The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “We leave at Dawn.” Mellan said, addressing the three young pokemon.


    Noticing a somewhat discouraged look on Cinder’s face, Mellan let out a sigh. “You may be up and moving now, but that doesn’t make you ready for potential conflict. Especially at night.” The cat bluntly said, putting emphasis on the ladder of his reasoning. 

    “I advise you to use this time to rest, and mentally prepare yourselves for what’s to come…” Mellan said before turning his back to walk away. 

    “Teleporting box, huh… not the weirdest one, but it’s up there…” The three heard the cat mutter as he sauntered off.


    Crash tilted his head. “How’d he know about the-” Cutting himself off when he noticed Hickory’s expression shift. 

    “You told him…” The Scraggy groaned. 

    “Well he did save us…” Hickory responded as he turned towards Crash.


    The fighting type could only sigh in response, putting his hands to his face before dragging them down.


    Sitting alone outside the burrow, Crash watched Cinder and Hickory talking in the distance. Closing his eyes as he leaned back against the wall, he continued to think about exactly what had happened earlier. Crash then began to remember the times his dad would tell him stories about Inferno’s Maw, stories which would often be followed up by a veiled threat of having the young Scraggy sent there if he ‘misbehaved.’


    “Why did I say I’d go…?” Crash muttered, shaking his head. 

    “Maybe I could get Sparky to take me back to Timberglad-” The Scraggy suggested to himself, before quickly shooting down the idea. “Who am I kidding…” 


    Crash tried to think of any reason he could to get out of his ‘teammates’ mission. Changing Cinder’s mind was immediately out of the question. And if he actually managed to make it back to Timberglade on his own, Crash doubted the guildmaster would hear him out this time. Quickly sitting up, Crash shuttered at the thought of the Decidueye guildmaster’s gaze.

    Continuing to rack his brain around his situation, Crash only reached more dead ends. Just traveling back to Timberglade on its own seemed to have its own sets of problems for the Scraggy, as every conclusion he reached would’ve either been too much trouble, or just not worth it in the end. As of now, Cinder and Hickory were his key to ‘safely’ reaching Timberglade. And that meant following them into the City of Thieves.


    However, as he thought more about his mandatory traveling companions, there was a part of Crash that had grown kind of used to the Vulpix’s presence. And as for Hickory, Crash figured he wasn’t so bad to be around either. “Ugh… what am I doing…?” Crash grumbled, eyeing the two pokemon again as he clenched his fists. 

    This… This is going to be the biggest mistake of my life…”


    “I never would’ve thought there were places like this around the region…” Hickory remarked, glancing around at the dens lining the stone walls. 

    “Yeah, there’s… there’s a lot out there.” Cinder answered with a rather solemn tone. 

    Noticing this, Hickory spoke up again to try and change the mood. “So, have you ever traveled around before…? Not just for missions I mean.” 

    “Yeah, I used to travel with my brother a lot… That’s actually when we met his teammates.” Cinder said before cracking a slight smile. “You know, that reminds me of a story.” 


    “There was once this small town we were passing through when he and I got separated. At this point, Char had never let me out of his sight. But this time I’m not really sure what happened, just that the marketplace was pretty crowded…” Cinder said, her face tightening up as she tried to recollect the exact events.

    “I found myself on a street outside the marketplace. And as much as I kept telling myself that Char would find me, after a while I… kinda wandered off.” 

    Upon hearing this, Hickory gave the Vulpix a somewhat confused look. “Wouldn’t it have been better to just stay where he could-” 

    “Look I don’t know, I was like six!” Cinder quickly argued, giving a small scowl that came off as more pouty than her usual display of irritation. 


    “Anyway to my surprise, he wasn’t the one who found me… Though knowing Char, I know he never stopped looking. That’s probably why I was so determined to find him…”

    Hearing this, Hickory couldn’t help but think about his brothers and sister. Sure, he admits that he probably could’ve left on better terms with Maple. But if he could, the Bayleef would head home in a heartbeat if something were to happen to her or the triplets. 


    “Thorn and Mist… I think they were playing some kind of game when they saw me pacing on the side of the street.” Cinder continued. “It was also the first time I saw someone almost choke on an oran berry…” She said, looking slightly off to the side. 

    I’m… almost afraid to ask…” Hickory said, a bit taken aback by what the Vulpix said.


    “Yeah, I’m not really sure… All I know is that it was Thorn’s idea.” Cinder answered, as a confused look formed on her face. “But after that mess they asked me if I was lost, saying they could tell I wasn’t from around.” 

    “Well I’d think in a small enough town it’s a bit easier to tell…” Hickory said with a smile, bringing a vine to his chin. “My dad says this is especially true in a marketplace, as the ‘out of towners’ will take just a bit longer to find what they need. Or if they don’t avoid that ‘one shop’ everyone else seems to.”


    “Funny you mention that…” Cinder remarked, shifting her gaze. “ ‘Cause that’s where we went first after they agreed to help me. At least I think.” 

    “We went to this one stand that was kinda off to the side, and talked with the Meowth that ran it. I don’t remember too much, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t like Thorn.” 

    “Did something happen?” Hickory asked. 

    “Not sure, but I think Thorn may have owed them money… But they still decided to help, saying they saw a yellow Vulpix frantically searching the place before running off.” 


    “Low and behold, we found Char. And he was pretty pissed… He was glad to see me, but still really pissed.” Cinder said with a slight chuckle. “Though I guess looking back on it-” Pausing, the two pokemon looked each other in the eyes. 

    Yeah… ” The duo said in unison as they grit their teeth.


    “But after a while, they agreed to take us to Timberglade… And I’ll admit, the trip was more fun once the two came along. And though there were some, incidents… eventually towards the end they decided to form a team.” 

    Cinder then smiled as she had a moment of pause. “Yeah, I know it’s kind dumb, but… I feel like that’s what started everything, you know?” 


    Looking at the Vulpix, Cinder seemed genuinely happy after telling him this story. It was a side of the fox that he hadn’t yet seen, and he felt glad that Cinder could tell him something like that. He took that as a sign that the two of them could become closer not just as teammates, but as friends. Such thought however, soon caused the Bayleef’s gaze to shift to the side as something that had been creeping in the back of his mind throughout the day began to surface. 



    “Something wrong?” Cinder asked as her ears fell. 

    “It’s just… I’ve been thinking about all of this a bit more…” Hickory said, as the leaf on his head drooped. “I know that I agreed to help you retrieve the box… but to be completely honest, some of the things Crash brought up… Do you think we might be a bit in over our heads…?” 


    Cinder sighed. “Hickory it’s-” 

    “I just don’t want anything to happen to you guys… not after today…

    Cinder looked like she was about to argue back, but rather kept silent instead. 


    “I just want everyone to get out of this in one piece…” Hickory continued. “And I want to know that if we think things are going too far, we can consider turning back… If that is something you can agree to, I’ll gladly join you…”


    The Vulpix looked at the ground for a bit before taking a deep breath and looking back up at Hickory. “… Okay. But Mellan did agree to go with us, so I don’t think we should worry too much right now.” 

    “I guess you’re right…” The Bayleef said, with a bit less uncertainty in his voice. Rubbing the back of his neck with a vine, he continued to look at the fire type. 


    “Try to have some faith in her Hickory… you’re a team…” The sauropod thought as a smile formed on his face. 


    With not much else to do, Cinder and Hickory then began to walk around the settlement for a while. As they did, the duo began to talk about various anecdotes while they strolled about. Almost as if their current situation were but a distant thought. The two told funny stories about each other’s siblings, talked about their preferred foods, as well as other miscellaneous things. But it soon came to an end when a yawn passed Cinder’s mouth. “How long have we been out here…?” 

    Hickory asked as he looked up at the now orange tinted sky. “I didn’t think the day would go by that quickly…” 


    “Thanks…” Cinder remarked. 


    “This was nice… just talking like that…” 

    A grin formed on Hickory’s face as Cinder said those words. Watching the fox yawn again, he figured it was probably time the two headed back to Mellan’s borrow. Besides, the Bayleef had to admit he was getting a bit peckish. And while he didn’t see any earlier, he was silently hoping that Mellan had food. “Maybe it’s time we head back.”


    On their way back to Mellan’s, the events of the story Cinder had earlier told Hickory had begun to play over in her head. Only this time, these memories were met with sorrow rather than fondness. “I’m making him worry again…”   Was all Cinder could think as she looked down at the ground.


    Upon reaching Mellan’s den, Cinder and Hickory were met with the sight of Crash doing something the two of them hadn’t expected. Crash along with the Snorlax from earlier were standing outside the burrow next to a large pot they had over an open flame. The yellow lizard walked over towards a wooden board laying on two rocks, where an assortment of berries awaited preparation. The two watched as Crash lifted a small blade, before slicing each of the berries in a series of fairly quick motions. 


    “I’ll be back in a bit.” They heard the Snorlax say before he turned to walk off. Crash groaned in response, but said nothing as he continued to cut up the berries.


    “What’s all of this?” Hickory asked. 

    Hearing the Bayleef’s voice, Crash turned his head around and sighed. “Sparky’s making me help cook dinner…” He halfheartedly answered.


    Since when could Crash cook…? ” Cinder thought, gazing at the Scraggy. However when Crash noticed her doing this, he quickly turned back to the berries. Cinder hastily looked away as well, walking off towards the burrow without saying a word. Hickory then looked between the two and sighed, having a bit of an idea of what was happening.


    He then watched as Crash stepped onto a rock positioned next to the pot, dropping the sliced berries inside. Walking towards the Scraggy, Hickory raised a vine in Crash’s direction. “Do you… want any help-” 

    “Do what you want…” Crash groaned. Hickory could clearly tell the dark type was upset, as Crash muttered something to himself before removing a small glass container from his pouch and violently shaking it into soup.


    Hickory’s eyes widened in mild panic as he quickly picked up a potent smell from what Crash was dumping into their dinner. “Crash, I-” 

    “What?!” The Scraggy snapped, whipping his head towards the grass type. 

    “I think that might be a bit too much…” Hickory said as he pointed a vine towards the pot. 


    Crash froze for a second before intensely looking into the now crimson concoction bubbling inside the pot. He slowly looked at the vial labeled: ‘ Concentrated Tamato Powder .’ 

    “How are you with spice…?” Crash asked, turning his head towards the Bayleef.

    Hickory sighed, staring nervously at the pot. “ Ehh… ” 

    “Oh, I see…” Crash responded. “Yeah, guess I put in a bit too much this time.” He groaned, staring back at the soup. 


    “So you have cooked before? …Wait, sorry- was that mean?” Crash just looked off to the side in response. 

    “Nah… I just, really don’t like cooking.” 

    “Why not?” 

    “ ‘Cause back with Team Raiders, me and a few others were put on cooking duty more than a couple of times. You’d think bandits would be less picky over what they crammed in their mouths…” Crash groaned, as a certain mist spewing reptile came to mind.


    “What’d you do to the the soup?” A deep voice asked, quickly making Crash jump. Turning around, he saw that the Snorlax had returned holding a crate. 


    Grasping his chest, Crash looked up at the dark green bear. “You’re real quiet for a Snorlax, you know that…” He said as the normal type set the crate down. Hearing glass clinking inside, Crash got an idea. He rushed for the open crate, finding an assortment of jars holding a number of different contents. 

    No… no… no… ” The Scaggy muttered as he sifted through the crate. 

    “Okay… okay, I can work with this.” Crash said to himself as he made off with two of the jars. 


    The Snorlax crossed their arms as he watched Crash run towards the pot. “What are you-” 

    “Look, to keep everyone’s insides from melting we’re gonna make some changes.” The Scraggy said as he frantically opened the two jars. One contained Miltank milk, while the other held a Pecha berry jam. 


    Hickory and the Snorlax watched with bewilderment as Crash dumped them in, before stirring the concoction with a large spoon resting on the wooden board. As Hickory’s concerned gaze lingered on the Scraggy, two vines slowly emerged from his neck before the ends pressed together. “ Arceus, please protect us from food poisoning… ” 

    Catching a glimpse of what Hickory was doing, Crash turned towards the Bayleef as he pointed the spoon at him. “Fine! Don’t eat it then!”


    “Sorry…” Hickory said, giving a somewhat sheepish grin. “Just a little joke there…”


    Team Lightwood, Mellan, and the Snorlax sat on the floor of the borrow. Each staring down at the bowls sitting in front of them. Each one holding a thick soup bearing an unnatural, reddish-pink color. Mellan looked up at Crash as the Scraggy slowly turned his head away in response. 

    “Crash… What is this…?” Mellan sternly asked. 


    “Honestly… a mistake…” The Scraggy thought. 


    “Come on, it’s not that bad!” Crash said as he crossed his arms. 

    “You made it. You taste it.” 

    “Fine! But only to prove that this is in fact, completely edible!” Crash exclaimed before lifting the bowl to his face. After taking a few big sips Crash set the bowl back down, looking Mellan dead in the eye right after. 


    “Well?” Mellan asked. 

    The expression on Crash’s face soon changed from one of irritation, to one of smug satisfaction. “Your turn.” 

    Mellan looked back down at the soup, leaning down to give it a few licks. The Luxray then turned his attention towards Crash, giving the Scraggy an approving nod. Crash crossed his arms, puffing his chest out as he gave a pompous grin. 


    “Don’t get too excited, you still messed up the soup.” Mellan remarked. 

    “Then maybe you should’ve done it yourself…” Crash muttered.


    The others soon began to eat, noting that it tasted better than it looked. All with the exception for Cinder, who sat in silence as she occasionally pecked at her meal. “Are you feeling okay?” Hickory asked, turning his head towards the Vulpix. 


    “I’m just a bit tired…” She said in a dejected manner. Slowly standing up, Cinder then walked up to the straw bed she’d awoken on earlier before collapsing on top of it.


    Late that night, Cinder shifted around in her sleep, her breathing soon began to hasten as her dream picked up in intensity. The fire type found herself in a vast, dark void as she chased down the box. Levitating while sporting a perpetual purple glow, the box just seemed to be constantly out of reach. Leaping forward, Cinder finally managed to get her paws on the elusive wooden capsule. But upon grabbing it, the void instantly became a town in complete ruin. 


    Homes and other various structures lay destroyed, all while fires and crimson puddles littered the ground. However, Cinder’s attention was soon turned back to the box as its glow began to fade. Slowly it turned to dust before her eyes, breaking apart as the remnants floated off into the wind.

    “NO! Nonononono… ” The Vulpix cried as she tried to keep the box together. “ Please… don’t leave… ” Cinder begged, holding on to whatever was left of the box until it all disappeared. 


    “Cinder… What have you done…?” A voice all too familiar to the fire type asked. It reverberated around the destroyed town as Cinder shakely rose to her feet. 


    “Char…?” Cinder asked, her voice wavering as she turned her head to try and spot any sign of her brother. However a sudden, cold sensation ran through the auburn fox before she slowly turned around.

    The fire type’s glossy eyes widened in horror as she stared at the display in front of her. As a large shadowy figure stood over the Vulpix, holding the box in one hand, and lifting Char by the neck in the other. “ You… did this Cinder… ” A raspy, distorted version of the Ninetales’ voice called out as his body hung limp in the shadow’s grasp, all while Cinder’s own was frozen in place. 


    “I-I’m sorry… C-Char, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to- I… I… ” Cinder stammered before her own body went limp, the Vulpix’s surroundings steadily fading away as she collapsed. The only thing in her sight was now the box, only now it lay open and empty.


    The Vulpix’s eyes shot open before she quickly pulled herself out of bed, panting. Cinder slowly looked around the den to find everyone else asleep. Her breathing soon began to slow before she sunk back down, curling up in the nest-like bed as she tried to get back to sleep.


    Early the next morning, Cinder awoke to something prodding her side. Grumbling as she opened her eyes, the fire type saw Hickory standing over her as he poked her with one of his vines. “Hey uh, Cinder… We’re going to head off soon.”  

    The Vulpix slowly stood up, letting out a yawn as she stretched out her body. The fire type’s sleep had been rather restless throughout the night, and she felt horrible. There was no other way for her to describe her current state, as ‘just tired’ would be a massive understatement. Her stance was more unbalanced than normal, and her glossy eyes struggled to keep themselves open. 


    After hearing a few soft pops, she looked back up at the Bayleef. “Yeah, alright…” She sighed, before walking off towards the den’s exit. 


    “Hey, Cinder… Are you sure you’re ready to do this?” Hickory asked, stepping towards his partner. “It’s just… you barely ate last night and-” 

    I’m fine .” The Vulpix cut him, snapping her head back towards Hickory as she raised her voice. 


    “Cinder, I-” 

    “No. No… I’m- I’m Sorry. I’m fine. ” 


    “…Can you at least eat this?” Hickory asked, holding out a large, speckled yellow berry.


    Staring at the sitrus berry, Cinder soon closed her eyes and nodded. “Thanks…”


    Crash and Mellan sat outside watching as Cinder and Hickory approached them, however the Scraggy quickly turned his head to avoid CInder’s gaze. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but ever since things calmed down after their argument yesterday, an air of awkwardness lingered between the two of them. The two pokemon would forcibly avoid the other’s gaze at all moments, and Crash hated it. 


    “This is stupid…” The yellow lizard thought. “We’re gonna be traveling for who knows how long, all while Sparky keeps an eye on us. And he’ll only get on my case if me and Cinder get at it again…”


    “So how long’s this gonna take anyway?” Crash asked, side eyeing Mellan. 

    “There’s a shortcut through a dungeon I’m planning to take us through. If we’re lucky, we’ll be there by mid morning.” The Luxray answered, looking up at the still darkened sky. 


    “So do you go to Inferno’s Maw often?” Hickory asked. 

    “I did tell I had a friend there right? And besides, as much as I don’t like it… they have certain things there that I need for supply runs.” 

    “And who’s this, ‘friend’ you have there anyway…?” Crash asked the Luxray, not hiding the prying nature of his question. 


    Mellan didn’t answer however, instead clearing his throat as he turned away. “It’s time we get moving.”


    Leaving the confines of the settlement, Mellan, Crash, Cinder, and Hickory walked through a tunnel that the Bayleef didn’t recognize. Noting that it wasn’t the same tunnel he and the Luxray had used to enter yesterday. The four soon approached a brick red crocodile with black stripes, and a gray, dinosaur-like creature with a cone shaped horn. The Krookodile and Rhydon were making conversation with each other, but stopped when they saw Mellan walk towards them. 


    The Krookodile glanced past the cat, eyeing the three young pokemon following him. “Do I even wanna know?” The reptile asked, raising a brow.

    Mellan shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.” 


    The two ground types looked at each other before opening the large metal gate beside them. “Just try not to get in too much trouble, alright.” The Rhydon said with a smirk. 

    “I never do.” Mellan responded as he walked past them. 

    “So where’s the big guy?” The Krookodile asked. 

    “Ivan Should be here about… now.” A rhythmic thudding could soon be heard echoing throughout the large tunnel as Mellan’s partner came into view. The Snorlax had a large bag strapped over his shoulder, presumably holding everything they’d need for their trip to Inferno’s Maw.


    As the group of five stepped outside, Mellan scanned the rocky terrain for any activity before soon deeming it safe to continue. It was then Crash turned towards Hickory and Cinder, holding out his hand as he did. “Alright greenscarfs, hand ‘em over.” 

    “Huh?” Hickory asked, tilting his head. 

    “We’re not just gonna walk around out here with these things on.” The Scraggy said, pulling his own bandana he’d gotten from the guild out of his pouch.


    Cinder sighed. “As much as I hate to say it, he’s right…” She said, looking up at Hickory. Thinking back to yesterday, the Bayleef nodded in agreement. Using his vines, he undid the green guild scarf from his neck, while Cinder did the same with her paws. The two handed their bandanas over to Crash, who then shoved them down into his pouch along with his own. 


    Seeing that the three were done, Mellan looked up at the sky, seeing it still had not reached daybreak yet. “Let’s not waste anymore time.” 

    It was then that the realization of just what they were doing had begun to sink into the three young pokemon. This is where their journey to Inferno’s Maw began, and hopefully it would be one the trio would see the end of.


    The sun slowly crept over the horizon as the five pokemon continued to traverse the flat, stony terrain. Following Mellan’s lead, Crash, Cinder, and Hickory noticed after a while that the stone under their feet felt different. The soft light of dawn showed the surrounding area beginning to change as they walked by, the dull, gray hills becoming a more dusty brown.

    With every step the group took, the more and more Crash could feel himself getting cold feet. But he couldn’t help but follow the others, constantly keeping watch for anything suspicious. It didn’t help that it was eerily quiet, with the only immediate sounds being the group’s own footsteps. 


    “Let me hear your best bandit impression.” He whispered towards Hickory. As Crash was desperate for any excuse to get his mind off things.

    “Why?” The Bayleef quietly answered, showing some concern. 

    “Cause you seem like the type I would’ve pickpocketed before… all of this… ” 

    Hickory raised a brow. “Didn’t you steal from me about two days ago-” 

    “Anyway…” Crash groaned, cutting Hickory off. “Just do it, I wanna hear.” 


    The grass type cleared his throat before trying to get into character. Using his best ‘tough guy voice’, Hickory then turned his head towards Crash. “I demand you hand over-” 

    The Scraggy then let out a sound that was something of a mix between a huff and a chuckle. “Oh… Hick, no…” Crash said, trying not to burst out laughing as he leaned his hand against the leafy sauropod’s side. “We’re gonna have to work on that.”


    “We’re nearly there.” Mellan said as his pace ground to a halt. 

    “Huh?” Cinder said, tilting her head to the side. 

    “Down there is the dungeon that acts as a shortcut to Inferno’s Maw. To my knowledge, not that many mon’s pass through here. So your ‘friends’ from the other day likely didn’t come this way.”


    “I’m sensing there’s a catch here…” Crash said, crossing his arms. 

    Mellan glared out at the cliffs ahead of them. “There’s a legendary pokemon here. Regirock .” Crash, Cinder, and Hickory all froze after hearing the Luxray’s words. 


    “Relax, it’s dormant. I wouldn’t have brought you here if I didn’t think we could make it.”

    “But this is still a legendary we’re talking about here!” Hickory exclaimed, taking a step back. “…If it’s dormant , then it shouldn’t be an issue… right…?” He heard Cinder hestantly ask after a prolonged silence.


    “Cinder…” The Bayleef said, as he and Crash turned towards her. The Vulpix was visibly trembling, but they watched as she stepped up towards Mellan. Cinder then looked back, having a pleading look in her eyes. 

    Crash sighed, putting a hand to his temple. “Well if it’s pretty much dead, then I’m more scared of what will happen when we actually get to the damn city…”


    “Stuff like this is part of being an explorer…” Ivan said, turning towards Hickory. “And so long as no one separates from the group, all will be well.” The grass type then took a deep breath before standing up straight and looking at Cinder, giving her a slight nod.


    As the five went on ahead, they would soon take a ‘less than smooth’ trip down a rocky incline. Some loose rocks, and the combined weight of the group caused Crash to lose his balance on the slope. Feeling something wrap around his arm, he looked back to see Hickory’s tenderals pulling him back. “I thought you said this was supposed to be a shortcut!” Crash exclaimed. However the Scraggy’s complaint fell upon deaf ears as he watched Mellan carefully leap past him towards a lower part of the rock.

    Upon reaching the bottom, the group came across a large gap in the towering cliffside looming over them. The stone feature gave off an imposing aura, like a fortress housing a terrible beast that only the brave and foolish would dare enter on a whim. A rather fitting feeling as the team was reminded of what awaited them both within, and after the dungeon.


    Stained Chasm: Floor 1


    The group looked around the rough, stony walls of the dungeon. As far as the eye could see, the surrounding area had a rich variation of reddish-brown colors. “Take it all in, the color is really the only nice thing about this place.” Mellan said, before he started walking.


    Crash glanced around at the others before preparing to search the surrounding landscape for anything useful. “You’d think a dungeon holding a legendary would have something about laying around…” The Scraggy thought. He needed to keep searching, he needed something to focus on other than the group’s destination. 


    “H-Hey, Hick… How about we give your bandit talk another go?” 

    “We should probably stay focused right now…” The Bayleef responded, keeping his eyes mostly ahead of him. 


    “So much for that…” Crash thought as he kept walking.


    Stained Chasm: Floor 11


    Up until this point, the group’s trek through the dungeon had been surprisingly uneventful. Granted, the five were attacked by a few feral rock and steel type pokemon, ranging from metal plated Lairons, to boulder-like Gravelers. However, while Mellan and Ivan did most of the heavy lifting, something about it felt a bit too easy for the two this time around. A feeling of suspicion rose in the Luxray and Snorlax as the duo’s pace began to slow. 


    “Everyone stop. Something’s wrong… ” Mellan said as his glare intensified.

    “What the hell do you mean, ‘something’s wrong?’ ” Crash asked. “What happened to ‘I wouldn’t’ve brought you here if I didn’t think we could-’ ” 

    “Crash, shut up.” Mellan snapped as he glared at the Scraggy, causing the fighting type to flinch. The cat’s face then became less rigid as he gave a slight sigh. 


    “It’s never been this quiet here before…” The Luxray said, taking a few breaths.


    The ground soon began to violently rumble, prompting the five to gather closer together. They all watched as several holes in the earth burst open in front of them, sending bits of rock flying through the air. “Get behind us!” Ivan yelled, stepping in front of the group. 

    A number of dungeon pokemon erupted from out of new newly formed fissures, each of them looking stronger then the ones that came before. But the one that was the most concerning was a massive snake-like creature whose entire body was composed of metal. However the sheen of its steel skin was all but gone, as scuffs and dirt covered the vast, rough surface of the snake’s battle worn body. The Steelix then opened its wide maw, revealing a row of strong, plated teeth as it let out a deafening roar.

    A vortex of sand soon erupted from around the snake, causing a tempest of sediment to whip throughout the air. And while it wasn’t impossible to see, viewing anything that wasn’t directly ahead of them proved difficult. Hearing and feeling the rumbling of the dungeon pokemon, Mellan quickly looked between Team Lightwood and his partner. It was hard to tell what the Snorlax was doing, but he almost appeared to have taken in some kind of energy. 


    “How long do you need?!” Mellan hastily asked Ivan. 


    “I can handle a few. Go!”


    Mellan remembered seeing a fissure in the stone wall that was off to the side. He wasn’t sure if it led anywhere, but it was sure that it was wide enough for the trio of young pokemon to hole up away from the main action for a while. “Follow me!” He said as his amber eyes soon shined with a red gleam. Quickly reaching out his hand a couple of times, Crash grabbed the star shaped prong at the end of the Luxray’s tail. Cinder did the same, biting down on the end of Crash’s tail as Hickory loosely put a vine around the Vulpix in turn.


    Hickory couldn’t help but turn his head back, as he was concerned with how Ivan was fairing. “Are you really just gonna leave him back there?” 

    “Ivan can handle himself for now.” Mellan answered. As the four soon made it to the large crevice in the wall, Mellan quickly pushed Crash and the others inside. “Stay here.” He commanded, before quickly reentering the sandstorm. 


    “Anyone else got sand where it’s not supposed to be…?” Crash asked, trying to shake sand out of his pouch. 

    “I’m just glad we can actually see now.” Hickory said, using a vine to rub at one of his eyes. The three then turned their attention towards the sandstorm once more, as the sounds of battle could be heard. 

    “Do you guys think they’ll be okay?” Hickory asked. Almost right on queue, they could hear a loud growl followed by Mellan yelling out ‘DIE!’ 


    Cinder’s front legs tensed up, as she slid her paws slightly inwards. As much as she knew that she shouldn’t go out there, a small part of the Vulpix wanted to step out there and blast away at all of the dungeon pokemon that were getting in the way of her mission. “I hate this.” 

    You and me both, but it was still your idea…” Crash said under his breath. 

    “Crash, I swear to-” Cinder snapped as she whipped around, before stopping herself from stepping forward. 

    “Alright, alright, sorry…” Crash said, putting up his hands. 

    He watched the fire type sigh and slowly pass him, going just a tad deeper into the fissure. “I just want to be done with this…” Cinder muttered. 


    Crash glanced at the sulking Vulpix for a moment before doing a double take, his eyes widening as he could have sworn he just saw something moving in the ground. “Hey, uh… Powderkeg…” The Scraggy said, taking a step back. 

    “Crash, not now-” 


    “Dammit Cinder, behind you!” 


    Seeing both Crash and Hickory taking a battle stance, Cinder quickly realized the Scraggy wasn’t messing around. Quickly turning herself, Cinder leapt backwards to see something tunneling just beneath the surface of the ground.

    A brown, almost drill-shaped thing erupted from the earth, just barely missing Cinder’s head. Her assailant soon unfurled itself midair to reveal a mole with large metal claws. But as the Excadrill reared their arm back to attack the group, to Cinder’s surprise she saw Crash leap off the side of the crevice wall with his arm reared back, and his hand ablaze. He then struck the mole in the side with Fire Punch, knocking them to the ground.


    Falling near Cinder, Crash pulled himself up as Hickory rushed over. However it was then that the Excdrill got up as well, stumbling to their feet as they used their claws to prop themself up.  Wasting no time, Crash slammed Cinder in the side with Fire Punch. Feeling a rush of power, the Vulpix exhaled a stream of fire at the steel clawed mole. Cinder had landed a direct hit, and the ground and steel type now laid motionless on the dungeon floor as the trio calmed down. 


    “…Thanks.” Cinder said, turning towards Crash as she tried to catch her breath. 

    “Yeah… sure…” Crash awkwardly answered as he rubbed his arm. 


    Cinder and Crash both stood and looked at each other, glancing away from one another every couple of seconds. “So… are we…? ” Crash asked, giving the Vulpix an indirect look. 

    It took a bit, but Cinder soon had an idea of what he was referring to. “Let’s just pretend yesterday didn’t happen…” She said, giving the Scraggy the same treatment.


    Hickory was glad to see that ‘some’ progress was made between his two teammates, if he could call it that. However the moment was soon interrupted by a loud rumbling sound echoing through the dungeon as the sandstorm outside the crevice subsided. 


    Peering outside, Mellan and Ivan were surrounded by a number of fallen dungeon pokemon, however the Steelix who’d created the sandstorm still stood, looming over them. The Luxray and Snorlax glanced at each other, both giving a quick nod. Team Lightwood watched as Mellan rushed ahead as Ivan stepped back, repeatedly slamming his clawed hands into his vast stomach.


    Mellan attacked the massive metal snake from various angles, primarily using a light blue, jaw shaped construct that would form around his mouth. The black and blue cat would repeat the process of attacking with Ice Fang, and evading the Steelix, before leaping behind some boulders. It was then that Ivan, with a surprising burst of speed, ran up the Steelix with his arm held as far back as his body would allow. The three young pokemon watched in awe as Ivan launched a well placed Focus Punch directly into the steel type’s body.

    Watching as the Steelix crumpled to the ground, Hickory, Cinder, and Crash slowly stepped out into the open. It was then they finally got a better look at the pair, as Mellan and Ivan were both bloodied and covered in scratches. 


    “I hate monster houses…” Ivan groaned before taking a massive gulp, somewhat restoring himself with the Stockpile he’d used prior to the fight. 

    You have a way to recover yourself. Bastard over there almost took my eye out…” Mellan growled as he gestured to one of their fallen adversaries.


    Catching a glimpse of Team Lightwood, Mellan quickly walked towards them. “I told you to stay there until I got you.” 

    “Actually you said ‘stay here’, before leaving to get us matching scars.” Crash remarked with a grin, as he pointed to the blood trickling down the cat’s forehead. 


    The Luxray gave Crash an unamused glare before letting out a sigh and turning around. “Let’s go…”


    The five would soon come across a large rock formation in the shape of a staircase. Climbing it, the group found themselves inside a much smaller space that was otherwise identical to the rest of the dungeon. However in the middle of the space was a large statue in the shape of a kangaroo-like dinosaur. 


    Walking up to the Kangaskhan statue, Crash leaned his hand against its side. “You know, I never understood the point of these things…” 

    “They represent a place of safety.” Mellan bluntly answered as he walked towards the side of the room before sitting on his haunches. “Take a rest if you need it, because we’re not staying long.”


    As Crash switched to leaning his back against the statue, Cinder looked over at the Scraggy as she began to think about what the yellow lizard had done earlier. Quickly shaking her head, Cinder then walked up to Mellan who was going between eating an Oran berry, and licking a cut on his foreleg. “So much longer until we’re out of here?” The Vulpix asked. 

    Mellan stood up and looked down at the fox, easing his scowl before glancing at the second path leading out of the room. “We’re halfway through at this point.” 


    Cinder looked away for a moment before focusing back on the Luxray. “You and your friend… how do you two work so well together?” 

    “What brought this on?” 

    “Look. I just got my ass kicked yesterday, and I don’t really want a repeat of that.” Cinder said as she turned away her head. “Especially not when it matters…” The Vulpix thought. 


    “…Ivan and I have known each other for a long time. We’ve pushed our way through several experiences that have gotten us where we are now.” Mellan said before his eyes shifted towards Crash. 

    “And that kind of synergy won’t happen overnight.” 


    Cinder glanced over in the same direction as the Luxray before quickly looking back and giving a small groan. “How long have you known each other now?” She heard the electric type ask.

    “Like a couple weeks, why?” Cinder asked as her eyes shifted away.


    “If you’re going to be teammates, you should at least pretend to be on good terms.” 

    “He’s not my teammate.” Cinder quickly protested as she gave a scowl. 

    “You’re traveling together, you’re teammates.” The Luxray said, before his statement was met by a low groan from Cinder. 


    Mellan sighed. “At least try to be nicer to him…” 



    “Crash… hasn’t had many good influences in his life. And I can tell you’re trying to do the right thing and be like your brother, but-” 

    “Wait, were you listening to us yesterday?!” 

    “What can I say, I find you three interesting.” The Luxray said with a slight smirk, before quickly reverting to his normally serious demeanor. 

    Looking towards the second path once again, he stood up and turned away from Cinder. “Alright everyone, let’s go!” Mellan said as he started walking. 


    Cinder began to think about what the Luxray had told her. “No, focus…” The auburn fox thought, as she shook her head. “Let’s just get through this stupid dungeon first…”


    Stained Chasm: Floor 22


    As the five pokemon found themselves in the final part of the dungeon, Cinder, Crash and Hickory could quickly tell that there was something about this ‘floor’ that felt different than the ones that came before. The surrounding rock seemed duller in color, lacking the rich shades and variety of tones from earlier. The overall atmosphere felt still and lifeless, almost if everything had been frozen in time. However, the occasional whispers of the breeze snaking through the dungeon, and the sporadic appearance of feral pokemon were there to remind them otherwise.


    Upon reaching a massive, arch shaped stone formation, the members of Team Lightwood stopped and began exchanging looks. “We don’t have all day.” Mellan said as he and Ivan continued to walk. Cinder and Crash followed, before Hickory took a deep breath and did the same.

    Soon, they found before them all was a relatively open and rounded space, not unlike the settlement they had traveled from. However it was much more narrow, resembling an oval rather than a circle. On either side of the room, twin rows of ruined monoliths of varied heights stood, almost as if they were guarding what remained of the chasm. Each one was dotted with small, letter-like symbols, all of them bearing eyes that seemed to follow the pokemon across the room.


    As Team Lightwood slowly pressed on, one had to wonder if these structures looming over them were designed to make those who entered feel small. But those thoughts were quickly pushed aside, as was at the head of the room that pulled the most of their attention; A massive, humanoid body made entirely of rock that sat lifelessly upon what looked like a dilapidated throne made from the very canyon wall itself. 

    Taking a moment, Team Lightwood stared up at the still, mountain of a pokemon. Its sheer presence was more than enough for it to be more than intimidating. However there was also something somewhat serene about the legendary’s state, as the massive rock type almost appeared to be one with the surrounding landscape. 


    “So… who’s gonna touch it?” Crash asked, staring up at the dormant legendary pokemon. 


    Hickory and Cinder both glared at the Scraggy, their faces carrying an amalgam of shock, annoyance, and confusion. 

    “Damn, I was kidding… ” Crash defensively said as he put up his hands.

    “Well please d-don’t joke like that…” Hickory said, his voice slightly wavering as he tried to keep himself composed. 


    Taking a deep breath, the Bayleef turned towards the goliath’s foot as he took a step backwards. “How do you think they wound up like this…?”

    “No one’s really sure about that.” He heard a deep voice respond. 

    The three turned to see Ivan slowly walking towards them. “Some say it was due to a disaster from long ago. But I don’t think it’s been looked into too deeply…” The bear said, lifting a hand to his chin. But before the Snorlax could continue, his partner proceeded to speak up.


    “We’re technically out of the dungeon now.” Mellan said, turning back towards the others. 

    “S-So… how do we get out…?” Hickory nervously asked as he glanced around the room. 

    “We climb.” The Luxray bluntly answered, before his gaze shifted towards a less steep, but much rougher part of the wall. 


    “You want us to climb that ?!” Crash asked, quickly gesturing towards the cliff. 

    “Just stay behind us, and everything should be okay.” 


    “There you are, using words like ‘should be’ again…” Crash grumbled.


    Scaling the cliffside, the group walked through a path of large grooves that snaked their way up the incline. Cinder, Crash, and Hickory did as the Luxray said, staying behind him and Ivan. And while the idea of the massive normal type scaling above him didn’t sit well with Crash, Ivan’s practiced motions soon eased the Scraggy’s worries of potentially being crushed. “And to think there are ‘mons who do this shit for fun…” Crash thought as he continued climbing.


    Looking around at his other traveling companions, all of which seemed to be having an easier time than him. Even Hickory, who Crash was pretty sure had never even seen so much as a hill before in his life. “I’m never climbing again after this…” The Scraggy thought, scowling as his only focus now was just reaching the top.


    The sun had risen quite a bit since they entered the dungeon, and upon reaching the top of the crater, the five pokemon were now feeling the full force of its rays. 


    “How much… further…?” Crash huffed, trying to regain his breath. 

    “Look for yourself.” Mellan said, pointing a paw out to the side.


    Everyone turned in the direction the Luxray had gestured to, and in their sights was yet another towering cliffside. However, embedded within its wall was a number of towers and other buildings made from stone and metal. At first glance, one would think a fortress was built in its stead, given the structures’ size and how tightly packed together they were. 

    That’s Inferno’s Maw…?” Cinder asked, clearly taken aback by what was in front of her. 


    “No. That’s the outside of Inferno’s Maw.” Mellan answered. 


    A pit formed in Cinder’s stomach as a chill ran down her spine. But the sound of heavy breathing got the fox’s attention. Looking to the side, she saw Crash with his hands clenched tightly over the skin of his pouch as his arms trembled. But once he noticed Cinder, the Scraggy’s demeanor changed. He let go of his pouch and began ‘dusting it off’, before standing more upright as he tried to play things off. 

    “What? I didn’t lose your damn scarf or anything.”

    …It’s …It’s okay if you’re scared.” Cinder said, as she tried to find the right words to say. “I mean, it’d be kinda dumb not to be…” 


    Crash watched as the Vulpix looked slightly off to the side. “Where’s this coming from…?” He skeptically asked, raising a brow. 

    “Nevermind…” Cinder sighed as she looked back towards the city. The sheer scale of what stood in front of her only served to worsen Cinder’s concerns of recovering the box. “If that’s the outside, then…” Cinder shuddered at the thought of just how long it could take to find what she had come all this way for, or if she’d even find it at all. The Vulpix then took a deep breath, trying to steel herself for what was to come. Once again she looked at Crash, as what he’d said before played over in her head. 


    ‘A city made by bandits, for bandits…’  


    Cinder’s front paws tightened against the ground as she felt her body tense up again, the sense of dread once again building up within the fox. “You’re getting the box back… You have to… then you can go home, back to Char… And this will all be over…”

    However Cinder was soon pulled out of her thoughts, noticing that Mellan was once again on the move. Almost instinctively, Cinder, Hickory, and Crash looked at each other before hesitantly following. And with that, the Luxray once again took the lead as the five steadily made their way towards the City of Thieves, Inferno’s Maw.


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