The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    And what could such a deal entail, Andrew?

    Police Pokemon lined the streets of Grandeport’s main square, each one brandishing their dark green bandana. Behind each row stood a large crowd of Pokemon. It had blended into an amalgamation of colors and shapes as more and more citizens of every species, and height packed into the finite space.

    Pokemon also watched from inside shops and storefronts, squeezing together as they filled the buildings well beyond maximum occupancy. Andrew couldn’t help but chuckle as a Pichu pushed its round face against the glass of a small bakery.

    Charlie shook his head at an Aggron officer holding back a crowd of rowdy fire types. “I have no idea why we let the guild masters do this. It’s complete chaos! And not the good kind.”

    “We? I wasn’t told about the grand entrance of Grandeport’s guild leaders until yesterday!” Andrew humphed, crossing his flippers.

    “I’ll have you know I’ve been very busy!” The Raichu said as he stuck his head to the side to look next to the Marshtomp. “And it’s not like you told me that’d he be here!”


    Charlie stuck his arm out at the Servine beside Andrew. “Him!”

    Thomas let out a nervous chuckle and waved a vine. “Hi again, Charlie. I’m just here to give a report on the guild masters coming to the meeting. Don’t mind me!”

    “What if I do mind you?” Charlie sneered.

    Andrew rolled his eyes, letting his head fall back. “Charlie, please!”

    “Fine, fine. Sorry, Thomas.” The Raichu sighed. “Just been under a lot of stress lately being the leader of Grandeport.”

    Andrew’s eyes widened. “What are you talking about? I’m the leader of Grandeport!”

    “No you aren’t!” he shouted before stomping. “We’ve gone over this.”

    “That I’m the real leader?”

    “No! I’m the real leader!”

    Thomas raised both his vines behind the heads of the fighting Pokemon. He raised them slowly hitting the back of their heads with a soft smack. 

    The Raichu and Marshtomp yelped in surprise. They rubbed the backs of their heads and groaned.

    “We’re in public! Keep it down!” Thomas whispered angrily.

    “Wait a second,” Charlie uttered as he looked at Andrew with a brow furrowed. “He knows about our deal?”

    He pointed his finger out at the street. “Uh, look! The thing is starting!”

    The sound of blaring trumpets blasted through the square. It was disorganized and cacophonic, certainly not the triumphant song one would expect before an important ceremony. The instruments ceased as groups began to move along the path.

    First was a small group of about ten Pokemon, all of which donned sky-blue hats. A Squirtle waved its stubby arms at the crowd and looked around in awe at all of the individuals who had come to see them. A Kangaskhan impatiently pushed them along before the trumpets blared again.

    Next came a far more impressive brigade of fifty Pokemon, marching in a neat square formation. They were led by a Gogoat, who pranced down the cobblestone with such pride and vigor it seemed like it was the best day of his life. The following Pokemon also seemed happy, waving and clapping to the crowd. However, they lacked any sort of discernable uniform.

    The trumpets sounded again.

    “Charlie?” Andrew asked with an exasperated look on his face. “How many of these are there?”

    The Raichu tapped his forehead. “Ten I think? I don’t know, but all of them agreed they wanted to do whatever is happening right now.

    “I might actually die of boredom. My heart will stop beating and my gills will shrivel up into nothing. My body will condense, flatten, dry up like a raisin! Until there’s nothing left, just a husk of a man. A poor, raisin-like, husk of a man.”

    Charlie patted him on the back. “Don’t worry, Andrew. No matter what happens, I won’t let you become a raisin like so many have in the past.”

    The Marshtomp tilted his head. ”Wait, you guys actually have raisins?”

    “What? Of course, we have raisins. Why wouldn’t we?” Charlie questioned, raising his brow.


    “You know,” Thomas piped up as he turned to Andrew. “I think it’s quite interesting to see the strange customs from those outside the city. Who knew people within our country could have practices that are this foreign to us!”

    “Is parading down the street waving to a bunch of people who’d rather be elsewhere some sort of ancient rural Grandeportian tradition?” Andrew scoffed, leaping up to catch a better glance at the oncoming cluster.

    Charlie hit Andrew’s back again, harder. “These Pokemon are irrelevant ninety percent of the time. The Grandeport guild has been sucking the life out of them forever, this is one of their only chances to show off to the larger populace. Let them have their fun because we are going to need their support in a few hours.”

    “Fine, whatever,” Andrew murmured.

    The trumpets seemed to only get worse with each blow, the noise increasingly exhausted and out of tune.

    The next collective march was disorganized, immediately losing any form of structure it may have had before rounding the corner. Pokemon shifted between the front and back of the group and most of them were positioned on the right. A Garchomp even shoved a Jigglypuff out of their way so they could get to the front.

    Several feet above the mess floated a large, glaring Drifblim. He waved at the crowd like all the Pokemon preceding him only to then look below and stare into his group’s souls. 

    “What are you doing?” He shouted in a scratchy voice.

    However, these were the only words Andrew could make out through the hollering of the crowd. Within a few moments, the group disappeared from sight.

    “They look fun,” he mocked, crossing his flippers.

    “Isn’t that Daniel Drifblim?” Thomas questioned, taking out his notebook. “I remember reading something about him being involved in a murder.”

    Charlie waved his paw. “Don’t worry! It’s no big deal. Name one person in Grandeport who hasn’t been involved in some murder conspiracy.”

    “I haven’t,” Thomas deadpanned.

    “Name one person in Grandeport who actually hasn’t!” Charlie insisted, shouting more forcefully and with an accusatory tone.

    The Servine shook his head. He grabbed a pencil from his satchel and began scribbling in his notebook as he eyed the crowd. He brought his fingers up to his gills to block out the horrible trumpet sound that he had been dreading.

    He squeezed his eyes shut.

    A low vibration surged beneath the Marshtomp’s feet, shaking the ground. 

    Oh no! That elephant guy is back, isn’t he? Every day I think my life is going to end. Actually, multiple times a day, but that’s just life. And besides the point! I remember that feeling like it was just a week ago, that vibration. I failed the elephant guy and now he’s come back to exact revenge on me. Pokemon God- Arceus! Please save me from this hellish entity and send him back to where he belongs!

    Andrew slowly opened his eyes. Instead of a charging Copperajah in a strangely well-fitted suit and tie, he was met with a new row of Pokemon lining the streets. What struck Andrew immediately was, aside from their shining silver bandanas, they were all Rillabooms. Each individual had a drum placed in front of them, which they beat as they sang in a deep-voiced harmony.

    He let his flippers fall back down to their resting position as a long precession of Pokemon began to march in from the left. Each one of them was adorned with the same silvery bandanas. Unlike the other groups, these did not wave, cheer, clap, or even smile. They all bore stone-cold expressions, like soldiers. 

    And they just kept coming. Fifty of them became one hundred, and a hundred became two hundred. Andrew looked on in awe as the brigades poured in, marching in time with the loud booms of the drums.

    Charlie leaned over to him. 

    “Wait for it,” he whispered before snickering under his breath.

    “Hello! I am honored! Hello! I am honored!” A high-pitched, feminine voice repeated proudly from the back.

    Andrew craned his head to see an Ampharos, sitting ten feet off the ground on a large, red, padded throne. Each of the chair’s legs was held up by a Rillaboom maintained in the same stoic expressions as the others.

    I’ve never seen so many of one type of Pokemon. Why so many Rillabooms? Even I find this excessive!

    The Ampharos waved, clapped, and cheered despite the Pokemon below her walking in some sort of trance. Although, a Dewgong sliding and bouncing alongside the group let out a slight smile. The Ampharos shot him a glare while still maintaining her wide smile. His expression instantly fell, transforming back into a mundane, neutral expression.


    “Charlie? The hell is this?” Andrew asked quietly.

    The Raichu took a deep breath. “I believe this is the guild from the Lazy Marshlands region. They’re the only other guild that rivals the Grandeport guild, in terms of foot soldiers. And Ariana Ampharos would sooner jump electrified into the ocean before missing the chance to not flaunt this guild here in the capital.”

    Charlie stared Ariana in the eye. The cheery Ampharos’ grin fell, her expression becoming as cold and emotionless as her guild members. 

    The Raichu stared back, unwavering, unblinking. 

    Until suddenly, Ariana waved to the crowd and began to shout as if nothing ever happened.

    “Mirage hated Ariana with a passion. She was always a bit odd, but I never fully understood why he did,” Charlie said with a shrug before turning to Thomas. “Have you heard about Ariana doing anything horrible?”

    Thomas put a vine on his chin. “Nothing that I know of. Then again, the Gazette doesn’t report on many affairs outside the city of Grandeport.”

    “City of Grandeport? Country of Grandeport? Who cares? They’re throwing candy!” Andrew exclaimed, pointing up at a Pellipper dropping small ovals wrapped in silver foil down on the crowd, the wrappers glinting like the guild’s scarves.

    Cheers erupted as the final members of Ariana’s guild walked out of the square. The drumming stopped, taking the vibrations and pounding with them. 

    “You know Charlie, that one wasn’t too bad,” the Marshtomp remarked with a sigh. “As long as-”

    The trumpets blared.

    “You are pushing it, Andrew,” Charlie groaned.

    The Marshtomp let out a nervous laugh before throwing his flipper around Thomas’ shoulder. “C’mon, Charlie. It’s Thomas’ job to report on important meetings like this. We’re making history! People of the future will be happy to have so much insight into such an important event.”

    “You’re doing your country a service.” The Servine added as he smiled.

    Charlie rolled his eyes. “Whatever, just don’t mention anything about it to these guys. They can be intense.”

    “You’ve been talking about the guild masters like you know them,” Andrew said, narrowing his eyes.

    “What can I say?” He humphed. “Mirage had strange babysitters for his kids.” 

    The three Pokemon began walking down the oversized stairwell toward Grandeport’s Castle’s main foyer. They hopped down each stair with a thump, the expansive main chamber coming into view. 

    A long, wooden table had been set up with five seats on each side. Two more were situated at the end of the table. On the right, Andrew immediately recognized the Pokemon sitting there- Ariana Ampharos, Daniel Drifblim, the Gogoat, and the Kangaskhan with a blue hat. Her baby sat in her pouch sleeping, also in a tiny blue hat. Another Marshtomp, though one adorning a red scarf, walked up and took his seat next to them. 

    On the left side sat an Inteleon and Incineroar, and next to them was a Riolu with green eyes. A Garchomp wearing seven golden bangles caught Andrew’s gaze. Seems a bit excessive? And expensive… Probably not a good time to rob anyone. Finally, a Quaquaval wearing an odd sea-faring suit sat down, filling in the last of the guild masters’ chairs.

    Andrew and Charlie hastily walked over and took their seats. Thomas followed behind awkwardly, choosing to stand next to Andrew as some of the guild masters gave him weird looks.

    Charlie gestured to the Marshtomp, who shrugged back in confusion. 

    “Just say something!” The Raichu ordered. “You’re the one who wants to play president, aren’t you?”

    Andrew scowled before taking a deep breath and focusing on the back of the room.

    “Alright then… so, uh… My name is Andrew. Wait, you guys know that, right?”

    A grumble came from the crowd, and the Inteleon cracked a smile. The guild Marshtomp had a look of worry on his face.

    Charlie face-palmed before banging his fists on the strong wooden table. Everyone’s eyes instantly shot his as he cleared his throat to speak.

    “Leaders of the rural guilds! I hope you all had a lovely and relaxing journey to our nation’s fine capital. Beneath all the earlier fanfare and chaos, I promise I did invite you to our lovely castle with good reason! Lately, the Grandeport guild is gaining influence like never before. Not once in this country’s history has any corporation had the power to say no to an officer of the law! Can any of you remember such a time?”

    The Riolu slowly raised his paw.

    “That was rhetorical,” Charlie huffed, staring daggers into the fighting type.

    I don’t understand, how does he talk like that? Secret Raichu powers? Was Charlie rehearsing this in the mirror last night? Did he predict that I would get embarrassed and not know what to say? Did he set me up? No! I can’t allow this. I have to show all of them! 

    Andrew put his flippers down tightly on his sides. “And not just any old police officer. What motivated us to invite you was members of the Grandeport guild refusing my direct orders! Can you believe it?”

    The Riolu let out a nervous grin, again beginning to slowly raise his paw.

    “That. Was. Rhetorical.” 

    The Riolu’s paw fell back down as a frown overcame his face.

    “But! This has not just come at my expense, but yours too!” Andrew continued, standing more proudly. “I’ve heard about how the Grandeport guild has sucked the life out of you, slowly draining away your consumer base and talent. This will not stand under my leadership! Which brings us to our next problem- Your guilds aren’t under my leadership!”

    He got up onto his chair before sticking out his chest, closing his eyes, and swinging his flippers to the side.

    Thomas giggled childishly and Charlie laughed nervously. The Raichu grabbed Andrew and pulled him back to his seat. Charlie straightened his ears and clutched the back of Andrew’s tail with his own, causing him to wince.

    “What my colleague is trying to say is that the current status quo is unacceptable. Our proposal is that the government buys out each guild to alleviate financial woes. Though you’ll still have full autonomy over your organization, except with a far larger paycheck.”

    Charlie released Andrew’s tail and allowed the Marshtomp to breathe a sigh of relief. 

    “The hell was that for?” He snapped before sticking a finger in Charlie’s face.

    “To keep you from doing anything dumb,” he murmured back. “Now focus, we’re getting to the good part.”

    The Drifblim- Daniel, Andrew remembered, perked his tendrils up and cleared his throat with a raspy growl. “How much money are we talkin’ here? Five mill? Ten? Fifty?”

    “Depends. The more you argue with me the less you’re getting,” Charlie stated sternly, crossing his arms.

    “And do not worry, envious guild masters! The Grandeport guild will not receive a cent!” Andrew declared joyously while clasping his flippers together.

    “Well, maybe a few cents,” Charlie said with a chuckle. “But we will redirect plenty of their traffic to your fine establishments, so you will be getting far more than our initial payout.”

    Quiet murmurs filled the room and the guild masters exchanged glances and short words with their neighbors. 

    What did Charlie mean when he said this was the good part? This seems normal and boring, which means something dumb is going to happen. I know how this goes…

    Ariana smiled as she turned to face Andrew and Charlie. “This seems like a great offer! Except… you see, I need a guarantee. My guild used to be the fiercest in the nation before that damned Marcus Blazkien.” She shook her fist at the air, presumably envisioning said person in the room. “And even if you send clients my way, I don’t think that can be the case again unless his guild ceases operations.”

    “Out of the picture?” Charlie humphed. “The guild is a valuable part of Grandeport’s economy.”

    “Grandeport the city, or Grandeport the country!?” Ariana questioned angrily.

    Charlie clapped his paws together. Immediately, Bisharps materialized from each end of the room. They marched in loudly with their heavy, metal bodies clanging against the ancient floor. Once all twelve appeared, they stood guarding the door and the wall surrounding it, crossing their arms and stomping their feet in unison.

    Charlie laughed before clasping his paws together. “I figured we soup up security after Mirage’s accident. I’d be careful what you say, these guards could always use some target practice!” 

    Alright then, Andrew mused, sighing.

    “Your guards do not scare me, Charlie,” Ariana scoffed as she leaned back and put her feet up on the table. “I won’t be strong-pawed by any Pokemon from the sky, land, or sea. Not even by Mirage’s poor, dissident, weak, sorry excuse for an illegitimate son.” 

    Wait, what!? Andrew’s mind yelled before his eyes widened with shock. He turned to Thomas, who had not looked up from his notebook. He was scribbling and scribbling, dust particles flying up from the pages. He flipped through them with a vigor and swiftness only possessed by whom the Marsthomp envisioned being the master journalist. 

    The rest of the room, however, didn’t roar or rave with shock. Though the Gogoat and Riolu wore looks of mild surprise, of course the Riolu did! But, the atmosphere seemed hardly changed. The guards didn’t so much as move or bat an eye.

    “Ariana,” Charlie said calmly. 

    Too calmly, Andrew knew.

    “I know we have our differences. Trust me I know,” he continued. “I am not my father, and for that you should be thankful. At least, if you are not thankful for what I’ve done for this country.”

    “Blah, blah, blah,” the Ampharos mocked as she bobbed her head.

    Goddamnit! This isn’t working! Can’t you see that, Charlie? This stupid Ampharos will have our heads with the rate this is going. Did you see how many Pokemon she had? Did you?

    The Marshtomp slammed his flippers together, causing a clap as sharp as thunder to echo through the room. All eyes fell back to him as though the leaders were Mothim eyeing a flame. “Now, I can see there is a bit of disagreement. But let’s remember we have a common goal. And that the Grandeport guild is just as hungry for power as all of us and will hold no punches.”

    He looked over to Thomas, locking eyes with him and giving a smug grin.

    “As Charlie said, we can’t just shut down the Grandeport guild. Imagine the backlash! But that doesn’t mean we can’t weaken it slowly. Wouldn’t a weak Grandeport guild be far better for everyone? Except them, of course.”

    Ariana shook her head as she smirked. “What is this? You think you can sweet talk me into changing my mind?” She shot a smug glare at the Raichu. “Charlie, is this really the guy who gets to play king? I’d at least expect somebody with a bit more wit.”

    “Hey! Are you calling me stupid? Because I’ll show you what happens when you mess with me!” Andrew yelled before looking at the metal-skinned Pokemon in the back of the room. “Guards, seize her!” 

    The guards did not seize her.

    “Uh… seize her!” He repeated. 

    “Andrew!” Charlie whispered angrily to him. “Are you out of your mind?”

    Ariana giggled, slapping her fist against the table joyously. “Oh, Charlie. You never cease to amaze me! You and your humans… I’ve heard the rumors. Did you fetch this one from the asylum or the bottom of a swamp?” 

    “I’ll have you know that he found me on the beach!” Andrew interjected as he turned his head away and stuck up his chin.

    Charlie grabbed his flipper, squeezing it tightly. “Not. Helping.”

    “H-h-how about this!?” Andrew blurted, panic and desperation seeping into his voice. “We’ll shut it down. Not overnight, but we will force the guild to put its own downfall into motion. And… and… money! We’ll give you a bunch of their cash! You’ll all be richer than you could be in your wildest dreams! Everybody benefits!”

    “Rejeeeected!” The Ampharos sang.

    “Accepted,” Andrew sternly insisted, trying to overrule her.





    “Accepted under one condition.”

    Charlie groaned, his ears drooping. “And what might that be?”

    “Are you the president?” Ariana asked the Raichu, crossing her arms. “I will only discuss what I want with the leader of this nation in private. If not, no deal. Do we have an agreement, Pichu-pie?”

    His cheeks crackled with electricity, the sparks reaching an inch away from Andrew’s gills. “Do not call me that!”

    Pichu-pie, Marshtomp? Do we have an agreement?” She taunted with a wink.

    Charlie looked at Andrew. The Marshtomp looked back at him, cracking a small grin. The Raichu shook his head and sighed as he balled his paws into fists.

    “Fine, Ariana,” The Raichu muttered with a scowl “You’ve got a deal.”

    Knock knock.

    Andrew was lazily spread out on his home’s living room couch. It faced a window looking out into the backyard, which was shadowed as the sun disappeared between hills of lush green forests far out into the distance. Oranges and pinks danced through the sky in a serenade of color.

    “Can you get that, Andrew?” Thomas called from down the hall.

    The Marshtomp grumbled. Can’t a Pokemon enjoy a sunset in peace? Wait, did I just mentally refer to myself as a Pokemon? This place is really doing a number on me.

    He sauntered over to the door and twisted the lock. He pulled it open, and his mouth fell agape as his fingers curled into fists.

    “Heya!” A familiar black and red furball greeted in his high-pitched voice.

    “Andrew, who’s there?” Thomas shouted, still out of the room.

    Standing before the Marshtomp was the Espeon and Zorua pair he had come to loathe.

    “Y-You! How do you know my address!?”

    Ryder stuck out his tongue before taking a step inside. “I don’t know. How do we know your address? Maybe because we’re better than you?”

    “Ryder, please,” Jason groaned before locking eyes with Andrew. “Look, we just want to talk.”

    The Espeon entered the house. A purple glow surrounded the door before it magically swung shut and locked with a click. Ryder took a step forward, and Andrew took a step back.

    The Marshtomp gulped.

    “C’mon Andrew! We just want to talk. Get us some drinks, will ya?” Ryder teased, a devilish smile spreading on his face.

    Andrew spun around in fear and ran.


    But unfortunately, as he fled into the hallway Thomas turned the corner with a concerned look on his face. “Andrew, what’s-”

    The Marshtomp tried to slow down, to dig his feet into the rugged floor. To use his fins to break his momentum, to create enough friction to stop him, make himself paralyzed, anything! But it was no use. Before Andrew could even open his mouth to warn Thomas, he collided with the Servine.

    They tumbled back and fell to the floor with a thud. Andrew threw out a flipper to catch himself, slamming it into the wood beneath them. He winced as pain shot through his flipper.

    The sounds of slow, threatening footsteps grew near as Andrew shook off the pain. Thomas rubbed the side of his head, the Servine also hurt. The Marshtomp craned his neck to look back and gasped as he saw Jason and Ryder looming over him like towering mountains. 

    “Have a nice fall?” Ryder taunted, sticking his lip out in a mocking imitation of a frown.

    Andrew rose to his feet. His fingers twitched as fury built up and boiled within him. “You!”

    Just as Andrew stepped forward to release his anger and a blast of water, Thomas leaped in front of him. 

    “What are you doing in my house!?” The Servine snapped. His vines shot from his back and toward the Zorua. He leaped back with widened eyes, but Thomas’ locked onto him. A vine reached him and began to wrap around his leg.

    Ryder let out a small whimper and tried to move back. “Hey, man. Chill out!”

    Thomas scowled. He did not chill out.

    The other vine had coiled around the Zorua’s torso. His inky black fur was quickly replaced by the vibrant green as the vine consumed his entire midsection and one of his legs. Though the fox flailed with his three free limbs, he had otherwise become immobilized.

    “Jason! H-Help!”

    Thomas’ vine snaked up Ryder’s neck. The Zorua kicked and squirmed, doing everything within his power to get out.

    A purple glow enveloped the vines, which began to part and peel off his fur. Jason panted as he dug his lavender paws into the ground. He reeled his head back as the vines continued to release their grip. Ryder squirmed desperately, trying to take advantage of his partner’s help.

    Suddenly, the glow disappeared. Jason collapsed to the ground with a heavy huff. The vines twitched and wound back around Ryder. 

    “Ah…Thomas,” Jason wheezed as he looked at the Servine. “Please… we just want to talk. Let him go.”

    Thomas met his gaze and clenched his teeth before begrudgingly loosening his grip. The Zorua, however, was still entwined. “You barge into my house? Bringing somebody who attacked my friend? And expect me to not retaliate?”

    “Andrew, tell him!” Jason begged, looking now at the Marshtomp. “Tell him to let Ryder go.” 

    Andrew took a step back. “Thomas? I-I-I know this looks bad, but I told you how Jason and I made up recently… And y’know, I’d think it’d throw a wrench in our relationship if you suffocated his friend. N-not that I’m Judging! Just a suggestion.”

    Thomas loosened the constraints a little more. “It would throw a wrench in our relationship if you let this animal prance around the house!” 

    An opening slowly formed in the vines. Ryder quietly slid through and ran over to Jason. He hid behind his partner, his body shivering as he looked into Thomas’ cold eyes.

    “You’re always such a coward when it matters, Andrew. It’d hurt our relationship? Yeah, no shit,” Jason spat, getting up and turning away.

    Andrew groaned. “I got my friend to not kill your friend! Don’t I get any credit for that?”

    “I wouldn’t have killed him,” Thomas sighed. “Maybe knock him out, but I’m not a monster.” He stared daggers at the pair. “You were the ones who broke into my house!”

    “We didn’t break in. Andrew opened the door for us.” Jason said with an exasperated glare.

    The Marshtomp turned his head away. “I didn’t say you could come in.” And frankly, Ryder deserved a beatdown. I didn’t realize how strong Thomas was. Better not piss him off… too much.

    Jason shook his head and nudged Ryder with the back of his tail. The Zorua walked next to him, gulping. Thomas maintained his ice-cold glare at the two before sighing and turning around.

    “I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me. If you need any help, yell. I’ll be right over.” The Servine slashed his vine against the air, causing Ryder to flinch. He strutted quickly to the kitchen, leaving Andrew alone with Jason and Ryder. 

    The Marshtomp tapped his foot against the ground. “Now that we’ve broken the ice, care to tell me why you’re visiting?”

    Jason put on a stern expression. “We’ve heard about your plan for the guild. Excuse my language, but what the actual fuck?”

    “What plan?”

    The Espeon gritted his teeth. “Don’t play dumb. You want to shut down the guild, put hundreds- no, thousands, of us out of jobs. Are you out of your mind?”

    “Hey! I don’t want to shut down the guild!” Andrew exclaimed as he waved his flippers around. “J-just water it down a bit. Level the playing field. Is that so bad?”

    “Yes!” Ryder’s voice replied from behind Andrew, despite the Zorua standing in front of him. He swung his head back to find nothing there before looking back to see the real fox giggling.

    Jason shook his head. “Please, Andrew. You’re not doing anyone any favors by going through with this. I helped you. You owe this to me, to everyone.”

    Maybe I do, Andrew thought in concession.

    The Marshtomp turned away. The house felt empty and cold, and icicles had formed on the windowsills. The smell of Thomas’ piping hot cooking wafted through the hallway, but did not offer Andrew warmth. His eyes grew weary and there was a sharp discomfort in his throat. 

    What do you want me to say? Never mind, guilds can stay as they are? Status quo remains, nothing to see here!? No, no, no. I’m making things fair and doing what’s right. I’m the president, isn’t that my job? They imprisoned me! They’re evil! I can’t let him play with my emotions! I don’t owe him anything.

    He winced. Then why do I feel so… bad? Damnit, Andrew, hold yourself together.

    He turned back to face the duo, taking a deep inhale sniff with his nose, which was beginning to stuff up. 

    Andrew was still unable to look Jason in the eyes. All he allowed himself was a brief glimpse of his purple fur in order to address him. 

    “My hands are tied,” he replied.

    Ryder laughed. “You mean your flippers are tied? Heh.” When nobody laughed too, his ears drooped.

    Jason offered no response, nor any prompt for Ryder to follow as he turned around and walked to the door. He opened it with his psychic powers before exiting, leaving the Marshtomp behind as any normal person would.

    Any normal person would.

    Just like that, he was gone, having disappeared into the sunset. Ryder slowly walked to the opened door. He craned his neck to look Andrew in what he saw as the Marshtomp’s small, beady, pathetic, orange eyes. 

    “You robbed a store, escaped exile, smashed a bottle over my head. And somehow you were the one to replace Mirage. But you’re… you’re a coward!”

    Ryder faded into nothingness. 

    “Nothing but a filthy, wet, slimy coward.”

    Thomas showing off he’s more than just a timid journalist? Who would have thought?

    This is another one of those chapters I’ve had in mind for a long time and only now do I finally get to write. Feels good to be able to transmit these stories into material form, but I think you knew that, considering you are twenty chapters into this.

    A big thank you to… you’ll never guess. My betas DaGamestar and Zee102, as well as DoomHuntley.

    Feel free to give any questions, comments, feedback, or response of any kind. I do appreciate it!

    Until next time!


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