The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The room remained dimly lit as usual; an almost pitch-black darkness hides the walls and doors. A dim chandelier hung over the oval table that stood at the center. Seven chairs were arranged around this table.


    Suddenly, the doors opened up, allowing several pokemon of varying sizes to enter and take their seats. One was an Obstagoon with garments as spiky as his claws. Two burly folks, who towered over the Obstagoon, were cloaked and sat together. One more was a well-groomed Lurantis, who had a tart and sweet scent surrounding her.

    The Obstagoon grumbled.

    The Lurantis of course picked up on the Dark-Type’s noise with her antennae. So she spoke. “Hmm? Speak up, sir. I’m not fluent in brute.”

    The hooded figures looked away, covering their mouths.

    Finally, the Obstagoon frowned at the Grass-Type. “Swimming in Muk?”

    The Lurantis’ gaze narrowed. “Excuse me?”

    “Hmmph, botched a Sweet Scent?” the Obstagoon clarified.

    The Lurantis hissed harshly at the Obstagoon. “For your information, Brick, it is a new mix I wanted to try.”

    Brick just shrugged without a care, almost snorting. “Funny.”

    One of the cloaked figures piped up. “What he means to say is that your scent is…interesting.”

    “Quite,” the other said.

    The Lurantis pouted and glanced at the duo. “You all have a roundabout way of saying so.” She glanced over toward the nearest empty seat near Brick. “And what gives? Isn’t Shiro usually on time for these meetings?”

    The cloaked duo briefly glanced at each other. 

    Afterwards, the rusted colored cloak spoke up, “Beck, weren’t you with him today?”

    The navy-colored cloaked pokemon sighed. “Yes, I was, Biff. We were going to come together, but apparently some business caught his attention.”

    “This late at night?” the Lurantis wondered.

    “Rosy, the situation has always been delicate, even after all these years,” Beck explained.

    Rosy turned away. “Does it usually take this long?”

    Before Beck could find any words, the doors on the other side opened up.

    Clicks and taps hit the floor as a fifth pokemon entered the room. The cane he held tightly in his right paw struck the ground repeatedly with each step. The noise was another to catch everyone else’s attention, silencing them.

    Light from the open doors obscured his shape, but everyone knew who he was.

    The rest of the group remained in their seats and gave attention as the newcomer took his lonely seat at the end of the table. Afterwards, all the doors closed, leaving everyone gathered at the table alone in a cold silence only broken by the buzzing of the chandelier.

    The chairman’s end of the table was mostly covered in darkness. That combined with his glowing pink eyes created an atmosphere of choking dread that would force one’s breath to stumble and stutter just from a glance. A dim crown glowed high above the double doors behind the chairmon, staring at everyone seated with piercing eyes just below.


    “Now,” the chairmon spoke in a gruff, but commanding voice. “Shall we begin?”

    Everyone else seated was reluctant, exchanging brief glances with one another. Nevertheless, they nodded.

    “Very good,” the chairmon said. “Now I believe you are all wondering about Shiro’s absence and why I urgently called you all here so late at night.” He cleared his throat.

    “There are several reasons why. Originally, one of those is the new presence of a rather concerning land-dweller, the citizens would call, a mythical.”

    Breaths sounded from across the table, especially from the cloaked figures.

    “Yes, yes,” the chairmon admitted. “It is a concerning bit of news for everyone, not just us, especially considering the species.”

    Biff nodded. “Indeed.”

    The chairmon pulled out a letter. “But now, I have even greater concerns. This freshly inked note came to my attention just mere minutes ago. Shiro, his fortress, his gang, all of it fell merely an hour ago. About seventy percent of it was crushed under the might of this mythical and with the assistance of Silspring Police Force.”

    The table erupted in noise. Shocked gasps and mutterings made their way to the chairmon’s ears.

    “What? How?!? That’s impossible!”

    “In one night?”

    “That can’t be. Shiro could not have fallen that easily.”


    The chairmon raised a paw. “Settle yourselves.”


    It took a few moments for the muttering to finally subside.

    “Yes, it is quite disappointing,” the chairmon stated. “But worry not. We will crush this insolence with our mighty fury.”

    Beck tightened his fist. “Chairmon, if Shiro ends up talking, it could mean-”

    “I am aware of that, Beck. But apparently he suffered great injuries in his battle, so we have time for our latest plan.”

    “…Plan? For the festival?”

    “Precisely. I have gathered word from our benefactor that the mayor will make an appearance during the festival.”

    The cloaked figures fell silent as Rosy spoke up.

    “Hmm, about time,” the Lurantis remarked. “But even I will admit, the loss of Shiro is concerning. He was one of our best, my rival even. What will we do?”

    “Miss Rosy, you are correct to ask that,” the chairmon said. “However, the plan has not changed, all of you will enter the tournament as stated before. From now on, we will meet here for the duration of the week, preferably at a more convenient time. So get some rest. You will all need it.”

    Biff piped up at this point. “And the boy?”

    The chairman slowly turned his attention to Biff, staring at him for a solid minute. “…Do not defend his actions as righteous judgment. You know as well as I that Zeraora could be a threat.”


    The chairman tapped his claws on the table. “I will have our men scout the mythical out and watch his movements. If he has an objective, we will strike back against him for what he’s done. He will learn his place, one way or another. And with that, I bid you all adieu and good night.”

    One by one, the gathered pokemon left their seats and departed. Rosy first, then Brick, and finally Beck. Biff was the last to leave, glancing at the chairman for a moment before departing himself.

    Once everyone left, the chairman remained in his seat pondering to himself. “Hmmmmm…”

    He stood up, cane in a tightened paw. “Well well, fate’s decided to make its statement once more…”

    Special Thanks:

    And with that, Day 1 has finished at long last.

    It was a very long road to making it this far. There were more than quite a few obstacles on the road, from outside drama to real life obligations. Plenty of stuff made its way to the forefront of my mind. And seeing that folks are noticing the new chapters, even after such a long, long wait. It was encouraging, even if it wasn’t too obvious. Regardless, thank you very much for your patience.

    I also want to bring special attention and thanks to TheSnapDragon, who has worked hard as my Beta Reader for the duration of Day 1’s content so far. So much of the polishing would not have been possible without his insight and feedback. In fact, Chapter 12 had plenty of aspects to fix up. All that being said, thank you. Thank you very much for helping me get this far and for making Chapter 12’s direction and polish possible. Check out their story, PMD: Flowerbeds, when you can. A little extra appreciation can go a long ways for them.

    Anyways, thank you very much for your patience and time. Stay safe out there and take care.


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