The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    What is there to say, Andrew? Justice works in mysterious ways.

    Andrew tapped his flipper against the oversized, dark wooden table. The scenery of the courtroom was oddly familiar and human-like. Wooden paneling lined the towering walls and extended onto the high ceiling. It was a similar hue to the furniture which seemed to occupy every part of the room. Behind him were rows and rows of identical benches, occupied by only a few Pokemon. Apparently, my trial isn’t big news, he thought. 

    Natural light poured through the courtroom’s many large windows. Twisting his head to the side, Andrew gazed through one of them. It revealed an untouched natural landscape surrounding the deep, pure blue ocean. He could not rip his head away. A pleasant feeling came over him as he continued staring mindlessly through the window. I can’t take being around these Pokemon for much longer, I’d kill to go for another swim. His heart skipped a beat as he tore his vision away from the outside and back down to the table. No! Now is not the time for distractions. 

    He ran his three-fingered flippers across each other on the table out of boredom. I hate this weird fish-Pokemon body. I need to get home, I need to be myself again! Even though his hope of ever being human again had begun to wane, he wasn’t going to give up after only three days. And that’s assuming that I can win this stupid trial. Still bored, he angled his head up to the ceiling. A large metal chandelier was mounted to it, with candles burning. 

    “Hey, Andrew.”

    He swung his head to the side to see George sitting down on the chair next to him. George’s yellow eyes darted from side to side as his chest raised and lowered. He tapped his claws on the table harmoniously, creating a quiet clacking noise. Andrew rested his flippers on the table as well and looked up into George’s eyes. 

    George asked, “You ready? We’ll be starting any minute now.”

    “Uh, I guess,” said Andrew as he tilted his head to the side. 

    As if on cue, two large wooden doors which sat to the right of him burst open with a large bang. The strangest Pokemon Andrew had seen began to walk into the room. It swayed its head on its oversized neck side to side with large, swift motions. As if it did not have a care in the world. It plopped itself down on a large cushioned bench behind a larger wooden desk, in front of them. The same color as all the other wood in the room. 

    What Pokemon even is that? Is it a Drampa? Andrew put a flipper to where his chin would be if he were still human. I’m pretty sure I’ve never even heard of Drampa. However, Andrew did not have time to ponder how he knew the strange Pokemon’s species’ name. With its large mouth, it picked up a gavel resting close beside it. The Drampa pulled its neck as far back as it could go, before speedily flinging it towards the desk. A deafening smack echoed through the near-empty courtroom as the gavel and Drampa collided with the wood. Andrew’s eyes became fixed on the spectacle of the Pokemon’s strange behavior. 

    His mouth fell agape when the Drampa reeled its head again and smashed back into the desk. What the hell is wrong with this guy? He can’t possibly keep hitting that desk and expect not to get a concussion? Andrew pondered. But he was quickly proven incorrect as the Drampa struck the poor desk yet again.

    And again.

    And again.

    And again.

    Finally, after the sixth strike, it opened its mouth and allowed the gavel to roll down onto the floor. Andrew twisted his head to George, only to see a look of disinterest on his face. The Grovyle’s eyes began to squint and his body slumped back. He sighed loudly. Is this a normal thing? Andrew wondered.

    But before he could finish his thought, his attention was grabbed by the courtroom’s doors flying open again. This time, the Kecleon who he recognized from the other day entered. The Kecleon frantically ran across the room to a table about ten feet from the one Andrew was sitting at and took a seat next to the Dewott who had interrupted his briefing with George. The Kecleon folded his hands together and placed them on the table. 

    “Order! Order!” a voice boomed from the front of the room.

    All eyes turned to the Drampa as his head began to scan the room. George began to tap his claws against the table again, causing Andrew’s heart to beat faster. The Drampa turned directly to Andrew. Its sickly, pink eyes narrowed as Andrew began to lean back in his chair. I knew the judge would have it out for me. Everyone here probably does!

    “The trial of Andrew Marshtomp and Hugo Kecleon shall now begin. May the prosecution state their case?” The Drampa yelled, echoing throughout the near-empty room.

    Andrew heard the sound of wood scraping against itself coming from his left. His gaze to the Dewott, to see him standing up. The Dewott put a hand on his chest and turned to make eye contact with the judge.

    “Your honor, there is nothing I value in my life more than integrity. Each day I wake up to fight for what I believe is right. And do you know what isn’t right? That Marshtomp sitting across the room from me without his flippers in chains. He has no integrity! He robbed my client in broad daylight!” The Dewott yelled. He removed his arm from his chest and pointed it at Andrew.

    Well, that wasn’t very nice of him, Andrew scoffed. George turned his gaze to meet Andrew’s and whispered,

    “Once we are done with this, I am going to decapitate that stupid little Dewott.”

    A faint smirk crept onto Andrew’s face. A laugh tried to leave his mouth but was suppressed as he bit down on his lip. His gaze turned to the table beneath him. He ran his wide fingers along the grain of its wood as the pleasure of George’s comment began to fade. The reality of his situation began to set in. If that Kecleon wins this trial, it could be my head being decapitated. 

    Andrew turned his gaze back up to George as the Grovyle got up from his chair. He slammed his claws into the table and yelled to the room,

    “Your honor, these blasphemous claims are simply untrue. The Kecleon standing before you offered food to my client for free. Being a homeless orphan from the rural farmlands, he kindly accepted this generous offer. However, the conniving Kecleon here standing before you today did not have pure intentions. He feigned that a robbery was committed by my client, to fulfill his sick, twisted mind.”

    “Homeless orphan?” whispered Andrew.

    “Look kid, just go with it. The last thing we need is Demetri winning another trial,” George whispered back. 

    Andrew looked over to the Dewott who was presumably Demetri. He murmured something to the Kecleon which Andrew’s ears could not pick up on. Wide grins enveloped both of their faces as Demetri stood back up to address the judge.

    “Your honor, it has come to my attention that the Pokemon who apprehended this foul criminal work at this guild. Not only that, but they are standing outside this very courtroom and ready to testify against this Marshtomp.” 

    Demetri reeled back his arm and pointed at the entrance. Andrew’s heart rate began to accelerate as he clutched the table with his flippers. His breathing began to grow louder. Am I going to have to face Jason? Is he going to remember who I am? His gaze became focused on the room’s doors, awaiting the inevitable, tortuous encounter. 

    But nobody entered. 

    “I said, they are standing outside this very courtroom and ready to testify against this Marshtomp,” Demetri repeated. 

    Suddenly, Andrew heard loud laughter next to him. He saw George uncontrollably rocking back and forth in his seat, beating the table with his claws. Seeing George like this was too much. He threw a flipper over his mouth as sharp laughter began to emanate from it without his consent. A loud thump grabbed Andrew’s attention as he turned to see the Drampa convulsing on the floor, as loud, deep giggling left the creature’s lips. 

    Demetri’s hands fell to his slides as his furred face fell into a scowl, “One of you idiots, go get them!” he ordered. 

    A Jigglypuff carrying a notebook zoomed past Andrew. It headbutted the courtroom doors open and exited without touching the ground. The Drampa judge slowly got off the floor and climbed back onto his bench. Demetri had migrated to the corner of the room, stomping his feet on the floor and occasionally pulling his ears. This is chaos! I love it! Andrew thought. George leaned back in his chair and smiled,

    “I can see we’re off to a good start.”

    “Tell me about it,” Andrew responded sarcastically. 

    The Drampa stared up at the ceiling again swaying its head ever so slightly. Dopamine from the previous moment of insanity began to exit Andrew’s brain, bringing him back to reality. This judge is crazy, my lawyer only cares about one-upping the other lawyer, and two Pokemon who witnessed my crime will be here any minute! He barely resisted the temptation to pull at his head fin.

    All of a sudden, the large wooden doors burst open to reveal a familiar Espeon and Zorua. 

    “These assholes are the ones that got you?” George questioned. 

    “Trust me, I hate them more than you do,” responded Andrew. 

    The judge’s head lowered down to meet the heights of Jason and Ryder. As they strutted towards a bench next to the Drampa’s, Ryder made eye contact with Andrew and stuck out his tongue. 

    “Fuck you too Ryder!” Andrew yelled from across the room. 

    “Language young man!” boomed the Drampa. 

    George turned to Andrew and put a claw on his shoulder, “Y’know kid, good on you for standing up for yourself. We need more people like you in the world.”

    That settles it. I have entered the bizarro dimension. That is the only logical explanation for why I’m a Marshtomp about to be sent to prison. He thought, almost seriously. 

    Quietly Andrew said, “Uh… Thanks, George.” 

    “Order, everyone! Return to your seats,” the Drampa declared as he eyed Demetri.

    Demetri stomped back to his table while muttering incomprehensibly. He slammed his fists down on the wood, earning him another glare from the judge. Andrew began to turn his gaze to the window next to the table. He laid his head on his flipper, as he fantasized what it would be like to run free in the forest. Not a worry in the world, he thought. Why did I throw that all away over some food? 

    The Drampa announced, “Demetri Dewott, you may continue.”

    Demetri climbed up onto the table and put his arms on his hips. “I call upon Jason Espeon and Ryder Zorua to testify against Andrew Marshtomp.”

    Andrew gulped. His gaze turned to Jason while he watched the Espeon narrow his eyes.

    “Will you testify, Mister Espeon?” asked the Drampa.

    “I will.”

    “And will you testify, Mister Zorua?” 


    Andrew could not help but scowl when that word left Ryder’s mouth. His heart began to beat ferociously. That two-faced Pokemon is plotting against me. Manipulating everyone with his false illusions He has to be! Andrew reasoned. 

    “My first question is for you, Jason. Is it true that you witnessed the Marshtomp who is sitting in this very room rob Mister Kecleon’s food stand?” Demetri asked with a wide grin.

    Maintaining a neutral expression, Jason replied, “I witnessed the robbery. Andrew grabbed a bunch of food from the stand right after a different robbery. It was quite clever.”

    Andrew’s heart raced faster and faster, and he found it harder to breathe. He felt his hands slowly dig into the wood of the table. Demetri leaned his head towards Andrew and George’s table and bared his sharp fangs. George brought his fist up to slam the table but stopped before he struck the wood. 

    “I’m telling you, kid, I’m gonna put a knife into that smug Dewott’s face.”

    “Better do it before he sends me to prison, George,” Andrew snapped. 

    But Demetri interrupted before they could continue their banter. “My next question is for Ryder. What happened when you apprehended Andrew? Did he respond with violence?”

    “Did he respond with violence?” Ryder yelled. “Of course he did! He shot a hydro pump into my face. He tried to rip my tail off during his interrogation. He’s impulsive and dangerous!”

    George leaned over to Andrew and whispered, “You are going to agree to whatever I ask if you want to live.”

    Andrew did not turn his head or make eye contact with George. He stared intensely at Ryder, refusing to avert his eyes or blink. I would rip his tail off right now if I weren’t already in enough trouble. He sneered mentally. 

    “Your honor, the Pokemon on trial today is not just a thief. He is a dangerous, aggressive, deeply broken Pokemon, who I cannot say I hope you take mercy on,” Demetri declared with vigor.

    “Objection,” George shouted. “My client is not dangerous, aggressive, or deeply broken. Nothing could be farther from the truth. He is a gullible, young, and frankly quite stupid Pokemon, who was unfortunate enough to be the victim of this Kecleon’s deception.”

    Breaking his gaze off Ryder, Andrew turned to George and asked angrily, “How old do you think I am?” 

    “Look kid, if you really aren’t stupid then you’ll go with it,” George replied, ignoring his question.

    Andrew crossed his flippers and narrowed his eyes. A scowl overtook his blue face as he looked at the judge, who was glaring intensely out of a widow. Wow, even the judge doesn’t care about my case. He mocked in his mind. 

    “What do you mean he’s not aggressive, George? He attacked me!” Ryder cried out. 

    Andrew yelled, “You attacked me first both times!” while pointing a flipper in Ryder’s direction. 

    “So you admit to attacking my witnesses, Marshtomp?” Demetri yelled, also pointing. 

    George stood up and also yelled, “Demetri, when will you learn that nobody cares about anything that comes out of your mouth?”

    “Starve the Marshtomp! It’s the only way I can have justice!” the Kecleon screeched.

    “You can’t do that. It would be sadistic!” yelled a voice from the back of the room.

    The Drampa retaliated, “This is my court! I’ll be as cruel and unusual as I want!”

    I’m not going to win my freedom if these idiots keep arguing. Andrew thought. He jumped onto the table. He put his flippers to his side and puffed out his chest before screaming, “Everyone shut up!”

    The courtroom fell silent. Andrew panned his head around. Every Pokemon appeared to stare at him intensely, completely expressionless. Even the Drampa seemed to be sitting still and focused. Andrew opened his mouth, but realized, wait. What am I supposed to say?

    Without warning, George hopped onto the table and shoved Andrew off. 

    “What the hell was that for?” he said, as he tumbled to the floor.

    However, Andrew’s plea fell on deaf ears as George addressed the room, “As you can see here from this simple demonstration, Andrew is not a strong Pokemon. But why is this, your honor? It’s quite simple. When he was a freshly hatched Mudkip, Andrew’s parents tragically abandoned him. He was never able to train and become a strong Pokemon like you or me.”

    “Wouldn’t not having parents make Andrew more likely to be a criminal?” Demetri cut in.

    “There may not be anyone who loves Andrew, but he has a heart of gold. Am I right? George whipped his head down towards Andrew. Staring in anticipation with his sharp, yellow eyes. 

    And I should rip your heart out of your chest. But I can’t do that from prison. Andrew reasoned. 

    Reluctantly, he agreed, “Yes, your honor, I could never bring myself to even think about committing a crime.”

    Andrew pushed himself up from the floor and plopped back down in his chair. He leaned back and closed his eyes, allowing his heart to slow and his breathing to normalize. Everything is going to be okay. I’m going to win this. He reassured himself. Slowly, his eyes opened. Only to be met with the Drampa’s head being inches away from his own. 

    Andrew stared into the Pokemon’s lifeless, pink eyes. They were flawless circles with seemingly no detail or texture. He felt the Drampa’s heavy breathing brush against his exposed skin, as it continued to survey him motionlessly. 

    “If I may speak, Judge Drampa?” Jason asked.

    The Drampa broke its gaze from Andrew and turned to the Espeon. It began walking back towards the desk while speaking,

    “What do you have to add?” he asked contemptuously. 

    Andrew looked at Jason, listing his head slightly as he did so. He heard the clacking of George’s claws against the wood begin again. Everything will be okay. Everything has to be okay. He pleaded mentally. Jason glanced back at Andrew, before speaking,

    “I don’t think that Andrew is weak or stupid. And frankly, I expected a better defense than him being incapable of robbing a food stand.”

    George crossed his arms and turned his head away from the front of the room.

    “Maybe it wasn’t some master heist. However, Andrew isn’t some dangerous or screwed-up Pokemon. He was just desperate, and he acts on his impulses,” Jason continued. 

    “What did you just say about me?” Andrew blurted out.

    Jason answered, “That you act on your impulses? I understand what you’re going through. Court-mandated therapy would probably be a fair way to rehabilitate you. 

    “Therapy?” Andrew yelled as he shot up from his seat. “Are you suggesting that I’m crazy? That I can’t control myself?”

    “What? No! But I know that you’re going through a lot right now, and I think you could benefit from therapy. It’s quite obvious you are struggling to resist your impulses.”

    “How dare you call me impulsive!” Andrew screeched, slamming his flippers on the table. “I am the only one who controls myself!”

    “I disagree, you just acted on your impulses with that statement,” quipped Jason. 

    Before Andrew could respond, a loud bang echoed throughout the room. 

    “Enough!” Boomed the Drampa. 

    All eyes turned to the judge and he raised his head back up from his desk. Andrew sat back down in his seat and glanced at George. The Grovyle turned to Andrew and shook his head, before turning to the judge. 

    “Jason Espeon has made clear to me that the Pokemon who stands before us today is unwell. To rehabilitate him, I shall banish Andrew Marshtomp to outside the city of Grandesport so he may heal in solace.”

    “Banishment? How is that supposed to help him heal?” questioned Jason.

    “Silence! My methods are beyond your understanding!” The judge cried out, as he hit Jason over the head with his tail. 

    George turned to face Andrew and put a claw on his shoulder. 

    “Sorry, kid, looks like this is another win for Demetri.” 

    Upon these words leaving George’s mouth, Andrew jerked away from him and threw his claw off his shoulder. His thin eyes narrowed and his heart began to beat quickly again.

    “Are you serious? I’m getting banished, and your petty rivalry with the other lawyer is what you are thinking about right now?” 

    George threw his arms up and shook his head again. “Don’t blame me, I’m not the one who ratted you out to the judge for being crazy.”

    “Screw you!” yelled Andrew. “You were a terrible lawyer anyways. Have fun murdering that Dewott, or whatever you’re gonna do.”

    George grabbed Andrew’s flipper tightly, almost piercing his moist skin. He brought his head close to Andrew’s head and whispered, “Well, I couldn’t have asked for a worse client either. Have fun in exile.” 

    George released Andrew from his grasp and got up from his seat. The Grovyle stomped out of the room, murmuring under his breath as he shoved open the large wooden doors. 

    “Jason, Ryder, can I trust you to escort Andrew outside of city limits?” asked the Drampa.

    “Sure thing judge!” Ryder responded happily as he bounced over to Andrew. 

    As soon as those words escaped Ryder’s mouth, the Drampa promptly flung its head on the desk. Loud snoring began to echo throughout the room from the Drampa only moments later. 

    That idiot judge just fell asleep? I guess that means I get to spend my last moments in civilization with Jason and Ryder. How lovely. Andrew thought sarcastically. He got up from his seat and turned to Ryder, who wore a wide smirk. 

    “Wasn’t today amazing? I can’t wait to have a good night’s rest in my comfy bed!” Ryder said with enthusiasm. 

    “What is stopping me from killing you right now, Ryder?” Andrew asked. 

    Jason snapped, “Enough from both of you,” as he approached the pair. 

    “Don’t worry, I’m not actually going to kill him. It wouldn’t be worth the effort.” Not that it would take much effort, just gotta squeeze the tail! Andrew thought.

    “Ryder, I’ll handle this. Meet me back at the guild,” Jason said.

    “C’mon, Jason, I wanna-”

    “I’ll handle this,” Jason repeated, stomping a paw on the floor. 

    Ryder spat, “Ugh, fine,” before trotting out of the courtroom. 

    Andrew folded his flippers behind his back, placing them just above his tail fins. 

    He lowered his head, “Let’s just get this over with,” he said, defeated. Jason nodded and began to walk toward the courtroom exit. Andrew followed close behind. 

    “You know what, Jason? I’d like to thank you.”

    Jason stopped and turned around, tilting his head slightly. His eyes darted back and forth before focusing back on Andrew. “You would?”

    “Yeah, thanks for getting me exiled! I really appreciate it,” Andrew shouted.

    Jason muttered under his breath for a moment but did not respond to the remark. He continued walking forward. Stupid coward. Andrew scoffed in his head.

    Andrew followed Jason out of the courtroom, into a lavish hallway. The hallway led to an enormous main room. The ceiling towered at least one hundred feet high. Various Pokemon crowded the noisy area, all competing to be heard. Jason led Andrew out to a large open door several dozen times their height. 

    Andrew took a deep breath upon exiting the building, smelling the sweet, fresh air. Relief washed over him as the sun pleasantly warmed his skin. However, Jason seemed unphased by their departure. The Espeon continued walking without looking back, veering onto a dirt path nearly hidden by surrounding foliage. 

    As they entered the forest, Jason broke his silence and asked, “Andrew, do you know who I am?” 

    “Well… I have some idea,” Andrew said meekly. 

    “When was the last time you saw me?” 

    Andrew slowed his walking and put a flipper to his head, “I don’t know exactly, a few days ago? The last time I wasn’t a Pokemon.”

    “I’ve been here for two years,” Jason said, putting his head down.

    Two years? How is that even possible? Andrew wondered as shock overtook him.

    “Look, I’m sorry about what happened. I really do understand what you’re going through.”

    Having fallen behind by a few feet, Andrew jogged to catch up with Jason. “If you really understand what I’m going through, then you won’t banish me.”

    Jason stopped abruptly and glared at Andrew, “You want me to go against orders just because you used to be my friend? Do you think I’m corrupt?”

    “Used to be?” Andrew shot back. 

    “I’m not the Pokemon you knew. I’ve seen things you couldn’t imagine.” 

    Mockingly, Andrew said, “I never knew a Pokemon.”

    “Well get used to it, you aren’t human yourself either, anymore,” Jason responded, lightheartedly. 

    Andrew’s eyes narrowed, “Get used to it? How am I supposed to live like this?” he yelled angrily. Throwing his flippers above his head. 

    “Calm down,” Jason said nonchalantly, “You’ll come around to it. Being a Pokemon has its perks.”

    “I’m sure it does,” Andrew said under his breath, sarcastically.

    The duo continued on the path in silence, the only noise being the crunching of dead leaves and twigs beneath their feet. Andrew glanced at the bits of sky revealed between the trees towering overhead. The sky was its natural pure, unnatural, vibrant blue, with no clouds in sight. Upon turning his head back in front of him, Andrew was met with the familiar sight of the ocean. What? How did we get here? 

    “Considering you’ve become a Marshtomp, I figured it would make sense to release you into the ocean. Have you tried swimming yet?” asked Jason. 

    Andrew scratched the back of his fin and turned his head to the ground. “I’ve tried to do a little bit of swimming.”

    “Can you breathe underwater? I heard Marshtomps can do that.”

    “Yeah. It’s cool, I guess,” Andrew said, mumbling. 

    “Well, I guess this is goodbye. I recommend finding someone who can teach you the ropes.” Jason turned around and walked back into the woods.

    “Are you serious?” Andrew yelled. “You’re just going to leave me here to die?”

    Jason turned around, sporting narrowed eyes and a wide scowl. “What were you expecting? I’m not throwing my life away to smuggle you back into town, especially after how you treated Ryder.” 

    Andrew narrowed his eyes, glaring back at Jason. He felt something welling up within his stomach. Subconsciously, he opened his mouth and released a strong jet of water in Jason’s direction. Jason quickly leaped to the side, barely dodging the vicious torrent. 

    “Consider using your new powers wisely,” Jason sneered. “Try not to end up in jail again.” 

    Hastily, Jason disappeared back into the forest. The only evidence of him ever escorting Andrew being a small cloud of dust left behind.

    Good seeing him again, Andrew sarcastically thought. He turned his view to the ocean. He felt the urge to return upon seeing its crystal blue weaves. Before fully realizing what had happened, Andrew disappeared beneath the cascading tide.


    I would like to thank you for reading this chapter. This one has been my favorite to write so far, and the one which I think has the highest quality of writing. I don’t have much else to say, but as usual, I appreciate seeing any and all comments/feedback. Have a good rest of your days, and see you in two weeks for the latest of Andrew’s adventures.



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