The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Part 1 – Surviving Alone

    Is in the morning of a new day, the sun is about to rise. We see Sound and Aund, they were sleeping on a hollow log they found. It has been just a few days since that fatidical day, they’ve done everything they can to survive… Sound is just waking up. He gets up, leaving his brother still sleeping to go and find some food. He’s being very careful around the forest they’re in. He finds a bush with lots of Oran berries, takes a few with him and returns to where his brother is. Aund was just waking up. Sound gives him some berries so he can eat. Both of them enjoy their little breakfast…

    “Big brother… You think we’re gonna be ok…?” ask Aund.

    “Eh? Well… I’m not sure, brother… I’m as scared as you are, but I promise I will do anything to protect you… I’m gonna make sure we’re gonna be okay, got it?” Sound responds.

    “Yes… I know I can count on you, big brother.” says Aund, “You got that right” says Sound, then he thinks “I have to get stronger if I want to protect my brother… I can’t let fear take control of me…”.

    After waiting a bit for the sun to rise more, they continue their journey to find a safe place to live. After walking a bit they exit their home place, Evolution Forest and find themself on Dien Plains, a big open place with some trees here and there. They walk around the place with caution.

    In the meantime, in another part of the world… In the outskirts of Greencove Plains there’s a little cave on ground level named Waterstone Cavern where a Mystery Dungeon can be found. Emily and Liliam were walking through the place since this is one of the places Liliam heard her father mention he goes to Explorers Den. Emily got scared by a water drop. Liliam tries to cheer her up telling not to be scared but Emily trembles a bit.

    “You don’t have to worry, ok? I’m with you… Believe me, I will never let anything happen to you… I promise!” says Liliam.

    “Y-Yes… I know I can count with you, sis…” says Emily.

    “Of course! So please don’t be scared, nothing will happen to you.” says Liliam, then she thinks “I hope she calms down a bit… I’m not strong, but I’m her big sister… Is my duty to protect her…”.

    They continue walking through the cave, eventually getting out, they’re now in Union Forest, a very pacific place. Liliam recognizes this place from what her father said.

    “So this is Union Forest… Dad always came here on his way to that city… But if I recall there’s still a long way to go… If we follow the path we should arrive eventually…” says Liliam.

    After hearing about her dad, Emily tears up a bit. Liliam sees this and decides they should keep walking.

    Meanwhile Sound and Aund were about to exit Dian Plains, they didn’t have any problem doing so. When they were about to enter the nearby forest they’re attacked by a wild Cottonee with bright red eyes. It uses Razor Leaf. Sound grabs his brother and dodges it, telling Aund to hide, doing so running to a big rock and hiding behind it. Sound keeps dodging the Razor Leafs waiting for an opportunity to attack back.

    “I have to protect my brother…!” thinks Sound.

    The Cottonee stops attacking for a second and Sound takes the opportunity to attack with Tackle, hitting the Cottonee who doesn’t flinch and uses Energy Ball immediately. Sound dodges it but it hits the rock were Aund was hiding instead, scaring Aund. After seeing this, Sound gets a bit angry and using all his strength, a yellow aura surrounds him, then he learns to use Quick Attack, hitting the Cottonee and sending it flying. Aund runs towards his brother and hugs him, being scare of what just happened. Sound was a bit tired after doing that, not knowing why. They decided to keep walking through the forest, named Liliton Forest.

    “What was that…? For a bit I felt stronger… And I think I learned a new attack… I’m not sure what happened but at least I think I’m stronger… But still it wasn’t enough, that was just a small Pokémon… I need to be even stronger to protect my brother…” thinks Sound.

    They arrived at a big open cave, big enough to live there, so they decided to stay here for now, finding a place to live…

    Emily and Liliam are still in Union Forest, being about to get dark, so they search for a place to stay for the night, they find a little cave to stay in. Liliam gets some food before going. Once there they start to eat, Emily trembling a bit from being scared. Liliam tries to calm her down, but she’s still a bit scared.

    “I guess I can’t do much for now… I hope I can calm her better the next days… I’m not sure what we’re gonna do… Maybe it would be better to find a place to live? Or should we keep going to that city our dad used to go to? I don’t know… I just hope I can be a good big sister for her…” thinks Liliam.

    The next day, they wake up and continue their journey to find a place to live for now, and one day arrive in that city their father used to visit, where the light of hope could shine for them…

    Part 2 – A Dream to Follow

    On a place named Goldshore Town, at the edge of a cliff, we find ourselves with a little Pichu with green eyes named Red, who has been living on this peaceful place, where they said legendary Explorers once lived. Both of his parents were great Explorers before retiring to raise their kid. Red admires the Explorers and wants to be one when he grows up and be the best of all like all the legends of those legendary Explorers. He was running through the town, saying hi to the neighbors. He accidentally bumps into a Gallade and Cinderace, recognizing them as some friends, Brown and Luke, an Explorer team named Cosmic Flare who originate from this town, and ones who Red usually plays with when they’re free.

    “Brown! Luke! Are we gonna have an adventure today?!” ask Red.

    “Hehe, I know how much you want to be an Explorer, but don’t forget you’re still young to be one” says Brown.

    “Hmph, age doesn’t matter when you want to have an adventure!” says Red.

    “Slow down, little bud, you’re gonna grow up faster than you think, but for now just don’t go near a Mystery Dungeon, ok?” says Luke.

    “But how am I gonna get stronger to have adventures if I can’t go to one? It’s a bit unfair.” says Red.

    “Don’t worry, you’re almost old enough, what would you say if we go to the same cave as always?” says Brown.

    Enthusiastic to go there, he goes running to the beach of the town, Brown and Luke following along. Once arriving at a beach, Red stops for a moment to appreciate the ocean, having this feeling that this place is very dear to him but not knowing why.

    “You know, Luke and I used to play here a lot when we were kids, always dreaming of having our own adventures as well” says Brown.

    “Yeah! After hearing those old stories of those legendary Explorers that came from before this place was renamed!” says Luke.

    “Really?! And what was the name of the town before?” ask Red.

    “No one knows nowadays, there aren’t many records of that age for some reason” says Luke.

    Red keeps looking at the horizon, thinking about all of the awesome things that could have happened here.

    They decide to go to the cave they mention, one with the same properties as a Mystery Dungeon, but with no wild Pokémon, as this is now what they call a Mystery Dungeon Level 0.

    “What happened to this place to stop being a Mystery Dungeon?” ask Red.

    “I think it is just that the wild Pokémon that lived here just migrated to another Mystery Dungeon, like the one near here, Reborn Cave” says Brown.

    “So this just became Mystery Dungeons level 0, a safe place for you to explore!” says Luke.

    They continue through the Mystery Dungeon, not realizing someone was following them. While they continue through the Mystery Dungeon, Red demonstrates his great sense of direction, finding all kinds of treasures, surprising both Brown and Luke. Once they arrive at the last floor, they find even more treasures, like money, an Oran Berry and even a Petrify Orb.

    “Um… Now that I think about it, where do these orbs come from?” asks Red.

    “Well, there’s actually a company that makes this named Exferos, as how this end up on Mystery Dungeons…” says Brown.

    “I guess you could say is a… MYSTERY” says Luke with a grin on his face.

    “That’s… Eh, the thing is this are very useful” says Brown trying to ignore what his teammate said.

    While they were talking, a Watchog comes from hiding and takes Red as his hostage, surprising all.

    “I have you where I wanted, Explorers!” says the Watchog.

    “Brown, isn’t he…?!” says Luke.

    “Yes, the wanted criminal rank A we’ve been searching for” says Brown.

    The Watchog has been watching team Cosmic Flare this whole time looking for an opportunity to take them down. Both Brown and Luke try thinking about a way to get Red to safety while he’s struggling to escape.

    “Come on, Red! You want to be an Explorer being this weak?! You have to do something…!” Red thinks while trying to free himself.

    Brown and Luke were about to distract Watchdog using Brown is psychic powers to throw a nearby small rock until Red starts to glow a yellow aura around him, learning to use thundershock, being able to escape from Watchog’s grasp. Brown and Luke take this opportunity to attack the Watchog, Luke using Pyro Ball to hit him while Brown approaches him using Sucker Punch, leaving him unconscious on the ground.

    Once they got out of the Mystery Dungeon level 0 and Brown and Luke took the criminal to justice, they all were watching the view at the beach.

    “I’m so sorry, Red, we didn’t expect that criminal set us a trap there…” says Brown.

    “Nah, don’t worry, it was a new experience for me!” says Red.

    “Eh… Look Red, I’m not sure it is natural to get excited by being a hostage” says Luke.

    “Not only because of that, but also because I learned a new move!” says Red.

    “Not only for that?!” says Luke.

    While they’re talking a bit more, the sun is about to set down leaving a gorgeous look at the ocean. Red amaze by this, suddenly has a realization.

    “Hey… Wouldn’t it be great to make a guild of Explorers…?” says Red.

    Both Brown and Luke are surprised by hearing this. Red gets up and says.

    “I’m decided, one day…. Not only do I want to be a renowned Explorer but also… I want to made my own guild! A guild as legendary as the one that once existed here! A place where beginners Explorers from all over the world can join!”.

    Both Brown and Luke are really surprised by this but support Red on his decision, and now with an even bigger dream than before, Red will give everything he has to fulfill this dream of his.

    Part 3 – True Friendship

    In a luxury city named Highantup City, we find ourselves a little Shiny Eevee named Fiby. She’s the daughter of the owners of the Exferos company, the ones dedicated to the creation and distribution of the orbs around the world. Fiby loves the Explores and wants to be one in the future, but her parents expect her to inherit their company, something she doesn’t really want. Their parents give her anything she wants, but she’s very modest and prefers to stay with the basics, but that doesn’t stop other kids from trying to take advantage of her…

    She’s right now at the mall of the city with the ones she considers her friends, a Vulpix, a Seel, a Female Nidoran and a Sunkern. They’re looking at pretty stuff like an elegant hat, an expensive fragrance and a collar with pretty stones, which Fiby isn’t much interested in the stuff they’re showing to her, but says she can buy it for them, which the Seel, Female Nidoran and Sunkern happily accept.

    “Hey Fiby, don’t you think you’re wasting your many in them?” ask the Vulpix named Sarah.

    “It is wasted either way if I don’t use it, besides is for my friends, it’s okay. You can grab something too” says Fiby.

    “No, I’m good, Fiby. I know this kind of stuff doesn’t really interest you, but you should think more for yourself…” says Sarah.

    Unlike the others, Sarah does think of Fiby as a real friend even if she doesn’t feel the same way, but always does what she can to support Fiby.

    “All I want is to be a part of an Explorer’s team, I want to explore the world and adventure to those Mystery Dungeons! I want to have fun!” says Fiby.

    “Isn’t that dangerous? And what about your parents?” says Sarah.

    “They want me to learn how the company works to one day inherit it… But they also want me to choose my own path, just that they don’t want me to be an Explorer right now since I’m still a kid… When I’m older, I’m gonna leave this city and find an explorer’s team that accepts me” says Fiby.

    Sarah is a bit sad to hear that since she wants to be more with Fiby and doesn’t want to be an Explorer like Fiby does. After buying the stuff the others wanted, they walk around the mall once more to buy some ice cream, Fiby paying of course. Once they sit on a nearby table, a Kirlia named Karla with her two friends, a Snubull and a Jigglypuff, approaches them. Karla is a bully from this town, she doesn’t like rich people and everytime she has the opportunity she bothers Fiby and her friends.

    “Look what we have here… The rich kid and her followers” says Karla in a mocking manner.

    “Ugh, what do you want?!” says Sarah, a bit angry.

    “From you? Absolutely nothing, there’s nothing you could give me after all, or do you want to buy my friendship with all the money you have, Fiby?” says Karla.

    Fiby just keeps in silence with her head lower and a sad expression.

    “Stop! Fiby is not that kind of person!” says Sarah.

    The other three also defend Fiby but not very convincingly.

    “Hmph, I’m sure you’re only saying that because she bought you those cute accessories, am I right? Tell me something, do you really know her or you’re just pretending to be her friend because it’s good for you?” says Karla.

    The other three don’t say anything while Sarah looks at them with disgust. Fiby also doesn’t say anything, being even more sad from hearing that.

    “See? You have an easy life, the only thing you need to do is drop money and aaall your problems are resolved, with fake friendship included! Isn’t that nice?!” says Karla.

    Her other friends also mock Fiby.

    “Yes… I don’t have real friends, and what… It wouldn’t matter when I leave this place for good and never see them again…” says Fiby.

    All are surprised by what Fiby said.

    “You think is easy being from a rich family when you don’t want to?! When your dream is entirely different?! Do you think anyone could be happy like this?! You don’t know how horrible it is to have this LIFE!” sayd Fiby shouting, using by accident a Shadow Ball that almost hits Karla but she dodges it. Fiby sees this and decides to run away with tears in her eyes.

    “Fiby…! Are you happy now?!” says Sarah to Karla before going after Fiby.

    Karla feels a bit bad but doesn’t do anything and just leaves. The others don’t do anything either. Fiby has had enough and decides to run away from home, running towards the outskirts of the city right to a dense jungle that nobody dares to walk across. Sarah barely looks at Fiby going to the jungle and goes after her. When Fiby finally enters the jungle, she accidentally bumps into a Trevenant, who doesn’t waste time and attacks her with Branch Poke, draining some of her energy. The Trevenant is with bright red eyes and seems to have lost control of itself. Fiby tries to defend herself with her newly learned Shadow Ball, hitting Trevenant but it doesn’t really affect it too much. The Trevenant was about to attack her with Wood Hammer but Sarah comes to save her, dodging the attack. Fiby is surprised by seeing Sarah help her but they don’t have time to talk and try to escape. The Trevenant keeps chasing after them, then Fiby thinks of an idea to use her Shadow Ball and Sarah’s Ember to create an smokescreen, Sarah don’t being too sure of the idea but follows it anyway, doing so and obstructing Trevenant’s vision, managing to lose sight of them and going to the opposite direction. Relief, Fiby and Sarah return to Highantup, and once there Sarah hugs Fiby.

    “I’m so glad you’re ok…! I was so worried when I saw you going to the jungle…!” says Sarah.

    “Ah… I… Were you really worried about me…?” says Fiby, not believing what is hearing.

    “Of course…! I know you probably think I just want to take advantage of you like those girls, but that isn’t true… I really appreciate your friendship… We’re friends… Real friends.” says Sarah.

    Fiby can’t believe what is hearing, someone who really worries about her, someone who doesn’t want to take advantage of her, a real friend, she can’t help but to cry a bit, now that she found what she always really wanted, she’s not alone anymore, and she will continue with her life with her new found friend Sarah until one day she can become the Explorer she always wanted to be.

    Part 4 – Path of Solitude

    On a city named Akarla, we find ourself with a Shiny Eevee with red glasses named Sliad, looking at the horizon on a pier of the city, wondering where his parents are, since the moment he was born, his parents were nowhere to be found, having to learn how to speak, read and write on his own, but he’s a natural learner and had many books at his house so it didn’t take him much.

    One day when he was at the pier, he meet another Shiny Eevee named Alexia, she has two big brother, two Shiny Eevees named Edge and Fosbo. Their parents are important doctors on the city, so they aren’t with them as much as they would like, leaving them to basically raised alone. Alexia was a very quiet and sad kid before meeting Sliad, since then the two of them are always together and consider each other family, although Sliad have some romantic feelings for Alexia.

    On the other hand there’s the middle of the brothers, Edge, who was the most affected by their parents not being with them. They always were bullied because of this but Edge took this more personally, not making many friends, and the ones he has are not good company. He is always with a group of a Houndour, a Nickit, a Stunky and their leader Weavile. Today they’re planning to assault a mall in the city, already having all planned, they’re gonna start in the middle of the night. Weavile is worried that Edge’s brothers are gonna be a nuisance, but he reassures him that’s not gonna be the case. Edge doesn’t realize but they’re planning on betraying him after they’re done. Edge returns to his brother’s side.

    Fosbo is the older brother of the three, and since he was the first of them to be affected by their parents absence, he does his best to be the father figure his brother and sister needs, also taking care of Sliad since is on a similar situation. He’s worried that Edge’s gonna do something dumb, trying to warn him of those who he calls his friends.

    “Hey Edge… I hope you know what you’re doing getting together with those guys…” says Fosbo.

    “Don’t worry, they’re friends, nothing will happen” says Edge.

    “Just don’t get in any trouble, ok?” says Fosbo.

    “You’re not my father to worry about me, and even he doesn’t care” says Edge.

    “I have the right to worry about you because you’re my brother” says Fosbo.

    Edge doesn’t care what he said. Fosbo sighs and then ask all his family to go and eat something, so they go to the mall the buy something to eat. Once is about to get dark, Sliad say goodbye to everyone since he’s gonna go to his house, who’s outside the city on a near forest. Fosbo always tells him to move with them but always refuses to, saying he will see them next day anyway. Alexia is sad to see Sliad go, wanting to be by his side always, making Sliad to blush after hearing that. Edge has enough and decides to go to their house, wanting time to pass fast so he can reunite with his friends and start the operation. Sliad also notice something is not right with those friends Edge has, talking to Fosbo about it and giving him a communicator he made by himself, saying to call him if anything happens. They go their separate ways for now.

    Once on his home, Sliad goes to the library he has in his house, filled to the brim with books of all kinds. He grabs one that picks his interest, one about the concept of dimensions…

    “It is said that there’s lots of dimensions existing at the same time, which have similarities with one another but never the same. This isn’t verify information since there haven’t been any findings on how to go across dimensions. Legends says that the legendary Pokémon Palkia, god of time-space, is the one creating these different dimensions to maintain the natural order of everything. There has been multiple attempts at finding this Legendary Pokémon without success, nobody knows where it can be. It’s believed that it exists within its own dimension where it can control the flow of things. Scientists around the world have tried to make a way to travel across dimensions using the powers of Psychic Pokémon without avail” Sliad was reading from the book.

    “Dimensions… If my parents were scientists… Maybe they were able to travel across dimensions…? Maybe they’re trap in another dimension…? Or maybe I’m just giving me false hope… This house have an underground laboratory… Maybe if I become a scientist I would be able to find the answer… Just… Maybe…” Sliad things.

    He keeps reading the book for now. Meanwhile, Edge, Alexia and Fosbo were in their house, Edge didn’t take long to go to his room, preparing to escape that night. Fosbo worries for him but isn’t able to do anything for now.

    “Is Edge ok…? I always see him angry… Is it because mommy and daddy aren’t with us…?” ask Alexia.

    Fosbo doesn’t know what to say.

    “I know mommy and daddy aren’t always with us, but I know they care for us, I’m sure of it.” says Alexia.

    Surprise, Fosbo responds “Of course you’re right, sis” then thinks to himself “I guess work makes them busy… After all, our city is known for its hospital, Pokémon from across the world always come here, the place is always full… I can’t blame them, but I wish they would take time for us… At least they always give us money for our needs…”

    Edge was just on the other side of his door, hearing what Alexia said, thinking how foolish his sister is for thinking they even care for them, remembering how his old friends always mock him for their situation.

    “I though you as friends… And you treated me like that… I’m gonna show you all I don’t depend on anyone… You’ll see when I steal an evolution stone and evolve… You’re gonna regret it… And my “parents” as well… I can only trust on Weavile and the others… They accepted me… And I’m gonna show them how useful I am…” thinks Edge.

    After a while, the middle of the night arrives and Edge escapes from his window to meet with his friends. Fosbo was awake in his room the whole time, hearing how Edge opened his window and going to his room to see that he escaped. Worried, he calls Sliad with the communicator he made, responding immediately and going to Akarla.

    Edge reunites with Weavile and the others and they start their plan to assault the mall. Nickit goes to the backside of the mall being as sneaky as he can to cut off the electricity of the building, cutting just the cameras and alarms, while Houndour was showing them the way to get inside, removing some garbage he put there to hide a hole to the mall. Edge goes first and the rest follows. Once inside Edge looks if it’s safe to come out, and they all enter the mall. Weavile gives them 20 minutes to go and steal anything of value and then meet at this same location, then all go their own ways.

    Edge is stealing anything he sees of value, eventually finding a Fire Stone that he takes with a bandanna he took earlier and puts it on his bag. After 20 minutes passed, everyone reunites at their escape entrance, ready to leave the place. Once outside, they follow Stunky to an old abandoned storage where they can be at peace. Once they get there, Edge is immediately attacked by Weavile with his Steal Claw, being surprised by this.

    “You really are dumb by trusting us, little Eevee… Did you really think you were part of the team? You were of big help, taking the risk of being spotted when we entered the mall… I appreciate it a lot… But now that you did your job as bait we don’t need you anymore, and everything you took are now ours” says Weavile.

    “What…? But… But I trusted you…” says Edge with a disappointing voice.

    Weavile looks at Edge’s bag to see what he took, taking notices of the Fire Stone, thinking that he took it to betray them. Weavile takes a TM of Ice Punch Edge took and uses it, going towards Edge who’s been laying on the ground, ready to attack.

    “Again… I was betrayed… There’s no one I can trust in this world… No one… Is… this how I end…?” thinks Edge, shedding a tear.

    Before Weavile could attack, he’s attacked by a Shadow Ball from the entrance of the storage. Is Fosbo and Sliad who came to help Edge.

    “Don’t you dare hurt my brother!” says Fosbo angrily.

    Edge can’t believe that they came to help him. They call the aid of the guards of the city. The other three thieves are scare and decide to leave through their emergency escape route, being chase by some of the guards. Angry by this, Weavile hits Edge with Steel Claw, launching him to a nearby wall, hurting him a lot. Fosbo and Sliad runs towards Edge being worried for him. The guards surrounds the Weavile, but he takes another TM they took and uses it to learn Poison Jab, attack the guards with it.

    “Edge! Edge! Are you okay?!” says Fosbo with a worried expression.

    “Bro… ther… Sliad… Forgive me… I’m… useless…” says Edge, being very exhausted.

    Sliad doesn’t know what to do while Fosbo is angry and shedding some tears. Then he sees the Fire Stone Edge intended to use and makes a decision.

    “I… Should’ve taken better care of you… I’m your big brother… The only thing you have… And I… If I want to protect all of you… I need to…” sayd Fosbo.

    He then runs towards the Fire Stones and touches it, starting to evolve into a Shiny Flareon. Both Sliad and Edge are surprised by this. Fosbo uses Ember to damage Weavile who was busy with the guards and took him by surprise.

    “This is for my brother!” exclaims Fosbo.

    “Agh…! HOW DARE YOU TO MESS WITH ME!” exclaims Weavile with anger.

    Weavile tries to hit Fosbo with Poison Jab, but he uses Quick Attack to dodge all the attacks. Being fill with fury, it’s whole body is releasing lots of fire, hitting the Weavil with his flames and Quick Attack, stunning him enough so the guards can surround and arrest him. Edge is amaze by what his brother did, before falling unconscious. Sliad notice this and calls Fosbo…

    The next day, Edge wakes up on a hospital bed, where his brother and sister with Sliad are there, being treated by their parents. Surprise by seeing them but immediately making an angry expression. Fosbo tells everything that happens to their parents. His dad, a Shiny Umbreon named Ernest, is angry at him for doing something so stupid.

    “You didn’t suffer any serious injury, but enough to make you unconscious. You worried your brother and sister, I can’t believe you did something so stupid…!” says Ernest.

    “…And you never worried for me, right… “Parents”” says Edge.

    Before his mother, a Shiny Espeon named Layra, could respond, Ernest says “And why should I be worried by a son who had the nerve to associate with thieves and steal stuff?”.

    “Maybe I wouldn’t do such thing if you were better parents and could be more with us!” says Edge, very angry.

    “Our job makes us very busy because we’re saving so many lives every day! We can’t do much to fix that, and that’s no reason to do such stupid thing!” exclaims Ernest.

    “What would you know! You don’t know how much we’ve suffered every day! We’re alone all the time, people judge us for being different! We can’t trust anyone, not even you! How could you know how we feel?!” exclaims Edge, on the verge of crying, before running from there.

    Alexia is scared hugging Sliad by all the shouting, Sliad just keeps in silence, not knowing what to say.

    “Dad… I know your job is very important, saving lifes and all that… But you don’t know him… You don’t know any of us… Edge wasn’t like this before… But your absence made him this way… If you did a better job as parents this wouldn’t happen… Realize that…” says Fosbo, before leaving with Sliad and Alexia to chase after Edge.

    Ernest keep reflecting about what Fosbo said, feeling bad for what they put them through. Layra reassure him and says they should try and be better parents from now own, since they made to many mistakes. Once they find Edge, who was at the pier looking at the ocean with tears in his eyes, they take the time to reflect on what just happen, and promise each other to be always for the other. Alexia says that she wants to believe that there’s people out there that can be trusted, and decides to one day have a big family with all the friends she makes. Sliad on the other hand finally accept the offer to live with them instead of outside of the city, so they decide to first go that pay for that Fire Stone that Fosbo used and then go for Sliad’ stuff. Edge now can’t trust anyone for the only three persons that where there for him… Like a small united family.

    The light of hope shines for all of our heroes on the horizon, waiting to be found, while they continue with their lives…

    To be continue.


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