The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Don’t worry Andrew! It’s okay to be short!

    “And then he got all mad at me! I didn’t do anything wrong! Something something or whatever about how I was making the police look bad.” Andrew yelled, waving his flippers around like a maniac.

    Thomas placed a vine on his shoulder. “I’m really sorry he did that to you. You don’t deserve to be lectured.” 

    “I figured you’d say that.” Andrew sighed and picked up a berry. “At least it’s Sunday. You got any plans for today?”

    “No. Still trying to find something to write about for next week’s paper.” Thomas hopped off his chair and brought his plate to the sink. 

    What do Pokemon even do in their free time? Battle or something?

    The early morning light warmed Andrew’s skin. He reached for his glass and downed all the water in one gulp, prompting a laugh from the Servine. 

    “I can take that when you’re done, Andrew.”

    He wiped his face, moistening his skin with the cool liquid. “Don’t worry, I can wash it myself.”

    “It’s not a big deal, just let me do it.”

    “Thomas please, I can do it.” Andrew clenched the cup tighter within his grasp.

    “You’d be doing me a favor.” Thomas reached a vine over and curled it around the glass. “Just let me take it!”

    “No!” Andrew barked while pulling it closer toward him. 

    Thomas’ vine constricted further, attempting to pull the glass as a scowl came across his face. “I can do it! Stop being such a pain in the tail!”

    “I don’t have a tail!”

    “You have two!” 

    “Oh, right.” Andrew released his grip. The glass jumped up and began hurling toward Thomas, barely missing his snout before smashing into a wall. Glass shards shot in every direction. Andrew’s flippers quickly moved to shield his head.

    “Crap.” Thomas stood motionless with his vine stretched out across the floor. Small drops of red trickled from his face and dripped onto the ground. 

    Oh no! What have I done?

    Andrew slowly made his way over, eyes focused on the glass-ridden floor. Air refused to enter his lungs as his whole body trembled. “Thomas, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

    “No, no, it’s my fault.” He sighed, looking up at Andrew. Two gashes sat bleeding just above his eyes. Streams of blood making small rivers on his face.

    Andrew refused to return the Servine’s eye contact. Every heartbeat seemed to pulse through his entire torso. “T-Thomas, there’s something I forgot to mention.”


    He slowly brought his head up, looking into Thomas’ large, round eyes. “Please don’t be mad, but that house from yesterday is going to be mine soon.”

    “Andrew, you don’t have that kind of money.” Thomas chuckled, returning his usual warm grin.

    “They’re giving it to me, and I want to move in. I appreciate what you’ve done, but I can’t live here forever.”

    “Why not?” Thomas pleaded. “What we’re doing that helps both of us! You could sell that house and become a millionaire! Why not do that?”

    Andrew threw his head back. “I can’t rely on you forever! If I can’t sustain myself, then what good am I?”

    “No, Andrew! It doesn’t matter whether or not you have the money to live on your own. You’ll always have worth under my roof.” Thomas reached his vine from the ground and began wrapping it around Andrew, reeling him in close enough to wrap his tail around the Marshtomp as well.

    Andrew cleared his throat. “Thomas, look… I don’t really know how to say this. But y-you’re… the best friend I’ve ever had.”

    “I know.” Thomas released his grip, though Andrew only used this as an opportunity to throw his flippers around him.

    He continued, “But I have to do this. I’ll visit you as much as I can, definitely at least once a week.”

    “But Andrew! Look I’m sure… C’mon… Like…” Thomas murmured, “I understand,”

    Andrew’s flippers lowered back to his sides. “So, now what?”

    “If you’re moving out, you should at least pay by helping me clean up.” Thomas walked over to a drawer and pulled out a pair of dustpans and brushes. He held them up with a wide smile.


    Andrew grabbed the dustpan and kneeled over. “This sucks almost as much as work.”

    “You don’t like being chief?”

    Standing up, he tilted the dustpan into a trash bin. “Not really, I don’t do anything. Even if I did, I’ve never had much of an interest in policing.”

    “That sucks.” Thomas spilled some more cup remnants into the garbage. “If I were king, I’d make sure you had something fun to do.”

    “I wish you were. This place needs some democracy.” Andrew got back down, running his flipper across the cool tiles of Thomas’ kitchen in search of any glass. 

    Thomas tilted his head. “Democracy? What’s that?”

    “What do you mean? You’ve never heard of democracy? How is that even possible? If you ask me, it’s what this god-forsaken country needs. Imagine not having to deal with that punchable Ninetails? How great would that be? ” Andrew yelled, standing back up.   

    “Sorry Andrew, but I’ve never heard of democracy.”

    He raised a finger “Well, it’s pretty simple. Everyone casts a vote, and whoever gets the most votes becomes the leader. It’d do wonders around here.”

    “That’s interesting. Is that how they chose the king where you’re from?” Thomas inquired, tilting his head. 

    He leaned back. “Yeah… That’s how they do it. Though, we don’t call them kings. And they only get to be in charge for a certain period of time.”


    “Yes?” The Marshtomp asked as he crossed his arms.

    Thomas picked up his notebook and pencil. “I think you’ve just found me something to write about.”

    Andrew yawned, creating the only sound he could hear in the otherwise silent castle. Afternoon sunlight flowed from the window behind him. He had little choice but to hold up a flipper to retain his vision. These people couldn’t bother to give me some curtains? Mirage is probably trying to kill me with the sun or some crap.

    Below his fingers sat a paper with the words, Classified Document. Stamped proudly in thick, dark ink. Below sat columns upon columns of letters. He lowered his pencil against the page and circled the word Totodile. Pushing it aside, he breathed a sigh of relief.

    “Finally!” Honestly, these classified word searches are getting a bit stale.

    The Marshtomp leaned upright in his seat to face the door. His left tail-fin twitched as the desire for water made itself known. Already? I’ve barely used my feet today! Eyeing an empty glass, Andrew let out an audible groan. He got up from his seat and trotted toward the office’s exit. But before his fingers could clasp the cool metal handle, the door burst open.

    The wood connecting with his face was an unpleasant sensation but by no means a foreign one. Pain shot right through Andrew’s head and into his vibrant orange gills. His flippers curled into fists not long after.

    “Hey! Watch it, idiot!”

    A nasally voice replied back. “My apologies, Mister Marshtomp. I have the coffee you ordered.”

    “Coffee?” Andrew’s face contorted into a grimace. An Inteleon stood towering over him, a mug with steam coming out in hand.” This world has coffee now? Okay then.

    “I didn’t order any coffee. Can you go?” He attempted to push past the Inteleton, but the Pokemon was quick to grab his flipper.

    “Let go of me! Have you ever heard of personal space?” The Inteleon simply grinned. He began tilting the mug ever so slightly in Andrew’s direction.

    “What are you doing?”

    His smile only grew as the mug continued to list.

    “No! I am not doing this!” Andrew yanked his flipper out of the Inteleon’s grasp and stormed forward. 

    Suddenly, the Marshtomp’s eyes went wide. A burning sensation seared against the smooth blue of his back. Moving was no longer an option. His skin felt like it was on fire, like it was being melted right off his bones. 

    No, I have to keep…

    He fell to his knees, his flippers being the last remaining support as they pressed into the ground. 

    Acid! Acid! Was the only thought that was still able to play in his mind. The pain had spread, trickling down tp his legs and stomach. Andrew’s eyes squeezed shut, his entire body must have been melting.

    “Heh. Poor little Marshy can’t handle some steam?” The Inteleon smirked, bending down and firmly grabbing Andrew’s leg. The Inteleon moved with haste as he pulled the Marshtomp back into the office. The door shut softly behind them as the pain on Andrew’s back began to lessen.

    He stumbled back to his feet, only to be met with a smug grin on the Inteleon’s face. “Hey, asshole! What’s your problem? I’m the chief of police! You think that it’s okay to come in here and attack me?”

    “I’m not too worried. Word on the street is the higher ups aren’t much of a fan of you.” He spoke in the same nasally voice, which Andrew couldn’t help but feel didn’t suit the stature of a fully- grown Pokemon.

    I’ve heard that voice somewhere. I know it!

    He stomped forward. “What do you want from me?”

    The Inteleon’s eyes narrowed, his hand clenched into a fist. “You really don’t get it. Do you?” A burst of smoke shot from his body. Flying straight into Andrew’s field of vision, coating it in a smoggy gray.

    This dumbass is full of tricks. Was he sent to kill me? I’d really like to get it over with.

    Upon clearing, no longer was there an Inteleon. A familiar-looking Zorua replaced his position.

    I wasn’t aware the criminal convention was coming to my office.

    “Oh, thank god!” Andrew raised a flipper to his forehead, sarcasm dripping from his voice. “A strange mysterious Inteleon could have killed me! Luckily the forces of evil sent my favorite restaurant customer instead! Did you enjoy your drink, Ryder?”

    The Zorua rolled his eyes. “Wouldn’t it have been rude to not check up on the local crazy Pokemon? Especially since he just got out of the psych ward.”

    “Uh-huh. Your trash-talking skills are good as always. Tell me, why do I have the pleasure of you breaking into my office? You didn’t even bring your chaperone.” Andrew strolled over to his chair, leaning back and resting his feet on the desk.

    Ryder shot Andrew a piercing glare, which Andrew met and sported his own smug grin. “You don’t know why I’m here? Did you hit your head a few too many times, Andrew?”

    “I’ll have you know, I have a very sturdy skull,” The Marshtomp replied. 

    “Here we go again with your stupid arrogance!” Ryder snapped, eyes burning with contempt.

    “You know why Jason didn’t want to come here? Because you are so much of an asshole he cannot stand you. Do you understand how nuts that is? Jason is the most kind, caring, and understanding Pokemon out there. You should know that.” 

    As Ryder finished, his brow softened, though a grimace was still plastered on his snout.

    Andrew picked back up the word search, refusing to make eye contact. “I assumed Jason didn’t want to be here because I smashed a bottle over your skull. But hey, that explanation works too. To be honest, I think becoming a Pokemon fucked with Jason’s brain. The Jason I knew would have been impressed.”

    “He has similar ideas about your brain being fucked.” The Zorua spat back.

    “Well, that’s what having your brain fucked can do to a Pokemon. But the question still stands, why are you here?” He placed the page down to reveal a weary expression.

    Ryder turned away. “Do you seriously not know?”

    “No, I really don’t know. Enlighten me,” Andrew scoffed.

    “You suck Andrew. You actually suck.” He swung back around, revealing tears dripping from his eyes. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’VE TAKEN FROM ME? 

    “Chill out man!” Andrew yelled back.

    Ryder shook his head. Another cloud of smoke shot through the small room. Andrew began waving his flippers, but the plume refused to subside. 

    Hey, wait a second. I wonder if I can…

    Andrew felt his left tail move ever so slightly. It was an odd sensation, the limb was stiff. Not unlike the feeling of trying to move a leg after sitting on it. 

    Why has it taken me so long to figure this out?

    He continued to flap his tail back and forth, soon beginning to do the same with his right one. The newfound ability barely did anything to clear the smoke. Andrew got up and began to wade toward the door. Upon opening it, all of the smoke simply vanished.


    He gazed into the small connecting hallway where his office and a few others resided. There was no sign of Ryder or any other Pokemon.

    Jeez? What the hell was that? That guy seriously has some problems to work out. Almost makes me look calm.

    Charlie proudly strutted down the cobblestone road, his short orange arms swinging from side to side. A wide smile was etched on his face as his tail swung and wagged in a harmonic motion. A newspaper was nestled within the Raichu paws, the letters DEMO sticking out.

    Andrew struggled to keep up as Charlie bounced down the road. “Wh-Where are you taking me?” He panted.

    “Oh, you’ll see. I promise not to disappoint.” He suddenly stopped in his tracks, holding out the newspaper for Andrew to see. 


    The Marshtomp rolled his beady eyes. “Yeah, I know. I was the one who told Thomas what democracy was. That article wouldn’t be possible if not for yours truly.”

    Charlie’s smile only widened. “I know. In fact, just about everyone in the whole damn Kingdom of Grandeport knows. Did you read the article?”

    “No.” He groaned. “Does Thomas have more commentary on my appearance?”

    The Raichu let out a nervous laugh. “Not this time, no. It’s honestly not that much of a big deal, he just wrote that he got the idea from you.”

    “Okay, but that doesn’t explain why you are so happy all of a sudden.”

    Charlie rolled the paper back up and winked. “Don’t worry, you’ll see what’s got me all jumpy.”

    They continued their walk forward, the streets gradually getting louder and more populated. Most Pokemon seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. 

    That’s odd. Aren’t we heading toward the main square?

    Pokemon were not simply just going in the opposite direction, they were sprinting! The ground began to shake and a large blur of dark orange began to grow larger and clearer. A speeding Tauros zoomed by with a gust of wind.

    Andrew barely caught sight of a Grovyle hopping from rooftop to rooftop. Disappearing quickly as the Tauros did. I wonder if that’s George? 

    “What are you waiting for? That’s where the fun is!” Charlie exclaimed.

    Andrew straightened his new bowtie, which he had acquired shortly after donating his other to the Chikorita. “Your idea of fun scares me.” You fucking maniac. 

    “As it should. Now c’mon!” He gripped Andrew’s flipper and began running forward. They zoomed in between various Pokemon, nearly trampling a group of Torchics. 

    Upon arriving, Andrew could feel his heart drop right out of his body. Fall onto the ground, get crushed several times, and possibly explode. 

    Standing no more than fifty feet in front of him was the biggest crowd of Pokemon he had yet to see. Or at least the most packed into one area. Creatures of every shape, color, and size were all crammed into a box occupying the vast majority of the square. From it erupted noises of both shouts and cheers. Limbs reached in and out as if the group was some sort of giant creature. Andrew couldn’t tell if it was a happy or horrific occasion.

    The shopkeepers and pedestrians who were not attempting to flee looked on with awe. The feathery wing of a Decidueye pointed at the crowd, their eyes practically bulging out at the sight. The Kecleon food stand was completely hidden by a green tarp draped over the entire structure. Andrew’s blood boiled just at the sight of the familiar shop.

    “Care to explain what is happening, Charlie.” Andrew eyed him, brow raised.

    The Raichu pointed up to the sky. “See for yourself.”

    Andrew turned his gaze upward. Calmly tumbling down the sky was a white newspaper. He held out his flippers to catch it, but it instead drifted right on top of his head-fin. He snatched the newspaper and glared at it. However, it appeared identical to the one Charlie had proudly shown him only moments earlier.

    “I don’t get it.”

    Charlie slumped his head to the side. “A bunch of Pokemon who hate the king are protesting. And using the article with your name on it as a call to action. I don’t think crowds this big have shown up against him since the battle of Mount Stormus.”

    “The battle of what?” Andrew questioned.

    “That’s a history lesson for another time. Anyways, do you want to go join them?” Charlie leaned forward, making his eyes as big as he could.

    Is he trying to give me puppy dog eyes?

    Andrew scratched the back of his head. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You do realize that we both directly work for the king.”

    “Aww c’mon! It’ll be fun!” Charlie began walking toward the crowd. 

    “Charlie, where are you going?” The Raichu did not respond, his distance started to grow. “Stop it! You’re gonna get killed!”

    He turned to Andrew and smiled, before disappearing into the sea of Pokemon.


    Andrew let out one last groan while throwing his head back. He picked his legs off the ground and ran straight into the protest. The calamity on the outside was nothing compared to what Andrew’s eyes registered. It was hard to differentiate between different Pokemon. A sea of shapes and colors threatened to swallow him; something yellow on his left- a Jolteon? Braixen?- something red in front of him, but it too was absorbed by the crowd before he could recognize it. 

    The cobblestone street was gone, replaced by the crowd. The Marshtomp could hardly breath as he was compressed by the surrounding participants. Fur, scales, skin, everything brushed up against Andrew. 

    I’m going to need a very long swim after this. 

    He didn’t bother to yell for Charlie. He couldn’t make out the words of any of the Pokemon engulphing him in the cacophony of voices, how would that stupid Raichu be able to hear him?

    “HEY ANDREW! GLAD YOU MADE IT!” Charlie called.

    Andrew turned his head left and right, scanning for Charlie, but couldn’t pinpoint where he was. His eyes darted around the room again, only to stop right in front of him. Charlie was standing there, magically appearing from thin air. 

    “PRETTY FUN, ISN’T IT?” The Raichu shouted with a grin.

    Andrew’s flippers curled into fists. “No! There’s nothing fun about this!”

    “I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” 

    Aye aye, captain, Andrew though as he rolled his eyes.

    The mud fish stomped, before taking in a deep breath, filling his lungs to shout. “CAN WE PLEASE LEAVE?”

    “WHY WOULD WE DO THAT? THE REAL FUN IS BEGINNING!” Charlie replied, baring a devilish smile, before sinking back into the crowd. Allowing no time for Andrew to give the obvious answer.

    Andrew’s stomach churned and groaned loud enough for the sound to reach his ears in spite of the racket. His heartbeat pounded through his head. The more he stared at the jumbled colors around him, the more each of his limbs ached.

    I gotta get out of here. 

    A familiar voice beamed over the crowd. “Attention everyone! The Explorers Guild of Grandeport City has this area surrounded. Please disperse immediately.” Something about it was odd. The voice didn’t enter Andrew’s ears, wherever they may have been. It seemed to go directly into his mind!

    Like a psychic. Wait, psychic? That voice did sound familiar. Oh no…

    Andrew scrambled out of the crowd, pushing and ducking over the various masses of colors. It was far too loud to hear any of the insults hurled his way. Escaping the confines of the amalgamation, he took a breath of fresh air.

    Thank god.

    Scanning the perimeter, Andrew quickly noticed a ring of angry-looking Pokemon surrounding the protest. His eyes soon landed on the pair of Espeon and Zorua he had come to loathe. He locked eyes with Jason, who proceeded to shoot him an angry glare. Jason turned to Ryder and whispered before trotting toward Andrew.

    “I have this covered, take your people and leave,” Jason commanded, a stern look on his face.

    Andrew held out his flippers. “I’m not here on police business. Just admiring the crowd.”

    “How could I forget? The article which started this mess is attributed to you! Why wouldn’t it be?”

    He smiled. “I’m a Pokemon of many ideas.”

    “What were you thinking? They’re protesting against your boss!” Jason yelled, stomping on Andrew’s foot.

    “I don’t like my boss. Personally, I think he’s gone senile.” Andrew laughed. “Pokemon democracy would be pretty funny.”

    Jason’s jaw dropped, sharp canines on full display. “Are you crazy? Andrew, I don’t know how much you know about this world. But, this city has stability. And you want to jeopardize that because you think it would be funny?”

    “I wasn’t aware little Espeon here hates democracy.” Andrew mocked.

    “I don’t…” He trailed off. “Augh! Who are you calling little? You’re barely two feet tall!”

    Andrew pointed a finger in Jason’s face. “How dare you! I’ll have you know, I’m at least three feet tall!”

    “No, you’re only a bit above two feet.” The Espeon loomed over him. Andrew puffed out his chest and stood as tall as he could.

    Jason rolled his eyes. “I’m under orders to shut this down. I advise you to leave this one to the experts. Trouble seems to have a way of finding you, or the other way around.”

    “Are you implying that I’m not an expert? Do I have to remind you that I’m the damn chief of police? I could have you in prison before you even know what happened!” Andrew yelled, lurching forward.

    Jason turned around and began to trot back toward Ryder. “I’d love to know how you of all people became police chief, but I have a job to do. Go back to wherever you came from and do… whatever it is you do. Ryder told me you were a fan of word searches.”

    Andrew crossed his flippers as the Espeon took position next to the Zorua. Ryder turned to Andrew and stuck his tongue out, he simply narrowed his eyes in response.

    Now then, where the hell is Charlie? 

    Continuing to stare at the crowd was of little use. Jason called out, “Move in!” And the ring of guild Pokemon inched closer. Andrew gulped, his fingers feeling more slippery than usual.

    Charlie! Now would be a really great time to come out! I’d prefer not to end back up in a shitty guild prison! Charlie? Are you coming out now? Charlie? Come out! GetthehelloutcharlieorIsweartogodIwillpersonallyripouteveryboneinyourstupidorangebodyjusttoprovemygoddamnpointyoustupidraichuwhydoyouhavetobelikethis?

    A wide grin spanning gill to gill overtook Andrew’s face, his fingers curling into tight fists. His flippers trembled. Charlie! We need to leave!

    “Hey, you! Outta my way! Can’t you see there’s a situation?” 

    Andrew slowly turned around, only to be met with a disgruntled Mienshao. Her eyes broadened upon catching a glimpse of his uncanny grin.

    “I’m the chief of police!” He yelled. “You don’t tell me what to do! Yeah! I tell you what to do! Go find me a Raichu in that mess of Pokemon!”

    She shook her head. “I don’t get paid enough to deal with this shit.”

    “You’d get paid far more if you joined the police.” Andrew retorted.

    Tilting her head, the Mienshao questioned, “I do remember the new chief of police being a Marshtomp. Are you seriously chief?”

    “The one and only.”

    “Hey Jason, is this guy actually the police chief?” She shouted. 

    The Espeon hollered back. “He doesn’t have jurisdiction over this! Don’t listen to any orders he gives!”

    The Mienshao smiled. “You heard the boss. Outta my way little Marshtomp.”

    “Who are you calling little? I’m well over three feet tall!” He pointed a finger up at her, unable to reach her face.

    “Yeah right.” The Mienshao bulldozed past him and joined up with the rest of the guild members. The circle was now only about ten feet away from the crowd, which had only grown in volume. A fireball and jet of water shot up from inside of it. Quickly followed by a loud screeching. Ryder turned to Jason and exchanged a nod. The Espeon took a step back before leaping and yelling.


    The entire ring of Pokemon sped right into protest. Purple clouds, flying leaves, lightning, icicles, water, fire, and even a boulder erupted from the hulking mass of Pokemon. Jason’s call still echoed through the main square as Pokemon were sent flying in every direction. A Jigglypuff landed right beside Andrew, quickly hopping up and skidding back into the battle.

    The shouts and cries had grown to their highest levels yet. It was so loud that the guild prison’s ambiance felt relaxing in comparison. Andrew dashed to the side as three Venusaurs stampeded straight through where he had been standing. A Toucannon and Unfezant began to circle the area from the sky. He swore that the Toucannon looked directly at him.

    Despite the chaos and the tightness of the crowd beginning to ease, there was still no sign of Charlie. Each slimmer of orange that caught his eye seemed to disappear as quickly as it had appeared. 

    A loud bang enveloped the square, followed by a wooden stand on the right side being set ablaze. Brightly colored flames engulfed the small structure before Andrew fully realized what had happened. 

    You know what? Screw you, Charlie.

    With one last look over his shoulder, Andrew ran in the opposite direction. He didn’t have to turn back to feel the presence of large purple eyes looking on as he disappeared from view.

    “You imbeciles! What in Arceus’ name were you thinking?” 

    Andrew stood next to Charlie in Mirage’s throne room. Each stood with backs angled a perfect one-hundred-eighty degrees. The King paced around on his giant purple cushion, though Andrew felt no urge to laugh at the sheer oddity. 

    His glare bore into them. “Well? Are you just going to stand there?”

    “It was all Charlie!” Andrew proclaimed, stepping forward. “He lured me out to that stupid protest!”

    The Raichu crossed his arms. “You were the one who agreed to go!”

    “You didn’t tell me what was happening!”

    “So what?”

    Mirage stomped his paw. “Shut up both of you! Do you understand how bad this is?” 

    Charlie pointed at the Ninetails. “One hundred percent.”

    “Charlie? What have I told you about lying?” 

    “But I do!” He hopped onto Mirage’s pillow, only for the Ninetails to headbutt him off. The Raichu stumbled to the ground. Shooting Mirage a glare before getting back up.

    The King sighed. “There hasn’t been hasn’t been a demonstration against me of that scale since long before either of you were hatched. And even worse, the guilds were the ones who dispersed the gathering. This is a national embarrassment! Our allies to the north are probably mocking me!”

    “You said this happened before, I’m sure it’ll just blow over,” Andrew stated, fidgeting with his flipper. 

    Mirage sighed. “I sure hope so. But that was a different time, one with fewer guilds. And less humans.”

    “Less humans? Are you saying that this is my fault?” Andrew questioned with a scowl.

    A wide smile overtook the King’s snout. “According to one of my captains, this protest was incited by a certain news article. One written by a Thomas Servine, attributed to an Andrew Marshtomp. You wouldn’t by any chance know something about this?

    “Don’t think I’ve ever met a Servine, or anyone named Thomas. It must be another Andrew Marshtomp.” Andrew said nervously as he took a step back.

    Mirage thrusted forward. “Don’t screw with me, Marshtomp. You were spreading an ideology that goes directly against the principles of this nation! To journalists, nonetheless. This is how you repay me for all I’ve done?”

    “I’m sorry!” Andrew twisted his foot against the ground. “I just got a bit carried away! I didn’t know anything would come out of sharing my horrible ideas. Please forgive me, my king!”

    Mirage’s glare softened, the Ninetails letting out another exasperated sigh. “Final warning, Marshtomp. I hope Arceus takes pity if I am angered again because I’ll boil you in the fires of your own home.” 

    That’s not very nice. 

    “Elena, could you come here?” He shouted. 

    A Vulpix peeked her head through the oversized door. “Yes, father?”

    “Could you please see this Marshtomp out of the castle?” 

    Tilting her head, she responded in a quizzical tone. “Uh, okay.”

    Andrew put his flippers on his hips. “I don’t need to be escorted out. I work here!”

    “I wasn’t asking.” Mirage nodded his head as Andrew and Charlie began making their way out of the throne room. “Charlie, where do you think you’re going?” His tone lowered, “I’m not done with you.”

    The Raichu gulped and began inching back toward Mirage. Andrew couldn’t help but feel a knot form in his throat, his heart beating faster and faster and faster. 

    But he refused to look back. 

    And so, he departed, leaving Charlie alone with his king.

    Another wacky chapter, posted right on time! Not much I have to say this week other than questions, comments, and feedback are always appreciated! See you all in two weeks.


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