrew,” said Jason.

    Without any other options, Andrew nodded his head in agreement. Jason creaked open the door and led him outside. Ryder stuck close behind to deter any attempt at escape. The coziness of the interrogation room immediately left his mind, seeing the towering corridor they had entered. 

    The room had at least attempted to be welcoming, the hallway looked downright evil. It seemed to go on forever with endless doors on either side. The walls were dull and made of a dark stone, as well as the ceiling and floor. 

    There were no windows or natural light of any kind. The artificial lighting was dim, even with the oil lamps that lined the hallway. There were drains built into the floor roughly every ten feet. 

    I don’t want to know why they need drains here… Do they execute people in this hall? Are they going to chop off my head? This is something out of a horror movie! 

    There were a few other Pokemon roaming the hallway. They seemed to be a part of the same organization as Jason and Ryder, a few of them turning their heads to look at him as he was ushered past. This is so embarrassing

    After walking down the giant hallway for what felt like an eternity, they entered through a corridor that transitioned its appearance. The wooden doors lining the hallway had become iron, and the material that made up the walls, floor, and ceiling became a softer gray. Unlike the previous area, the noise was deafening. 

    At least the area Andrew figured to be the jail was bright as day. The place was cramped with various species of Pokemon guarding doors. Aggressive bashing of iron and yells echoed up and down the chamber.

    He felt a shiver run down his back.

    “Got another one,” Ryder yelled.

    A Gurdurr and Incineroar joined Andrew’s escort. After another minute of walking, the Gurdurr pulled out a key and unlocked an empty cell. Andrew turned around to speak but was shoved inside by the Incineroar before he could make any snarky comments about his situation. He hit the floor as the heavy door slammed shut.

    There was not much to see, only a pile of hay in the corner, and bare empty walls. He could still hear the yelling of prisoners and guards on the other side of the door, but it was muffled enough to tune out.

    Andrew sat down. The floor was cold and hard, which felt oddly comforting to his Marshtomp body. Staring at the ceiling, overwhelming thoughts filled his head. Why am I here? What did I do to deserve this? I don’t want to be like this. I don’t deserve to be in prison! I’m a good guy, I don’t deserve this. I was just hungry. Why does the universe hate me?

    Getting a hold of himself again, he attempted to shift his thoughts to something more positive. What would I be doing now if everything was normal? He pondered. Would I be doing homework? Reading? Watching TV? Maybe I’d be at the park, or at Jason’s house. Wait, wasn’t the Espeon named Jason? 

    Who cares? It’s a pretty common name, the Jason I know is a human. Then again… If he was a Pokemon, he’d totally be an Espeon. And he did end that interview after I mentioned waking up like this… If I can wake up as a Pokemon, surely he can too?

    Andrew felt stupid. How could I have missed such a crucial detail? Beginning to hammer the cell door, he used all his strength to get somebody’s attention. Maybe if I can talk to Jason he’ll understand… he has to! 

    As his banging became harder and louder, a deep voice yelled, “Stop it Marshtomp! Did you even read your note?”

    Suddenly, the idea of ceasing had become quite appealing to Andrew. His flippers had become quite sore from crashing repeatedly against the iron. Investigating the cell again, his eyes landed on a slip of paper placed on the haystack. He walked over and studied the note.

    “Marshtomp: 32A 

    Trial Tomorrow


    His heart sank. I can’t last here without food! These people want to kill me! Andrew swallowed any remaining pride he had, walking back up to the door.

    Trying to sound as emotional and vulnerable as possible he yelled, “I’m sorry for banging on the doors! Please don’t starve me!” 

    There was no response. He tried yelling again, again, and again, and another time for good measure. Before his mouth could open yet again to get the guards’ attention, the same deep voice from earlier responded. 

    “Shut up Marshtomp or I’ll make sure you can never eat again!”

    The noise seared through the cell and pushed him onto the prison floor, a deafening ring being the only sound that his ears could register. He attempted to cover them to block out the painful screech, before realizing he had no idea where his ears were located. 

    After a few minutes, the ringing began to diminish. However, it was only to be replaced by the heightened sounds of the prison. The noise which had already been quite loud seemed to have doubled in volume. It seemed as if every prisoner and guard was in a yelling match with somebody else, and had no plans of stopping.

    No! No! No! I can’t take this! I need to get OUT! No longer able to pull himself together, the Marshtomp lay down on the haystack and squeezed his eyes shut. He wrapped his flippers around his head, muffling the noise just enough to bear. 

    Andrew’s biological clock had no desire to communicate. Had he rested on the haystack for an hour? Or a day? Luckily, the noise from earlier seemed to have been quelled. Individual voices could be heard having a civil conversation, the first of their kind he had bore witness to.

    “Yeah we made him give up a few blast seeds, nothing much,” said a soft, high-pitched voice.

    “Did he get trapped in the Quivering Hollows again?” Another replied back. 

    What’s a Quivering Hollow? Andrew wracked in his mind. 

    “I remember the days when Mystery Dungeons were everywhere!” Joked the second voice.

    “Good old days? Before the Blazy’ raids?” Asked the first. To his dismay, the voices broke into laughter.

    Despite having rested, he still felt exhausted. The injury from the rock the other day still lingered on the back of his head. A stark realization came upon him, I don’t just feel bad, I feel even worse than a few hours ago. Why do I feel so terrible? 

    Andrew could feel his physical condition actively deteriorating. His head began throbbing harder, and his flippers were becoming sorer. There was only one word repeating through his mind, water. The realization should have come sooner, but it wasn’t as if the guards he was dependent on would have cared. 

    Andrew had experienced dehydration before, but only to the point of developing a headache or minor fatigue. 

    This was something else. This was torture.

    Painting with exhaustion and his body going numb, he could barely think, much less move or do much of anything else. His chest, his head, and his very limbs tingled and stung as though a thousand knives were stabbing at his bleached skin. His mind was going blank, his few remaining thoughts delirious and unhinged. The world around him spun, vision blurred as he fought to remain conscious. Deprived, or out of his own free will, the reason for dehydration did not matter to his body. It was going to discipline him for its neglect or die trying.

    Andrew was paralyzed, attempts to push himself off the floor only amplified his excruciating pain. He tried to call for help, but only soft, incomprehensible sounds came from his mouth. He tried again, only to yield the same result. His blood boiled, and the little thoughts he had left only demeaned and mocked him for the resulting situation. Every second that passed by the voices only grew louder and louder. The mental anguish of fear and uncertainty began to overwhelm him more than his degrading body. 

    Andrew could not take the pain any longer. He shot up from the ground and screamed at the top of his lungs. It was so excruciating that precious water leaked from his eyes. He thought he could feel each of his bones individually shattering, and his muscles being slowly dissolved by his own blood. His tongue felt as if it had been set on fire and was being ripped out from his throat. 

    A Buizel burst through the cell door and began yelling, “Shut up! unless you want me to…” Before seeing Andrew propped up against a wall with his eyes rolled back.

    “Water,” Andrew said weakly before falling back onto the ground.

    He barely caught a glimpse of the Buizel scurrying out of his cell. He could faintly hear the word, “Medic!” repeatedly echo in his ears as he lost consciousness. 

    A cooling sensation overtook Andrew as his eyes slowly opened. He found himself surrounded by a blur of vibrant colors. Staring at them, they danced around his field of vision. He could not look away. The cooling sensation returned, this time centered on his face. Thoughts returned to his no longer devoid mind as the swaying colors began coming into focus. 

    He quickly realized that he was surrounded by other Pokemon, in complete silence. Immediately recognizable were Ryder and Jason, standing to his left. Ryder had a neutral expression spread across his snout. However, his eyes gave an ominous blank stare toward Andrew. Jason had a similar expression gazing almost as if he had seen something horrible. 

    Standing to his right were three other Pokemon. Andrew recognized the Buizel from before, who had a distressed look on their face. They were accompanied by a Flaaffy and Audino, both of whom had looks of relief on their pink faces.

    The Audino shifted towards the cell door which had been left half-open. With unexpected strength, he slammed the iron door shut. As the Pokemon turned around, Andrew saw the most horrifying thing since his humanity had been robbed. 

    The Audino’s deep scowl and narrowed eyes. Never had such a thing existed with such pure, distilled hatred and anger.

    “What were you thinking? Were you trying to kill him?” He yelled in a vaguely masculine voice. 

    The faces of the Buizel and Ryder began to mimic the one of the Audino, their expressions falling into deep scowls as their eyes narrowed. The Flaaffy attempted to make an escape, strutting toward the door. The Audino’s arm shot out as she passed him, connecting with her stomach. 

    The Flaaffy clutched her gut as she slowed down and fell to the floor, curling up to nurse sudden pain. Andrew cowered behind one of his raised flippers, shielding his view somewhat. But, as the details became more clear to him, his heart began to slow and his breath became less erratic. Lowering his flipper, his eyes gleamed as he watched the arguing commence. 

    “How was I supposed to know he was dehydrated?” snapped back the Buizel.

    “Maybe if you knew how to do your job you would have,” said the Audino with a continued scowl. 

    Before the Buizel could retaliate against the Audino’s harsh words, an audible rumbling came from Andrew’s stomach. Ryder began to snicker, his face lighting up with the first smile Andrew had seen since he was captured. Laughing harder, the Zorua fell onto the ground as Jason’s face also broke out into a smile. 

    However, the Audino’s voice only grew louder and more intense, “Please tell me you fed the Marshtomp.”

    “Jack put him on the don’t feed list, don’t blame me!” Replied the Buizel, taking a step back. 

    “He nearly died on your watch!” the Audino said, “Get him some food!”

    The Buizel glared at the Flaaffy. Taking the hint, she got up from the floor and made her way toward the cell door, still clutching her injured stomach. She timidly opened it, glaring at the Audino as she exited the room. 

    His expression grew no less rough as he approached Ryder and Jason, who had since recovered from their misplaced positivity. 

    “Did you give him any water?” The Audino asked calmly, eyes boring into them. 

    “He didn’t ask for any.”

    “Then why didn’t you? Aren’t you supposed to be a rescue team?” the Audino interrogated as he pointed a finger at the Espeon’s snout. 

    “If you don’t stop insulting me and my colleagues I might have to report you,” Jason sneered back, ear twitching.

    The Audiono merely shook his head. ”It would be a shame if I had to report you for neglect of an outlaw,” his scowl turned to a smirk. 

    Outlaw? That’s a bit much, thought Andrew. 

    The cell door creaked open, the Flaafy’s pink and white head peeking through. Jason and the Audino fell silent as their gazes turned toward her. The Flaaffy strutted into the cell carrying a tray of food and an oversized bucket. Wobbling, she placed the items down next to Andrew before whispering to him.

    “Personally, I don’t think someone who steals food should get handouts from the guild.”

    “Thanks for the free food,” Andrew said nonchalantly. He gave the Flaafy a warm smile.

    She glared at him but refrained from escalating, shuddering as the Audino stared at her.

    Without warning, he loudly announced. “I believe we are done here.”  

    The Buizel practically sprinted out of the cell. The Flaafy sped walked out soon after, being sure to avoid her former assailant’s path. Jason and Ryder followed close behind her, leaving Andrew alone with the Audino. 

    He put a hand on the Marshtomp’s shoulder as he looked him in the eye.

    “Get a good night’s rest, and good luck with your trial tomorrow,” he said softly.

    The Audino’s sudden change of tone and attitude caught Andrew off guard. Heart racing, he stuttered a bit before forcing out a simple, “Th-Thanks.”

    The Audino left the cell and locked the door. Yet again, Andrew was alone and without guidance. 

    He inspected the food which had been given to him begrudgingly. Surprisingly, the meal looked quite appetizing. There were three large, fluffy, flawless slices of bread, surrounded by several blue, capsule-like berries. Andrew picked one up and plopped it into his mouth. His face lit up as an unbridled sweetness attacked the taste buds of his tongue.

    His left tail fin brushed against the bucket. He quickly remembered I haven’t drunk a thing since yesterday!

    Examining the bucket, Andrew realized it was not sized to Marshtomp proportions. It was about a third of his height and filled to the top with water. Despite its size, he effortlessly lifted it and put his blue lips on its edge. He tilted the bucket and let the water flow into his mouth. 

    For the first time since his capture, Andrew felt fully hydrated. He took a bite of the bread. It was nothing special, but could appreciate the familiar taste. The rest of the food fell effortlessly into his mouth as the Marshtomp ate in silence.

    Andrew yawned. He still had no idea what time it was, but his fate mind as well had been decided when he slumped onto the messy haystack. While not soft, it would have to do for the night.

    As he squinted his eyes the surroundings blurred and became almost familiar. He attempted to recognize the cell as his own room. Reality itself seemed so close to changing! But, when his eyes shot back open, he was met with the same bleak prison cell. 

    A drop of water fell from Andrew’s eye. Then another, and another, until it became a constant stream. He kept his mouth shut attempting to suppress the horrific noises trying to escape from his throat. Flipping over to face the wall, his eyes squeezed shut as he finally drifted to sleep. 

    Hello Readers,

    I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think I am starting to get sort of good at this whole writing thing, so I hope that shows in the chapter’s quality. Expect another chapter in another 1-2 weeks, where Andrew is going to be standing trial for his crimes. Anyways, reviews/critiques are always appreciated. See you soon.


    Update 1/11/24: Finally! Another one of these re-edits is out. Sorry it took me some time between this and the last one, I got caught up with a lot of side projects. Anyways, the prose is now up to par with my current writing standards, and whole lot more readable. Hope you enjoy, and see you next chapter/rewrite!


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