The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Look how far you’ve come, Andrew. How will you use your newfound “power?”

    The winter winds blustered and roared on and on, refusing to subside.

    Andrew walked with Thomas down a dirt path toward the looming spires up ahead. The waters beside them surged back and forth, whispering to Andrew for him to dive in and enjoy their icy waves. But he had to resist, more important matters were at hand.

    “What time is it, Thomas?” Andrew asked, rubbing his eyes.

    The Servine laid a vine on Andrew’s shoulder. “Hard to say exactly, but probably somewhere around two or three.”

    “Goddamnit,” the Marshtomp murmured. “Charlie’s probably gonna murder me once I step foot in that place. Figuratively and literally. It was nice knowing you, Thomas. We had a good run.”

    “Did he give you a time to show up?”

    Andrew paused. “No…”

    “Then he’s not allowed to murder you!” Thomas harrumphed. “Not unless I say so.”

    He rolled his eyes and let out a playful sigh. “Oh, so now it’s your call whether or not I get murdered? I thought that I was the president.”

    “As long as you are my boyfriend ,” Thomas cooed. “Yes, it’s my call.”

    Andrew stood still, turning his gaze to the ocean. He approached the water and leaned over to run his fingers through it. A feeling of rejuvenation came over his flipper, and his eyes fell shut so he could enjoy the moment. His heart slowed and his mind emptied.

    For a split second, he was free.

    “Andrew?” Thomas called, winding a vine back to the Marshtomp’s shoulder. “Is everything alright?”

    Andrew stood back up and faced the Servine. “Look, Thomas. If we are really going to do this whole relationship thing, I don’t want others to know.”

    “W-What?” Thomas uttered before reeling back. “I know we’re both tired after last night, but don’t you think that’s a bit much? I know with you being a human-”

    Andrew threw his head back before groaning. “Do you know how bad it would look if people knew we were in a relationship? Remember the articles you wrote on me? Or the ones which I’m sure are in the works? Imagine what the people- Pokemon would say?!”

    The Servine looked at the dirt below, providing no rebuttal.

    “For the both of us, we need to keep this secret. Maybe one day we can be more open with this, but that day isn’t today.” Andrew continued before draping his flipper around Thomas. He pulled Thomas into his grasp and wrapped him in a hug.

    “You’re all sticky,” the Servine said with a snort.

    Andrew released him. “The curse of being a Marshtomp. One which I fear you’ll have to bear with me.”

    The duo began to walk again, resuming their trek to the castle. I’ll still never be comfortable with forests being this quiet. No birds chirping or insects clicking. I don’t know man, something just ain’t right about it.

    Soon enough they reached the front gate. Andrew strutted over to the Rilou, who was keeping watch as always, before straightening his bowtie and sticking up his chin. “Aren’t you excited I won the election? Now you can never say no if I asked to be let in!”

    “Sure I can. What are you going to do about it? Go jump in a swamp?” The Riolu mocked before elbowing him.

    Andrew laughed. “I’d probably have you fired and have you blacklisted. Make you financially dependent on others for the rest of your life.”

    The Riolu grimaced, and his head fell. “Uncalled for, man.”

    “Don’t worry. It’ll be at least three months until I go mad with power,” the Marshtomp replied. He walked up and ran his flippers along the grain of the oversized door. “Seriously though, can you open this thing?”

    The Riolu nodded to the Vulpix, who leaped up into the air and shot a fireball from her mouth. The castle let out a low grumble as the door began to slowly lift up in defiance of gravity and all laws of physics. 

    Andrew guided Thomas through the door and up the large stairwell. Not a single Pokemon appeared to greet them as they walked through the never-ending colorful corridors of the castle. Finally, they reached the door to the Marshtomp’s office. 

    “This place seems like a wasteland. Not even a bit of security after you get through the door?” Thomas questioned, panning around the hallway.

    Andrew put a finger to his chin. “Would really make the place a bit less lonely. I’ve honestly never seen someone who isn’t me or Charlie enter this building.”

    The Servine looked over at the corner of the hallway and pointed a vine downward.

    Sitting at the base of another door was a round mass of fuzzy and brown fur. The object moved subtly, its top rising and falling ever so slightly. 

    A piece of bright pink paper had been carefully placed on top of the object. Thomas reached a vine out to grab it, carefully so as to not touch its orange fur. He unwrapped it, revealing two words written in eloquent cursive handwriting.

    “Wake Me.”

    Andrew slowly brought his finger down, trembling as it made contact with the blob.

    “Gah! What in Arceus’ name?” 

    Charlie jumped up, his eyes darting back and forth before landing on the Marshtomp. 

    “First day on the job, Andrew! And you’re already late?” He snapped. “I’m not the one waking you up anymore, I thought we were past this!”

    Andrew held up his flippers. “It was a long night! Can you really blame me for coming a teensy bit later than you would’ve liked?”

    “Yes,” the Raichu muttered as he crossed his arms. “I can and I will.”

    “Weren’t you also just sleeping?” Thomas chimed in, holding out the pink paper accusingly toward Charlie. 

    “Give me that!” He growled before snatching it from Thomas. He held it close to his eyes as his pupils hovered over it. “I only write like this when I get super drunk.”

    Andrew crossed his flippers. “Cool… Anyways, I assume there’s something you wanted to tell me?”

    Charlie cleared his throat. “Right, yes! The fine President of Grandeport, Andrew Marshtomp. A success story like no other, a commoner ascending the ranks to become the ‘ highest ranking…’ ” 

    He curled his paws twice, emulating the air quotes. “-Pokemon to ever come from squalor and peasantry.”

    Andrew leaned in close to Charlie, squinting and locking eyes with him. “Who are you calling a peasant, peasant?”

    The Raichu smirked and lightly pushed him away in disregard. “And an office such as the one which you previously occupied is not fit for the ruler of an entire nation. Do not worry, Andrew, I have something which I think you’ll quite enjoy.”

    “Wait a second… I get Mirage’s room?” The Marsthomp asked as his eyes began to glimmer. Yes! I’ll get that pillow all to myself!

    Charlie’s expression fell into a dead stare. “No, that’s my room now.”

    “Aww,” The Marshtomp uttered as his head fell Noticing, Thomas stretched a vine out to Andrew’s shoulder to comfort him.

    Charlie put his paws proudly on his hips. “Fret not, dear Marshtomp! I will give you a stupidly big office. Maybe we’ll have a pool built in it? How does that sound?”

    “ Andrew perked up at the idea, raising his head back up. “A swim would be pretty nice right now, the more I think about it.” A smile crept onto his face.

    The Raichu put an arm on Andrew’s shoulder, subtly pushing off the vine. Thomas shot him an aggravated glare but did not protest. 

    Charlie’s grip on Andrew’s shoulder tightened. “I don’t have all day. Do you want to see it or not?”

    “Wow, this is… something.”

    Andrew and Thomas stepped through large double doors into the Marshtomp’s new workspace  Unlike his old office doors, the entrance was made of bright white doors with extravagant golden handles. 

    A long red carpet lined the floor for ten feet, leading to a mahogany desk which made Andrew’s old one seem like nothing more than a stool. It stretched around in a semicircle, three rows of drawers neatly built into it, with golden handles matching the doors. Behind the desk were several bookcases and cabinets, making the space appear more like a library than an office.

    And then there was the chair. Andrew’s eyes widened upon laying them upon the velvet-padded masterpiece. A blue cushion on its bottom matched his skin perfectly while contrasting red armrests matched the carpet.

    Andrew grabbed Charlie’s paw before raising it up and turning to him slowly. “It’s beautiful.”

    Thomas tapped his foot against the floor as he grimaced at Andrew.

    The Marshtomp released his grip before skipping joyfully toward the comfy chair, his flippers swinging back and forth. Each motion brought him what seemed like a foot off the ground, and each time he landed gracefully. He continued blissfully like this until he reached the plush destination.

    Yes! For once in my life, for once since I’ve been here, something amazing has been gifted to me! I deserve this, this is not just a chair. This is my life now. This is true bliss.

    Andrew leaped up and floated softly onto the blue cushioning. The fabric absorbed him, as though both comforting him and trying to swallow him whole. 

    The Marsthomp was several feet away from the desk, so he grabbed onto its edge and pulled the chair closer to the wood.

    The chair rolled forward.

    “Oh my god!” He shouted, his voice echoing through the room. “The Pokemon world has spinny chairs?”

    “Beauty of the modern age!” Charlie replied with a self-indulgent grin. “I’m looking into getting one myself. Imagine what kind of technology we’ll have in ten years if this is what we have today!”

    Not living in a backward, impoverished, disgusting monarchy? All thanks to yours truly. But this is a new life with this beautiful chair. Who am I to protest and sour the mood?

    Charlie and Thomas walked over, the Servine admiring the office’s bookshelf-lined walls as the two approached. 

    Charlie’s tail wagged with vigor. “Have fun enjoying your new office. If you need anything, feel free to come get me. Except, I’d actually prefer that you leave me alone. You should also leave the other council members alone because they’re not in a talking mood today. Especially Larry, he’s pissed at us because he accidentally introduced himself as Larry to some girl he likes and he blames us for getting him into the habit. Just, don’t talk to anyone.”

    He leaned up close to Andrew, his snout pushing against the Marshtomp’s face. 

    “Not under any circumstances, unless your life truly depends on it,” he murmured.

    Andrew turned to Thomas, only to be met by a frown and shrug. When he turned back, he found an overzealous smile molded onto Charlie’s face. He held a paw up as if making a thumbs-up before sprinting back toward the door.

    “Have fun with your sycophant reporter! I look forward to reading the Gazette tonight!” The Raichu called out before disappearing.

    Andrew hopped down from the chair before grabbing Thomas’ hand. “C’mon, you gotta try this thing out!”

    “Oh my,” Thomas chuckled softly as he allowed the Marsthomp to guide him onto the chair. The fabric swallowed him too, causing him to let out a content sigh. “This place is pretty nice. Definitely fit for a president.” He smirked as he gazed around more at the chamber.

    Lining each wall were tall, dark wooden shelves. Each was filled to the brim with books of every color. Andrew sauntered over and pulled one out.

    The Principles of Essential Mathematics

    “Boring,” he groaned, shoving it back in.

    He pulled out another.

    The Adventures of Oranberry Fennekin.

    “Huh, I guess plagiarism is the most sincere form of flattery.” He grabbed the book and brought it back to his desk. 

    Thomas remained seated, though now leaning back and with his eyes closed.

    “I do think there is such a thing as enjoying something too much,” Andrew commented.

    “Ah… my back has never felt so light. Andrew, am I in heaven?”

    “Fortunately not,” the Marshtomp said. He pulled the chair toward him. “I really do have to thank Charlie for this one. This might be the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me.”

    Thomas sat up. “Better than becoming president?”

    “Without a doubt,” he stated confidently.

    Thomas slipped down from the chair before picking up and inspecting the book. “He’s hiding something, you know.”’

    “That’s how he always acts. Charlie is weird, and usually not in a good way. But, at least he’s consistently mysterious. Trust me, I know how to deal with him. And considering that Charlie is easily the most eccentric council member, I should have no trouble with any of the others. It’s smooth sailing from here, Thomas.” 

    “Oh, really?” The Servine said before tapping the back of Andrew’s shoulder. “If he’s always been like this, that means he’s always hiding something. He just killed the king. Imagine what other skeletons could be hiding in his closet?”

    The Marshtomp broke eye contact, looking up at the ceiling. An extravagant silver chandelier with unlit candles hung proudly. “Charlie’s mostly harmless. Sure, he has his moments. I know that for better or worse he’s committed murder. But, the chances that he murders me is only like… Twenty percent.”

    “Those aren’t very good odds.”

    “I am a human turned Marshtomp turned president. Going against the odds is kind of my thing.” Andrew bragged, looking back at Thomas.

    The Servine let out a low sigh. “I should probably head into my office today, I haven’t been in too much since the fire. Be careful out there, I don’t need you getting killed a day into our relationship. See you for dinner.”

    Andrew watched as Thomas turned around and walked out of the room. “You too,” he said plainly.

    Once alone, Andrew rubbed his nonexistent chin. “Well then, now what?”

    The Marshtomp pushed the chair back up to the desk before climbing back up onto it. The wooden surface was perfectly smooth. Not a single scratch, blemish, speck of dust, or any other form of imperfection. It was perfect.


    Man, being president is boring. I could really go for a word search right now. Or a hamburger. Would eating a hamburger be unethical? I’d probably get in trouble if I cannibalized a Pokemon, but now I can’t not think about it!

    Wait, did I say cannibalize? Oh, right, I’m still a Pokemon. Am I so bored that this is where my mind has wandered to? I’m going nuts.

    “Can I pass a law?” Andrew called out.

    Naturally, nobody responded.

    “Please? Universe? Just send me a bill flying through the window!” He craned his head toward a large window behind the desk. “Architects of this place really liked the window in the back of the room. And now that I know, it bothers me.”

    Andrew tapped his fingers against the desk. The soft rhythm was entertaining for a moment, but no longer. Despite the office’s tall bookshelves and fine furnishings, it felt plain and empty. 

    The old place had character to it. Sure, it wasn’t the biggest. And occasionally, a strange red liquid would rise from the floorboards before disappearing mysteriously. But, that’s how I liked it! Now what? Aren’t I president? Is there not a room with something I can do?

    He scoffed at himself. Do something! What am I even doing here? Just sitting?

    He sat for a moment. 

    No voices echoed down the corridor beyond the office doors.

    No Pokemon burst through to invite him on a quest.

    No magical bills flew in from the window onto his desk for him to sign. A desk that lacked any writing utensils or paper.

    “That’s it!” Andrew shouted as he sprung from the chair and onto the desk. “I’m going to go find a council member to talk to!”

    The Marshtomp lowered himself off the surface, hitting the ground with a soft thud. He dashed down the long red carpet, the colors of the surrounding magnificent book covers blending into a blurry rainbow. Once at the doors, he threw them open and escaped his elegant, confining prison. 

    “Larry? Charlie? Felicia? Dinosaur whose name I forgot?” Andrew shouted down a white-plastered corridor he had yet to explore.

    Only the echoes of his own voice responded.

    He walked five feet before stopping to take a deep breath and yelling. “Larry? Charlie? Felicia? Dinosaur whose name I forgot?”

    The hallway let out a fragmented wail, twisting his voice into a cacophony of distortion having grown tired of the repetitive calls.

    “Larry?” Andrew wheezed. “Charlie? Felicia? Dinosaur?” The air had all but escaped his lungs. He could feel his legs beginning to give out, the ceiling growing higher than the heavens themselves. 

    “Is this how I go? Dying in one of the castle’s halls? Who knows how long it’ll be until they find me? A day? A month? A year? Ten? I suppose it could be worse. Goodbye, world.” Andrew slumped fully onto the ground, rolling onto his back.

    “Larry? Charlie? Felicia? Dinosaur who’s broke?” He called again, his voice strained this time, choked by resignation

    “My Arceus! Would you shut up!?” A sharp female voice shouted from across the hallway.

    The sound traveled at the speed… of sound. Bouncing off each wall, door handle, lamp, and the Marshtomp. It hit the back wall of the corridor and repeated the process once more. A smile crawled onto Andrew’s face. He sprung up from his wooden grave before dashing in the direction the voice had come from.

    “Wait! Wait! I’m bored! We need to talk!” He yelled back while running fast enough to feel the strength of a hurricane-like wind blowing straight onto him.

    Up ahead was a fuzzy purple dot, growing larger and more defined as he approached. It didn’t move an inch, and a moment later Andrew found it shaping itself into a Liepard.

    The Marshtomp skidded to a halt and looked the creature over. She stood a foot taller than him, her green eyes glaring down and locking onto him. She bared her fangs as she wordlessly stared into his very soul.

    “Uh, hi? I’m Andrew,” he said. His grin dwindled, becoming replaced by a small, nervous smile as he held out his flipper in greeting. 

    The Liepard stared back at him, her ears twitching slightly. “I was told not to talk to you. But of course, you’re screaming bloody murder outside my office. What do you think Mister Raichu will think of this? Will he be pleased with you? With I? I think not.”

    “Alright then,” the Marshtomp muttered as his flipper fell back down to his waist. “You know Charlie too? He’s one of those people you can’t take literally, y’know how he is.”

    She put her head down, though without breaking her gaze toward Andrew. “You know not much of Charlie, I assure you. I suggest you abide by whatever the council has ordered of you, and not be here. There is no party in this castle who desires you to be standing here right now.”

    “I desire myself to be standing here right now.”

    “Please leave here. Not just for your wellbeing, but this conversation is disrupting my focus and my sanity,” the Liepard said flatly before turning away from him. She began strutting down the hall.” 

    Andrew ran up next to her. “Who are you? I haven’t seen anyone in the castle but council members, Victus, and Mirage before the… you know.” He stuck out a finger before dragging it across his neck. He gritted his teeth and imitated a cutting noise.

    “Mirage was drowned in the Welldeep, not decapitated,” the Liepard groaned.

    “My point still stands,” the Marshtomp hummed. “Now, who are you exactly?”

    She stopped in her tracks. “I am under specific orders not to interact with President Andrew Marshtomp unless, and I quote, my ‘life depends on it.’”

    “And you’ve already broken that order. Are you under any, and I quote, ‘specific orders,’ not to tell me who you are?” He questioned, a smirk spreading from gill to gill.

    The Liepard shook her head. “Technically not, but do I care about you enough to exploit such loopholes and risk the council’s retribution? Even if it is merely…” 

    She scoffed. “…The council.” 

    “What do you have to lose? Are you going to get in so much trouble for telling me who you are? I’m just going to keep coming here if you don’t tell me right now, you’ll inevitably explain it to me sometime. Why not get it over with?” Andrew raised his flippers.

    The Liepard sighed with defeat. “If you must know, I can tell you. However, be warned that I take no responsibility for however Mister Raichu Punishes you. This is your final warning. Child, do you wish to proceed?”

    “Yeah,” he shrugged. “What’s the worst that can happen?”

    “Your funeral,” the Liepard said in a sing-song voice. “My name is Katherine Liepard. I am the one-hundred thirty-fourth minister of the treasury and general state finances of the Kingdom of Grandeport. I have held this position for the past twelve years, and it has been the honor of a lifetime. There, you have your information. Are you happy?”

    “Can I have money?” Andrew asked brashly.

    A dumbfounded look came over Katherine’s face. “What? That’s not how it works! I can’t simply give you money. This is the Pokemon our ever-wise council has made their president? May Arceus take mercy on our damned souls.”

    The Marshtomps’ smile waned. “So is that a maybe? An IOU?”

    “I refuse to believe that you think I will just hand state finances over to you. Our first meeting was five minutes ago. If you’re going to attempt to engage in some sort of corruption, at least have a plan,” she lectured, chuckling as her eyes pierced Andrew’s.

    “You know what?” Andrew uttered. He pointed at Katherine and winked. “You have a damn good point there. I should have a better plan than just asking you. Thanks for the advice!”

    The Liepard tilted her head. Her mouth fell open in bewilderment. “I heard you were strange. I’ve met few of your kind in my fifty-three years on this earth, but you are undoubtedly the strangest. Were you involved in some sort of accident? Hatched prematurely? I mean no offense, but telling me is the least you could do after the information which I provided.”

    “Wow!” Andrew scoffed. “I’ll have you know that I was hatched exactly when the doctors predicted! In fact, no Pokemon has ever hatched less prematurely than me!”

    She smirked. “I see, you hatched after your village’s medic expected? That would also explain quite a lot.”

    “You’re hilarious,” the Marshtomp said with a sigh. “You seem like somebody who knows how to do things. How do I pass a law? I’ve been yelling out at the halls for the council for at least an hour and nobody has responded.”

    Katherine spoke nothing to humor him as she began to walk away again. Her tail waved back and forth like a metronome in rhythm as the Marshtomp continued to pursue.

    “Now you’re not going to talk to me? I’m president! I should be in charge!” He yelled, waving his flippers.

    The Liepard kept her gaze away from him. “Repeat that more and I guarantee you the position of president will be held by somebody else. Lawrence, Everett, perhaps even Police Administrator Victus? Why they chose Andrew the new police chief, I do not understand.”

    “Perhaps it’s because I was democratically elected? The fact that all of Grandeport is behind me?” Andrew grasped the air with his fingers as if clenching the entire world in his flipper.

    She snorted. “We both know that could not be farther from the truth.”

    “I just want to do something! I don’t want to sit around all day and read. I should be calling the shots, and talking to the council! Hell, I should be in charge of them! Why make me leader if they’re just going to abandon me?” He cried, fuming. His flippers shook with rage.

    “Nobody but Mirage made the important decisions in this castle. And now Mirage is gone, so who makes the decisions? In my opinion, nobody. This is a nation without a leader.” Katherine stopped outside a door with a small, black box mounted just above the handle. 

    Andrew squinted discontentedly at her. “I’m the leader. I’m the president.”

    “That remains to be seen,” the Liepard remarked with a mocking chuckle. She twisted the handle before pushing open the door, revealing an office similar to Andrew’s, though predominantly adorned with gray cabinets rather than bookshelves.  She stepped into the room and nodded to the Marshtomp.

    He opened his mouth to speak. “I was wondering if-” 

    Katherine quickly gripped the handle before flinging the door shut. It slammed straight in front of Andrew’s face with a loud bang, sending a rush of wind over him. 

    She was gone.

    Seriously? Couldn’t she have been a little nicer? So much for helping out the new guy.

    A pang of thirst suddenly surged through the Marshtomp’s throat. He felt the familiar, consuming discomfort as he felt his skin drying out, pleading for moisture. It was as though he had walked through a desert with a merciless sun. Every cell and pore shouted at him to find water. 

    I’ll never understand. Walking around with wet skin as a human would have driven me mad! Imagine how everyone would have reacted if I dumped water on myself every hour. And now look at me. Goddamnit! My skin is dry and normal like it should be and that might just end my life! 

    I want my old skin back.

    But, I don’t want to die.

    …Where is the nearest water bucket? 

    “What could I get you, sir?” The Sinistea asked gleefully.

    Andrew sighed. “Just some water. Like, a lot of water, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble.”

    “Coming right away!” The teacup chirped before disappearing into a back room.

    And I thought these Pokemon couldn’t get any weirder…

    Andrew gazed up at the skylights of the ceiling. Sunlight trickled through, illuminating the room in an elegant golden yellow as the light bounced and reflected off the shiny white floor to create a magnificent collage. 

    Still, an emptiness filled the space with dozens of tables left unoccupied. A coin dropping would be a symphony compared to the silence the chamber brought. 

    “My Arceus, what the hell were you thinking?” Charlie shouted from behind Andrew, interrupting the silence.

    The Marshtomp jolted backward, thrashing his head in every way it would go and shielding himself with his flippers. “I don’t have any money! I’m just a peasant who broke in! Please spare me!”

    “I have no plans to do so,” the Raichu spat. He tapped his foot against the shiny floor, his canines bared and ready to rip into some poor creature’s flesh.

    “Oh? Oh.,” Andrew uttered, panting to still his heartbeat. “Just you. I get to live another day.”

     Charlie marched up beside Andrew and balled his fists. “I am the last person you should be happy to see right now! I gave you one instruction. How hard is it to avoid the council for one day? And yet somehow you managed to defy me? Are you out of your mind?”

    “What? I didn’t talk to any council members,” the Marshtomp replied. “I tried-”

    “Wait, so you didn’t talk to Larry?” Charlie interjected.

    A smile began to creep onto Andrew’s face. “Why would I ever voluntarily talk to Larry? I’d rather listen to claws on a chalkboard.”

    The Raichu’s eyes went wide before glowing with fury. “That lying bitch! I’ll show him what it means to defy…” 

    He took a deep breath, puffing out his chest and making himself as large as he could. “THE KILLER OF MIRAGE!”

    Andrew took a step back. “Do you really think you should be yelling that? That’s a bit much even for me.”

    “It’s fine, this place has more ghost types than us flesh and blood creatures anyway,” remarked with a chuckle, waving his paw dismissively. 

    Andrew craned his head toward the doorway the Sinistea had disappeared through, only to see a pitch-black void on the other side. “Speaking of flesh and blood, I ran into someone new in the castle. She was a Liepard, I think? Her name was Katherine and she was the secretary or minister or-”

    “YOU WHAT?” Charlie boomed, sparks flying from his cheeks.

    The Marshtomp’s flippers shot up again to protect him. The scream seared into his skull and his heart pounded at ten times its usual rate. Squeezing his eyes shut, Andrew struggled to hold himself together as his body began to tremble.

    “Look at me, Andrew.”

    He opened the gaps within his fingers and peered through them. A bolt of lightning shot from Charlie’s cheek and onto the ground, blackening a spot on the carpet. The unpleasant smell of charred fabric wafted into the air.

    “I said look at me!” Charlie snapped, lurching forward.

    Andrew jumped backward and off of his chair A powerful rumbling sensation began to brew in his stomach. “C-Charlie, get back! I’m going to shoot water!”

    “Then just stop yourself? What is wrong with you?” The Raichu grabbed his ears and squeezed them, pulling them downward. He grimaced. “Sometimes I have no idea what I’m supposed to do with you.”

    Andrew turned away to face the mysterious void across the room. “Get back! I can’t stop it!”

    Charlie groaned before taking several steps backward and crossing his arms. “I don’t have all day. But oh well, I guess these floors could use a cleaning!”

    The churning in Andrew’s stomach intensified. The sensation climbed up his amphibious esophagus, slowly… inching… further. 

    Water usually forced itself up quickly, bubbling and spewing out with impossible force in seconds. But this time, it was slow, oozing up his throat, Andrew gasped and hacked, coughing before a small brown blob flew from his mouth and onto the floor.

    The Marsthomp tilted his head. He leaned down and scooped up the substance, smearing some across the floor. His fingers slowly rose to his nostrils.

    That’s odd. Does it smell like mud? It does… OH NO! OH GOD NO!

    The Sinistea reappeared from the back room, with very poor timing. He somehow balanced a metal jug with the word “ WATER” painted on it in large letters. The teacup levitated onto the counter before leaning forward. “Here you go, sir. Sorry it took me a few moments, it’s just been such a long time since anyone has asked me for water. Would you believe it?”

    Time had run out.

    Andrew tried to yell, opening his mouth in vain to warn the tiny Pokemon of the horror he was trying so desperately to prevent. Run! Flee! Get out while you still can, your life depends on it! Were the words which that tried so desperately to escape his mouth.

    Instead, a dark stream of mud burst free and careened from the poor creature’s mouth. Time slowed to a halt as the once chipper Sinistea’s mouth fell to the floor. His pupils could only shift upward to watch the inevitable crash down upon him.


    The flow of time resumed as the Sinistea squeezed his eyes shut. The Pokemon became completely drenched in mud, as did the jug which still managed to rest atop his head.

    Charlie burst out laughing.

    Andrew swung his head back only to see the Raichu collapse to the floor. His body writhed and convulsed as howls escaped from his muzzle, pure joy and innocence the only thing visible behind his eyes.

    The Marshtomp wiped a trickle of mud off his face as he turned to the Sinistea. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to get mud on you, that’s never happened before.”

    He began to approach, however, the Sinistea flew back, letting the jug fall on the floor. “Demon! Foul creature! Come no closer! There is nothing but evil in your soul! You may have corrupted me, but you shall not reach my children! Back! Back! The voice of Arceus is on my side!”

    “Alright! No need to freak out, I’m just going to take this,” Andrew groaned. He slowly approached the counter, flippers held up high. He grabbed the jar and rolled it over to him, before firmly grasping it and scampering back to Charlie.

    The Raichu had since calmed down, his unrestrained cackle now a small but persistent giggle. “A-Andrew,” he wheezed, gasping for air. “Can you do that again?” 

    Andrew took a large gulp of water, before setting his now-empty cup down. “This is not how I expected my first day as president to go. Honestly, it was… boring.”

    “You can expect more of the same. Let me and the council make all the big decisions and you can sit back and relax. Go for a swim, hike, eat good food, live out your wildest dreams. Don’t stay cooped up in this old place,” Charlie explained. He took a bite out of a muffin, causing a few crumbs to stick to his fur.

    Andrew groaned. “But being the leader of a country is my wildest dream! I want to make this place better! I want to make this country a slightly less horrible place, even if a few teacups have to get hurt.”

    Charlie broke eye contact with the Marshtomp. “Running this place is harder than it looks. You don’t want real power in this place. You wouldn’t last a year, you’d end up rotting in a cell if you’re lucky.”

    “I think I’m pretty lucky.”

    The Raichu’s ears drooped. “Andrew, I’m protecting you. Power is a dangerous thing, and it will consume you if you don’t know how to control it. Trust me when I say I’m doing you a favor.”

    A favor by hoarding it all to yourself? 

    “I can handle power!” Andrew yelled, slamming a flipper onto the table. “ Let me do something! Anything! I’ll go crazy if you don’t. Would you want that?” 

    Charlie gave him an exasperated stare, taking another bite of the muffin. He swallowed. “I’m hesitant to let you do much.” 

    He paused, thinking on what to say. His eyes became serious as he put his food down.

    “I don’t want you to become what I was under Mirage. And I don’t ever want to become him.”

    Andrew bit his lip holding back a cruel smirk. “Are you this way because Mirage gave you power, or because he didn’t?”

    Natural illumination which had been brought by the skylights overhead suddenly began to dim. A single gray cloud drifted through the sky. It weaved past each window darkening the chamber as it went, leaving as quickly as it came. There in an instant, gone the next.

    “Well?” Andrew questioned.

    Charlie sighed, defeated. “Fine. If you can find an issue, something you really are passionate about, talk to me. But, only to me. Perhaps we’ll be able to work something out.”

    Appeased, Andrew grinned. “I think we will.”

    At this point I’m kind of running out of stuff to say in these author’s notes. I think I’ll be pushing out the re-edit of chapter two soon, but not too much else I have to share other than that. Next chapter will be pure chaos, though. Certainly something to look forward to.

    A big thank you to my Beta readers DaGamestar and Zee102, as well as DoomHuntley. Dissent Into Madness would not be possible without these amazing people and you should check out their work if you like what I’ve got here. Or if you don’t, too. Their stuff is amazing!

    As always feel free to share ideas, comment, give feedback, ask questions, or whatever your heart desires in the comments. I respond to just about everything!

    See you soon!


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