The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Wow, Andrew. You sure are a bright one.

    “Fellow Pokemon. For years we have worked alongside the city of Grandeport to bring about an era of unparalleled peace from dungeons which would have seemed impossible just decades ago,” the echoes of a deep voice proclaimed. “Each and every one of you has put your all into this guild, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. But, all good things must come to an end. Let us have a moment of silence for the loss of our great institution.” 

    Andrew rolled his eyes. ‘The loss of our great institution?’ Give me a fucking break, we’re not actually shutting it down… yet. Of all the places I could be, I have to be here listening to this idiot drone on for another fifteen hours?

    Marcus Blazkien stood on a raised wooden platform outside the massive entrance of the Grandeport Guild. Like the castle, the guild’s headquarters entrance was dominated by two massive doors. One was cracked open, allowing for the occasional member to slip inside throughout the speech.

    The area was surprisingly dense with foliage for its location. Leafless branches swayed in the frigid winds as the sounds of crashing waves echoed in the distance.

    The Blaziken cleared his throat. “I believe that shall suffice. I’ve watched so many of you grow into amazing Pokemon. Even if I couldn’t quite remember all of your names-”

    A small bout of contained laughter erupted from the guild members in the audience. They were mostly gathered around the platform, forming a protective blockade from the dozens of police standing near Andrew. The guild members standing outside outnumbered the police two to one. 

    Andrew clasped tugged at his bowtie and rubbed his fingers against its soft fabric. This better not turn ugly. I can’t die a month into my presidency!

    “My final words to you are, you’ve heard it before, but stay brave. We are entering a new era here in Grandeport. One of new ideas, leadership, and dare I say, tyranny?” The Blaziken narrowed his eyes, locking them onto Andrew.

    Andrew grinned, responding with a wink.

    Marcus continued to glare at Andrew as he pulled out a piece of paper. He scanned it over, eyes bobbing up and down before he let out a deep sigh. The hope in the eyes of the Pokemon closest to the guild master drained each passing moment. Andrew watched the head of a Wooloo a few feet in front slump, the sheep losing whatever vigor the guild had instilled in them.

    “Under the authority of the… uh,” the Blazkien tilted his head. “‘Democratic Republic of Grandeport…’ I hereby relinquish control of the Grandeport Guild to the people, to the government, and resign from my position as guild master.”

    A collective sound somewhere between, a wail, a whine, and a sigh came from the crowd. The Marshtomp bit his lip, barely able to hold back a smile. Probably best I look somewhat in solidarity with them.

    A Nidoqueen officer with a bandana eloquently tied to her tail pointed at the entrance. The mass of police began moving toward the doors. Andrew awkwardly shuffled into the line, occasionally bumping against rough or furry backs.

    The guild members did not all part. Some of them moved out of the way, possibly out of fear, defeat, apathy, or some sort of hidden admiration. 

    But most did not.

    Regardless, the police marched forward. An Oddish was bulldozed by the Nidoqueen as she broke inside without much trouble. The scene was a pushing match between them and the other Pokemon. It took less than a minute for most to push through or find some other opening.

    Some matches even turned violent, a Samurott guild member and Quagsire officer began to exchange blows. 

    Andrew diverted his attention back to Marcus. Like him, the Blazkien seemed to act as a mere spectator. Even as the institution which he had worked hard to build, or so he claimed, was taken before his very eyes.

    Neither of them built up the courage to say anything. Insults like bird brain and fried chicken found their way into Andrew’s mind. He opened his mouth, trying to find something appropriate to say. C’mon, show him who’s boss. Make him know how powerful you truly are! 

    As he looked at Marcus, the Blaizken’s face said far more than words ever could. The Marshtomp saw a resigned man, a Pokemon defeated. Deep bags had formed under his vibrant yellow eyes, and his long white mane had become a tangled mess. His face, a deep scowl, was twisted by sheer anger.

    It was the face of a man who had to watch everything fall apart and could do nothing about it. Like that of a child after being ripped away from his mother, or a father after being ripped away from his child. 

    Andrew broke out of the trance. He looked back at the guild Pokemon, who seemed to have calmed down, clearing a path into the castle. 

    Not like that idiot tried to call off his people! Sure, could’ve been worse. But what if things got messy? Who’s fault would that be? Violence, Markus Blazkien, now what does that say about you as a person?

    Flippers held tight behind his back, he strolled into the guild’s main foyer.

    Memories flooded over him, causing him to reminisce about being led out by Jason and Ryder, then just Jason. Getting sent into the ocean without knowing what had even happened. Meeting Charlie! Everything flowed back to Andrew, his heart beating with the force of an earthquake. The world spun a little.

    It was almost nostalgic. Strange memories from a simpler time… If you count six months ago as a simpler time! Goddamnit.

    He found the police standing around, not doing much of anything. They were pacing around and opening doors. A Raboot sped down a hallway, and the regular guild members seemed more weirded out than confused or concerned.

    Suddenly, a metallic clopping noise sounded from behind Andrew. He craned his head back to see a familiar, shiny golden face. 

    “Hello, Andrew,” Everett said. A bandana around his neck with the typical dark green though adorned with white stars, caught Andrew’s eye.

    The Gholdengo took notice and ran his fingers along its edges. “Like it? I had it custom made for my ascent to police-chiefmanship.”

    “I never got a custom-made bandana.” 

    “Well, some of us are more than just nepotism hiiires,” he sang, gracefully walking past Andrew.

    The Marshtomp squinted. “Are you serious? I’m your boss! You don’t get to talk to me that way.”

    Everett crouched down so his solid yellow eyes were level with Andrew’s. “Until I receive my money, I will speak to you as I like.”

    Andrew muttered under his breath and turned away, but refrained from escalating the situation any further.

    The Gholdengo clapped twice. The police turned their gazes to meet their chief’s with no talkback, no resistance of any kind. Andrew’s blood boiled, though Everett took no notice of the fact.

    “Now, everyone. Let’s begin moving out the counterfeit cash! We wouldn’t want any fake money polluting our streets, would we?”

    He began directing Pokemon through corridors and rooms. Pointing, yelling, motioning, doing whatever he could to get ahead of the chaos. Andrew twisted his head as the Gholdengo clopped across every corner of the hall’s shiny marble floors. 

    Police began exiting the building carrying brown crates. Some were the size of an apple, others had to be carried by three Pokemon.

    That’s all money? Andrew wondered as he gawked enviously. That’s a lot of money…

    “I’d say this is going pretty well,” Charlie remarked, materializing behind him.

    He blinked in surprise before shaking his head. “Oh, you’re here? Yep. Going great.”

    “Something is bothering you.”

    The Marshtomp’s brow lowered. “I am perfectly fine. Just standing here waiting for this to be done so I can go home.”

    “No, no. I know that tone, Andrew. Something or someone, probably someone, is bothering you. Who did it? Give me the good stuff!” Charlie excitedly asked, tail swaying from side to side.

    “Everett,” he murmured.

    The Raichu cupped his ear. “What was that?”

    “Everett!” Andrew shouted. 

    “Yes!?” The Gholdengo yelled from down the hallway. “Yes? Is something the matter, Andrew?”

    “No! Shut up you over-polished modern art piece!” The Marshtomp yelled back.

    Charlie laughed and waved his paw in the air. “Never gets old!”

    It already feels old to me, his thoughts groaned.

    “Walk with me, Andrew. You can reveal all of your secrets where we’re going.” Charlie swerved suddenly to the right, beginning to travel down an ornate corridor. The Marshtomp jogged to catch up with his colleague.

    He immediately noticed how much nicer this was compared to Grandeport Castle. Like in the main lobby, the floors were made of sleek marble. They were cool to the touch and in pristine condition, much better than the castle’s creaky wooden floors, which wailed as though in constant pain.

    Aside from that, the hallway had a crucial difference compared to Grandeport Castle’s. The wall to Andrew’s left had something he had not seen in a hallway since arriving in the Pokemon world… huge, rectangular windows! His eyes shimmered as he and Charlie strolled down the naturally lit hallway. 

    “He’d never admit it, but Mirage always envied this building,” the Raichu stated as he pointed at the glass. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always appreciate our castle’s historic charm, but this modern architecture does wonders for the mood of the place.”

    “Modern architecture? This is still medieval by my standards,” the Marshtomp said with a snort.

    Charlie shrugged. “Different times I suppose.”

    “By the way, about Mirage.”

    “…What about him?” Charlie hissed as they began to approach a door at the end of the hall.

    Andrew smiled awkwardly. “Yesterday that Ampharos mentioned that you were his son, and like, that makes things a lot more complex. I guess it makes sense in hindsight, but I still have a few hundred questions-”

    A mild shock shot through his back, making him let out a shrill cry. The Marshtomp glared at Charlie, but the Raichu wouldn’t look at him.

    “We’re here,” he stated bluntly, opening a door with a silver handle decorated with a strange design of weaving protruding lines.

    They stepped inside a room that looked straight out of Grandeport Castle. Gone were the painted walls and bright windows, replaced by a dark stone interior. They were reminiscent of the corridor Andrew had been interrogated in months ago. 

    The room was only a few hundred feet in area, which made it seem quite large compared to Andrew. Golden coins were scattered across the floor along with shiny chunks of multicolored gems.

    I guess this is what Everett meant by “Counterfeit.”

    Standing in the middle of it was none other than Ariana Ampharos. She tossed a shiny, dark blue rock up and down with only one arm. She turned to Andrew, and a warm smile spread across her yellow face.

    “Ah, you again! We have business to discuss,” she said as she dropped the gem. It tumbled down a small mound of coins until friction stopped it before Andrew’s foot. He picked the rock up and examined it.

    She hummed. “A sapphire. Haven’t seen one that large before! Can you imagine how much I could sell it for? Or maybe I should put it on display at my guild’s museum.”

    “That gem will be going straight to the government,” Charlie countered, snatching it from the Marshtomp.

    Ariana waved at the door as Charlie glared at her. “Would you mind leaving us, Pichu-Pie? We have very important matters to discuss.” 

    “Be careful,” He grunted to Andrew before stomping out of the dark chamber.

    This is not suspicious whatsoever. Yep, I’m alone in a dark room with somebody who wants something from me. Guess it’s time to die, for real now.

    The Ampharos began to pace around him. hopping on and over piles of coins and gems. 

    Interrogation, conditioning, hypnotism? 

    “Andrew Marshtomp,” She began, stopping to examine him for a moment before continuing to pace. “You are quite the odd creature. Even for this city, something about you stands out!”

    He side-eyed her. “I value uniqueness. What of it?”

    “Oh, it’s nothing, really. It’s not often we have a leadership change. It’s the first in my thirty-six years of life. I hear they’re a big occasion. Fireworks, dancing, cheering. The whole country throws a giant party!” She explained before leaping over to Andrew, sticking her snout inches from his face.

    “…Where was your giant party?”

    He shook away a feeling of dizziness from watching the Ampharos circle him. “The hell are you talking about? Get to the point, I don’t have all day.”

    “Aww, you’re no fun,” She teased. “But, you have a point. I am quite busy myself! Follow me.”

    Ariana skipped over to the door and held it open for Andrew. She bowed mockingly as they exited the strange chamber.

    The Amphraos led him two doors down and into a new room. It was a stark contrast to the other one and more in line with the rest of the castle. Its baby blue walls with a cool gray floor made for a surprisingly minimalist space.

    A desk and chair were pushed up against the back wall, occupied by a Flaafy. She tapped her arm against the wood of the desk before craning her head back to look at her visitors.

    Ariana grabbed his arm flipper and dragged him to the Flaafy. “Andrew, this is Chloe.”

    She grabbed Chloe’s arm and placed it into Andrew’s. Holding both of them together as she forcibly emulated a handshake between the two. “And Chloe, this is Andrew.”

    “Yeah Mom, I knew that,” the Flaafy deadpanned.

    The two Pokemon quickly pulled away from each other, with Andrew softly grumbling. Chloe wiped her arm against the desk immediately after touching him.

    Ariana’s lips curled into a forced smile. “Now, you two best get acquainted now. You’ll be working together quite a bit from now on.”

    “We will?” Chloe questioned, her jaw dropping in awe and concern.

    Andrew began walking back toward the door. “I have a job, and no time for whatever this is. And if it’s what I think it is, I’d rather you have your people march on Grandeport Castle! The answer is no!”

    “Oh, but I don’t think you know what it is.”

    The Marshtomp stopped, groaning as he turned back around. “What do you want?”

    “Chloe has worked at the Grandeport Guild for a couple years now. It pays far more than I could ever afford to give her! But… with these new policies, you and your power-hungry overlords eating up the guilds. I think it’s time that she takes a step up the ladder,” Ariana explained before putting an arm on Chloe’s back and pushing her forward. As the Flaafy skidded to a halt, she looked away.

    Her mother smiled. “Is there something you’d like to ask the Marshtomp, dear?”

    “CanIhaveajobpleaseactuallyrejectedmearceusplease,” she murmured.

    “What?” Andrew asked as he cocked his head to the side.

    She took a deep breath, before locking eyes with him. “Could I please have a job in your new government? Could I be… a minister?”

    “A what now?”

    Chloe raised a brow. “A minister.”

    “You think I’m running some sort of church?” He snapped, throwing out his flippers.

    Ariana rolled her eyes. “Yeesh, I thought people were joking. Please tell me you aren’t actually nuts.”

    “Shut up, I know what a minister is.” In this context. 

    Ariana exchanged a glance with Chloe. She gave a nervous laugh, and her face showed the first drop in confidence Andrew had observed from her. “Not exactly an answer to my question, but close enough. Now then, I don’t care what you make Chloe a part of. Finance, foreign relations, defense, it’s all the same to me. As long as she’s getting paid more than anyone would know what to do with.”

    Andrew tapped a finger against his cheek, his eyes drifting upward. The hell? Do you think I have that kind of authority? Lock Pichu Pie up and interrogate him, not me! 

    “Um, what can Chloe do?”

    “Whatever you want her to!” Ariana patted the Flaafy’s wooly head, causing her to wince.

    I admit I’ve been a part of some not-so-savory things. But at least it wasn’t my decision, Mirage’s death was not my responsibility or fault. I owe nobody anything because of it.

    He inspected Chloe’s face. She tapped her foot anxiously, and her nerves pushed her face into a frown. She could barely maintain eye contact.

    This just feels wrong. But would saying no to her really help the situation? Of course not. These backward guild masters are plotting against me with their own children! But no… I can liberate this Flaafy from her mother’s oppression like how I saved Grandeport from Mirage’s! And this time, I’ll call the shots.

    “So then, Chloe. What are you good at?”

    “U-Uh, I’m a, um,” she stuttered. “I’m a good fighter. You could make me like, Minister of Fighting?” 

    Andrew stared at the ground. “To be honest, I don’t know too much about the ministers and government people anyway. I’ll make you a deal. You and your mom let me leave, and I’ll find some fancy minister job for you soon.”

    “No deal,” Ariana humphed. “No IOUs, no buts. She is getting a job now.

    The Marshtomp stamped his foot. “I don’t have a job for her! You think I can just make shit appear out of thin air? I’m not magic, lady. And why the hell am I letting you boss me around? I’m the president! I could have your guild shut down by dinner, and your head on a pike by dessert!” 

    Probably can’t, really. Ah, who cares! She doesn’t need to know that.

    Ariana and Chloe went silent. 

    Andrew smiled.

    “That escalated quickly,” the Flaafy murmured, her eyes wide.

    Ariana crossed her arms. “Bit much, wouldn’t you say?”

    Seizing the opportunity, Andrew swiftly walked over to the door. He swung it open as the two other Pokemon watched in awe and confusion.

    “I’ll get back to you with your job within the next few weeks!” he called back sternly before exiting the room, not to be seen again by the pair.

    “Goddamn stupid Pokemon think I’m their plaything?” Andrew murmured to himself. “ I showed them, didn’t I?” He couldn’t help but laugh. Head on a pike by dessert? That’s a keeper. Wish I had a pen somewhere…

    The Marshtomp walked through the foyer, where the commotion seemed to have died down, though the space was now occupied primarily by guild Pokemon. 

    Stupid guild Pokemon. 

    He walked aimlessly toward the exit, still taking in the magnificent architecture of the structure when-

    “Ah! The fuck?”

    He bumped into one of the Pokemon, his eyes shutting as he groaned.

    “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” The guild member shouted. “Oh, it’s just you.”

    That voice… I know that voice.

    Andrew opened his eyes to see Jason. The Espeon looked exhausted his fur ruffled and purple eyes dim and cloudy.

    “Hi Jason, I am leaving. Please get out of my way,” the Marshtomp uttered before swerving around him. He took three more steps only for a lavender wall to appear out of thin air and block his path. With a groan, he reluctantly turned to face his former friend. 

    Jason shook his head. “Actually, Andrew, I’d like to talk for a moment.”

    “I wouldn’t.”

    He grimaced. “I’m not giving you a choice.”

    Andrew threw his head back and moaned. “I’m the president, I can make my own decisions! I want to go home, so let me go home.”

    “I’m not your mother,” Jason chuckled, his ears drooping.

    He rolled his eyes. “My mother would have let me leave.”

    They stood in an awkward silence for a grueling moment. Only the quiet chatter of other Pokemon interrupted the small, muted void between them. The Espeon stared at Andrew, and he stared at the Espeon. A Minccino attempted to exit the building, only to walk face-first with a grunt into Jason’s wall.

    “What the?” They murmured before scampering away.

    The Espeon’s tail swayed as his lips curled into a clenched grin. “Are you going to say something, or are we going to keep standing here?”

    “We’ll just keep standing here until you let me leave,” Andrew scoffed, turning away.

    “Andrew, please, let’s talk,” Jason sighed, his expression dropping. “I didn’t expect you to actually take the guild over. I thought you were just saying things. But, here we are. Standing on property of Grandeport’s government.”

    “Do I detect a hint of joy in your voice? Might the almighty, new and improved Jason finally be coming around to me?” The Marshtomp asked. His tail fins twitched as he faced the Espeon again with a smirk. 

    “No, not at all. I’m fascinated. Impressed, actually. Clearly, you don’t understand the implications of this. Though even I’ll admit there is something admirable about it.”

    “Admirable about it!?” Whined another high, familiar voice.

    Ryder poofed into existence with a cloud of smoke next to Jason, ferociously glaring at Andrew like a wolf about to devour its prey. “What about this kid’s bullshit is admirable?”

    “You know what I mean, Ryder,” the Espeon said, rolling his eyes.

    The Zorua began shaking. His red-tipped paw shot out at the Marshtomp, who held up his flippers and took a step back. 

    “Now then, I know some of us have trouble controlling our emotions. However, it’s important that we keep control of ourselves, even when we’re very angry.”

    “YOU’VE RUINED MY LIFE!” Ryder shouted at the top of his lungs, for the whole world to hear.

    Every Pokemon in the room stopped what they were doing. They all stared at the three, each with a look of surprise, apathy, or worry.


    Andrew smiled. “Oh me oh my, Ryder. I am so, sooo sorry to hear that! What could a poor creature like you have ever done to deserve such a thing?”

    “Andrew,” Jason hissed in warning.

    “What a pathetic loser. Look where my hard work has gotten me! After months of fighting and tact never before seen from a Pokemon, I’m at the top. For the first time in my life, I’m at the top! And look at you, Ryder, what have you gained? You’re right where you started!”

    He reached out with his arm, sticking out a stubby finger. And with a quick motion, Andrew tapped the tip of the Zorua’s snout. He winced and reeled back in surprise. He glared into Andrew’s eyes, his own wild and furious. An aura of anger emanated from him, thick like fog in the air 


    It happened in an instant.

    Andrew blinked as a sharp pain shot through his cheek. He brought his flipper up to rub the injury to dull the sudden ache.

    “Ack! The fuck!”

    Did he just…?

    The Marshtomp’s eyes fell on the Zorua, able only to stare blankly at him.

    Did he just hit me?

    Jason’s magic wall fell. Andrew looked toward the grand exit. The trees peacefully swayed in the wind, waving as though gesturing for him to leave.

    “Heh. Heheheheh!” Ryder chuckled.

    The Espeon bore a worried look. “Andrew? You okay?”

    He did not respond, still staring at Ryder.


    A series of chuckles escaped the Marshtomp’s lips.

    Ryder’s mouth arched upward into an awkward, uncertain smile. His eyes darted back and forth between Jason and Andrew.

    The Marshtomp’s chuckles became a fit of loud, echoing laughter, which he was unable to stop even as a look of confusion spread across the rescuers’ faces. He clasped at his left gill, only to send another wave of pain through his head.

    But the laughter only grew louder and louder, becoming its own cacophony. Andrew was barely able to prevent himself from falling to the marble floor from the sheer force produced by his joyous howling. 

    Joyus laughs, that’s what they were! It did not matter that the pain had since faded, nor that the crowd of both police and guild Pokemon had gathered to watch the manic scene unfold before their eyes.

    No. Andrew was laughing his heart out, and nobody was going to stop him. 

    “Jason, maybe we should leave?” Ryder whispered, a twinge of panic in his voice.

    “Hahaha- Hwhat?” He managed through his cackling fit. “No, don’t go!” 

    Ryder broke into a sprint, and Jason trotted behind. Finally able to silence himself, Andrew used all his strength to inhale in preparation for a yell. “Guards! Hic-stop that Zorua!” 

    Two Bisharps ran out from the crowd, with one of them quickly reaching Jason and surpassing him. Ryder was running as fast as he could, but the other Bisharp dove onto him right before he could get through the door.

    The shrill sound of metal clanging against the floor resounded as the guard toppled Ryder to the ground. He wrapped his muscular arms around Ryder’s front legs before standing up and marching the fox back to Andrew.

    “No! Stop! Let me go!” The Zorua hollered. He went invisible, illuminated his body, and threw his voice to yell in all directions, attempting to break free. It was of no use, as the other Bisharp resumed their position in front of the crowd.

    Ryder mouthed ‘Help me’ to Jason, who watched in shock. He tried to approach, only to be stopped by the empty-handed guard.

    Andrew slowly walked toward the Zorua, looking up at the captured creature suspended a foot above him. 

    “Honestly, I’m surprised. I knew you were always a bit stupid, but hic-hitting me? The President of Grandeport? What did you think was going to happen? Witnesses galore, my guards surrounding you! It’s practically a dream come hic-true.”

    “Shut. Up,” Ryder spat. 

    The Marshtomp tapped the side of his head. “No, I don’t think I will. I enjoy talking with you, it helps me get my stress out.”

    “Let me go!”

    “I was hic-thinking I could keep you somewhere else. Perhaps prison? You did just attack me.” Andrew stated with a mocking, nonchalant tone. 

    “You’re a fraud!” The Zorua cried as he jerked forward. “You killed the king! I’m not a criminal, I’ve spent my entire damn life rescuing people! But then you came, and you had to ruin everything! But fine, take me away. At least I’ll get to see my mom.”

    The crowd let out a soft “Ooh.” 

    Andrew grumbled, crossing his flippers. “Yeah, yeah, real tragic. But you’ve attacked me on several occasions. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I don’t know where the closest prison is, but guards, take him-”

    “Stop!” Jason interrupted.

    All eyes turned to the Espeon.

    “Man,” Andrew groaned. “Your partner hit me, so I have to show him discipline. Is that so wrong?”

    “You were asking for it,” He hissed back before swiftly leaping over to Andrew. He bared his teeth, showing his sharp canines.

    The Marshtomp waved his flippers at the crowd. “I am the president. You can’t just attack the president, right guys?” 

    Nobody spoke up.

    “Ugh, you people are the worst!” 

    “Andrew! You are trying to arrest my best friend,” Jason sneered as he lay a paw on his shoulder. 

    He stepped back, causing the Espeon’s leg to fall back to the ground. “I’m not trying to arrest Ryder, I am arresting him because he hit me and that’s very mean! And playing the ‘best friend’ card? That’s a bit much, don’t you think?”

    He turned to the Bisharps and pointed toward the exit. “Take him away, boys!”

    They began marching out of the castle, the crowd inching along with them so as not to lose sight of the spectacle. Andrew stood proud, grinning smugly as the guards descended a stairwell leading to the soft earth and forests outside. 

    “After all I’ve done for you since coming to this world, this is how you repay me?” Jason asked under his breath, his eyes to the floor, unable to look the Marshtomp in the eye.

    Andrew curled his fingers into a fist. “You have done nothing for me.”

    “Who let you get off easy after you shoplifted? Whocalmed you down after Thomas kissed you?” 

    Andrew grabbed Jason’s front leg and squeezed it tightly. “Don’t say that out loud!” He whispered.

    “What? Why not?” Jason asked, cocking his head to the side. “Are you still ashamed of it?”

    “Stop it!” He whispered again, sharply.

    The Espeon stopped for a second before smiling. “No, I don’t think I will. In fact, I am going to be quite vocal about Thomas Servine, a reporter for the Grandeport Gazette, kissing the President of Grandeport. Unless… you let Ryder go.”

    Goddamnit goddamnit goddamnit goddamnit goddamnit goddamnit. 

    “Fuck you,” Andrew spat as he elbowed Jason in the shoulder. He let out a soft grunt before cupping his mouth and turning to the Bisharps. “Bring back the Zorua! Immediately!” 

    The two guards were back in an instant.

    Surprisingly fast for guys made out of metal. 

    “Drop him!” Andrew ordered.

    They obeyed, and Ryder fell to the ground. He got up, shook himself like a wet dog, and ran back to Jason. His initial look of confusion turned to a joyous smile as he noticed Andrew’s deep scowl.

    The fox stuck his tongue out at him.

    “Because I am soo nice, I’ve decided to give this poor, intellectually lacking Zorua a second chance. I sure hope he doesn’t waste it,” Andrew announced insincerely to the room as his left eye twitched. “Now all of you, go away! Nothing to see here.”

    The crowd remained still for a second until the Bisharps began marching into the room’s center.

    The crowd dispersed in an instant.

    After a minute, only Jason, Ryder, and Andrew were left in the shell of a once glorious institution. 

    “Well, Andrew, I suppose you won’t be bothering us anymore?” Jason said with a laugh “Oh, how relieving it is to know everyone is okay.”

    The Marshtomp avoided eye contact. “I hope you’re happy. But when you need my help, which you inevitably will, don’t be surprised when I laugh in your face. I seriously am merciful for not throwing you both in dungeons to rot.”

    And with that, he turned his back to the duo and stormed out of the palace. 

    The trees did not wave to him, nor did the waves ripple and lurch to offer him comfort. It seemed as if the whole world was against Andrew.

    Before he could exit the Grandeport Guild’s premises, the faint sound of Ryder’s mocking, high- pitched voice echoed out in the distance.


    Another chapter gone by, and more chaos commences. I know I said this about the last chapter, but this is also another chapter which I’ve had planned out in some capacity for a while now, and am thrilled to finally share with the world!

    Usual thanks to DaGamestar, Zee102, and DoomHuntley for making this possible. Still don’t know what I’d do without you guys.

    And finally, feel free to comment, question, give feedback, or anything in between! Until next time!


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