The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    And still those voices are calling from far away…

    The door burst open and slammed against the wall, nearly falling off its hinges Thomas scrambled into the house, followed by a row of Pokemon in green bandanas. They began pilfering through cabinets and flipping over the few pieces of furniture. A Drapion and Miltank entered hastily, carrying a large wooden platform by handles on each end. The floor creaked as they carefully placed it down. They grabbed the Zoroark with their hooves and claws and rolled her onto the stretcher with her snout facing upward. They left as quickly as they had entered. 

    “I’m quite surprised, Mister Marshtomp.” 

    Andrew turned to see the Bayleef from earlier, with a slight grin on his face.

    “You are? What’d I do?” He asked, tugging at his bowtie.

    The Bayleef tilted his head toward the pool of blood soaking the floor. “Beat up a criminal on your first day. Not something you see very often.”

    “Just doing my job, I guess.” He said, tearing his gaze away. “So, what do I do now?”

    “Can you recount what happened?”

    He held up his flipper. “Well, there was this Bewear. And she sent us to this creepy abandoned house. Then there was a Zoroark, and she tried to kill us. So I stabbed her with a cool shiny knife that I found.” 

    “Wait, slow down.” The Bayleef pleaded. “You went to an abandoned house and fought with the Zoroark?”

    Flippers crossed, he took a step forward. “You didn’t let me finish. I single-handedly beat her in that fight, and then I and Thomas went to get help. But when we passed this house we realized it had changed. So we investigated it and the Zoroark came back. She then confessed all her crimes and tried to kill me.”

    “The house changed? What do you mean by that? Do you still have the knife you used?”

    Andrew pointed to the corner. “Right there.” The knife sat at rest, still gleaming its shiny gold despite the darkening sky. 

    The Bayleef picked it up and lightly tossed it with his vine. “Wonder how much this is worth? I bet you I could pawn this for at least two hundred Poke.”

    “Wait? What?” Andrew stammered, raising his flippers. “I found that first! I should get to sell it!”

    He laughed. “First day and you’re already trying to sell evidence? New recruits seem so desperate for money these days.”

    “Snarky comments don’t mitigate the fact I found it first.”

    Circling Andrew, the Bayleef smirked. “I’m just messing with you. Consider this my compensation for you nearly beating a Pokemon not yet proven a criminal to death.”

    “What can I say? Justice works in mysterious ways.” Andrew narrowed his eyes.

    The Bayleef turned toward the door. “Unless we find a body or pile of coins, my team is done here. I was told you should report to the Royal Palace when you are done with your investigation.”

    “Alright, see you around,” He said, looking to the side.

    The Bayleef nodded and shot his head toward the door. The floor rumbled as the crowd of Pokemon scampered out, pushing each other and squeezing through the narrow door. The remnants of the doorknob still sat on the porch. The gaping hole that its absence had left prevented the door from shutting. Andrew turned to Thomas, who was the only other Pokemon left alone in the empty and desolate house.

    “That was certainly something!” Thomas exclaimed, poking his head out the door. He turned around and approached Andrew. “Are you okay?”

    Am I okay? I am… right?

    Andrew lowered himself to the floor and covered his face.

    “Andrew, are you okay?” Thomas repeated. 

    The Marshtomp’s flippers slowly lowered, revealing a few tears streaming down his face. He sniffled. “Don’t worry, I’m good. I just need a minute.”

    Thomas sat down on the floor next to him. He encircled the lower half of Andrew’s body with his tail. The long green tail felt pleasant on his skin. It was like lying on moist grass on a warm summer day. Tears continued to stream from his eyes. What is he doing? I don’t need a hug!

    Thomas pulled him closer, resting his head on Andrew’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, it’s over,” he whispered.

    They sat in silence for another few minutes. Thomas finally let go of him, and Andrew made his way toward the door. With a quiver in his voice, he spoke. “Well, I should probably report back to the castle, or whatever.”

    “Probably, I don’t like this place either. Let’s get outta here.” Thomas followed close behind. They exited the house, being assaulted by the downpour outside. The rain felt rejuvenating as it pelted Andrew’s skin. Bringing the same refreshing feeling he had not long ago while basking in the ocean’s waves. I could really go for a swim right now.

    He looked up and down the street. “Would you by any chance know how to get back to the palace?”

    “I can show you. Follow me!” Thomas hopped down the cobblestone road, splashing in several puddles. I still don’t get how he can be so positive.

    “Despite the situation, I enjoyed working with you,” Thomas said, as they passed a window with a warm yellow glow. The streets of Grandeport were desolate. There was not a single Pokemon in sight, except for the occasional wandering water or ground-type.

    “It certainly could have gone worse. I’m not sure if I would be able to catch that Zoroark without you.”

    Thomas smiled. “I couldn’t have done it without you either. We make a good team.”

    Andrew stopped and looked up at the sky. An infinite stairwell of water droplets fell from above. Each spiraled down around him and struck the ground softly. Even as they left his view, he didn’t look away. Did that all just happen? Did I stab the Zoroark? Am I still… me?

    “Andrew, are you sure you’re okay?”

    He jolted back at Thomas. “What? Yeah, I told you I’m good. It’s just a lot to take in. Everything has just felt out of control these past few days. And there is nothing I hate more than not being in control.”

    “I feel that way too sometimes. But that’s what friends are for.” Thomas raised his notebook, only to find it soaking wet. “Crap, I knew I should have brought my bag today.”

    Andrew looked over his shoulder. “Did you lose any important info?”

    “No, don’t worry. It’ll dry eventually. Plus, I’ll probably need the police report before I start writing the article on this case. But I can’t write down my address for you to visit me.”

    “Visit you?”

    Thomas sighed. “To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I met somebody like you. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I like you, Andrew. Don’t you wanna be able to see me outside of work?”

    “Well then. Perhaps you should tell me your address?” He asked.

    Thomas scratched the back of his head. “Oh yeah. That works too. I live at one-twenty-one Crescent Lane. It’s just off to the side of the main market road with all the shops. You can’t miss it.”

    “Speaking of roads, I recognize where we are. I can make it back from here. Thanks for all the help today.”

    “We’re parting ways already?” Thomas frowned.

    Andrew waved his flipper. “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to visit soon.”

    He nodded and turned back, slowly trekking in the opposite direction. Andrew couldn’t help but let a wide smile overtake his face. 

    The sky had darkened by the time Andrew reached the main entrance of the castle. A faint glow emanated from the oversized wooden door. Two figures came into view as he approached. The same Vulpix and Riolu stood guarding, the latter clutching a lamp. Their fur clumped and sagged downward. They shook a bit, shivering in the cold rain.

    “W-What do you wa-wa-want?” The Riolu growled at him.

    He bore a smug grin. “Oh, nothing much. I’m just enjoying the weather.”

    “Shut up M-Marshtomp.” The Vulpix barked. “We have n-no orders to let you in. Get lost.”

    “I’m too tired to argue with you. Just let me inside.” Andrew began walking forward, but the two  Pokemon scampered to block his path. Mud splashed up from behind the Vulpix as she face-planted into the Riolu. They fell to the ground, becoming further drenched in dirt and water.

    Andrew hopped over them and gracefully slid across the muddied path. He stared up at the giant doors. “Hey! How am I supposed to open these things, again?”

    The Vulpix clawed herself back up furiously, whipping her head back and forth to shake off water, which flew in all directions. Her tails waved in sync like a paper fan. “I won’t let you in. I’d even die to defend this castle!”

    He rolled his eyes. “If I let you come inside with me, will you let me in?”

    “No one’s gonna listen to you, Marshtomp.” The Riolu called out. “We don’t take bribes.”

    “It’s not a bribe, just a gesture of kindness. Me and Charlie are practically best friends. I promise I can get you two in.” He winked at the Vulpix.

    She sighed. “F-Fine. But I’m sounding the alarm if we’re out here for more than twenty minutes. I might become an ice-type if this keeps up.” The Vulpix leaped into the air and shot a fireball out of her mouth. It reached halfway up the castle’s wall before extinguishing itself, leaving behind a plume of smoke. 

    The group waited in silence before the doors slowly slid open. Andrew nodded to the pair. He crept into the main chamber, a gust of wind blowing past him as the monstrous gate slammed shut. He panned his head around the room before his gaze fell on the main stairwell. Crap, I’m gonna have to climb that again…

    Andrew stumbled over to the meeting room door. His legs did not obey him, giving way right before he could reach its knob. Laying down with his legs and flippers spread out, water from his skin began to spill onto the floor as he stared at the familiar ceiling. This is nice. Just sitting here in silence, with no distractions, and with adequately moisturized skin. A quiet creaking noise sounded from in front of him. 

    “What’s causing all this commotion?” Larry called out.

    Andrew pushed himself up. “You interrupted my one moment of tranquility today! Thanks, Larry!” He sneered sarcastically. 

    “How dare you insult me! You insolent amphibian!” He shouted, a scowl overtaking his face.

    Andrew groaned. “You’re not gonna ask me why I’m back so early? How I cracked the case in a day? Not even congratulations?”

    He crossed his arms. “I have no desire to praise Charlie’s latest pet.”

    “And yet you call me insolent.” Andrew scoffed. “Speaking of our favorite Raichu, could I speak with him?”

    Larry leaned against the wall. “As per usual, Charlie is off on some escapade. He promised his father that he’d be at the plenary meeting next week, though. Perhaps you can exchange idiocies then?”

    Andrew sighed. “Of course he is. Don’t worry about me, I’ll just go and be homeless for another week.”

    “I don’t see how he would be able to change that.”

    “Whatever.” Andrew turned his back to Larry and began walking away. “Also, let those guards in. They’ll sound the alarm if they don’t dry off soon.”

    “Wait. What?” He shouted from behind. Andrew smirked, hearing Larry’s confused yelps become quieter as he descended the stairs.

    Andrew lay at the edge of the water, the tide occasionally flowing in to brush his feet. The rain had since cleared, and several days had passed. Leaving the sand as its usual grainy texture. He had come to enjoy the quiet nights by the ocean. A collage of stars decorated the clear night sky. Why am I here? Why can’t I just move on and live my life?

    He ran his flipper through the sand. “I’m bored!” He called out to nobody.

    A full moon hung in the sky, casting its white glow across the water. He sat up and waded into the ocean. Cupping his flippers, he took several big gulps of water. Wait a second, this is an ocean. Shouldn’t this be saltwater? Am I dehydrating myself? 

    “Am I slowly killing myself?”

    “I guess you are in a sense,” A familiar voice laughed.

    Andrew turned around to see Charlie lying on the beach, only inches away from where he had been. “How long have you been there?”

    “A while.” The Raichu hopped up and joined Andrew. “Larry said that you wanted to talk to me. Of course, he then proceeded to start screaming at me because I addressed him as Larry. That guy needs to calm down. To be honest, I don’t know how he’s still on the council. I think a lack of maturity should result in immediate termination as a member.”

    “That’s a lot coming from the Pokemon who rarely shows up.”

    Charlie stretched his arms. “Maybe, but I’m not the one who throws temper tantrums.”

    “It seems to me like you all do,” Andrew said, chuckling. 

    Charlie playfully elbowed him in the back of the head. Causing him to stumble forward. “Perhaps we should just get to the point.”

    “Oh yeah.” Andrew tugged at his bowtie. “First and most importantly, I have a bowtie. Second, I solved your murder case.”

    “Is the bowtie really the most important part of what’s happened to you recently?” Charlie asked.

    “It’s the part you’re commenting on.”

    He laid back down. “Man, you’re exhausting.”

    “It’s pretty late.” Andrew yawned, “I should really be going to ocean.”

    “You mean to bed?”

    “I would say that if I had a bed.” He retorted, staring at the rippling water. “Except, I’ve been sleeping on the ocean floor since I arrived in Grandeport.”

    Charlie rolled in the sand carelessly, allowing his tail to swish around. “But you’re a Marshtomp. Aren’t you supposed to like water? I’m doing a favor by letting you sleep in my ocean.”

    Andrew stomped over to him, Crushing the Raichu’s tail beneath his feet. “You wanna repeat that? I haven’t slept in a bed for what has felt like months. And you’re claiming that letting me sleep in the ocean is generous?”

    “Chill out Andrew. I’m just messing with you. You’ll be getting paid soon, and maybe I’ll even slip you a little bonus for all your hard work.”

    He lifted his foot off Charlie, lowering himself to lay beside him. “Sorry about that. I feel like since I became this thing, I’ve been more and more angry. I don’t think of myself as a mean or violent person, but sometimes it just feels like I’m slipping. I caught that murderer, but I also might have killed her.”

    “Andrew,” Charlie uttered. “You can be a bit feisty, but I like that about you. We all have our flaws. That Zoroark is still alive last I checked, though you certainly did a number on her.” 

    Charlie stood up. “Look, I was talking with the other council members earlier, and we have this big meeting with the King tomorrow. I want you to be there. They’re impressed, and we might give you a promotion. But you gotta show up nice and early. Does that sound doable?”

    A promotion before my first paycheck? How could I miss it? “Don’t worry, I’ll be there.”

    “You better be.” Charlie began strolling down the beach. Becoming a small blur of orange as his distance grew. The yellow-tipped tail was the last thing Andrew saw before Charlie disappeared into the night.

    Andrew undid his bowtie. He darted his eyes back and forth before squeezing water out onto the ornate carpet below him. The spirals of red and yellow decorated the floor beneath his feet and became darker and damp. Pretty fancy for a waiting room. Then again, that seems to be a trend with this castle. Imagine how much money someone blew on this!

    He took an audible deep breath, feeling the air enter his nostrils and run down his throat. Not that there was anyone else there to hear him. His heart beat quickly, but he paid no attention to it as he grabbed the large silver handles. Don’t blow it, Andrew. I can do this. 

    He swung the doors open, revealing a large ornate chamber. It reminded him of the dreaded courtroom that he had been in only several weeks prior. Though it felt like months had passed by since that day. Large metal chandeliers hung from the towering ceiling. Magnificent glossy windows lined the walls, stained with paintings of Ninetails and Vulpix. 

    In the center of the room sat a large gray table. It formed a crescent, stretching across the camber toward Andrew. Each Pokemon was seated several feet away from the ones next to them. On the far left end sat the Tyrantrum, Eugene was it? To his left was Larry, the Gallade having his usual scowl spread across his face.

    On the far right side sat Felicia. A stack of papers rested in front of her, the letters appearing as small and jumbled to Andrew from his distance. She flipped back and forth between them, paying no attention to him. Charlie sat to her right with a smirk. He raised his paw in what Andrew interpreted as some sort of thumbs up.

    In the center of the table sat Pokemon Andrew had yet to meet. A large fox-like Pokemon with creamy yellowish fur sat in the center. They had piercing red eyes, and nine silky tails flowing from their back. A Vulpix not dissimilar to the one who guarded the castle sat on a smaller chair next to the Ninetails.

    “Hello there, child. You must be Andrew.” He spoke in a soft but masculine voice.

    “Yeah. That’s me,” The Marshtomp said quietly.

    Charlie glared at him. “Speak up!” 

    Andrew awkwardly ran up to the table and looked into the darting eyes of the king, council, and Vulpix. What’s up with them being here?

    “Yes, I’m Andrew.”

    The King grinned. “I can tell. The name given to me when I hatched was Cenomsemoquedesauteursquiutilisentdesnomsavecdessignificationsdansd’autreslanguesdansleshistoires. But most denizens of this kingdom refer to me as King Mirage. 

    That’s a stupid name. Well, those are stupid names. 

    “Chief Rime was a good man. One of the finest Pokemon I’ve ever had the honor of working with,” he continued. A scowl developed on his face and his tone harshened. “When I heard of his assassination, it was not something I took lightly. You have brought a criminal to justice Andrew. And such a good deed will not go unrewarded.”

    King Mirage turned to Felicia, prompting the Lucario to pick up the papers in front of her. She slid them down the table to Andrew while looking him straight in the eye. He glanced at the page, the formatting seemed familiar. Large letters spelled out, “LOCAL MARSHTOMP AND SERVINE CATCH MURDERER”

    Is this some sort of newspaper? He thought, turning back up to face the King. “Wow, this is… a lot.”

    “I’ll admit, Andrew,” Felicia said with a faint smile on her face. “I am impressed with you, and I think the other members of the council would agree.” Eugene and Charlie nodded, but Larry rolled his eyes.

    Charlie stood up from his chair and climbed onto the table. He placed his paws on his hips. “I’d just like to point out I was right about Andrew being a human and about him being more than capable. So you should all start listening to me. Especially you!” He glared at Mirage.

    “Sit down, Charlie! Now!” He yelled, baring his teeth. 

    The Raichu glared at him. Murmuring incomprehensibly, he descended back to his seat.

    Felicia cleared her throat. “As I was saying, we’re impressed. So much so that we have been considering promoting you.”

    “A promotion?” Andrew smiled sheepishly. “I’d be honored, assuming you end up choosing to do so.”

    Mirage beamed. “No need to be so humble. At this point your promotion is inevitable, we are nearly done discussing details with the police force’s captains. Andrew, I think you will make quite a good Chief.”

    He stumbled back, unable to hold back a smile. “Chief? But I’ve only been an officer for a few weeks, I don’t know anything about being Chief!”

    “May I speak with Andrew in private?” Charlie called out. A sharp glare still emanated from his eyes.

    Mirage eyed Felicia, before exchanging a nod. “Fine, but be quick.” Charlie hopped out of his seat and hastily made his way to Andrew. He grabbed the Marshtomp’s flipper, before dragging him out of the room.

    “What was that about?” Andrew questioned, pulling Charlie’s arm off.

    “I think what you meant to say is, thank you for getting me out of there.”

    He fidgeted. “Look man, I’m confused. Just tell me why we’re here.”

    “You sounded hesitant about accepting your promotion.” He groaned. “I’m here to prevent you from saying something stupid.”

    Andrew raised his flippers. “Don’t get me wrong, I like power as much as the next guy. But being Police Chief sounds like a lot of work. I’m still trying to figure out how to be a Marshtomp, how am I supposed to run an entire Police Force?”

    “Andrew, Andrew, Andrew,” Charlie said, quieter each time. “They don’t want you to be Chief of Police.”

    Oh? Is he jealous? He shook his head, looking at Charlie as if a ghost stood in front of him instead. “Of course they want me to be Chief! I mean, they just asked!”

    He put his head down and sighed. “Just, let me talk. Alright?”

    Andrew nodded, narrowing his eyes.

    “Chief Rime was a stubborn Pokemon. He was an old guy who always thought he was right. Which meant that he would always put up a fight whenever he disagreed with Mirage. So now that he’s dead, they want somebody who they can control. Which is the actual reason you’re getting a surprise promotion.”

    Andrew tilted his head, a scowl covering his face. “So they want me to be Police Chief because they think they can control me? Do they know who I am?” He stomped his foot on the ground. “I’m not gonna be their stupid Police Chief. I’d rather die!”

    “Andrew!” Charlie whispered. “Stay quiet, they’re probably trying to eavesdrop.”

    “Yeah, whatever you say. I bet you they had the prior Chief assassinated so they could put me in charge. It all makes sense, Charlie.” He grabbed the Raichu’s soldiers. “This was all a part of the plan. It was all a setup.” 

    He rolled his eyes. “Calm down. The King has only known of your existence since yesterday. He and Rime did have some mutual respect for each other, despite their differences. Government officials getting assassinated isn’t unheard of.”

    Andrew’s flippers fell back to his side, his lower lip beginning to protrude. “Oh, alright.”

    “Are you good?”

    He shook his head, returning his face to its normal state. “Yeah, just caught up in my excitement.”

    “Happens to the best of us.” Charlie shrugged. “Still, you should accept their offer. Mirage may want to use you, but he also believes you’re a magical human. I’m sure we could use that to our advantage.”

    “Really, he does?” 

    Leaning forward, he murmured. “They’re gullible idiots. They all do.”

    “Do you?”

    Charlie opened his mouth, but no sound left it. He stood for a moment, before settling on. “That’s not relevant right now. What matters is that you accept their offer.”

    “You’re being very persistent about this.” Andrew narrowed his eyes.

    Charlie scowled. “Just go in there and say you’ll be their Police Chief. If you disappoint, we’re both gonna be in big trouble. The people in that room don’t understand what the word no means.”

    “You know Charlie.” Pacing around as he spoke. “What I’ve gotten from this is that all of these people are corrupt. If I agree, then I would be complicit. And I’m not a big fan of monarchs or councils trying to take advantage of me.”

    “Andrew, please.”

    “But!” Andrew continued. “Unlike them, I maintain integrity. I am not going to participate in their scheme. I will do everything I can to make sure a qualified Pokemon becomes the next Police Chief.”

    “If you say yes, you’ll get paid more.”

    “You probably should have started with that.” Andrew grabbed the door handles and flung them open. Strutting into the room with a confident smirk on his face. The members of the council and King exchanged glances as the Marshtomp approached. The Vulpix stared at him, following his every step as he got closer.

    Charlie took his seat. Andrew overheard Mirage whisper. “You realize we heard most of that?” Prompting the Raichu to merely shrug. 

    Andrew straightened his bowtie, before leaning against the cold stone of the table. “I reluctantly accept your offer.”

    “Very well then.” Mirage clasped his paws together. “Now, we can move on to what we’re really here to talk about. Tax policy!”

    The room broke out with yelling. Felicia jumped onto the table, screaming incomprehensibly at Eugene who was now standing at full height and pointing his short arms at her. Larry also got up, picking up his chair and waving around with one arm. He pointed at Felicia while saying something, but Andrew could only make out the words, “Poor… Gold… Crazy…” and “Lawrence!”

    Papers were launched toward the ceiling, raining down on the angered Pokemon. Andrew’s eyes darted from side to side. They settled back on Mirage, who sat with a blank expression on his face. Not bothering to engage with others. Charlie sat covering his mouth, hushed laughter coming from him. 

    “I think you can go, Andrew.” The King uttered. He nodded, slowly backing out of the room with raised flippers.

    Gripping the handles, he carefully shut the oversized doors. The screaming in the main room mostly subsided. Andrew closed his eyes and ran a flipper across his forehead. Truly the most upscale and civilized Pokemon the world has to offer. He mocked in his mind. His eyes opened to the familiar elegance of the waiting room, and a certain Raichu standing less than a foot away. What the hell? 

    “Uh, how did you get here.”

    Charlie grinned. “A magician never reveals his secrets.”

    “Is that what you are now?” Andrew retorted, rolling his eyes. 

    He playfully elbowed him. “I guess so. Anyways, I’m starving! Wanna get something to eat?”

    “Lead the way, Sir Charlie of His Majesty’s Royal Council!”

    They couldn’t help but smile, chuckling to themselves over the screams and banging from the door beside them.

    And just like that, another chapter is born.

    I hope you enjoyed this one, I had a lot more fun working on it than I originally thought I would. As per usual, feedback and comments are always appreciated.

    I’ve been writing Dissent Into Madness nonstop since March. Combined with my currently hectic schedule, means I’m going to need to take the next week off from writing. Don’t worry though, this just means the chapter will take three weeks to release instead of the usual two.

    Now that’s out of the way, I hope you have a good rest of your day!



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