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    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon – Dimension Breakers.

    Chapter 2: A Light of Hope

    It’s been 6 years since the day Sound and Aund lives change forever, since then they’ve been living on Liliton Forest peacefully, occasionally encountering some uncontrolled Pokémon, but Sound has done a good job at protecting both of them. He still isn’t as strong as he would like but knows how to defend himself. Aund on the other side is more happy now, knowing his big brother will always be there for him no matter what, but is worried about his brother since he hasn’t been as happy after what happened, Aund wants to do something but doesn’t know how…

    Is in the morning of a new day, Sound wakes up first and carefully goes to collect some food, finding a bush with Oran berries. Once he returns, Aund was just waking up as well, being very excited by seeing his breakfast is ready. Once they finish eating, Aund ask his brother if they can go and play, as to which Sound initially says no but Aund manages to convince him, so they walk through the forest, arriving at a somewhat open place with a big rock in the center, a perfect place to be. Sound is watching out for any danger out there, Aund notices this and decides to cheer him up using a little Tackle saying “You can’t catch me!”, starting to run away. Sound understands he wants to play catch up so he starts to chase after him. Sound catches up to Aund and uses Tackle on him, starting to run in the opposite direction while Aund chases after him. Sound jumps up to the rock saying “You can’t reach me”. Aund tries to jump, managing to jump up high enough and Tackle Sound, making both of them fall from the rock and fall to the ground, laughing and staying down there watching the leaves of the trees, relaxing.

    On the other hand, Emily and Liliam have continued their journey to get to that city their father always visits, without success… Now they’re going through Azure Fields, a plain at the edge of the ocean where it has been said is the place of the legendary Manaphy. In the years that have passed, Liliam evolve thanks to the affection of her sister Emily, being a bit stronger but still doesn’t know how to fight properly. Emily on the other hand hasn’t changed a lot, speaks more with her older sister but is still a bit coward.

    Now they’re walking through the place, seeing a city on the horizon. While they’re walking, Liliam asks her little sister what she wants to evolve to, to which she responds with a Glaceon, since that was what her mother wanted. Liliam assures they will search for an Ice Stone for her to evolve, remembering their father used to have some. Emily starts to feel sad remembering her parents, Liliam notices this thinking it may wasn’t a good idea to mention their parents.

    Meanwhile we find ourselves in a relatively new city in the middle of Liliton Forest, named Liliton City, and is here where we find Red alongside Brown and Luke. All this time Red has been saving up money with the help of his parents and Brown and Luke, just so he can get the permits to make the first official Explorers base in the city, and today he finally did it, being in front of his new home.

    Brown and Luke congratulate Red for succeeding, to which Red says “But it wasn’t just me! My parents also help a lot!”

    “Still this is no small fit, it was your determination to fulfill your dream that let you to do it” says Brown.

    Luke follows with “But don’t forget, this is just the beginning, if you want to become an important guild for Explorers you’ll need to work much harder to do it”.

    “I know! I will do my best to leave my mark on the world!” Red responds.

    Brown tells him he still need to recruit people for his team, since up until now no one wanted to be his partner, but this doesn’t let Red to demotivate him, saying he will find the perfect partner sooner rather than later. Brown and Luke smile at this before saying goodbye for now since they still have their Explorers work to do. Once they part ways, Red decides to grab a sign and writes “Recruiting” on it, running across the whole city to find someone to join him. After a bit of only rejections, he sits on a bench around a fountain with a clock up on the middle of it in the middle of the city, a bit defeated. A mysterious Absol approaches him, asking if he can sit besides him, to which Red responds yes.

    “Are you part of an Explorers team?” ask the mysterious Absol.

    “Yes…! Or I would like to say that but in reality I haven’t found a partner to be one…” Red responds, then asks “Hey! Would you like to join me and be an Explorers team?! I feel we will be a great team!”

    “I’m sorry but I can’t, I’m just passing through… I’m gonna leave in a few days” says the mysterious Absol, to then say “Don’t worry, I know you’ll find that partner you’re missing really soon”.

    This cheer Red up, but still think is a shame they couldn’t be partners, since for some reason he doesn’t understand he feels he can trust this Absol completely. The mysterious Absol says goodbye, wishing him luck on his dream. Once he goes, Red can’t stop thinking he knows this Absol from somewhere, but can’t figure out why since he doesn’t know any other Absol. Decides that if he can’t find a partner then he should investigate the Mystery Dungeons around here, recalling there’s one in the forest, running towards there.

    Sound and Aund where still laying on the ground relaxing until they hear a roar of a Pokémon. Sound immediately gets up and goes on alert, saying to Aund to run if there’s any danger. A Seismitoad arrives with it’s red bright eyes who doesn’t think twice and attacks with Hidropump. Sound grabs his brother and dodges the attack, leaving Aund on the ground and telling him to run and hide. Aund does as told but the Seismitoad won’t let him go, chasing after him. Sound tries to stop it using Swift but the Seismitoad uses Boomburst to paralyze Sound a bit and continue to chase after Aund. Aund keeps on running but trips with a rock, rolling until hitting a tree. The Seismitoad reaches him and is about to attack him. Sound screams on desperation, using Swift to try and stop it, but then Red arrives, hitting the Seismitoad with Quick Attack and launching it to the Swift, giving it great damage and pushing it away from Aund. The Seismitoad uses Hidropump at to which Red grabs Aund and dodges it. Sound takes the opportunity to uses Quick Attack. Red leaves Aund and uses Body Slam. On this moment both Sound and Red emits a yellow aura around each of them. They attack the Seismitoad very synchronized, attacking it many times without leaving it any opportunity to attack back, until it falls unconscious.

    After finishing, Sound and Red are notably tired. Sound immediately goes to see if his brother is okay, who was very surprised at how they both fight, telling his big brother it was awesome. Sound tells him he should worry about himself more, but Red says he has a point, since they fighted very synchronize while being totally strangers. Sound asks him with distrust who he is, to which Red responds he is an Explorers, or would be if he had a partner. Nor Sound nor Aund know what an Explorer is, since they never heard of them before, Red is surprised by this and explains to them what they are. Red then asks Sound if they’re visiting Liliton City and where are their parents, to which they respond that their parents died long ago… But are surprised to hear there’s a city nearby, something they never notice.

    Red then got an idea and asked Sound “Hm… Hey Sound! What if we make an Explorers team? I’ve been looking for a partner for years now but no one wants to, and you’re really strong! I can tell I can trust you just by watching you fight! We would make an excellent team! Besides, I have a headquarters where your brother and you could live!

    Sound initially says no, since he just want to live peacefully with his brother, but Aund convince him it is a good idea, they would finally have a home, also the idea of being stronger doing this peak Sound’s interest, so he finally accepts. Red is so excited to finally have a partner, jumping of joy.

    “It’s a cheerful kid… And there’s something about him… He feels extremely familiar to me… But oh well… I’m sure this will help me be stronger to protect my brother…” thinks Sound.

    “Oh, and we have to name our team! Any good Explorer team has a name! And I have the PERFECT name since forever!” says Red

    “…Team WiiSpeed!…” to everyone’s surprise, both Sound and Red said the same thing at the same time, as if they always knew the perfect name for the team.

    “Ah… That just came to my mind out of nowhere, so I said it…” says Sound.

    “Oh? Hehe, great minds think alike, am I right?!” says Red.

    “Yeah… I guess so…” says Sound.

    “Yes! Wait, you guess so?” says Red.

    Sound laugh a bit. Red tells them they should go to Liliton, to which Sound says they first need to grab their stuff from their old home, so they all walk towards where they live until now, grab some stuff and go to Liliton. Once there, Sound and Aund are surprised since they’ve never seen a city before. Red tells them the reason he is here, having the first official Explorers’ headquarters in the city, explaining his big dream to be the best guild of explorers in the world. Sound tells him that sounds complicated but Red with enthusiasm says he won’t give up, even less so since he already has a team. They arrive at the headquarters, which Sound questions since it looks more like a house than a headquarters, to which Red says that’s true, but he will work hard to make it even bigger one day, he still has much space to do so. They enter what is their new house from now on…

    On the other hand, Emily and Liliam arrive at the city they watched from afar, named Azurien City, considered the paradise of Water type Pokémon, with lots of pools connected to each other and a beach connected to the ocean. Emily is afraid of the people here, to which Liliam grabs her and puts her on her back so she can feel more safe. They walk through the city for a while until they arrive at the middle where there’s a big fountain with benches around, surprised by the place. A Buizel near them who was looking at the fountain tells them this is the pride of the city. Emily gets scared at hearing the strange voice, closing her eyes in fear. Liliam responds is something to be proud of, the Buizel notices how timid Emily is to which Liliam says she’s like that.

    He ask them if they’re visiting, to which Liliam responds they’re just passing through, looking for a city named Explorers Den. The Buizel is surprised since is the city of Explorers, asking if they want to join one. Liliam is surprised and tells him no, they’re just looking for somewhere to live and they have “acquaintances” there, which Emily is confused to hear. Buizel tells them there’s still a long way to get there, since it is on one of the edges of the continent of Fonneor where they are, having to cross through Highantup City to arrive. He tells them to follow the beach to the new city of Liliton which is near here and then follow the edge of the ocean until they reach Highantup. Liliam thanks him and the Buizel wishes them good luck on their journey before leaving.

    With this information, Liliam decides it would be better if they stay here for a while so they can prepare better, now knowing where to go, so they go and look for a place to stay…

    In Highantup City, we find Fiby in her room, which is decorated with many water arrangements and all kinds of luxury furniture, with many Eevee and Vaporeon decorations. She’s looking through her big window with a look at the ocean while reflecting on how much her life has changed all this time. Her mom calls her since her friends are here, with excitement grabs her bag and goes out where Sarah and Karla are waiting for her.

    In all this time she has been great friends with Sarah, enjoying every moment being together, but surprisingly enough she made friends with Karla after defending her after Karla’s old friends betrayed her, offering her a genuine friendship. Sarah wasn’t too fond of the idea at first, but now the three of them are best friends. Even after having true friends, Fiby hans’t given up on her dream to be an Explorer, still wanting to leave one day to join one, which possibly could separate them since Karla dream with being a model like her idol Gardenia the Gardevoir, while Sarah doesn’t know what to do with her life for now but doesn’t want to be in danger.

    Now they’re walking to the mall of the city where they are most of the days, buying ice cream and sitting on the tables. Fiby gets nostalgic and remembers the day her life change forever, when Karla bullied so much she wanted to run away to fulfill her dream, just to discover she always had a true friendship with Sarah.

    “See? I’ve always been the star here, without me nothing of this would had happened!” saying Karla in a narcissistic manner.

    “Oh come on, not even you believes that” says Sarah.

    They laugh. Once they finish their ice cream, they keep walking around the city like they always do. Karla asks Sarah if she has a dream of some kind, since she never speaks of having one unlike Fiby and she. Sarah says she doesn’t really have one and wants to live peacefully, to which Karla says she should aspire for something more to enjoy her life to the fullest. Sarah doesn’t know what to say, so she keeps thinking what she would like to do. After enjoying the walk for hours, is getting late so they say goodbye for now to go and rest, Fiby tells them the idea of being in her house tomorrow so they spice things up and everyone says yes, Fiby then returns to her house. Before leaving, Sarah asks Karla if there could be a way to stay with Fiby and help her on her dream, to which Karla responds she doesn’t know since her dream is very different to Fiby, but she will be up to if it would help her on her own dream. Sarah gets a bit sad for this since she doesn’t want to say goodbye to her friends, but Karla cheers her up telling her they will always be friends no matter if they’re not together anymore. Both go their ways for now. Sarah is still a bit sad, thinking how they can work this around.

    Once she arrived at her house, her mom, a Ninetales named Flamme, was in the living room waiting for her. She notices her daughter is sad and asks her what’s wrong, explaining what she talked with Karla. Flamme tells her that traveling around the world would be the best for her, so she could learn more stuff and find something she could like, telling her that the Explorers do that, having lots of jobs besides going to Mystery Dungeons, since she herself once worked cooking at a guild. Sarah is surprised by hearing this, liking the idea but worries about leaving her mother all alone since her father died a long ago. Flamme tells her not to worry and she would be okay, encouraging her to go with Fiby, knowing how much she cherish her. Sarah takes the rest of the day to think about it…

    The next day, the three friends got together again, going to buy something to eat before spending the rest of the day on Fiby’s house.

    While they’re walking, Sarah asks Fiby “…Hey Fiby. I… Wanted to ask you something… I’ve been thinking about it and… When you leave to be an Explorer, would you mind if I come along with you?”.

    Fiby gets excited and says “That means you want to be an Explorer with me?!”

    “Well… Not exactly… I… still don’t like the idea of fighting with wild Pokémon and all… But… Nothing stops me from going with you, right? Like… Seeing how you two have your own dreams… And I don’t really know what I want to do with my life… My mom told me I should travel around the world to find something I could like… And if we can still be together I would really like so…” Sarah responds.

    “Oh, you don’t even need to ask! I would like if you could be my teammate… But I respect your decision, and it would make me very happy to travel with you!” Fiby responds in happiness.

    The three are happy about this, even if they know they probably couldn’t be with Karla, still knowing they’re friendship will still be there even if they’re far apart from each other. Fiby is more excited to finally be able to leave and join an Explorer’s team, even if she still can’t without a partner or a team that accepts her.

    “If I could do it now, I would, but I can’t do anything without a teammate… Wouldn’t be a good idea to go alone to a Mystery Dungeon…” says Fiby.

    Sarah apologizes for that, to which Fiby says “Why you apologize? Don’t worry about it! One day I will find a team that accepts me!”.

    “With that attitude, is just a matter of time. I wouldn’t be surprised if you find a boy you’ll connect with and boom… Easy” says Karla somewhat sarcastically.

    Fiby doesn’t understand what Karla just said, but Karla knows it will happen some day.

    “Is… too innocent to fall for something like that…” says Sarah.

    Sarah and Karla laughs and Fiby doesn’t understand why. They go to buy their food and enjoy this day together, knowing that Fiby and Sarah will still be together supporting each other, Karla knowing they’ll do it great out there.

    In Akarla City, Sliad, Alexia, Fosbo and Edge have been living more happily since that day, Edge is still with his attitude of not trusting anyone except his family. Their parents have done what they could to be more with their kids, even if Edge won’t forgive them easily. Sliad has been living with them ever since, occasionally going to his old home to learn more about science and learn a way to travel across dimensions in the hope of finding his parents, without success. Alexia has been more happy since Sliad lives with them, never leaving his side. On the other hand Edge evolve into Umbreon thanks to the support of his brother and sister and Sliad, surprising everyone.

    Now the four of them are on the pier of the city, their favorite place. Sliad was thinking with a serious expression about his parents until Alexia tries to cheer him up.

    “I notices you distracted, come on, don’t just be there! When I’m with you, Sliad, everything is fun!” says Alexia.

    “At least you said that about Sliad and not a total stranger unlike that time…” Edge responds.

    Alexia gets a bit sad remembering that.

    “Is it really… necessary to always remind her…?” says Fosbo.

    “It’s her fault for trusting anyone, this wouldn’t happen if she thought it through better…” responds Edge.

    Some time ago, Alexia met a Deerling named Nerto who looked like a good person, but was a mass killer. Once Sliad saw they disappeared he worried and ran out to find them with Fosbo and Edge. Luckily he found them before it was too late and managed to stop him with the help of some Explorers that were looking for this criminal, who in fact were Brown and Luke from team Cosmic Flare. Alexia got traumatized after that day, not wanting to get out of home, but Sliad did everything he could to cheer her up, after all she’s someone very important to him. Since that day Edge always reminds her like some sort of punishment, always telling her that’s the reason she shouldn’t trust anyone else.

    Fosbo suggests they should go home since it’s a bit late, which everyone says yes, also to stop this conversation. Edge doesn’t take a second to just go, Fosbo following him. Sliad tries to cheer Alexia up.

    “Hey… Don’t listen to him, there’s no way you could know that time…” says Sliad.

    “Yes… But I want to show him that not everyone is bad out there… That we can trust strangers and be friends… That’s how friendships are made, right?” Alexia responds.

    “Well… Like you said, not everyone out there is bad, there’s a lot of good people how there, but you also have to be careful, not everyone is bad out there… But also not everyone is good either. There’s people with bad intentions out there, and you never know when you’ll find someone like that, just know who to have as friend” Sliad respond.

    Alexia knows very well what Sliad said is true, but she wants to make the effort to show Edge he can trust more people other than them. She thanks Sliad with a hug, to which he blushes, then they go home. In the night, Alexia wanted to keep playing with Sliad to which Fosbo says they should go to sleep, and after a bit trying to convince her, she finally gives up and everyone goes to their room. Sliad was still awake reading some books, but is distracted thinking of Alexia.

    “You can be too adorable…” thinks Sliad, blushing immediately when he realizes what just thought.

    “Aaah… D-Did I just thought that…?! Ah, who am I kidding… I always thought this since we were kids… But I feel this happen more often now…” thinks Sliad, keeping quiet for a bit…

    “I’m in love, right…?” thinks Sliad, sighing and thinking “I wonder if she thinks the same for me… She… Never leaves my side, so maybe…? Or maybe not… Agh, I can’t keep thinking about this…”

    He decides is enough for today and goes to sleep. The next day, the four of them were walking to the mall to eat something, and when they arrived they found a group of people surrounding a Boltund. Just by looking at him, Edge immediately senses some bad vibes from him. Alexia recognized him as Shiun, a famous sculptor in the world. Edge immediately rejects him, saying that popular people are the worst. Shiun notices the peculiar family of Eeveelutions Shiny and approaches them.

    “Oh, not every you can see a Shiny Pokémon, tell me little one, what’s your name?” says Shiun to Alexia.

    “Ah.. Ehm… My name is Alexia…” Alexia responds nervously.

    “Alexia, eh? A great name for a lady like you” says Shiun.

    Alexia blushes by this. Sliad notice this and doesn’t like it. Edge gets on front of Alexia telling him they are on a hurry. Shiun changes his happy expression to an angry one for a second, returning to a happy one, saying goodbye.

    “Hey! Why did you did that?!” Alexia shouts at Edge.

    “I don’t trust that guy” Edge responds.

    “You don’t trust anyone… He was just being kind with our sister” says Fosbo.

    Edge doesn’t care and keep walking. Alexia gets angry, questioning herself how they could change him. Sliad is in complete silence looking at the ground, Alexia notices this and asks him what happened to which he just says he was just distracted and continues walking with Edge. Alexia doesn’t understand what happened to him, Fosbo on the other hand know exactly what happened.

    After buying something to eat, they sit around the tables of the places. Shiun was in the zone and when they noticed them he approached. Sliad looks at him and just looks the other way. Alexia once again gets a bit nervous talking to him.

    “Get lost, we don’t need anything with you” says Edge.

    Alexia and Fosbo get upset with him, Edge doesn’t care one bit. Shiun notices he’s not welcome here, saying is a common thing, not everyone will like him. Fosbo apologizes for his brother to which Shiun says to not worry and leaves there. Everyone looks at them and how they treated someone as famous as Shiun.

    “Edge! Why are you like this?! He just was greeting us!” says Fosbo a bit angry.

    “Say what you want, but that guy gives me creeps” Edge responds.

    “Why you don’t trust anyone?! He didn’t do anything, don’t be like that!” says Alexia angry.

    “He just takes advantage of people, and only wanted something from you, you know?” Edge responds.

    “What would you know?! You don’t even know him to claim something like that!” says Alexia.

    “His way to be says everything, or you didn’t notices his abrupt changes on his face?” tells Edge to everyone.

    Alecia doesn’t want to believe him and decides to get up and look for Shiun to show Edge how wrong he is. Edge tells to Sliad and Fosbo how Shiun’s face change when he got on front of Alexia a bit ago, saying that he clearly want something with Alexia. Once he hear this, Sliad worries and go after Alexia. Fosbo is a bit confused by this but goes with Sliad, Edge too. Alexia catches up with Shiun who was on a park near the mall. Alexia apologizes for her brother to Shiun and asks him if he could help her demonstrate his wrong, to which he says yes, telling her they should go to where he’s staying being near here, Alexia accepts and they walk towards there. Sliad exists from the mall, seeing how their leaving and goes after them. Fosbo is still confused of what’s happening while Edge doesn’t think twice and goes for help, Fosbo doesn’t know what to do so goes after Sliad.

    Once on Shiun’s house, he closes the door with key. Alexia asks what’s happening a bit frightened, Shiun just hits her so she falls, telling her she would do everything he says. Alexia gets scared and asks for help screaming.

    “I-I thought you were a good person! You’re famous! Why you have to get so low?!” says Alexia.

    “Fame is what allows me to do whatever I want… I can easily ruin someone else’s life if they don’t obey me… After all, who would believe more? A commoner who just accuses without argument or someone high above everyone?” Shiun responds, showing who he really is.

    In that moment the door is being hit multiple times until it breaks, being Sliad who came to the rescue of Alexia. Shiun is hit with the door pushing him away from Alexia. Sliad gets in front of Alexia to protect her.

    “Get away from my Alexia!” Sliad shouts.

    Alexia doesn’t take a second to hide behind Sliad. Fobos arrives, seeing what’s happening. Alexia tells them how Shiun didn’t had good intentions, surprising to hear that, getting angry at him. Shiun threatens them to call the guards and blame them for damaging his place, demanding Alexia to stay here. Fosbo doesn’t like that and prepares to attack him. At that moment Edge arrives with a guard, who heard everything Shiun said. He gets angry and uses Wild Charge towards Sliad, he tries to protect them using Protect but Shiun is stronger, hitting Sliad giving him great damage and crashing him into a wall. Alexia gets worried and runs towards him. Fosbo had enough, using Flare Blitz to attack Shiun, hitting him. The guard, who was a Herdier, uses Double Team to surround Shiun and attack him with Shadow Ball with all his clones, Shiun doesn’t know where the attack will come and takes the hit, leaving him really hurt. The Herdier calls the other guards to support him.

    Alexia desperately move Sliad to see if he’s okay, to which he opens his eyes, fixedly looking at Alexia.

    “Ah… Alexia, you’re ok?” ask Sliad.

    “I’m fine, but what about you?!” Alexia responds.

    “I’m fine… This isn’t the worst that has happened to me… I’m just glad you’re okay…” says Sliad, starting to evolve after that, evolving into an Espeon Shiny.

    Alexia is surprised by this and very happy at the same time, starting to evolve too, now being a Shiny Sylveon. Happy that Sliad is okay, she hugs him tightly. Sliad blushes by this and seeing Alexia’s new look. After what happened, Edge remarks them his point of not trusting anyone. Fosbo and Alexia know he was right this time, without any argument. Even if they had a traumatic experience today, they’re all still happy for evolving, deciding to go home for now to finish the day. Once there on the night, Alexia can’t sleep alone after what happened, asking if she could sleep with Sliad, to which he blushes, but everyone thinks this would be for the best.

    Sliad is still awake while Alexia is sleeping, he’s reviewing some books about dimensions while he reflects about today. He knows very well his jealousy got the best of him today, but if he didn’t who knows what would’ve happened to Alexia. He decides he probably should tell Alexia how he feels after everything has calmed down, prefering to make her happy with his company for now. Decides he had enough and goes to sleep.

    In Liliton City, is on the night, Sound and Aund are on a balcony their new home has, stargazing, now that they finally have a true place to call home.

    “I think we finally found a home, don’t you think big brother?” says Aund.

    “You may be right… Being an Explorer is gonna be interesting…” says Sound.

    “Do you think we will make lots of new friends?” ask Aund.

    “Who knows, but maybe, we don’t know what the future holds for us…” Sound responds.

    The mysterious Absol was watching them from afar.

    “It has begun…” says the Absol before disappear in the dark.

    Now that Sound formed a team with Red to be Explorers, the adventures of team WiiSpeed1 are just beginning. What does the future holds for all our heroes?.

    To be continue.

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    1. Feb 28, '24 at 4:00 am

      So this fic came across the front page and I’ve been curious to check it out. I admit, reading Dimension Breakers really made me feel weirdly sentimental and emotional about PMD fics — just sharing in other people’s worlds like this. After a while of nestling into this story I started to feel…kinda safe and cozy. This story’s like slipping into old, familiar pajamas. Something about the tone of the writing, the style, the word choice, it just brings me back to my middle school days of reading fanfiction. It’s nostalgic, almost.

      But, that’s not much of a review, so just to go over some of my general thoughts:

      I’m impressed at the scope so far — to have so many characters with (presumably) intersecting paths like this! I don’t know if they’ll all be on the same team…or perhaps some of them might end up at odds with one another? I could definitely see that with Edge for one thing, like him and Alexia and Fosbo becoming semi-antagonists to Red, Sound and Aund.

      I’m also noticing that Sound / Aund’s story seems to be very closely tied to Emily / Liliam’s story. Even from the first chapter, these pairs were having experiences almost entirely parallel to each other. Considering the tile and some of the info from Chapter 2 (the book Sliad was reading) I’m suspecting the two are parallel universe versions of one another. Sound / Aund have ended up in a city deep in the forest whilst Emily / Liliam are going to one in an open field. Even now their stories have so many similarities to one another and it’s making me curious.

      Even stranger is how much Emily and Liliam aren’t focused on. We get a few glimpses into their end of things but it’s mostly Sound / Aund getting the plot updates…my mind is kinda running with a million possibilities here — parallel universes carry with them some measure of existential horror, so if Emily and Liliam end up being a kind of antagonistic force that could make for some real gut punching drama.

      Well, that is…if the parallel universe theory is even true~! Maybe it’s something else entirely…

      My final thoughts are: I’m loving the intros to these characters! I feel like the characters are coming across well, One of my favorites was actually Fiby — she just seems really sweet and I was fascinated by the dilemma she was having as to whether or not she has real friends.

      Now that I think about it…this story gives me Cloud Atlas vibes. Did you ever read it / watch the movie?

      All in all: Well done <3 I'm really happy I got to nestle in and experience this.