The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    To be fair, Andrew, it’s not as if your writing is much better since you lost your thumbs…

    “Are you sure we should be out here?” Thomas asked. “It seems a bit casual for someone who just became president.”

    Andrew shrugged, taking a lick of his snow-white vanilla ice cream. “Who cares? I don’t see anywhere here who does.” 

    The town square was bursting with life as the sun beat down on a chilly winter afternoon. Young, small, unevolved Pokemon ran through the streets followed by larger evolved ones, who Andrew could only assume were their parents. 

    Cold winds blew down the cobblestone streets pulling a rug loose from the shelf of a nearby stand, forcing the Chansey shopkeep to clutch her egg and give chase. It wisped past a Grovyle wearing a strange-looking scarf, and flew straight over the head of an oblivious Rowlet, before coreaning straight toward a Hisuain Typhlosion with a pair of round white glasses. 

    They stuck out their arms and jumped up to snatch the rug. However, the decor seemed to have a mind of its own. It made a sudden swerve to the right before disappearing right down another street. The Chansey continued to run after the rug, also soon disappearing from sight.

    Luckily, the winds were no match for Andrew’s cloak. He ran his fingers down its soft green lining. Man, how did I ever live without you?

    “Where were we, Thomas?” The Marshtomp turned to his partner, giving an unusually warm smile.

    He took a lick of ice cream with his forked tongue. “Something about being out in public? But, it seems that we are pretty much inconspicuous.” 

    Andrew narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, it’s kind of weird. Don’t they all know who I am?”

    A Delphox grabbing berries from a barrel outside a nearby shop turned her gaze toward the duo. Her eyes widened, proceeding to then narrow with crimson-red fury. She murmured inaudibly before raising her paw and walking off.

    Somebody knows who you are,” Thomas remarked with a half-full mouth.

    Andrew stomped his foot. “I’ve never met that person! The hell is her problem?” 

    Thomas shrugged. “You can never fully know with some Pokemon. Probably an elder who remembers Mirage’s glory days. Or, days of relative popularity.”

    “Elder? Don’t you mean old cook?”

    “Well,” Thomas chuckled. “That’s another way of putting it.”

    The Marshtomp played with the string which tied the cloak around him. It only provided momentary entertainment before he stuffed the rest of the ice cream cone into his mouth.

    Thomas shook his head. “You should slow down, let’s not forget-”

    “Somebody! Help!” A voice seared from across the square, cutting through and deafening all other noise in its path. 

    A feeling of recognition immediately planted itself in Andrew’s brain. In no time at all the memory of him scooping up pastries and making a run for it out of Grandeport flashed through his mind, causing his lips to curl into a spiteful frown.

    His eyes fell on the Kecleon stand. Sure enough, there were Pokemon shoving berries into their appendages, two of them. Most notably stood a Copperajah who stood taller than the stand itself. On its own, that would be hard to miss, but this Pokemon also wore a suit and tie with a vibrant diamond pattern. A pair of black, square glasses rested on his trunk barely large enough to cover his eyes.

    What the hell? That idiot, is he trying to get caught? I don’t think I’ve seen a Pokemon dressed less inconspicuously in my entire life! Or dressed at all for that matter.

    In stark contrast, a short Sneasel was hauling food into her arms under the shadow of the Copperajah. They darted their head back and forth before nimbly running off, bouncing in between startled Pokemon.The Copperajah on the other hand, opted to simply run forward. A Pichu screeched and skidded out of the beast’s path as he charged forward. 

    “Oh, come on. If you’re going to rob that stand then you’ve gotta be quick about it! How is that elephant guy going to hide from the police if he’s that size? And wearing a suit? Have you ever seen somebody wear a suit in Grandeport, Thomas?” Andrew sneered with a furrowed brow.

    The Servine panned his head across the square, watching injured Pokemon get back up and the flow of the crowd slowly beginning to return to normal. “My dad wore a suit sometimes. Whenever he’d go on one of his business trips.

    “I’m going to go over to that stand to… survey the damage.” Andrew brandished a smug grin as he began to saunter over to the Kecleon’s stand.

    Thomas followed carefully, shaking his head. “Please, Andrew, don’t say anything that will make us look bad.”

    “What?” He waved his flipper. “When have I ever done something like that?”

    The Servine muttered under his breath. They approached the stand in which the Kecleon was frantically snatching up fallen items from the ground and placing them back on shelves. He took notice of Andrew and Thomas, clearing his throat and scampering back behind the counter.

    “Welcome to Kecleon’s food, drink, and resource emporium! Feel free to browse our stock and let me know if there’s anything in the world I can help you with!” He proudly proclaimed as if he had not just been robbed.

    Andrew held his flippers behind his back and smiled warmly. “Do you know who I am?”

    The Kecleon tilted his head. “No, I do not believe we have met. Have you ever shopped here before?”

    “No, I haven’t been here in a while. ” Andrew laughed. “But surely you are familiar with the president of your own nation?” You little piece of shit.

    He placed a finger on his chin and scratched it. “Ah, yes! I remember your… ceremony.” His eyes narrowed. “It was not particularly good for business. Nights like those can be quite profitable.”

    “Oh, my deepest apologies.” Andrew grinned. “That is very much a shame. I’d hate to see anything bad happen to your business.”

    “Yes! The president values each and every one of his citizens! Your success is our success!” Thomas butted in. 

    The Kecleon let out a nervous laugh, taking a step back. “That’s very nice. Is there anything you’d like to buy? Maybe even compensation for the robbery I am sure you witnessed?”

    “I am sooo sorry your store was robbed, but I do not think it’s my place to help you. Are you sure that you do not recognize me? Not even a little familiar?” He asked, clutching his fingers into a fist.

    “Hmm… You do sort of remind me of-”

    Suddenly, the various pastries and items carefully placed on Kecleon’s shelves began to shake. Vibrations shot through the cobblestone streets, Andrew’s feet even leaving the ground barely a millimeter for a split second.

    He slowly craned his head around to face the square.


    A Dragonite and Tyranitar led the Copperajah and Sneasel, who now had very disgruntled looks plastered across their faces. Berries and pastries still laid in their arms and trunk untouched aside from the few which were carried in the Tyranitar’s arms.

    “Stop stomping, would ya?” The Tyranitar ordered, only eliciting a grunt from the Copperajah. 

    The vibrations ceased as the group of four stopped in front of the stand. Andrew’s jaw dropped as the Sneasel and Copperajah laid their eyes on the once again filled shelves of food.

    The Dragonite smiled. “Now you two, let’s put back all these stolen goods just like we found them! Then off to the reformation department with you troublemakers.”

    The Sneasel shuddered upon hearing that. She crept to the stand and carefully began to place items back into their respective shelves. 

    “What is happening here? Why are these people giving the stolen crap back to this shop?” The Marshtomp fumed, storming up to the Tyranitar.

    He snorted. “Because that’s where they stole it from? Whadaya expect us t’do?”

    “I don’t care!” Andrew pointed at the Tyranitar’s towering body. “Do you know who I am?”

    “No.” He said plainly.

    Andrew banged his foot several times against the cobblestone in rage. “I am the President of Grandeport. Pre-Si- Dent ! Got it? I am in charge by the confidence of the people and the council! And I demand that you hand these innocent civilians over to me or face very bad consequences!”

    The Dragonite raised his brow. “Now then, little dude, no need to get all worked up. We’re just here to usher these two where they belong after they give this fine shopkeep here an apology!”

    “Does that mean we don’t have to go to the slammer as long as we don’t apologize?” The Sneasel asked, sorting the last berry.

    “If you don’t apologize,” the Dragonite said joyfully. “Then we’ll make you apologize!”

    The Sneasel gulped, turning to Thomas. “Hey, Servine. You don’t look half bad. And let me say, that scarf is very stylish. If you could maybe tip my friends here, perhaps we could… oh I don’t know. Anything you want.” She whispered with a devilish smile.

    “I’m taken!” Thomas humphed, pointing his snout in the air.

    Andrew only fumed harder upon seeing this. His fists grew tighter and his heart beat even faster than it already had been. Practically screeching, he whipped his head at the Sneasel. 

    “You idiot! I am the President of Grandeport! Did you not hear me?”

    She held up her claws, taking a step back.

    He lurched forward. “Why on Earth would you flirt with Thomas? You don’t even know who he is! He could have been a guild member for all you know! But me, did you not hear that I was the president? I should be the one you flirt with to get out of this! Is that clear?”

    “Oh, uh w-well then.” The Sneasel croaked out nervously. “You also look… v-very nice! I really like your…”


    “Y’know?” She waved her claws around. “Your everything! And as kin- I mean president, I’d really appreciate it if you could tell these gentlemen behind me that I did nothing wrong. I’d be able to do,” the Sneasel shuddered. “Anything you want.”

    Andrew deadpanned her.

    Thomas deadpanned her.

    “You absolute idiot!” Andrew suddenly shot forward and rammed straight into the Sneasel. She fell to the ground with a muffled grunt, quickly springing back up and reeling her claw back to strike him.

    He held the sides of his gills and pulled them downward. The sheer force caused a wave of pain to shoot through his cheeks, a tear forming beneath his left eye. Right before it looked like the Sneasel was about to swing her claws, he screeched in a horrendous voice, “I AM TAKEN!” Forcing the unlucky Pokemon to cover her ears.

    The Servine’s mouth was half agape, he simply stared at the now utterly confused Sneasel as Andrew resumed his position beside him.

    The Dragonite and Copperajah had similar expressions to the Sneasel. Each wore a face of pure bewilderment. The Dragonite opened his mouth to speak but soon closed it upon clearly not figuring out how to break the tension.

    The Tyranitar bit his tongue, though a few deep laughs managed to escape his slightly convulsing snout.

    “Anyways,” Andrew spoke in a calm, normal voice. “I hope this incident proves it evident why these fugitives should be handed over to the police force of the state of Grandeport. If you would be so kind, may I please ask you to assist us in walking them to the nearest outpost?”

    The Dragonite simply shook his head in awe. “I’m sorry, mister Pres-Si-Dent. But, I think it’s best that me and my partner take these two into the guild.”

    “Man, do you think that I’m asking?” His head fin twitched, fingers beginning to curl back up.

    The Tyranitar lunged forward and grabbed the Sneasel’s arm, pulling her back toward him. “I don’t know who ya think ya are, but we don’t take orders from ya. ‘Specially not after whatever that was.”

    “Too bad! I reject your request to not take orders from me.” Andrew sneered as he crossed his flippers.

    The Tyranitar snorted. With a nod to the Dragonite and Copperajah, the group began lumbering away from Kecleon’s stand. Vibrations and loud thumps which started strong slowly grew weaker until the entire group disappeared as if they had never been there to begin with.

    Andrew let out a long sigh, looking back at Thomas and then the Kecleon. 

    The shopkeeper shrugged. “So, is there anything I can get you?”

    Andrew stood outside the grand entrance to what was formerly the door to Mirage’s chamber. An apple was tightly clutched in his left flipper. His spare one was raised barely above the handles, just the right position to give two hearty knocks.

    Knock knock.

    What am I even doing with myself? Is it such a crime to want to have some sort of authority in the god-forsaken place? What kind of backwards country is this where you can say no to the president? I would have sent those criminals where they belong, not that stupid guild dungeon… no. Surely there is some sort of prison around here? 

    The door slowly creaked open, wailing and scratching against the aged and weathered walls of the castle. Charlie poked his fuzzy orange head from behind the thick wood.

    “Yes, Andrew?”

    “Can I talk to the council?”

    The Raichu looked at the ground, then back at him. “About what?”

    “They humiliated me.” He murmured.

    Charlie cocked his head. “Who humiliated you?”

    “They did.”

    “Who’s they?”

    Andrew’s head fell into his flippers. “The stupid guild! Guilds? I don’t know! They’re trying to screw with me! Ever since I landed in Grandeport they’ve been doing everything they can to undermine me! I am their number one enemy!”

    Charlie sighed, sporting a grin. “Yeah, yeah, Andrew. As President of Grandeport, you are responsible for yadda yadda, guilds guilds, my dad told me something about this once, I forgot exactly what. Just don’t worry about them.”

    “Do you understand the magnitude of the situation?” He flung his flippers in Charlie’s face. “Two guild members just refused my direct orders. If they can just say no to the head of state, then what else can they get away with? Robbery? Torture? Murder? Only we should ever be allowed to consider any of those things!”

    The Raichu stepped out of the gargantuan room. He looked Andrew in the eye, placing a paw on his shoulder. “Look, stuff like that happens, alright? But, even if I don’t like them, I’ll admit that they provide services which the police don’t. And more importantly, tax revenue.”

    “Tax revenue? Really?”

    “What?” Charlie humphed. “You like this giant castle and fancy office? You can thank the guilds’ money for it!”

    The guilds have money? And we need the guilds’ money for unnecessarily large buildings? Charlie seems to like unnecessarily large buildings… And the guilds pay for it… Hey, don’t they also have a giant castle? Wait a second? Oh my, yes! It’s perfect!

    Andrew cleared his throat. “Charlie, the guilds have money, right?”

    “Uh, yeah?”

    “Do they have more money than we do?” He asked, a smile beginning to creep onto his face.

    Charlie scratched the back of his head with his tail, before contemplating, “I don’t know, maybe? I was never the one who looked over financial stuff, Eugene would know more about that than me. But even if they do have less money than Grandeport’s treasury, it can’t be by much.”

    “Why don’t we take that money?” Andrew exclaimed, barely able to stop himself from leaping in the air. “Imagine what we could do with all of it? You could buy one, two, maybe three more castles?”

    The Raichu groaned with annoyance. “Andrew, I know you’re still kind of new to this whole Pokemon thing, and I don’t know much about how humans run their economies.”

    “Me neither.”

    “Yes, I can see that.” Charlie sighed. “But, the guilds, and by guilds I really only mean the guild in the center of Grandeport. That’s the one with ninety percent of all guild revenue. And it’s also, y’know, the one you were held in?”

    His smile began to wane. “How could I forget?”

    “If we just took all that guild’s money, it would just stop working. And if the guild stops working then everything stops working. People get all mad, start rioting, and before you know it you’ll find your head stuck on a pike. Is that what you want, Andrew? Because I’m going to be really pissed off if I die before swimming to the bottom of the ocean and spitting on Mirage’s grave.”

    “Wouldn’t the spit just float back up?”

    Charlie remained silent for a moment. 

    “Shut up.”

    The Marshtomp let his eyes rise to rest on the ceiling. Alright, so we can’t just take all the money? I guess that makes sense. Yet, there’s gotta be another option! Who was it that said that sometimes you just have to cut your losses? I don’t know, but they’re an idiot! 

    Soon enough a spark flickered from within him. A slight vibration started from the tip of his head-fin and ran all the way down until reaching his toes and dispersing into the floor. He allowed his eyes to fall back down to meet Charlie’s gaze as he smiled once more.

    “If we can’t just take the money, then why don’t we take the guilds?”

    “Listen up, Pokemon!” Charlie shouted before bashing his fist down onto the table, creating a loud bang that echoed throughout the council’s room. The council members jumped from their seats, and even the enormous Eugene flinched.

    “Our dearest president had an idea, and the more I think about it, the more I like it. “The Raichu explained. “But I think it’d be worth getting Felicia and Eugene’s opinions first before we commit to it.”

    Larry crossed his arms. He opened up his mouth to voice some comeback or rebuttal, but Charlie gestured to Andrew before he could say anything.

    “Without further ado, Andrew, take it away!”

    The Marshtomp walked to the front of the room, positioning himself beside the door. He cleared his throat. “As you all know, guilds have a lot of power in Grandeport. Today I learned the true extent of that. And frankly, it has been the worst moment in the entirety of my presidential career.”

    Felicia chuckled. “Haven’t you been president for a week?”

    “Haven’t you been president for a week?” Andrew retorted, pointing a finger at her.

    She furrowed her brow in confusion before shaking her head. “No, I haven’t, and that is not clever or funny.”

    The Marshtomp tied his flippers tightly behind his back. “As I was saying, the guilds have way too much power. If they can simply say no to us, then who’s to say that their leaders won’t declare themselves president and council? All of our jobs are at risk as long as this situation is allowed to stand!”

    “This situation has stood for longer than you have been alive, Marshtomp!” Eugene bellowed in his deep voice. The guilds and the government have operated as separate entities for an era. We have no reason to suspect they would overthrow us.” 

    “But they could! At any moment their legions could burst through that door!” 

    Andrew leaped over to the base of the table and shot his finger out in the direction of the door.

    “What could we do to stop them? Anything at all? If we want to be safe from the guilds we need to take preemptive action. To my knowledge, this government has no other sub-governments below it, constitution, or anything limiting its authority. Right?”

    “No?” Felicia tilted her head. “This is the government? Why would we have any limitations on what we can govern?”

    The Marshtomp smiled and stood tall, as tall as he could. “Very good! With this in mind, I think we should forcefully take over the guilds!”

    The room went silent. Larry turned to Eugene, who turned to Felicia, who turned to Charlie. Charlie simply brandished a smug smile at her, before turning to Andrew. A nervous grin had taken hold of his face while he began to clutch the rough wood of the circular table. 

    “So… Any thoughts?” He asked meekly.

    Eugene leaned forward, raising his head up until it could have been more than a centimeter from the ceiling. “If we take no action, the guilds will leave us be. They are not going to storm the castle and overthrow us, because they have no motive. What you are suggesting, Andrew, will only provoke them. The only good taking over the guilds with force would do is to create a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

    “That doesn’t matter! The very influence of the guilds has already threatened our power. Literally tomorrow, they could come and kick us all out! It’s just a numbers game!” Andrew pleaded, cupping his fingers in front of him.

    Eugene simply huffed. “You do not understand the complexities of our domestic politics. This idea is shortsighted and will lead to a longer term distrust in this council. If we could just take over any business, then why do business at all in Grandeport?”

    “No! You’re being shortsighted!” The Marshtomp shot back.

    “I am not.”

    “Are too!”

    “I am most definitely not.”

    “Enough!” Felicia yelled, bringing her fist down onto the table. “Both of you are insufferable.”

    Andrew groaned. “I think you can suffer through me.”

    “That is not what that word means, Andrew.” She stated, bringing a paw just above her eyes.

    The cramped council room again went silent from the sounds of clamoring voices. Eugene’s heavy breathing and Larry’s occasional coughs were the only noises that broke the heavy silence. Andrew stood facing the other Pokemon, exchanging glances with each of them.

    I could definitely imagine a clock in here right now, ticking, ticking, ticking… Does Grandeport have clocks? Haven’t seen one now that I think about it.

    Charlie leaned over and whispered to Felicia, catching the gaze of all the other Pokemon in the room. The Lucario nodded, before speaking in her usual calm voice. 

    “I’m conflicted on all of this. It’s true the guilds have been slowly chipping away at our powers for quite some time now. Eugene, I’m sure you of all people know that there was a time when no guild could say no to the leader of Grandeport.”

    “Perhaps.” He replied skeptically. “But, our previous leader was Mirage. Nobody dared to say no to him, not even me after knowing him for my entire life.”

    Felicia nodded. “However, that doesn’t change the fact that for better or for worse Andrew represents this government. When guild rescuers say no, that is just as much disrepute to us as it is to him.”

    “You still are failing to see my point. Even if the reality of the situation is less than favorable, that doesn’t mean we should go looking for a fight. Especially if it is not one we know we can win.” The Tyrantrum said quietly as his eyes softened.

    Andrew met this response by rolling his own eyes. “If we sit around and do nothing that means it’ll be a fight we can never win. Stop being such a coward and let me take the guilds!”

    Eugene bent his head down, lowering it to match Andrew’s measly two-foot-tall stature. “It’s not you taking the guilds! It’s us.

    “Felicia! He’s threatening me!” Andrew cried out, bringing a flipper to his forehead. Please, kick him out! It’s the only way I’ll feel safe.”

    “I do not have the energy to put up with this, Andrew.” She stated coldly.

    Andrew frowned, murmuring incomprehensible gibberish to himself. Eugene took the opportunity to once again speak his mind, appearing to hold back a grin much to Andrew’s dismay.

    “In these trying times it is important that we act cautiously. If we want to take action against the guilds, we should do it slowly enough for them to barely realize it is happening. Maybe it will take ten years, twenty, thirty, or perhaps longer to regain the council’s former glory. But, that is the price we pay for stability.”

    “Boring.” Charlie groaned.

    Yeah, I might explode if I have to sit in this stupid room for another minute.

    “Charlie!” Felicia snapped. “Have a little more decorum.”

    Andrew yawned. “I gotta agree with Charlie here. Stone age here might put me to sleep if I have to listen to any more of the prices we pay for stability.”

    “Can we have one meeting? Just one that doesn’t devolve into insults and teasing? Is that too much to ask?” The Lucario protested, her sharp canines poking out from her disgruntled expression.

    Larry smiled while brushing the side of his face as if waving hair out of his vision. “I don’t know, Felicia. With these troublemakers on the council, such a thing might not be possible. I think you should remove them. It could be just us! Larry and Felicia, unstoppable councilmen!”

    She deadpanned the Gallade. “I would sooner throw myself out a window than be alone in a room with you.”

    “Ouch.” He chuckled, leaning back in his seat.

    At this point, Andrew’s eyes had begun to grow heavy. My god, I never escaped. I may be president but I’m still in hell. Every moment I have to spend with these idiots multiplies my urge to punch my fists- flippers into the wall by ten times. Goddamnit, I hate not having hands.

    The Raichu’s head slumped onto his paw. The soft mass of his cheek made a soft crackling noise as he pressed into it, making it look like a flattened pancake. “Felicia, why don’t we hear the last of your thoughts on this matter? Each time Larry speaks a baby dies.” 

    “All of this banter has made me lose my stream of thought. Where was I?” She shut her eyes for a moment. “Ah, yes. Eugene, your service and experience on this council is impeccable. I don’t know if I would be able to handle this responsibility if not for you.”

    The Tyrantrum bowed his head as he let out a low grunt.

    “However, Andrew may have a point with this. Mirage is dead. Now is as good a time as any to solidify our power and influence over this country. We need to make it clear that we are the ones calling the shots, and not give any opportunity for opposing factions either from within or foreign to pose a threat.”

    Eugene growled. He brought his head to the side and closed his eyes before letting out a long, deep breath. “I cannot change this, your minds are made up. One day you’ll face this, and from me garner no luck.”

    “How poetic.” Charlie scoffed. “Andrew, come with me, we’ve got some planning to do.”

    One giant pillow, now that’s strange. But, two of them? Where do you even get these things?

    Andrew and Charlie sat upon a new orange pillow in what had now become Charlie’s room. The pillow they sat on sat seamlessly atop the purple pillow that had originally been in the room, elevating them about four feet off the ground.

    Charlie laid flat on his back, pencils strewn beside him as he examined a thin piece of paper. Andrew sat upright but slouched over to read Charlie’s writing. He winced as the uncomfortable position created a sharp pain in his back. His spine begged for him to rest on the plush cushion beneath.

    “Tell me what you think of this,” Charlie said before placing down a pencil.

    The Marshtomp nodded and looked over at the paper.

    Dear Amadeus of the Apollo Hills Regional Guild,” it began.

    “The newly elected President, Andrew Marshtomp, is drafting a plan to revitalize your fine establishment with government support. We invite you to a meeting with other regional Guild Masters to discuss this plan’s details and tailor it to benefit you as much as possible. We hope to see you at Grandeport Castle on the eighteenth of this month.


    Charles Raichu and Andrew Marshtomp.”

    “Well, at least it’s legible,” Andrew remarked with a shrug.

    The Raichu harumped. “I think I write pretty well for a Pokemon with no fingers.”

    “Whatever, just put it in the envelope. I wanna get back home.” 

    Charlie sat up and folded the letter. He placed it into a plain white envelope and licked it shut. The Raichu picked his pencil back up, his next recipient being written as Amadeus Gogoat. 

    After quickly scribbling the letter, he handed it to Andrew. The Marshtomp placed it on a small stack of other envelopes, which had the names ”Daniel Drifblim” and ”Ariana Ampharos”neatly written on them. 

    “Oh, Andrew.” Charlie said with a cackle before breaking out into a fit of booming laughter. Gripping his sides, he fell back onto the pillow. His body bounced and jerked as it pushed against the springs under the orange fabric. His erratic movements did not cease, would not cease as he opened his mouth to make a proud declaration to the world.

    “Mirage! Mirage! Look at me now!”     

    Last chapter of the year! Would you look at that? I guess it’s time for me to gush again about writing and the community…

    In this year I have written 20 chapters, 90,000 words, and met an uncountable amount of amazing people. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but this is all so crazy to me. I would not believe you if I were told last year that I would be in the position I am in today.

    So as this year finally comes to a close, whether it was your best or worst or something in between. Thank you. Thank you for reading my wacky words of this crazy story about some stupid Marshtomp.

    Special thanks to the people who I’m sure you’ve become accustomed to, Zee102, DaGamestar, and DoomHuntley for making this all possible.

    See you next year!


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