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    We find ourselves at an ethereal place, with nothing to be seen. Some tired voices can be heard…

    One of the voices says “W-We did it…?”.

    A yawn can be heard and the second voice says “We did it!”, the first voice responds “Yes! Great job, partner!”.

    A third voice says to both “You’re really good at fighting! Since you woke me up, I can grant you a wish!”.

    The first voice then says “Thanks…! We came here for that!” the second voice then follows “We need your help!”.

    The whole place starts to shake and the ethereal place starts to dissolve. Another voice can be heard saying “–ther! Big brother! Wake up!”

    We find ourselves in the room of a little Eevee with yellow eyes; named Sound; who was sleeping peacefully, dreaming with some weird voices until another Eevee; Sound’s little brother Aund; come to wake him up. Sound doesn’t want to get up but his little brother uses Tackle on him to finally wake him up.

    “Uugh…! A-Aund! Was that necessary?!” Sound exclaimed.

    “Of course, big brother, I’ve been trying to wake you up, dad and mom already made breakfast! They’ve been waiting for you!” says Aund.

    “Ok, ok, I’m gonna get up…” says Sound, finally getting up, remembering that weird dream he had, questioning what that was about. They both go to the dinning room where their parents are waiting.

    Sound and Aund are two little Eevee brothers who have been living in peace with their parents; a Jolteon named Sunet and a Flareon named Amnis; in the outskirts of Evolution Forest, one of the many places in this big and vast world of Pokémon. Both are very energetic, sometimes getting in trouble because of this, despite worrying their mother, but Sound always says that they’re gonna be okay and he will never let anything happen to his brother, having the support from their father.

    We then go to another part of the world, a place named Greencove Plains, where; similar to Sound and Aund; here lives two Eevee sisters named Emily and Liliam, having a similar live to Sound and Aund, happily living with their parents; an Espeon named Derio and an Glaceon named Clara; being very energetic as well. Liliam looks up to her dad, considering him someone strong, without knowing that her dear father is part of what we call the Explorers, people who dedicate their lives to help and explore amazing places named Mystery Dungeon. Emily loves her mother and both of them are very clingy with their dear parents. Derio was about to leave again in a few days to fulfill his work as a Explorer, he was watching his dear daughters play outside of their house, his partner being beside him.

    “As energetic as always…” says Clara.

    Derio responds with a happy “As always…”

    “You’re gonna leave soon, right? Clara asks with a sad tone.

    “I need to, I have stuff to do on Explorers Den…” Derio responds.

    “We’re gonna miss you so much…” says Clara.

    “I know, but I don’t have much choice. I promise I’m gonna come back as soon as I can” Derio responds.

    “I know you will, not for nothing you’re one of the strongest Psiquic types the Explorers have” says Clara.

    “That’s an exaggeration…” says Derio.

    “But is the truth, dear” says Clara.

    Their daughters continue playing while they watch them with a smile.

    Everything was good with the life of these families, until… The house where Sound and Aund live was being suddenly attacked by a Scolipede with some unusual bright eyes, acting like it couldn’t control itself. Sound and Aund were escaping from all the multiple attacks the Scolipede was throwing, scared of what was happening. When the Scolipede was about to use Venoshock on the kids, they were protected with a barrier, their mother Amnis used Protect. Amnis tells her kids to run away from the house and find a place to hide while they take care of this. Sound takes his brother and leaves the house, looking for a place to hide, finding a little hole on the ground where they used to play, hiding there. Their parents are confused by the behavior of the Scolipede, trying to reason with it without success… Sound and Aund are terrify from what is happening,

    “B-Big brother… Are mom and dad gonna be okay…?” Aund asks hesitating.

    “T-They have to be, they’re strong, I’m sure when all of this is over, they’re–” Sound was responding until he was interrupted by an explosion happening in their house, both being scared thinking what could’ve happened.

    With the other family, things weren’t better. They’re being attacked by a Victribel with the same unusual bright eyes as Scolipede, unable to control itself, chasing after Emily and Liliam on the whole house while their father was doing everything he can to use it’s psychic powers to avoid the attacks, being a bit weak at the moment from a mission from before. Derio was still trying his best to protect his dear family, while Clara was trying to get their daughters to a safe place. Unfortunately, one of the Leaf Blades from Victribel hits Emily, leaving her unconscious both from the attack and the stressful situation. Derio gets angry by seeing this and uses Psyshock with what’s left of his power, being notably weak. Clara tells Liliam to leave with her sister on her back and find a safe place. Liliam doesn’t want to leave her parents alone but Clara says they’re gonna be okay. Without much else to do, Liliam leaves her house with her sister on her back, running until she finds a tree with a hole, getting in to hide. Derio and Clara were doing everything they can to protect themself, but Derio was very exhausted and Clara didn’t have much experience in battle. They both are being constantly attacked by the Victribel… Liliam was very worried for her parents, then suddenly an explosion happened in her house, scaring her…

    When everything seems to have calmed down, Sound and Aund decide to see what happened, just to find their home completely destroyed and their parents laying on the ground, not breathing… The two little Eevee cry while watching this for a while… Lilim also decided to see what happened when everything seemed to calm down, leaving her sister still unconscious on the tree, just to find a similar situation, with her house destroyed and her parents laying on the ground… Her mother was still barely alive. Liliam come close to her mother with tears on her eyes.

    Her mother looks at her with a bit of joy, “Swe… ttie… I’m glad… you’re okay… Your… Your sister is okay…?” says Clara.

    “S-She… is unconscious… B-But is okay…” Liliam responds.

    “I’m… glad… to hear that… You… have to forgive us… Liliam… My dear daughter… Take care… of your sister… Be… strong…” says Clara with her last breath before closing her eyes, she has stopped breathing with a smile, knowing her both daughters are okay. Liliam can’t help but to cry more after this, trying to move her mother to wake her up, not working at all…

    After a bit of crying, Sound and Aund decided to bury their parents, now being all alone and without a house to return, they decided to leave on a journey to find a new place to live, far from their old home to not remember the pain they felt after losing everything they love…

    Liliam does the same and buries her parents, returning to the tree where her sister was, who was waking up, asking where their parents are. Liliam just lowers her head with tears in her eyes, telling her what happened… Emily starts to cry as well… Liliam decides they should leave and find help in a city her father used to mention, Explorers Den, not knowing how to get there but still starting a journey with her little sister to find a new place to live…

    Both families, now small, journey to the unknown, having to survive alone from now on in this tough life they have, not knowing what the future holds for them…

    In another part of the world, we see an energetic Pichu with green eyes who is just waking up, looking through his window with joy to know what kind of adventures he’s gonna have this day. He senses something weird in the sky, looking at it to see what it is, but he’s interrupted by the voice of his mom who’s calling him for dinner. He takes a second to remember the weird dream he had before going to his mother…

    In another part of the world, we can see a Shiny Eevee and her group of friends; being a Vulix, a Nidoran F, a Sunkern and a Seel; walking around a mall. The little Eevee senses something weird and looks up in the sky before being called by her friends to not fall behind, continuing to walk.

    In another part of the world, we can see two Shiny Eevee, a boy with red glasses and a girl playing at the pier of some city. the male Shiny Eevee stops to look at the sky, sensing something weird. The female Shiny Eevee stops as well to look at the sky before telling the other Shiny Eevee to keep playing, all while another two Shiny Eevee; two boys, one a bit taller; watch them from afar, the big Shiny Eevee with a smile and the other not caring too much…

    Up in the sky of this vast world, a little crack can be seen, getting slowly bigger and bigger…

    This is how this story begins…


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