The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    It’s been just a day since Sound and Aund decided to live on Liliton City and become an Explorer Team with their new friend Red. Sound is just waking up in his new room. Looks around him not believing he finally has a place to call home, reflecting on everything that has happened to them until now. He stretches before leaving his room, and the first thing he does is go to the balcony his new house has, looking at the horizon…

    Red arrives as well, asking if he slept well, to which Sound says yes. Red thanks him for forming a team with him, saying how excited he is to finally have an Explorer team. Sound says he doesn’t know what he has to do, then Red explains to him what is to be an Explorer; doing missions to help other people, explore unknown places, finding all kinds of treasures and most important explore the Mystery Dungeons; Red gives to Sound his own Explorers badge, making him an Explorers officially. They heard Aund’s door open, so they get inside.

    While they were having breakfast, Aund asks Red if he has been on a Mystery Dungeon before, to which he says just the level 0 ones, explaining what those are. Red says there’s a nearby Mystery Dungeon named Stone Cavern, known for having lots of evolution stones, to which Aund gets excited since he wants to evolve to Leafeon, Sound assures him he will find one for him. Red asks Sound what he wants to evolve into, Sound replies he doesn’t know, being ok as an Eevee but knowing he has to evolve if he wants to be stronger. Aund asks Red why he hasn’t evolved yet, Red saying he doesn’t know, since no one knows how exactly a Pichu evolves. Aund thinks maybe with a Thunder Stone but they say it only works for Pikachu. Sound explains how their species evolve usually using evolution stones except for Umbreon, Espeon and Sylveon since they evolve through a strong connection with someone else. Aund suggests maybe that’s how Pichu evolves.

    Red is confuse by all this explanation since he isn’t good with studies, Sound highlighting this to which he just says anything about Explorers or the Mystery Dungeons he for sure knows. Sound doesn’t continue and they decide to start their first expedition. Before leaving, Red gives him a green Bandana, saying he should put it on while he himself puts on a blue Bandana. They both put them on and now they’re ready to leave, although Sound doesn’t have the same enthusiasm that Red or Aund has. Sound worries about leaving his brother alone in the city but both Red and Aund assures him he will be okay, not having too much option than to believe he will.

    Both leave towards Stone Cavern on Liliton Forest. Once inside, Sound is surprised about the place, being his first time in a Mystery Dungeon. Red gets out a map that updates itself every time they find a new room, Sound wonders how this even works, Red saying he shouldn’t worry about it and keep exploring. They find themself on a room with a wild Geodude who doesn’t doubt to attack them. Both dodge the Rock Smash the Geodude uses and then they used Tackle and Swift. Both celebrate hitting it but the Geodude continues it’s attacks using Smack Down, hitting both of them for being distracted. Both attack again, Sound using Bite and Red Swift, finishing the Geodude and leaving it unconscious, disappearing.

    Sound gets confused as to why it just disappeared to which Red says the Pokémon living on a Mystery Dungeon are teleported to another part of the place, being okay. Without further to do they continue exploring the Mystery Dungeon, finding all kinds of treasures. They battle against a wild male Nidoran, defeating him with great teamwork, finding the stairs to the next floor. They keep exploring and battling every wild Pokémon they find until they reach floor 5, the second to last. They explore the floor until they find the stairs to the last floor, being blocked by a Zubat and a male Nidoran. They fight against them but Sound receives a super effective attack with the Double Kick of male Nidoran, but they manage to defeat them.

    Red asks if he is okay, Sound replies yes a bit weary. Red gives him an Oran berry so he can recover some vitality, telling him to be more careful next time. Being the first real battles of Sound, he still has a long way to go to fight properly, but he still feels he’s stronger after this. They finally arrive at the last floor, a place without exit with lots of treasures, more important an TM; Technical Machine; with Shadow Ball. Red tells Sound to grab and look at it. Sound wonders if Red is still sane but does anyway. The TM disappears and he learns Shadow Ball. Sound freaks out, Red says he just learned Shadow Ball and asks him to try it out. Sound is still confused but tries anyways, using Shadow Ball, surprised a lot by this.

    After this, both use their badges to exit the place and return to their home. Sound again is surprised by this, being confused as to what these badges can do but Red just tells him to not worry about it too much. Aund gets out of the house to welcome them, only to see his big brother having a breakdown because of all this magic stuff.

    Once inside the house and Sound had calmed down, they review over all the stuff they got, like money, stuff like Orbs and Seeds, and of course the TM. Aund is impressed by all this. Red tells him his brother learned a new attack thanks to the expedition, and Aund being excited to see it asks his brother to use it. Sound isn’t sure since it could be dangerous but is convinced to do it. Without much option he uses his Shadow Ball on the wall. Aund is impressed and says how much he would like to explore with them, but immediately Sound says he would not, that he should stay safe here. Aund is a bit sad by this, and when Red sees this he immediately tells Sound nothing will happen to Aund as long as he is with them and has an Explorers badge, but Sound insist he won’t. Red was about to argue again but Aund stops him saying he is okay staying home. Red doesn’t agree saying this isn’t fair but Sound won’t accept anything else, leaving upstairs.

    Red can’t believe how Sound won’t agree, but Aund tells him he knows how much he worries for him, so he prefers to do as told. Red still thinks he is exaggerating and nothing will happen to him, but let’s it be for now… Sound on the other hand was upstairs in the balcony thinking how the Mystery Dungeon was dangerous, but knows he will be stronger to protect his brother going to one. He keeps looking at the horizon…

    The next day, Sound and Red go out to explore another Mystery Dungeon, leaving Aund behind on Liliton City. He decides he should explore the city and see how it is, knowing his brother would be worried but doing so anyway, closing the HQ and leaving. He explores the whole city, going to the center of it where there’s the fountain and clock, from there to the north where all the shops are, surprised by all the stuff they have. He returns to the center to now go to the east where the majority of the houses are, looking at the simplistic but elegant architecture and being surprised by how many people live here. Returns to the center to go now to the west where they have some parks, games and sports, getting excited by all the fun he could have here.

    He returns once again to the center, being surprised by how big this city is. He sits on one of the benches around the fountain, being happy by his new home. The same mysterious Absol that Red met arrives, asking if he can sit besides, to which Aund says yes. Aund can’t stop thinking he knows this Absol from somewhere, but doesn’t know why, so he decides to introduce himself, asking his name. The mysterious Absol says his name isn’t important and should call him just Absol. Aund is a bit confused but leaves it be. Absol asks him if he is an explorer, Aund replies he’s not, that’s his brother with their new friend. Absol asks if that would be the Pichu named Red, to which he says yes, asking if he knows him. Absol just says something like that, knowing him from talking in this same place.

    Aund tells him how much he wishes that Red makes Sound happier like he used to be, worried how his big brother doesn’t trust anyone and is very reserved with everyone. Absol asks him if they had a tough life, Aund repling yes, telling everything they’ve been through and how much this affected both of them, knowing that if it weren’t for his big brother he wouldn’t be as happy as he is right now, but at the cost of Sound’s own happiness. Absol keeps in silence knowing very well this kind of story, then tells Aund he shouldn’t worry, he knows with Red he will regain his happiness. Absol says goodbye and leaves. Aund says goodbye too, still thinking he knows this Absol but not knowing from where… He decides to go to the city’s beach, being surprised by the view up close, staying there for the rest of the day…

    On the other hand, Sound and Red were in trouble, being in floor 8, losing a battle to an Ariados with bright red eyes who attacks without control. Sound and Red are trying their best to remain on foot, but the Ariados hits Sound with Fell Stinger, crashing him into a wall. Sound barely can stand conscious. Seeing the situation they’re in, Red takes the decision to escape using an Escape Orb he had in his bag, using it just before the Ariados could finish up Sound, returning to their home. Once there, Aund was just returning, and seeing how bad both of them are, he runs towards his big brother to see how he is, who falls unconscious…

    Some voices can be heard…

    “…warn you… …catastrophe… …brother…”

    “…We have… …something…”

    “…What if…?… …Maybe… …help…”

    “…possible!… …We need…!”

    “Sound… Sound… Sound…”

    Sound wakes up in his bed with Aund at his side shouting desperately his name to see if he was okay. When Aund sees his big brother is okay he immediately hugs him. Sound asks him what happened, Aund saying he found them very hurt and was very worried for him. Sound remembers he was beaten by an uncontrolled Ariados, grabbing his head from the pain he feels. Sound asks if Red is okay, Aund says yes, that he ate some Oran berries to recover some vitality and was resting in his room. Sound is glad to hear this and tries to get up, but Aund stops him saying he should rest. Sound does so and Aund goes for some Oran berries for him. Sound starts thinking how weak he was, asking if this is how he pretends to protect his brother, wishing to be stronger…

    Red on the other hand was laying on his bed, thinking about what happened, questioning if that was one of those Uncontrolled Pokémon he heard about, admiring how strong they are. Even if today they were about to die, Red won’t give up, believing that with Sound they will get even stronger to confront any challenge life throws at them, being sure tomorrow’s gonna be a better day, knowing that with Sound they’re gonna be unstoppable. Finally he gets asleep… The next morning, both are healed and with the conviction to get stronger, not losing any time to start training.

    After three months have passed, in Akarla City. Sliad, Alexia, Fosbo and Edge have continued their lives as a big united family. Alexia keeps getting in trouble for thinking anyone can be a good person but life always demonstrates the contrary and only makes Edge’s point right of not trusting everyone… Alexia is very very sad after another Pokémon she was interested in betrayed her, not being the same happy one she always is. Sliad is doing his best to cheer her up, after all he doesn’t want Alexia to be sad even if his feelings were hurt everytime she was interested in someone else.

    He tries to get her out of the house to walk a bit and try to cheer her up. After trying a lot, she finally accepts and both go out. Fosbo worries for her, to which Edge says is her fault for still believing in strangers. Fobos can’t say anything back since he has been right lately, still Edge says if anyone could cheer her up is Sliad, demonstrating how much he trusts him.

    While they’re walking, Alexia doesn’t stop looking the ground, Sliad trying his best to cheer her up somehow. He ask her if she want ice cream or something like that, to which she says yes with next to no joy, so Sliad takes her to the mall to buy some. Once they did, they walk around the park nearby. Alexia barely is eating her ice cream, worrying Sliad.

    “..Hey, I know you’ve been sad because of everything that happened… But come on, cheer up, leave the past behind and think of the present” Sliad says.

    “But I almost ruined everything for our family… How could I do what you say after that…? I believe in that person, just to be a trap again… One I fell in stupidly…” Alexia says.

    “Who cares if you falled for that? It’s actually a great opportunity to learn from your mistakes… That’s how life works… We made mistakes and learned from them… Come on, Alexia… Leave the past behind… Be once again the happy Alexia I cherish so much…” Sliad says, who realizes what he just said and blushes, looking away.

    Alexia is surprised by this, looking at Sliad for a bit before looking at the sky and say “…Yeah… Thanks, Sliad… Having you at my side really soothes me… You’ve always been there for me… Ever since we were kids… Before you arrived, I was always this sad… But thanks to you I changed… I become more joyful, hehe…”

    “Oh, well, I changed a lot too… I’ve always been alone and somewhat sad… Reading was the only thing that cheered me up, at least until you arrived…” Sliad says.

    Alexia gets happier after this conversation. They sit on a bench in the park while they eat their ice cream. After a bit they go to their favorite place, the pier of the city and sit to watch the sunset. Alexia asks what is on the other side of the ocean, to which Sliad says there’s a relatively new city called Liliton. He tells her all the stuff he readed about the place. Alexia gets excited, wishing to go there one day, Sliad replying it would be perfect to live in there. Alexia keeps looking at the horizon while Sliad watches her, being happy for her.

    Sliad realize they’re completely alone and everything has calmed down, being nervous thinking if he should tell Alexia how he feels. He takes a deep breath and says…

    “Y-You know? I-I been wanting to tell you something, but I never found the best moment to say it, but… I-I think this is it…” saying so very nervously. Alexia looks at him with intrigue.

    “Y-You see… Ever since we know each other… I always felt something for you… I like you… Like REALLY like you… We’re always together… I always liked how you are… I love being with you, and I can’t stop thinking about how much I love you…” Sliad says.

    Alexia blushes after this, getting excited at first but then she remembers how she has treated him lately, being interested in others, feeling a bit guilty, now being sad.

    “I… I’m sorry… I… can’t correspond to you… I…” Alexia says without thinking, feeling conflicted with her emotions.

    Sliad is paralyzed, not knowing what to think, feeling very defeated… With pain in his heart thinking she’s rejecting him, he gets up. Alexia is confused by this. Saying nothing Sliad starts running with tears in his eyes, without looking behind. Alexia is surprised and immediately goes after him. Sliad keeps running until he gets out of the city. Alexia asks where he is going but Sliad doesn’t listen and keeps running towards the mountains up ahead, going inside one. Alexia tries to follow him but trips down, losing sight of him. Not knowing what to do, she goes for her brothers to help.

    Sliad keeps running without stopping until he gets out of the mountains and to the nearby forest, where he crashes with a tree. He just keeps thinking about what he just did… The same Absol that Red and Aund met appears, who is surprised by Sliad, asking if he is okay, with no reply.

    “…Something happened that you couldn’t resist? And you decided to flee” Absol says.

    Sliad doesn’t reply.

    “…And what will you do? Keep running or return and confront your fears? If you’re gonna keep running, then go to a city called Liliton. There you will find those answers you’re seeking…” Absol says.

    Sliad is intrigued by this, asking who he is.

    “No one important, just an Absol that lost everything, just wandering around the world… Is up to you to believe me, but your destiny is already sealed…” Absol says before leaving.

    “What…? Who…? There’s… something weird about that guy… Like he somehow knows what will happen… Like he knows me…”

    He cleans his face and thinks “Liliton…? What could interest me there…? Although I don’t plan on returning, since I…”

    He decide to continue walking until finding another city for now… After searching desperately for Sliad on the mountains, they can’t find him anywhere. Alexia, Edge and Fosbo decide to leave for the day and continue searching tomorrow morning. Fosbo ask Alexia why she rejected Sliad, to which she says she felt guilty knowing how bad she treated him seeking other guys in the past and feeling she didn’t deserve being with him, not believing he will be happy with her. Fosbo understand this but also tells her nothing would make him happier than to be with her, and telling she also rejected her own feelings thinking it was for the best, hurting both of them. Alexia doesn’t know what to think anymore, feeling even more guilty that Sliad run away. They return to their home for now…

    The next morning, they continued to search for Sliad on the mountains, not knowing he was already far away from there… After a bit, Edge gets to the conclusion he just abandoned them, feeling betrayed from Sliad after leaving her sister sad. Fosbo immediately tells him to not think this way, being Sliad the one who felt the most hurt here after Alexia rejected him, but Edge doesn’t care, treating Sliad like a traitor now. Alexia doesn’t care what her brother says, she just wants to find Sliad and apologize for what she said… Remembering this day for the rest of her life.

    Meanwhile, Sound and Red were in a Mystery Dungeon far from Liliton. In the three months that passed they were getting stronger with every expedition they did, not having time to rest. They’re now on floor 9 where they’re fighting a Poliwrath with red glowing eyes, having lost control of itself. They’re resisting more than the last time they fought one uncontrolled Pokémon but are still having some trouble. They keep dodging the attacks while they attack as well, Sound using Swift and Red using Thunder Shock. Sound got careless and Poliwrath managed to hit him with Dynamic Punch, causing him great damage and crashing on the wall. Red gets furious by this and tries to hit it with Thunder Punch, to which Poliwrath responds with Dynamic Punch.

    When Sound crashed on the wall, a Thunder Stone got out of his back, one that he grabbed before, having it for when he decided to evolve. Without much options, he touches the Thunder Stone, starting to evolve. Red is losing against the Poliwrath, barely managing to stand up. In that moment Sound appears shrouded in electricity, using Tackle filled with electricity, hitting the Poliwrath and pushing it away. The electricity around Sound disappears, revealing how Sound has evolved into Jolteon. Red is surprise by this. The Poliwrath attacks once again with Body Slam, but Sound’s fur glows, dodging the attack with such speed, using Thunder Shock to hit it and pushing it away again. Sound is completely tired after this and the Poliwrath takes advantage, using Superpower. Sound can’t even move to dodge it.

    Red sees this and immediately gets in front of Sound using Thunder Punch to avoid the attack, clashing with the Superpower. Red starts to evolve at this moment, being shrouded in electricity, his Thunder Punch getting stronger, making the Poliwrath flinch. The electricity around Red disappears, revealing that he evolved into Pikachu. Sound is surprised to see him evolve. Red’s fur starts to glow, using a powerful Thunderbolt, hitting the Poliwrath and finishing it off. Red gets completely tired after this.

    Both took a second to take a breather and talked about how they evolved, being very surprised, having a fist bump before going to the last floor. Once they return to Liliton City, Aund welcomes them but is surprised seeing that they evolved, getting excited, telling his brother how cool he looks, to which Sound thanks him and caresses his head. Brown and Luke from Team Cosmic Flare arrive at that moment, surprised to see that Red has evolved. Red gets excited at seeing them again, telling them very enthusiastically how he evolved, to which they congratulate him. Sound looks at them with distrust. Brown looks at him and asks if he’s Sound, to which Sound is a bit confused but says yes.

    “Red has told us a lot about you and your brother Aund in all the reports he sends to the official headquarters of the Explorers, thanks for taking care of him” Brown says..

    “Although I believe he talked about an Eevee, not a Jolteon” Luke says, a bit confused.

    Brown tells him he obviously evolved too, Luke just keeps staring at him realizing it. Red introduces them to Sound and Aund, telling them how much they help Red to make his HQ possible. Aund gets excited after hearing they’re Explorers too, telling them how he never seen a Gallade and Cinderace before.

    “Yes, yes… I’m very special!” says Luke proudly.

    “Oh yeah, you are special alright…” Brown says, being sarcastic.

    “Wait, was that a compliment or an insult?” Luke says, a bit hurt.

    Red now introduces Sound and Aund to them, telling them how much Sound has helped him with his dream. Red asks them why they’re here to which Brown replies they wanted to see how everything is going now that they have time, feeling relieved to see he finally found a partner. Sound doesn’t talk too much, still distrusting them a bit. They decide to celebrate them evolving with a party, everyone accepts except Sound who wants to do other stuff, leaving for the forest where he used to live, since he has been training in secret for a while now. Aund apologize for his brother’s behavior thinking he doesn’t trust them but Brown tells him it isn’t just because of that. They go to prepare everything.

    Meanwhile, Emily and Liliam were traveling again, following the instructions the Buizel from before gave to get to Explorers Den, passing through Liliton Forest. They’ve been living placidly in Azurien City, but Liliam wants to find help on the city their father always visited, knowing that they will live better in Explorers Den. Liliam has tried everything she could to cheer her sister and help her stop being so shy, but hasn’t had any luck and doesn’t know what else to do, losing all hope to help her… They pass besides where Sound and Aund used to live, thinking this would make a perfect place to live, but Liliam notices how damaged the wall is, being the place where Sound trains, deciding it would be better if they leave, not knowing something has been following them…

    Sound was walking in the forest thinking about his evolution, thinking Jolteon was a good choice even if he would liked Umbreon as well, but doesn’t care as long as this makes him stronger like he wants. While he was walking he heard a scream, Emily being the one that screamed, she’s being kidnapped by a Cacturne who demands Liliam all their stuff if she wants to see her alive, running towards the Mystery Dungeon nearby. Sound arrives a bit late, asking what happened. Liliam tells him everything and Sound tells her to go to the nearby city and ask for Red of the Explorers while he goes after the criminal. Liliam does as told and runs towards Liliton City while Sound goes to Stone Cavern. Liliam arrives at Liliton and runs towards the headquarters, asking for help in Sound’s name. When hearing his name, Red immediately goes to help with everyone else.

    Sound runs inside the Mystery Dungeon, defeating everything he sees as quickly as he can to catch up to the Cacturne. On the path towards there, he finds something that picks his interest, grabs it and continues running. Emily does what she can to flee from her kidnapper, desperately asking for her sister’s help. To silence her, the Cacturne uses his spikes to hurt her. In floor 5, Emily struggles to flee from her kidnapper, managing to do so, and being a bit hurted, she uses Sand Attack to obstruct Cacturne’s eyes and run away. The Cacturne gets angry and chases after her in the wrong direction. While she was running, she found an Ice Stone, and knowing what it is she touched it to evolve and resist more, evolving into Glaceon. Cacturne sees the light from the evolution, knowing where she is now.

    Emily keeps running away until she arrives at a room where she gets face to face with Sound. Both are surprised to see each other, looking at each other’s eyes until the Cacturne arrives and attacks with Energy Ball. Emily notices him and dodges the attack to flee behind Sound who is ready to fight. The Cacturne looks at Sound’s Bandana, identifying him as an Explorer. Emily is surprised to hear that. Sound prepares himself to fight against the Cacturne. After exchanging attacks for a while, they both are tired, and the Cacturne has had enough of this and prepares to use Dark Pulse. Emily tells Sound to be careful to which he says not to worry.

    “I have to be stronger to protect her! Come on…! Nothing will stop ME!” Sound thinks while his fur starts to glow again.

    Sound is hit by the Dark Pulse, leaving a big smoke screen around him. Both Emily and Cacturne think Sound was defeated, but are surprised to see him get out of the smoke screen shrouded in electricity, attacking the Cacturne with great speed, making him flinch. Sound flounces away from him, his electricity around him disappearing, revealing how his fur changed to brown, his yellow eyes glowing. Both Emily and Cacturne can’t believe what they’re seeing. Sound goes to attack with Shadow Ball with such speed the Cacturne can’t dodge it, hitting him and throwing him to the wall, leaving him unconscious. After all this Sound is extremely tired, his fur returning to his usual yellow. Emily is still surprised by all this.

    Sound turns around and asks Emily if she’s okay, she timidly replies yes. Sound sits down to rest. Emily asks him who he is.

    “Buf… My name… Is Sound… I arrived a bit late when he kidnapped you…” Sound says.

    Emily asks him if her sister sended him, which Sound says “Something like that… But I also did it by my own accord… I can’t let someone suffer in front of me…”

    Emily is surprised by this. Sound asks her who she is.

    “Ah… I’m… Emily…” She timidly says..

    “Emily, eh? That’s a cute name…” Sound says.

    She blushes a bit, telling Sound his name is also cute. Sound is surprised and thanks her. Both are silent, looking away, to then look at each other’s eyes. The rest of the group arrives as well. When Emily hears Red shouting for Sound she covers herself behind Sound by instinct. Liliam immediately asks for her sister, being surprised to see a Glaceon behind Sound, she being able to tell she’s Emily. When she hears her sister’s voice, she calms down, being happy to see her and hugging her. On the other hand Sound is surprised to see Aund here, since he came too being worried about his brother. Sound gets angry at the other for this but Brown tells him they protect him and he should calm down.

    Brown and Luke go to see the Cacturne, identifying him as a rank S criminal who kidnaped people to extort their love ones, surprise that Sound manage to beat him alone, scolding him for going without his partner, to which Sound reply he couldn’t do nothing knowing someone is suffering in front of him. Brown tells him he is right but he still should have waited for his partner, because alone everything could have been for the worst. Red was about to defend Sound but Brown tells him he did the right thing, just that he should do stuff like this in the future. They decide to leave and get the criminal into custody.

    After a while, they’re all outside of the headquarters celebrating that this capture was credited in its totality to their team. Red is very happy by this, since this could help them to gain more notoriety. Liliam is glad that her sister is okay, being all that she has. When hearing this, Sound asks himself if they have been through the same as him and his brother. Sound asks them if they have somewhere to go, to which Liliam replies they don’t exactly, telling them how they lost their home and parents when they were kids by an uncontrolled Pokémon, confirming what Sound was suspecting.

    Sound asks them if they would like to stay here and join their team, which surprised Emily. Liliam doesn’t know what to say, asking her sister what she would like to do, knowing that Sound picked her interest.

    “What’d you say, Emily?” Sound asks.

    Emily looks at him, he gives her a smile. Emily then looks at the ground a bit flustered.

    “I… I would like to…” Emily timidly says.

    Liliam is surprised by hearing that. And with that, it is decided, Emily and Liliam are now part of Explorer Team WiiSpeed1.

    “Alright, welcome to the family!” Sound says.

    Emily puts on a smile after hearing that, surprising Liliam being so long since the last time she saw her smile, knowing it is all thanks to Sound and that he will help her. Aund also notice how happy his brother is, making him happy as well. And this is how Emily and Liliam are now part of team WiiSpeed1, finally having a place to call home…

    The news about Explorer Team WiiSpeed1 defeating a wanted criminal rank S expands around the world, reaching Fiby who was very excited to see novice Explorers Team accomplish something this big, thinking this could be her opportunity to join their team. Reaching Sliad who was passing by a city, seeing the picture of the news and being surprised by seeing Sound, deciding to go to Liliton just as Absol told him. And reaching Fosbo, Edge and Alexia as well, being Fosbo the one reading the article, Edge and Alexia not caring too much, Alexia being worried for Sliad, wishing that he’s doing okay wherever he is. The adventures of our heroes are just starting…

    To be continued.


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