The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    What could possibly go wrong?

    The air was heavy with silence. No cards, no yelling, no teasing, nothing. Charlie exchanged a glance with Andrew. Felicia fidgeted with her paws, only occasionally looking up to make eye contact. 

    “I’m sorry about what happened, I-” Felicia pleaded.

    Andrew shook his head. “It’s not your fault. I just… Was Mirage trying to kill me? Thomas? The both of us?”

    “Mirage has always had a short fuse. Ever since I’ve known him he’s told threats of violence to anyone who angered him. Even me, on occasion. But, to follow through? Burning down a kid’s house?”

    Across the table sat Larry and Eugene, the latter staring back at Andrew. The Marshtomp swore he could see a tear trickling down the Tyrantrum’s snout. Eugene put his head down, “In my sixty-two years of serving the King, I had yet to see him attempt to kill. I don’t know what else to say.”

    Charlie shot Eugene a glare, before turning to Larry. “So Larry, you got your way. Andrew’s fired. You happy?”


    “Eh, good enough for me.” Charlie shrugged.

    Andrew placed his flippers on the table, taking a deep breath. “Alright, I get it. You all feel sorry for me. But, that doesn’t explain why I get to be in one of your super special meetings.”  

    Felicia clasped her paws together while Charlie flashed a smile. They got up from the chairs and stood in the center of the room. “Well, Andrew.” She stated. “After a bit of discussion, we have a proposition for you. How would you like a new job?”

    “Uh, sure.” He tilted his head. “What do you have in mind?” 

    Charlie smiled. “How about the new King of Grandeport?”

    Andrew rolled his eyes, chuckling “Oh yes! It is I, King Andrew of Grandeport! Chop off their heads! Let them eat cake! Vive la revolution!”

    The Raichu stomped his foot on the ground. “We’re serious, Andrew. Grandeport isn’t what it once was. You’ve been to the former mining district, right?”

    “I don’t think so.”

    “You were when you stabbed that Zoroark,” Charlie stated, crossing his arms.

    Andrew squinted. “That place was pretty nice. Big houses, lots of Pokemon playing outside. What’s your point?” 

    He put a paw to his head and sighed. “No, before that. Where you found the knife.”

    “Oh, yeah. That place looked like shit.” Andrew smirked.

    “As I was saying,” Charlie stuck his paw back up. “Mirage has overseen this decline, and so have the common citizens. If we want to dethrone him, now is our time to strike. Think about it, Andrew. Think how great it would be to get rid of that stupid old Pokemon.”

    Well, the look on Mirage’s face would be priceless… 

    “Alright, you’ve piqued my interest.”

    Charlie laughed, “I knew I would.”

    Clearing her throat, Felicia cut in. “Remember some months back, the deal we made when you became police chief?”

    Andrew leaned back in his seat. “Sort of.”

    “In exchange for allowing us to have the final word on crucial decisions, we will allow you to be King of Grandeport. And of course, reap all the rewards that it brings. It’s a win-win.” She smiled, staring intensely at Andrew. 

    “I hate kings.”

    Felicia balled her paw into a fist. “What do you mean you hate kings? You’re gonna be one! As long as you agree to that deal.”

    “I don’t buy it. Why not choose a member of the council to be king? I understand why none of you wanted to be chief of police, but king? You’re already all primed for the position. Hell, you’re the most qualified Pokemon in the kingdom. What aren’t you telling me?”

    Larry got up. “How about I say it? You’re all cowards! None of you want to take the blame whenever a situation goes awry. Andrew gets to be king as long as he gets hit with whatever attacks come our way. 

    He leaned back further and placed his wet, stubby legs on the table. “Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. But, I’m unemployed. So I’ll accept it under a few conditions.”

    “This isn’t a negotiation. There are plenty of other Pokemon who would kill to have this opportunity. Take it or leave it.” Felicia snapped, eyes narrowed.

    Andrew clasped his flippers together. “And how many other Pokemon would you trust enough to make that deal with? Name one.” 

    “We don’t trust y-” Larry began, but was cut off by Charlie who proudly announced. “Why Andrew, we’d love to hear what adjustments you’d like to make.” Glaring at Felicia. 

    Defeated, she slumped her head. “Fine, within reason, what would you like to propose?” 

    “I don’t like kings. I’d much prefer the term president!” He winked.

    “Alright, fine. We can call you president. Now will you accept the deal? Felicia questioned, arms crossed.

    Andrew ran his finger across his gill. “Oh, right. I forgot you don’t know how a president becomes president. Instead of just making me the next king, how about we hold an election? Anyone can run, and whoever wins gets to be the new king?”

    “So you do want us to call you king?” Charlie asked.

    “No! Call the person who wins that election president!”

    The Lucario bore a deadpan expression. “That’s a horrible idea. What if you don’t win the election?

    “No need to worry about that!” Andrew leaped up onto the table. “You see, I am the only Pokemon to have first-hand experience with elections. I’ve gotten to witness and study them with my own two eyes. This should be a piece of cake. 

    He hopped down in front of Felicia. “Plus, it only took a new article with my name on it to get people rioting over democracy. There is zero chance I will lose this election. Who would even be able to compete?”

    Felicia stood quietly for a moment, rubbing her chin with her paw. “If you can convince the police leadership to support this, then fine. As long as you agree to let the council have the final word on any decision you make when you’re president.”

    Andrew stuck out his flipper. “Then it’s a deal.”

    “Every time I think I’ve seen it all, this place has more damn rooms,” Andrew complained, surrounded by a bright yellow hallway he had yet to encounter. 

    Felicia placed her paw on an equally bright yellow doorknob. “This place has so many add-ons built over the years. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found a new hallway one of these days.”

    Andrew felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around to see the tip of Charlie’s tail hovering right above his shoulder. 

    “Hey, Andrew!” He whispered. “Don’t fuck this up.”

    “You do realize I can hear you, Charlie?” Felicia grabbed Charlie’s tail. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother your meeting.”

    “My meeting? I thought you’d be there with me.”

    She scowled. “I can give a brief introduction, but nothing more.”

    The Lucario went back over to the door and creaked it open, motioning Andrew inside. The room was fairly typical. Inside was a rectangular white table. It stretched from one end of the room to the other. Three Pokemon sat there, two of which he recognized. 

    Everett sat in the middle with a bored look on his face. The Goodra Andrew had sat next to during dinner was to Everett’s left, and with a wide grin. A Meowstic sat on the opposite end of the table. Her eyes became narrowed upon seeing Felicia. 

    The Lucario stood next to Andrew with arms behind her back. “You are all aware of the situation. However, we are making a few adjustments to the plan. Andrew here will explain all of the changes.”

    She glared at the Meowstic, “And I assume you will all listen respectfully? Correct?”

    “Yes,” they all said in unison. 

    “Very good then.” Felicia nodded to Andrew before disappearing behind the door. 

    He faced the police captains. Despite the fact he was standing, with their greater heights they still loomed over him.

    Here goes nothing, I guess. 

    “So, Felicia told you about the situation?”

    They stared at him for a moment. Eventually, Everett let out a low, “Mhm.”

    “Anyways, we’re going to abolish monarchy via a democratic process in which the citizens of Grandeport will be entrusted with the right to vote. Giving them this choice along with government and media-supported publications in my favor will allow me to effortlessly claim victory. The police will then enforce a free election which I will win and become the new president of Grandeport. From this point forward we will refer to the leader of Grandeport as president as opposed to king.”

    The Goodra tilted his head. “Slow down kid. You want us to do what now?”

    “I want to hold an election. And I want the police to make sure that happens. Spread the word, run the ballot boxes, do the counting, all that good stuff.” Andrew replied.

    Everett studied the Marshtomp for a moment, tapping his hands against the cool stone of the table. “No, that’s a stupid idea. What if you lose?”

    “That’s what the council said. But, if everyone in the police force actively promotes me, I think we can pull it off.” He smiled, looking into the Gholdengo’s shiny yellow eyes with his widening own.

    Everett stood up. “Marshtomp, Andrew, whoever you are. That’s ridiculous. You were police chief for a few months, barely anyone knows your name. You’re just that weird Marshtomp who got to play higher-up for a little while and was in that weird news article.”

    “Hey! Everyone knows who I am!” He stomped his foot on the ground. “A few months ago a Chikorita came up to me and asked for my autograph!” 

    Instantly, the captains broke out into laughter. The Goodra rocked back and forth in his chair, letting out a deep bellow. The Meowstic beat her fist against the table in a rather shrill voice. Everett simply let out a light chuckle, sitting back down.

    “That’s mighty cute.” The Goodra said with a warm grin. “But hardly evidence you could win some sort of election with.”

    The Meowstic leaned forward and spoke in a firm tone. “Kid, this might be our only chance at getting rid of Mirage without interference from the townsfolk. This has gotta be foolproof, and what you are suggesting leaves too many unknowns.”


    “Sorry, it’s a no.” The Goodra interrupted. 

    The room had reached a state of silence, neither side willing to resign their point. Andrew tapped his foot against the ground. 

    Crap, I can’t convince them I could win an election. They barely even know me! What would convince a person? What would convince a Pokemon? Money? Fame? Paid sick days? 

    Well, that’s just money again. Priceless artifacts? Art? That’s also a bunch of money. Wait a second! I got it! I hope these idiots think like me…

    “Okay, I can see my proposition has been rather unconvincing. That just leaves me with one question. Does the Kingdom of Grandeport have a treasury? A mint?”

    Everett narrowed his eyes. “Y-Yes, of course? Where do you think money is stored and produced?”

    “I suspected that to be the case.” Andrew continued. “Which leads to my next question. Does the leader of Grandeport have control over these facilities?” 

    The Meowsic shrugged. “I guess so? What’s your point?”

    His face curled into a devilish grin, pressing his fingers up against one another. “I have a new proposition for you.”

    “You know we don’t have all day,” Everett rolled his eyes. “Perhaps we should end this and go through with the original plan tomorrow.”

    “I said, I have a new proposition for you!” Andrew yelled, slamming his flippers on the table. 

    The Gholdengo jolted back as his golden eyes somehow managed to widen. He held out his hands. “Jeez, if it’ll calm you down. Fine, what’s your new proposal?”

    “If you agree to the plan I just told you, I’ll allow you to borrow some of the treasury funds when I become leader. Easy as that, no strings attached.” Andrew climbed onto the back of the table, kicking his legs as he pulled himself up. He stood tall and stuck out a flipper. “What do you say?”

    “That doesn’t negate any of the reasons your plan is stupid.”

    His flipper curled into a fist. “Okay, then! New deal! If you refuse the current deal, I’ll make sure you never become police chief!”

    “Hey!” Everett shot up and pointed at Andrew. “You can’t do that!”

    “Sure I can! Who’s gonna stop me? I’m sure that Goodra or Meowstic would make a great chief!” He retaliated. 

    The Goodra shook his head. “Don’t bring me into this.”

    “I’ll stop you! Do you know who I am?” Everett poked Andrew’s head-fin. He was forced back a few steps, waving his flippers around trying to maintain balance. 

    Do I know who he is? What if he is very powerful? Was this all a setup? To test my loyalty? Maybe Everett and these other Pokemon are here to kill me? Harvest my organs? I bet Marshtomp organs are valuable!

    He took a step back, a grimace overtaking his face. 

    I have to win him over. I have to convince Everett to join me and the council! My life, Charlie’s life, Felicia’s life, and even Larry’s life depend on it! I can save them!

    Shutting his eyes, Andrew took another step back.

    There was no solid ground. 

    Air promptly exited the Marshtomp’s lungs as he collided with the floor. Andrew felt the sensation of scampering feet and the rumbling of the ground as the Pokemon rushed over to him. Three heads poked into his field of vision, looking at him wearily. 

    “Are you okay?” The Goodra asked, his head tendrils drooping ever so slightly. 

    Andrew pushed himself up and shook his head. “Y-Yeah. I’m good.”

    They walked back over to the table and the police captains resumed their seats.

    He took a deep breath and looked at Everett. “Okay, look, I’m sorry for what I said a second ago. I’m not gonna prevent you from being police chief, you’re obviously the best suited for the job. But, I can fix this stupid country! I can get rid of that stupid king and put in place a system where people can be happy with their leaders!”

    “You’re delusional if you actually believe you can fix Grandeport.” Everett scoffed. 

    Andrew grinned. “Would it hurt to try? What’s the worst that could happen?”

    The Meowstic eyed him, sporting an inquisitive expression. “I could use some extra money. My doomsday bunker won’t build itself.” 

    “I’m not quite sure ‘bout this.” The Goodra twiddled his fingers. “What if someone catches us? Won’t we get in trouble?” 

    Everett and the Meowstic sent piercing glares at him. His neck curled away from them, letting out a deep sigh. “On second thought, my nephew’s leaving the nest soon. I’m sure he could use a place to live.”

    Andrew clapped his flippers and stuck out his hand toward Everett. “With all parties in agreement, do we have a deal?”

    The Gholdengo’s eyes darted from side to side, before focusing back on the Marshtomp. “Fine. But, you better hold up your end of the bargain.”

    Thomas lay a vine on Andrew’s shoulder. “I can’t believe this is really happening!”

    He couldn’t help but smile at the long line of Pokemon stretching through the door. Despite the last leaves having fallen from the trees, the sun hung bright in the sky. Letting light pour in through the cramped room’s windows. 

    The ceiling was fairly low, only about as high as the one in the council’s meeting room. An Aggron was forced to wait in line on their knees to prevent their horns from impaling the ceiling. A small folded piece of paper was clutched within the creature’s strong grasp. In fact, every Pokemon was holding a small slip. 

    Gah! If only I could get a glimpse of what they say. Well, at least I’ll know in a few hours. 

    They walked toward the front of the room. A small wooden table contained a small box with the words, Place Vote Here, scribbled onto it. Behind was the Poliwrath and Scizor Andrew recognized from the police dinner. The Poliwrath gave what looked like a nod, though it was hard to tell with his entire body moving. Andrew flashed a smile back. 

    “So, how are things going here?” He asked, leaning against the table.

    “Nothing much,” the Scizor replied in a scratchy voice. “There haven’t been any issues so far. People are taking this surprisingly well.”

    Andrew waved his flipper. “I’d hardly call it a surprise. People wanted change, so I brought it to them. I can’t wait to finally occupy that stupid fox’s office.”

    “Fox? Is that a new insult for Mirage?” The Poliwrath questioned.

    “Oh… Uh… Yeah! It’s an old saying. You know what I’m talking about, right Thomas?” He lightly elbowed the Servine.

    “Of course! Great use of historical language, Andrew.”

    The Scizor shrugged. “I guess you really do learn something new every day.”

    “We should be heading out. I want to visit a few more poll stations before they close.” Andrew waved goodbye as he and Thomas began making their way toward the exit. Pokemon eyed him, most of them gave dirty looks, but a few smiled!

    Are they smiling at me? I must be more popular than I realized!

    Andrew faced Thomas as they walked, ”I’ve got a really good feeling about this. At this rate nothing can go-”

    The Marshtomp was plunged into darkness. His face was smothered in something warm and soft. It gave him an odd sense of ease, his heart slowing. Is this Fur?

    He backed up slowly, only for his heart to jump a million beats per minute. Standing right in front of him was none other than the king himself.

    “Do you mind, traitor?” He snapped, looking down at Andrew. Mirage was accompanied by the Vulpix Andrew recognized as his daughter. 

    Andrew stepped forward, flippers curling into fists. “Mirage managed to leave his oversized pillow! Look at that Thomas! Isn’t it a miracle?” 

    The Servine trembled, his eyes filled with pure rage. “Y-You. If we weren’t in public, I’d make sure you’d never breathe again.”

    “Here with my daughter? I’d expect some better manners from somebody of your standing.” He snarled, sporting a smirk. 

    “I’d kill her first and make you watch,” Thomas said, nonchalantly. 

    The Vulpix stuck her chin up. “Don’t you know I’m a fire type? Fire beats grass.”

    Andrew stomped. “This is a real cool conversation and all, but what the hell are you doing here?”

    “The same as you, Andrew! Visiting my lovely constituents,” Mirage said, before turning toward an Ambipom. His mouth stretched open wide, their corners twisting upward, revealing his fangs. It was an eerie, grotesque attempt at a smile. 

    The Ambipom reeled and stepped back, their eyes widening in horror. They viciously gritted their teeth and shook their head as though to plead, but the Nintetales continued staring, piercing their very essence. With a loud shriek, the Ambipom dashed out of line, right into a lone table, and out the door. As the Ambipom disappeared, the table toppled over.

    “I’m still working on that.” Mirage chuckled as he walked past Andrew, tails brushing the tips of his flippers.

    Asshole. I can’t wait to see his reaction when I win. Maybe he’ll cry? Scream at me? Threaten to kill me? The possibilities are endless! Maybe, just maybe he’ll beg to have some sort of job. He’ll admit how great I am, how great democracy is, and hope that I take some sort of mercy on him. 

    Andrew smiled evilly as the thought crossed his mind. But why would I do that? I’d call him for what he is! A tyrant, a lunatic, A FAILURE. I’ll be everything Mirage dreams of being! More powerful, loved, and respected than any leader ever has been. He’ll probably snap at me for deconstructing his very soul in front of his former worshippers, I’ll simply have him dragged off to the insane asylum. It’ll be amazing, I’m so close! Just a few more hours! 

    Thomas began walking toward the exit. “We should probably get out of here. I might do something I’d regret if I see the soon-to-be ex-king again.”

    “Fair enough. Let’s go.” But, before Andrew could follow the Servine, loud shouting erupted from the front of the room.

    “I demand to see the votes! I have to know how many were cast for me!” Mirage hollered, the Marshtomp feeling the vibrations of his bashes to the floor.


    They sprinted toward the commotion, only to be met with the Ninetails’ furry paw clenched beneath the lid of the ballot box. 

    “What the hell are you doing?” Andrew lurched forward and tried to grab the box. 

    Mirage growled. “Didn’t you hear me? I’m inspecting the, what’s it called again? Vote cube? Paper counter? Box of sadness?” 

    “Somehow, even I refuse to believe you’re that inept.” Andrew curled his flippers around the ballot box, attempting to remove it from the King’s grasp. 

    “What are you doing? I command you to stop!” He shouted. 

    Andrew opened his mouth and shot a light jet of water. It landed right in the center of Mirage’s face, instantly soaking his fluffy yellowish fur. 

    “Have you any manners? You disgusting, impoverished swamp-dweller! Try that again and I’ll have you arrested!” Mirage jolted back and caused Andrew’s slippery flippers to lose grasp of the ballot box. “Finally! Now I can see my unanimous popularity and cancel this silly little event.”  

    He faced the Poliwrath. “Would you agree? Bri, er… I mean Gerald? Actually, no… uh Christopher, wait that’s the- Everett! Crap! Andrew? Oh, wait, how about Jonathan? Jonathan, wouldn’t you agree?

    The Poliwrath’s eyes slanted further and further as Mirage cycled through names, he grabbed his knuckles. Twisting them to let out satisfying pops. “My name is Bob.”

    “Oh, my apologies, good sir. Robert, wouldn’t you agree?” Mirage took a step back, lowering the ballot box. 

    “My name is Bob. And if you don’t put that box on the table I will smash your snout so hard you’ll go blind.” Bob stepped forward and held out his hand.

    Mirage held up the box.

    “Idiot! I see with my eyes! I dare you to hit me! You’ve no idea who I’ve fought.” 

    He lightly tossed the box, the lid falling off right before it hit the ground. Little folded papers danced through the air and softly landed on the battered wooden floor. The Scizor scampered over and began brushing the loose ballots back into the small box. 

    The Poliwrath took another step forward, his hands having become fists. “You have three seconds to start running. One.”

    “How dare you speak to my father like that!” The Vulpix jumped in front of Mirage and blocked Bob’s path.

    “You have two seconds to leave before I smash your snout so hard you’ll go blind.”

    Shit, is he actually gonna do it? 

    The foxes stood their ground. Mirage sat as if nothing was wrong, his position no different than the one he used when on his throne. The Vulpix’s hind legs were upright and front legs facing forward as if she was about to pounce on her prey. Her eyes focused on the vastly larger Poliwrath only several feet away. 


    Bob shot forward as the whole building shook beneath his weight. The Vulpix leaped out of the way mere inches before the Poliwrath made contact with her. Unfortunately, she had miscalculated her jump and slammed into the wall with a loud clunk. 

    Holy crap! This is insane!

    Mirage stared his attacker down, lowering his head and grinning as The Poliwrath got closer and closer.

    “You don’t have the guts to-” 

    Bob crashed straight into Mirage. The line of Pokemon looked on in awe as the king flew gracefully through the air. His tails danced and waved in motionless bliss, going in any and all directions as gravity began to kick in. The Vulpix got up, eyes widening and ears pulling back. 

    Andrew turned to Thomas, wide grins plastered on each of their faces. A sparkle shimmered through Thomas’ deep and expressive eyes. Maybe there is a bit of vengeful spirit in him?

    And as quickly as the adrenaline and thrill of seeing Mirage fly pathetically through the air came, it left with a thump.

    Mirage landed about ten feet back from where he had stood. Bob skidded to a halt, crossing his arms and looking down at the Ninetails. His fur had become strewn about and unkept, several tufts having dislodged to decorate the blank chamber. He let out a low growl, refusing to make eye contact with the Poliwrath. 

    “Get the fuck out. Unless you want me to punt you halfway across the bay.” Bob threatened, giving Mirage a light kick. 

    He shot a glare at the Poliwrath and slowly got up. The room became eerily silent, the only sound Andrew could hear being his own breath. Mirage eyed his daughter who sprung up from the floor, also glaring at the surrounding Pokemon.  

    “And as you can see!” Andrew proclaimed, taking a step forward. “Mirage cannot be trusted! If for some god-forsaken reason, you planned on voting for him, I’d be happy to take that ballot off your hands.” 

    The Scizor beat his pincher on the table. “Great show everyone, but let’s keep this line moving!”

    The Scizor scooped up the last ballots still strewn across the floor and stuffed them back into the ballot box. He slammed it back on the table before resuming his seat. Yelling out, “Next!” as if nothing had happened. 

    Andrew turned back to where Mirage had been, only to find a thin trail of creamy yellow fur leading out the door. 

    He is a fox, after all. 

    “That was… Interesting.” Thomas said plainly, laying a vine back on Andrew. “But, we really should go. I think this place has seen enough candidates for a while.” 

    “It sure has.” Bob chuckled, giving them a wink. 

    Andrew nodded, before following the trail of fur out the exit and into the afternoon’s sun.

    Was this really the best place they could have chosen? I’m starting to get sick of these crowds of Pokemon.

    A magnificent gathering of Pokemon completely dwarfing the one which had gone out to protest Mirage’s rule packed itself into the town square. Like the protest, it seemed to be a mess of shapes and colors. Practically impossible to make out one Pokemon from the next. Despite him and Andrew not having to be in the crowd, Thomas had no problem cuddling up to him.

    A bit closer than I’d like, but if he’s cold, I’ll give this one tonight. 

    Two golden torches illuminated an elevated stage that had been erected in the city square. It was a short, roughly ten by ten wooden structure a few feet off the ground. It was surrounded by short metal gates, which seem pretty pointless if a big Pokemon tries to break through. 

    Other than Thomas and Andrew, Mirage and his daughter, the council, Everett, and an odd- looking Blaziken sat with them. 

    The Servine whispered. “Finally! Can you believe it? I’m so happy for you!”

    “It’s a relief. This whole mess is gonna be over.” He sighed, leaning back in his chair.

    Everett and Felicia got up from their seats and made their way toward the center of the stage. They exchanged words that Andrew could not make out over the excessive noise before a Pelliper flew from within the crowd and handed Felicia a slip of paper. 

    And another way the crowd can break through the barricade! Guess it’ll be helpful for when they kill Mirage, but still… 

    “What do you think they’re saying?” Andrew asked, leaning forward and squinting to get a better look. 

    “Just relax, Andrew. You said it yourself, this whole mess is over.”

    Andrew sunk back into his chair. “Yeah, you’re right.” He eyed Mirage, who appeared to be also attempting to read whatever words had been scribbled onto the paper. The Ninetails was barely still in his seat. 

    Andrew’s attention turned to the Blaziken. They were the only Pokemon sitting alone, and the only one he couldn’t quite put his flipper on. 

    “Thomas? Who’s that guy?”

    He scratched the back of his head. “Uh… I forget his name, he’s some guild-type.”

    A loud bang echoed throughout the square, the voices of Pokemon slowly but surely coming to a halt. A Loudred walked up to the stage, receiving the paper from Felicia. 

    “Citizens!” He yelled in an explosive voice. “We are gathered here today to announce the results of the Kingdom of Grandeport’s first ever election!” 

    A cheer came from the crowd, a few bolts of lightning shooting up.

    “Without further ado, let’s get into the results!” 

    Everett turned away from the front of the stage. He faced Andrew, golden orbs piercing into his very essence. The expression was hard to read. A scowl of anger? Eyes flowing with disappointment? 

    What’s your problem? We did it!

    “In third place, Andrew Marshtomp! Ten point three percent of the vote!”

    “In second place, Marcus Blaziken! Sixteen point eight percent of the vote!”

    “And in first place, with thirty-two point four percent of the vote.” A hint of discontent plagued his voice. 

    “Mirage Ninetails.” 

    And so it begins. Just to give you all an idea of where we’re at, this chapter is the three part finale of this first part of Dissent Into Madness. The fic is divided into three parts, so it’s nearly one third done! Can you believe it? I’m still taking it in.
    In addition to this, I’ve gone back and re-edited the first chapter. Nothing has changed story wise, but the prose is a lot better. I have plans to do more re-edits, which I go into further detail in the author’s notes of the first chapter.

    Shoutouts to Zee102, DoomHuntley, and double shoutout to DaGamestar for both helping me and getting a DIM trivia question right.

    Anyways, as usual, thank you all so much! It really does mean the world to me so many of you have stuck by me all these months! Comments, questions, and feedback are always appreciated!

    See you soon!


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