The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “It’s been a while since I’ve seen her this mad…” Sienna thought, watching from above as Leone paced across the main floor.

    The Krokorok had heard that The Silver Claw had unwanted visitors the day prior, resulting in a Druddigon getting their jaw dislocated, and one of the Incineroar brothers being beaten senseless.


    Sienna remembered when she first arrived, Leone said that she should leave whenever she wanted. But the Krokorok had not expected to stay as long as she had. It had become routine to see Leone, Draco, Sol, and Flint around the Silver Claw. She wouldn’t call them friends, but would find it strange to not have them around anymore.

    She shook her head to clear such thoughts from her mind. “No… I have to leave. There’s three potential guildies upstairs, and one of them’s a remnant user.” 


    “You will never get this chance again…”  


    A while before the quote ‘damn Salazzle’ as Leone put it showed up yesterday, Sienna had heard parts of conversations the three strangers had both amongst themselves, and a talk they had with Leone. And what she had gathered was that one of the city’s elites: the Mismagius, Sable now had something that belonged to them. That being a remnant that had brought them here in the first place. The Purugly told them she would attempt to get some answers, but tried to steer them away from trying to find Sable themselves.

    But then the subject of leaving the city came up, and Leone told them that their best shot at a safe trip through the desert was with an escort of some kind, but that finding a runner willing to do so nowadays was very difficult. Something Sienna was all too well aware of.


    As she headed upstairs, the gears in Sienna’s head turned as she thought of how to go about using this information. As unbeknownst to anyone, Sienna knew something Leone didn’t. It was common knowledge on the Third Layer that every year that an event called ‘The Auction’ was held. It was hosted by Sable, but every year the location would change. 

    Only those invited would initially know where it was held, but as it tends to, word eventually gets around. Last year, Sienna had managed to find out where The Auction was through her habit of eavesdropping, going so she could pickpocket other attendees. And this time she managed to get the location again through a bit of snooping around. 


    Entering the storage area, Sienna snuck past the sleeping trio. However when her eyes fell upon Crash, her suspicions about the three were all but confirmed by a corner of dark green fabric poking out of the Scraggy’s pouch.  


    “Damn you three are lucky I’m the one who found that…” Sienna thought with a shake of her head.


    Crash was the last to wake up, as Cinder and Hickory waited around the Silver Claw’s storage area for the Scraggy to get up. As the yellow lizard rolled over with a half-lidded gaze, Cinder and Hickory stood over him. 


    “Crash?” Hickory asked as he held out a vine. “Are you-” 

    “If I pretend I’m dead will you leave?” Crash groaned. 

    Using the vines spouting from his neck, Hickory pulled Crash up into a sitting position. “Come on Crash, you need to get up.” 


    “Yeah, and tuck those scarfs in before someone sees,” Cinder chided. 


    “Just leave me alone.” 

    “Can you at least eat something? You barely had anything since… The talk,” Hickory said


    “Not hungry,” Crash said with a weak shrug. 

    “Well you-” Hickory continued before the three heard the sound of shifting wood and glass. 


    “What the?” grumbled Cinder. The Vulpix walked further into the room, weaving around various things to investigate the source of the sounds.  


    Realizing she had been caught, Sienna nonchalantly stepped out into the open and showed herself. The Krokorok’s eyes formed an annoyed glare as Cinder approached, not being in the mood to be ranted at.

    “Were you listening to us?” Cinder snapped as her face tightened into a scowl. 


    “So what if I was?” 


    The members of Team Lightwood had no words, as they were likely expecting some kind of excuse for getting caught rather than Sienna’s blunt response. 


    The Krokorok rolled her eyes. “Look, I came to ask you something.” 

    “What?” Cinder groaned. 

    “Before I say anything, I need you to follow me upstairs.”


    Cinder glared at her. “Give us a bit.” The Vulpix and Krokorok intently stared at each other for a moment before Sienna scoffed and turned away. 



    She watched as Sienna climbed up to the roof , eyes trained on her until she was sure she couldn’t hear them.


    “Cinder, what was that about?” asked Hickory. 


    “You heard what she said, right?!” the Vulpix loudly whispered. “She was listening in on us!” 

    “I’m pretty sure you listened in on me and Hick the other day,” Crash remarked, rolling his eyes. 


    Cinder huffed as her fur stood on end. “And didn’t you say that guild ‘mons tend not to come back from here?! She could’ve heard us talk about the guild!”


    “Well she doesn’t seem all that bad,” Hickory said as he glanced up the stairs. “And didn’t Leone say that Sienna works for her?” 

    “I don’t know, she just… feels shifty,” Cinder replied as she looked up as well.


    Hickory frowned. “Come on Cinder, we barely even know her. And we trusted Leone enough to help us right?” 


    Cinder looked down at the floor, deep in thought until the creaking of stairs caused her to turn around. “If you guys are done talking behind my back, I’d like to start now,” Sienna said. She was now perched in the stairway. The three others looked up at the Krokorok. 

    “You coming up or not? I don’t like wasting time,” she growled.


    Hickory, Crash, and Cinder glanced at each other with mixed reactions. Between Hickory and Crash’s widened eyes, and Cinder’s gritted teeth, the trio hesitated until Hickory took the first few steps up the stairs.


    Reluctantly following the Krokorok to her space on top of the roof, Cinder looked around at the mess around the room. Scraps of fabric, papers, and bottles littered the floor, carelessly kicked aside by Sienna as she walked in further. However as Cinder looked closer, she could see a number of unfinished garments and accessories strung about on hooks, or sitting on the table.

    However there were a few in particular that got her attention. Laying near the table was a cobalt blue vest with a rough purple trim. It reminded her of the pattern bared by the pokemon Hydreigon. Above it on a hook was a tawny rimmed hat, and a light gray scarf with greenish-yellow seed attached to it. Though it was a rust colored half cape hanging nearby on a chair that drew Cinder’s eye.


    “What is this place?” Hickory asked as he gazed around the stone room. 

    “This is where I stay,” Sienna answered. 

    “And you made all of these?” 


    “So why’d you want us here?” Cinder forcefully asked. 

    “Cause here’s as private as it’s gonna get,” Sienna answered before taking a deep breath, thinking about how to go about this. 


    “I know you three are guildies.” 


    Cinder, Crash, and Hickory stood in stunned silence as a chill ran through each of them. Sensing a growing hostility within Cinder, Sienna thought it best to rip the rest of the proverbial bandage off.


    “Heard you mention Timberglade a while back on the roof,” she said, gesturing a claw towards the door. Hearing this, Cinder could feel her paws heating up against the floor as her anger grew. Crash however shrunk back, feeling an uncomfortable warmth in his face. 

    “What else?” Cinder growled as she tried to restrain herself. 


    With the same, deadpan expression, Sienna stared down at the Vulpix before turning her attention towards Crash. “I also saw the green rags you’ve got poking out of there.” 

    Cinder shot a glare at the Scraggy before turning around, taking a few aimless steps before pressing her face into the wall.  


    Sienna groaned. “Look, if I was gonna tell anyone we wouldn’t be doing this.” 

    “Well you clearly want something,” Crash said, pulling up the skin of his pouch. It took a while, but Sienna relented and sat down on her bed. 


    “I… want your help with something,” Sienna said through gritted teeth, her eyes shamefully glued to the floor. 


    The others glared at her skeptically and she sighed. She looked them each in the eye, building up her nerve. 


    “If you do what I ask, we might be able to get your remnant back.”


    The three looked at each other, their posters shifting as they thought on it. Cinder marched up to Sienna. “Why do you want it?” the Vulpix asked, her brow raised in suspicion. 

    “I don’t,” Sienna said, staring back. “But one of you used it to get here, right?” 


    Cinder and Hickory glanced at Crash, causing the Scraggy to tense up.


    “If you did it once, you can do it again,” the Krokorok said with a shrug. 

    Crash looked away, grinding his teeth as he thought. “Can I actually do it again?”  


    “Wait, wait-” Cinder cut in. “Doesn’t this Sable or whoever, have it? We don’t even know where she is!” 

    “I do,” Sienna answered. “Or at least where she will be.” 


    “How?” Crash asked as he crossed his arms. “Cause Leone didn’t seem to.” 

    “I have my ways.”


    “Well why should we trust you after you’ve been spying on us?!” Cinder protested. 

    “Who else can you go to?” Rebutted Sienna. “Miss Leone has no intent on getting your remnant back, and the guys you came here with seem like the type to come and go.” 


    Cinder, Hickory, and Crash stood in silence, the realization souring their expressions as it washed over them. They watched as Sienna turned towards her desk.


    “So what, you want us to help you steal it or something?!” Crash exclaimed. 

    “Pretty much,” the Krokorok flatly answered. “You help me steal it, then you use it to get us to Timberglade.” 


    Hickory tilted his head. “Why do you want to-” 

    “If you hadn’t noticed by now, this place fucking sucks!” Sienna snapped, digging her claws into the table in vexation, breathing emphatically before exhaling to calm herself. 


    “Are you in, or not?”


    It was after an awkward silence that Crash noticed a change in Cinder. As she seemed less angry after seeing the Krokorok’s break in demeanor. But their attention turned towards Hickory, who raised up a vine from his neck. “Maybe we should talk about this first-”

    “Talk about what?!” Interrupted Crash, holding out his hands before looking up at Sienna. 


    “Let me see if I got this right… You want us to steal from the actual crime lords who run the city, and everyone’s okay with this?!” Crash exclaimed as he pointed at his two teammates. 


    “I see the looks you two got! You’re considering it, aren’t you?!” 

    “I’m not okay with any of this! Cinder argued. “…But if Leone isn’t gonna help the way we hoped, then we don’t have many options.”


    Crash looked away as he thought about their situation once more. “How about Mellan and Ivan? No… no, if anything we’d be lucky if they haven’t left the city yet…”


    “W-Wait, what about a runner?” Crash stammered, trying to think of a way to get out of this. “We could-” 

    “With what money?” Sienna cut in, her voice more stern. “Besides, you can’t trust runners.”


    The three picked up on the pained tone in Sienna’s voice that she was clearly making an attempt to hide. 


    They watched the Krokorok walk towards the door and hold it open. “I gotta do some stuff… I’ll be expecting an answer later.”


    As the trio left Sienna’s room, the door quickly shut behind them, making Crash jump. “Well?” the Scraggy snapped, as he was still none too keen with Sienna’s proposal. 

    “Look, I don’t like it either!” Cinder argued, loudly whispering as a precaution. “But we need it back, and we have to get back home! There’s nothing but desert out there!” 


    “And what?!” Crash said, copying Cinder’s tone. “Even if we did get it back, you think I can do that shit again?! I don’t even know how I did it the first damn time!” 


    “Besides, I thought you didn’t trust her!” the Scraggy continued. 


    Hickory stepped towards the two. “Well arguing isn’t going to solve anything!” the Bayleef snapped, showing some frustration. 

    “So what’s your brilliant plan then?” Crash sarcastically asked as he crossed his arms. 


    “All things considered… I think we can agree that the remnant is too dangerous to let it fall into the wrong hands.”


    Leaning down closer to his teammates, Hickory quietly continued. “And as explorers it is our duty to prevent harm from coming to others.” 

    Cinder looked away from the Bayleef and sighed before giving a slight nod. “…Right.” However looking at the now sullen Vulpix, it was clear she had a different reason for wanting to retrieve the remnant.


    Hickory then stood back up straight. “And besides, what if Sienna’s right and you can use it again?” 


    Crash quietly groaned as he began to pace around, before eventually stopping and putting his hands to his face. “I hate you both, and this is a stupid idea…” 

    “So, is that a yes?” Cinder asked before getting a hesitant nod from Crash.


    With that, Hickory then walked back towards Sienna’s door. Sprouting a vine from his neck, he knocked on the door. Cinder and Crash followed as the Bayleef waited for a response. Creaking it open, Sienna peeked through before fully opening the door. 

    “So?” she asked. The members of Team Lightwood glanced at each other with expressions of unsurety. 


    “We’ll do it,” Cinder piped up. 


    “Good,” Sienna flatly said before turning back inside. “There’s one more thing I need, and then we can start.”

    “What is it now?” Crash remarked with a shrug. “Need us to cut someone’s digits off?” 


    “Not yet,” he heard the Krokorok say in a matter of fact tone, giving pause to the three outsiders. Looking back at them, Sienna rolled her eyes. “That was a joke.” 

    “You sure about that?” Crash muttered.



    “Cinder…” the fox growled, cutting Sienna off. 


    “…Cinder. I need some of your fur.” 

    “You what?” 


    “To finish this,” Sienna said, holding up a rust colored cape in her claws. 

    “And that is?”

    “You know how stuff like Pecha Scarfs hold off poison, and whatever?” Sienna asked. “I can make stuff like that.” 


    The Krokorok held up the tip of her red scarf with her claws as an example .


    “That’s really cool,” Hickory said, showing some intrigue. “So what does it do?” 

    “Boosts the power of rock and ground moves ,” Sienna answered before holding out the cape and looking back at Cinder. “And I need a fire type’s fur to finish this.” 


    “So? Use some from the Incineroar we saw hanging around,” Cinder argued. 


    “A fire type with Flash Fire.” 


    The Vulpix let out a heated sigh and scowled. “Fine.”


    “It doesn’t look that bad,” Hickory said, scanning over the uneven dark orange fur on top of Cinder’s head. 


    The Vulpix stared at herself in an old, cracked mirror in the side of the cluttered storage area. “It looks rough.” 

    “I’d say it suits you then,” Crash remarked before stuffing a handful of dried berries into his mouth. 


    Cinder quickly turned her head back, glaring at the Scraggy. 

    “Just saying I don’t see the big deal,” he continued, his mouth still full. “You furbodies care way too much about this stuff.” 


    “And not once have I seen you wash since we’ve met,” Cinder shot back. 

    Crash shrugged at the remark. “Say what you want, but you’re not smelling so fresh either.”


    Cinder huffed and turned back towards the mirror before catching the scent of… something. “I don’t stink, do I?” she thought before hearing the creaking of stairs followed by three knocks. 

    The trio of pokemon turned towards the stairs to see Sienna. “They’re done.”


    Following the Krokorok back to the roof, Cinder, Crash, and Hickory stood outside Sienna’s room as she came out with a number of clothes in hand. One by one she passed them out to their new respective owners before leaning against the wall. 

    “Consider these a peace offering.”


    Hickory used his vines to adjust the light gray scarf he was given, glancing down at the greenish-yellow seed sitting attached to it like a badge. He then took the brown stetson resting on his back and placed it behind the large leaf jutting from his forehead.


    Crash held out the cobalt blue vest he was given, examining it and its rough purple trim. The pattern reminded him of Hydreigon, the three-headed dragons known for their power. The black armband that came with it even resembled one of its wings. He slipped the vest on and felt a rush of energy pour into him. 

    “She did say they had effects,” Crash thought as he flexed his hand.


    He looked towards Cinder who was pushing her head through a rust colored half cape, her front paws already through the vermillion anklets she was given. 


    Hearing the Vulpix’s frustrated grunts, Hickory turned towards her. “Do you… do you need help-”

    “I got it.” Cinder growled before poking her head through the cape’s collar, the accessory draping to her side. The three looked at each other before turning towards Sienna who was about to make her way back inside. 


    Before she could retreat to her room, Sienna froze in place upon hearing the words ‘thank you’. Slowly turning back, she saw that Hickory had taken a few steps closer to her with a grin on his face. 


    “And they all suit us pretty well, too.” 


    “Yeah, I’ll admit it doesn’t look bad,” Crash said as he looked over himself again. 


    Cinder soon followed in Hickory’s actions, stepping forward as well. “Yeah… thanks. It was pretty cool of you to do this.”


    Sienna felt a burning in the back of her throat and an uncomfortable warmth in her face, having been caught off guard by their thanking her. Quickly shaking her head, the Krokorok managed to keep her deadpan expression. 

    “Whatever… Also gotta teach you guys how to act around here.”


    Once again inside Sienna’s room, the four sat around as Sienna spoke to them. “It’s called The Auction. If you wanna find Sable and the remnant, they’ll likely both be there. ” 


    “Well that doesn’t sound too bad,” Hickory piped up. 

    “Spoken like an outsider,” Sienna huffed. 


    “What’s that supposed to mean?” Crash asked as he raised a brow. 


    “Well, it is an auction. But with a healthy dose of pit fights thrown in.” 

    “There it is,” Crash remarked. 


    “And we’re just supposed to sneak in there?” Cinder questioned. 

    “Honestly, it’s expected for some mons to crash the thing,” Sienna dismissed. “But we’ve still gotta be careful.”


    “Every year it’s in a new spot, so I haven’t had the chance to see much yet,” Sienna said as she moved towards her desk. 


    “Great,” Crash huffed. “Guess this means we’re getting a tour of this fine city.” 

    “Yep,” Sienna answered, slinging a satchel over her shoulder. 


    Crash stiffened. “You’re joking again, right?” 

    “Without an escape route, the plan is screwed,” the Krokorok said as she walked towards the door. “Besides, I need to get a few things. And you have a built-in bag .”


    Crash looked down at his pouch before turning his eye towards Cinder and Hickory. 

    “We may as well Crash,” Cinder said. 


    So what do I do with these?” the Scraggy asked, pulling out the top of one of their guild bandanas. 


    Sienna, not yet having opened the door, turned her head back. “Either leave them here or burn ‘em.”


    Crash could feel his heart pounding with each step he took though the streets of Inferno’s Maw. The first time he at least felt a bit safer, as Mellan and Ivan were with him and the others. But just his luck, the Luxray and Snorlax were nowhere to be seen. The only hint they had even been at The Silver Claw being a note Leone had passed off to him. 


    ‘Staying around the silver claw a while longer. May leave soon.’


    The Scraggy glanced around at the many sketchy faces of the city. Some leered at him and the others, while others made a quick glance and didn’t pay them any mind. But regardless, it wasn’t the same as Timberglade. Sure the residents there all hated him, but he could at least tell what they were thinking. Here, everyone was an enigma that could already be plotting against him. It made Crash feel small, and he didn’t like it. 

    “Just act like you belong here… Just act like you belong here…” the Scraggy repeated in his head as he followed Sienna. 


    “You said we were gonna get a few things?” Crash said to the Krokorok, mostly as a way to distract himself. 

    “Yep,” she bluntly answered, not even turning her head to face the Scraggy. Whether or not she caught on to what he was trying to do, Crash wasn’t sure. But it did nothing to help his growing nerves. 


    Hickory noticed the change in his teammates after feeling the space to his side tick up a few degrees. Looking down at the Vulpix, he could tell she was clearly upset and anxious. But at the same time, there was a hint of determination. 

    “Right… the remnant was the last thing of Hearth’s that she had,” Hickory thought before his sights shifted to his other side where Crash walked. The Scraggy’s posture was stiff, but he tried to walk with purpose as the four continued their walk through the city. 


    He wanted to say something to try and ease them. But before he could, Hickory watched as Sienna took a few steps back and herded Crash away with her tail. Thinking the Krokorok was starting to come around, he didn’t read too much into it when they began to quietly speak to each other.


    “Hey Cinder,” Hickory said as he turned his head towards her. 



    “Is something bothering you?” 

    Cooling down, Cinder sighed a puff of heated air. “Sorry, just a bit worked up…” 


    “In and out. Remember?” the Bayleef said with his usual grin. 

    “I swear… Still don’t get how you can be so positive all the time,” Cinder remarked, looking down as she kept walking. 


    “Being negative takes up too much energy,” Hickory answered before looking ahead. “Besides… Someone has to be.”  


    The three followed Sienna into an alley that led into a dead end. A metal grate sitting over a hole in the ground in front of them, which Sienna then viciously stomped on. The echo of the clanging metal stirred activity from within the hole. 

    “Who uh… who’s footprint?” A voice slurred from under the grate. 


    “If you’re gonna do this every time, I’m just gonna start breaking in,” Sienna hissed.

    “Nice to hear you too Sienna,” the voice answered. 


    The Krokorok rolled her eyes. “Tell her I’m here for collection.” 

    “Collection?” Hickory quietly asked, only to be met by Sienna’s sharp glare back at him. The look said all but two words, shut up. 


    After a bit of waiting, the four pokemon watched as the wall in front of them opened up to reveal a hallway. Standing in there was a tired Excadrill, the brown and red mole giving Sienna an annoyed glare. “You didn’t say there were others.” 

    “You didn’t ask.” 


    “Ruby ain’t gonna be happy,” the Excadrill said as he pointed his metallic claws at Sienna. 

    “Well, I don’t remember asking,” Sienna retorted as she stepped inside. 


    Following Sienna and the Excadrill down the torch-lit hallway, it led to a tattered beige curtain with a red jewel insignia in its middle. “Wait here,” the Excadrill said before walking through. Sienna sighed as she leaned against the wall. For as much as she expected this, it didn’t make having to wait any less irritating.

    “Sienna! What is this?!” Cinder loudly whispered. 


    The Krokorok huffed. “I told you, I needed to get something.” 

    “That still doesn’t really say too much,” Crash remarked. 


    Rather than answer, Sienna looked back at the curtain. 

    “If we’re going to work together, you need to tell us things,” Hickory said as he stepped forward. 

    Sienna’s face tightened before she let out a sigh. “Later. But for now just let me do the talking.”


    Soon, the Excadrill poked their head past the curtain. “She’s ready… kinda,” he said before tiredly retreating. 


    Pushing away from the wall, Sienna glanced at the trio of outsiders. She knew exactly what awaited them inside, and hoped it would serve as an example of how to act in the underground city. 


    Pushing past the curtain, the four found themselves standing in a cluttered room with a stone counter surrounded by wooden crates . Various items lined the shelves in the back of the room, items that were being rummaged through by the shop’s owner. The Sableye repeatedly cursed under their breath as they searched for something. 

    ‘Rip-Off Ruby.’ That was the name Sienna knew the small, violet imp-like creature by. And while the red-eyed Sableye had not outright screwed her over yet, Sienna was always weary when speaking to the ghost type. Especially since she had rarely ever paid with money.


    The Excadrill looked up at Ruby, who was hanging off one of the higher shelves. “Hey, uh-” 

    “Yeah, yeah, I heard ya the first fucking time!” Snapped Ruby. “Fuck off back to your hole or something.” 


    Turning around, the Excadrill opened up a hatch in the floor before crawling inside, sticking up his middle claw at Ruby in the process.


    Dropping down, the Sableye then pulled herself up the edge of the counter. “Sienna!” Ruby exclaimed with a forced toothy grin. 

    “Where are my orbs?” the Krokorok flatly asked. 

    “Depends, where’s my info?” 


    “Someone new might be starting trouble around the Third Layer,” she said. “Something about a Salazzle.” 


    Hearing this, Crash flinched. “Salazzle?!” he thought as he felt his heart begin to race. 


    “No, don’t be stupid… There’s plenty of Salazzle out there who aren’t Bella…”


    “And?” Ruby asked, her head leaning in one hand as she held out the other. 

    “Look, I don’t know what else to tell you. I’ve been busy.” 

    Glancing at Crash, Cinder, and Hickory, the Sableye groaned. “I can see that.” 


    “You know, I’ve been lettin’ you off easy for a long time since you’re one of my many eyes outside this place. 

    Sienna sighed. “Where are you going with this?” 

    “Maybe I should start chargn’ ya is where I’m going with this!” 


    Tapping Crash with her tail , Sienna crossed her arms and approached the counter. “I’ll play you for ‘em.”


    Crash and the others watched as a wide grin graced Ruby’s face. She then reached below the counter, pulling out a small, two-sided scale and a deck of cards. None of the trio recognized the game, but noticed Sienna and Ruby were taking it very seriously. 

    Once the two were well into their game, Crash strolled off towards the side of the room and peeked around the counter. Seeing this, Cinder quickly walked up to the Scraggy. 


    “Crash, what the fuck are you doing?!” She angrily whispered. 

    “What we need to get out of here!” Crash whispered back.  


    Looking down at their cards, Sienna then glanced at the scale. Her side had a couple of more pebbles in it than Ruby’s. And while getting into this game was a part of the plan, she still didn’t want to lose. Losing meant the Sableye would ask for something, and Sienna had a strong feeling that she wouldn’t like whatever it was.


    She noticed Ruby occasionally eyeing her scarf, as the Sableye knew of Sienna’s ability to make power enhancing items. 


    “You give up?” Ruby smugly asked. But Sienna’s expression didn’t change, the Krokorok placing down another card and sliding it forwards. 


    Watching over her shoulder, Hickory thought he was starting to understand the game. Each card had two numbers, showing how much ‘damage’ the cards could take and deal. Direct hits were met with a player placing the corresponding amount of pebbles on the scale. Hickory recalled hearing Ruby say ‘First to ten loses’. He looked at the scale, the Sableye’s side held seven pebbles while Sienna’s held nine.


    “By the way… I didn’t mention what I get if I won, didn’t I?” Ruby said as she fiddled with the cards in her claws. “I want that scarf you got there.” 


    The Sableye then placed down one last card and slid it forwards with a toothy grin.


    Sienna didn’t show it, but she was livid. Her arms were shaking, and teeth grinding together as the Krokorok stared at Ruby. “I’ll be taking that-” 

    “Let me have a go at it!” The two heard Hickory say. 


    “What are you doing?” Sienna grumbled through gritted teeth. 


    “I said let me have a go at it,” the Bayleef demanded, holding his head up high.

    Ruby stared at the grass type inquisitively. “Sure… Why not? Add some excitement to my day.” 


    As he walked up to the counter, Hickory could see the vicious glare in Sienna’s eyes, though he was unsure if it was directed at him or Ruby. 


    “You don’t look like a gambler,” the Sableye taunted. 

    “Well I don’t normally partake, but I’m willing to make an exception,” Hickory said in what he thought was a more ‘masculine, outlaw-esque tone’. 


    “What are you doing?” Ruby asked, confused at the display the Bayleef was making. 

    “Now whatever are you talking about?” 


    “That… With your voice, stop it.”


    Glancing at a disapproving Sienna, Hickory then looked the gem-eyed ghost type dead on and adjusted his hat with one of his vines. “I don’t think I will… So are we gonna play or what?”


    Meanwhile, by the side of the room Crash and Cinder searched through the mess of items for any luminous orbs. But despite having a clear goal for what he was looking for, Crash took the liberty of pilfering a few other things that caught his eye. 


    “If she’s gonna make me steal for her, I’m sure as hell getting something out of it,” the Scraggy thought as he stuffed a silver necklace into his pouch.

    “Crash this is a bad idea,” Cinder whispered. 


    Crash rolled his eyes, as this was probably the fifth time the Vulpix had said this. “Take it up with Sienna,” he quietly retorted. “At least keep lookout if you’re gonna stand there.” 


    Cinder huffed, reluctantly agreeing to Crash’s request. 

    The Vulpix’s attention then turned towards Ruby who was still focused on her game with Hickory. “What is he doing?” she thought before glancing at Crash. ‘Take it up with Sienna’ echoed in Cinder’s head. 


    “They made a plan and didn’t tell me… great.”


    As Crash continued to look for luminous orbs, he continued to snatch up small trinkets before two amber spheres the size of small apples caught his attention. In each one’s center was a golden, four-pronged star, signaling to Crash they were exactly what he was looking for. However, one was wedged in between an old wooden crate, and a stack of rocks that were propping up a shelf.

    “Dammit,” the Scraggy muttered. Looking up at the shelves made Crash thankful for his species having a sturdy skull, as he spotted several heavy objects lining the wooden surfaces. 


    As this went on, Ruby couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The Sableye had eight pebbles on her side of the scale while Hickory only had three. Gritting her teeth, Ruby quickly realized she would need to resort to other methods to win. 


    Keeping eye contact with the opposing Bayleef, she lowered her hand behind the counter. “Never expected someone like you to be this good.”


    The ghost type then dropped her cards, and began feeling around for another deck she kept for occasions like this. But just as she grabbed the top few cards, Ruby, Sienna, and Hickory all heard a loud creak followed by a series of thuds and crashes. 

    Turning to the source of the noise, the three quickly backed away as Crash and Cinder ran towards the hall. “Nonononononono-” Ruby said in a panic as the shelves began to collapse, falling forwards onto the set of shelves beside it.


    Within a matter of seconds, the contents of the room were reduced to a pile of debris. Slowly rising from beside the counter, Sienna and Hickory peered over the stone surface to see a violet claw flailing about within a crack in the wrecked shelves. 


    “Let’s go,” Sienna quickly said, turning towards the hall with Hickory in tow.


    Bolting down the alley, Sienna glanced at Crash. “You did get them, right?” 

    “Found two. Guess where one of ‘em was?” Crash huffed. “This plan of your’s better work, cause I doubt she’ll be too happy with what we did.”


    Sienna slowed her pace as she turned the corner onto the busy street. “She’s not popular around here, so don’t worry about it.” 


    Cinder scowled at the Krokorok. “Well when were you going to mention the steal-” 

    “Shut up!” Crash quietly said with gritted teeth as he jabbed the Vulpix’s side with his elbow. “Not out here.”


    Cinder was about to snap at Crash, but then she remembered where she was. “Right…” 


    Sienna rolled her eyes and sighed. “If you have a problem with the way I do things, then we can-” 

    “Alright fine,” Cinder grumbled. “But we’re not done talking about this.”


    “Speaking of talking,” the Krokorok said before turning her head towards Hickory. “I said to leave that to me.” 


    The Bayleef’s head and leaf drooped, “I was just trying to help. You seemed like-” 

    “If I want your help, I’ll ask,” hissed Sienna .


    The walk back to The Silver Claw was a quiet and awkward one. However the inside of the bar however contrasted, buzzing with as much activity as Leone allowed. Crash swore that the smell of alcohol was stronger than before, smacking him right in the face and making him a bit queasy. Sienna on the other hand seemed unbothered, having grown accustomed to the scent.

    Most of the patrons didn’t even notice the four, but a few who Sienna recognised turned towards them. “Looks like your little helper’s made some friends,” a Cacturne said, as they turned towards Leone. 


    The Purugly then locked eyes with Sienna before walking towards her and  “Sienna, I need you to work one of the counters,” she said, pointing a paw to the side of the room.


    “Where’s Draco?” the Krokorok asked, gesturing a claw towards where the Dragapult normally was. 

    “He is busy with errands,” Leone answered before looking at Crash, Cinder, and Hickory. 


    “Should I ask?” she huffed. 

    Sienna glared to the side and crossed her arms. “Don’t worry about it.”


    As Leone walked off, Sienna and the others headed for the counter where a couple of other pokemon were seated. “Bartending, huh?” Crash remarked. “Well you definitely have the personality for it.” 

    Scowling, Sienna batted the Scraggy with her tail. “Go to one of the tables. I’ll see you in a bit.”


    Crash was walking carefully as he weaved through the crowd, making an attempt to not let anyone potentially see or hear the trinkets and orbs he was carrying in his pouch. He wasn’t sure if Sienna knew he had stolen more from Ruby than instructed , but it was far too late to worry about it now. 


    Team Lightwood passed by a number of different tables that were made with some pokemon’s size differences in mind. After spending some time searching, the trio found a spot that was suitable for them towards the other side of the room. Cinder looked between Crash and Hickory. The two reptiles glanced at each other and looked back at Cinder. 

    “What?” Crash asked, giving a shrug. 


    “I’d appreciate not being left out of the plan next time,” Cinder said, placing her front paws on the table. 

    “I told you, it wasn’t my idea,” Crash retorted, pulling his pouch in closer. 


    “Wait, what plan?” Hickory asked, spouting a vine to take off his hat. 


    “The plan to steal from Ruby,” Sienna quietly said after approaching the Bayleef’s side, making him flinch. 


    “Only the Scraggy was in on it,” she continued. 

    “Could at least use my damn name,” Crash muttered, but was just loud enough for Sienna to hear. 


    Hearing this Cinder glared at him, as the many times he’d called her ‘Powderkeg’ quickly came to mind.


    Shaking her head, the Vulpix looked back at Sienna. But before she could say anything, the Krokorok raised a claw and gritted her teeth. “ We’ll talk about it later. In private .”


    “So I assume you’re gonna ask if we wanna drink then?” Cinder remarked as Hickory and Crash both gave Sienna confused looks. 


    “Is one of those drinks water by any chance?” Hickory questioned. “Or any of that prickly pear juice?” 

    Sienna stared at the Bayleef with a stone-faced expression. “ There’s a river to the north, but I’ve heard bandits set up shop there .”


    “And the juice?” Crash asked. 

    “We have juice… that’s fermenting. In barrels,” Sienna flatly answered. 

    “Guess I’ll just die of dehydration then.” 

    “I never said we didn’t have water.” Sienna said in her same, monotone voice. She watched Crash and the others gave her weird looks before sucking her teeth and giving a slight sigh. As the Krokorok walked away, the three slowly turned back towards each other.


    “She’s like Crash, but with even fewer social skills…” Cinder thought. “Were those supposed to be jokes?” she asked. 


    “If they were, then I’m King of the fucking bandits,” Crash sarcastically said as he rested his elbows on the table. “She’s like Cinder with less social skills…” he thought.


    “At least she’s… trying to connect with us this time,” Hickory chimed in with a confused smile. 

    “Ever the optimist, Hic,” Crash remarked. “You saw how she was outside. You ask me, she probably doesn’t trust us to do crap without her constant watching .”


    While waiting for Sienna to return, Crash caught a glimpse of Mellan and Ivan sitting at another table. Quickly getting up, the Scraggy weaved his way around the other bar goers and towards their table. The two glanced down at Crash before looking at each other. Ivan held out his paw towards his partner, gesturing at the Scraggy. 


    “Crash, we’re leaving,” the cat flatly said, averting his gaze. 


    Not in the way you’re planning to go,” Mellan continued, cutting Crash off.


    Crash’s head slumped forward as a burning, choking sensation built up in his throat. “We didn’t just bring you here because we felt like it, we were here on business,” he heard Mellan say. 

    Looking back up, Crash saw the Luxray push a folded up paper off the table . “ Just remember to keep going east,” Mellan said before he and Ivan stepped away.


    Picking it up, Crash watched as the two pokemon made their way towards the exit. A part of him wanted to follow them, but he continued to stand and watch before they disappeared from view. The Scraggy held out his arm, but felt all its strength leave along with Mellan. 


    “Well screw you too Sparky,” he muttered.


    “Crash, what was that about?” Crash froze up at hearing Cinder’s voice so close. 


    Turning around, he shoved the paper down in his pouch. “It’s nothing,” the Scraggy grumbled, brushing past Cinder and going back towards their table.


    Up in Sienna’s room, the Krokorok and Team Lightwood had gathered. Cinder, Crash and Hickory each waiting for her explanation. “Well?” Prodded Cinder.


    “I had a feeling Ruby would be unsatisfied with the info I gave her this time,” Sienna said, standing before the trio. 

    Taking off her scarf, she let out a quiet groan. “The game was a distraction. Thought I’d beat her and get a little extra though…”


    “You could have at least told us,” Cinder angrily said. “You can’t just expect us to magically know what’s going on!” 


    Sienna glared at the floor, avoiding eye contact with the Vulpix. “Fine.”

    Cinder thought about what Crash said out in the bar. “Do you not trust us to do anything?” 


    Sienna stayed silent for a moment, showing no change in her expression. “To not do anything stupid? No.”  


    “But you came to us if I remember correctly,” Hickory said to the annoyed Krokorok. 

    “And?” she flatly remarked. 


    The four pokemon stood silently until Sienna glared off to the side. “I get you three aren’t from here, but there’s a way things are done in these parts,” she said before looking straight at Hickory. 


    “The more an idiot sticks their neck out, the quicker it’ll get chopped off.”


    As Sienna turned away, something in Hickory snapped as marched towards her. “So are you always this much of a jerk, or is today a special occasion?!” 


    Realizing what he just said, the Bayleef tried to calm down. “Sorry, I’m sorry… I just-” 

    “Been called worse. Where’re you going with this?” 


    Taking a deep breath, Hickory continued. “You can think what you want about me, but I want to be able to trust others.” 

    Sienna stared at the Bayleef for a short while, her eyes piercing his very being. “You are sickeningly naive.” 

    “If trying to do what I feel is right is naive, then so be it.”


    The tenseness in the air was broken upon hearing Crash clear his throat, less so to get their attention, then it was just a reflex. Sienna turned her attention away from Hickory, holding out her claws towards the sullen Scraggy. 


    “What’s with him?” she asked. 

    “We’re not really sure right now,” Hickory answered, rubbing the back of his neck with a vine. 


    “Whatever it is, tell him to get over it so we start planning.” 

    “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Hickory asked as he took a step forward, clearly unhappy with the Krokorok’s demand.


    “It means don’t let your feelings get in the way of a job,” Sienna answered in an almost scolding manner, looking past the Bayleef and glaring at his teammates. 


    “You know what guys? She’s right,” Crash piped up, the fuming Scraggy taking the luminous orbs out of his pouch. “So let’s just take our minds off everything and start planning this shit out!” 

    He then tossed the orbs towards Sienna, albeit harder than he intended. The Krokorok caught one, but the other grazed her claws before falling to the floor.


    A faint glow emitted from the amber sphere as the room’s mood changed to panic. “Everyone close your eyes!” Hickory shouted, turning his head as he stood between it and his teammates. Sienna closed her eyes as well, cursing Crash under breath as she faced away. 


    As the blinding light faded from the room, the four pokemon still stood dazed despite averting their now readjusting eyes.


    Crash stood out on the roof as he skimmed over the riddles written on the note the Luxray left him. Shortly after, his grip on the paper tightened before tears welled up in his eyes. 


    “Could’ve at least said goodbye you prick…” 


    “Hey,” he heard Cinder say.


    Turning around, Crash saw the Vulpix unsteadily walking towards him. “What the hell was that?” 

    “I thought she’d catch ‘em,” 


    “Well I think we both know a thing or two about acting out of anger.”


    Crash gritted his teeth.  “I’m not mad-” 

    “You’re upset about something ! And for the sake of my eyes, I don’t want that shit happening again.”


    “Spar- … Mellan left,” Crash said after a moment of hesitation. “But it’s fine! I didn’t need him anyway. Alright, if I survived without him for this long, then fuck it!” 


    Cinder stepped back, watching the Scraggy put the note he held in his pouch. “Look Crash, I-” Cinder then paused as she thought about what to say. “I’ll be inside…”


    Meanwhile, Sienna and Hickory sat in silence within the Krokorok’s room. The former hunched over her desk, while the latter sat turned away on the floor. 


    “This,” Grumbled Sienna. “This is why if you all just did what I tell you to, this shit wouldn’t happen.” 

    “Well if you haven’t noticed, the two of them aren’t really in the best place right now,” Hickory replied. 

    “You say that like I haven’t been watching you since you got here.” 


    “Which is why leaving out details to stuff you want us to do won’t help anything.”


    Another bout of tense quiet hung over the two until Hickory took a deep breath. “What can I do for you to trust me more?” Hickory inquired, much to Sienna’s surprise. But after some hesitation, the Krokorok spoke. 

    “Don’t stick your neck out for me anymore. You won’t be of use to anyone dead.”


    “Don’t feel like readjusting my plan cause you did something stupid,” she continued, grumbling under her breath as she crossed her arms. 


    She was soon met with one of Hickory’s vines in her peripheral vision before turning her head towards the Bayleef now standing beside her. “I’ll do my best.” 

    “…Whatever,” she retorted, lightly pushing the tendril away. 


    The two looked towards the opening door as Cinder walked through. “Is he coming back, or not?” Sienna hissed. 


    “Cool it with the attitude,” the Vulpix retorted, earning a quiet, but annoyed crocodilian hiss in response. 


    “Can we please not do this now?” Hickory protested. 

    “Fine,” Cinder and Sienna remarked in unison. The Vulpix and Krokorok then glanced at each other before looking away, both slightly more irritated than before. 


    Turning back towards the door, Cinder started walking. “I’m gonna go check on Crash.” 

    Hickory tilted his head. “But didn’t you just-” 



    Once again out on the roof, Cinder now accompanied by Hickory saw Crash laying flat on his back. The Scraggy didn’t move as he stared up at the rocky surface above, stained by the stagnant lavender glow of the city’s central pillar. 

    “Is he doing any better?” the Bayleef asked. 

    “I don’t know. All I gathered is that he’s pissed that Mellan left.” 


    “I’m not!” Crash piped up before turning his head towards the pair.

    “Well you two were friends, weren’t you?” Hickory inquired. 

    “Not really. But something close enough… Maybe. Most I can say is he’s the only one in my town who didn’t try to hurt me whenever I showed up.” 


    As a growing look of concern fell over Hickory’s face, Crash sat up and pointed at the Bayleef. “Don’t start giving me that look. I said I don’t need him…”


    Soon peering out of her room, Sienna watched the trio of outsiders who were now sitting side by side. She noticed that Crash seemed calmer than before, though still visibly upset. Although oddly enough she felt calmer as well. 

    Hesitantly, Sienna took a step out onto the roof but paused before retreating back inside. Rubbing her arm, the Krokorok gritted her teeth. “You said you wouldn’t…” she muttered. 


    “Never again…”


    Shaking her head, Sienna returned to her normal, stone-faced demeanor before calling out to the others. “Hey! If you’re all done here, we’ve got stuff to do!”


    As Mellan and Ivan exited the front of Inferno’s Maw, Ivan glanced down at his friend. “If you’re going to say something, say it,” Mellan huffed. 

    “You think Crash will be okay?” 

    “If he follows my directions, he will. A silence hung over the Luxray and Snorlax as they continued to walk. 


    “Think we could’ve at least said goodbye?” Asked Ivan. 

    “We have other obligations, and you know that.”


    “From what I’ve gathered, you’re one of the few decent things Crash had. You could have at least-” 

    “I’m not good for him Ivan,” Mellan choked out, still facing away. “But those two are… And I have faith they can figure this out.”


    The Luxray cleared his throat. “Besides… You know I’m bad at goodbyes.”


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