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    Turn the page…

    Time passed as normal for me since the day of my test. And for a while, matters were rather ordinary. Sure, Zarude forbade me from venturing out at the time, but honestly, I needed the break.

    After what I pulled, venturing out was the last thing I wanted. I not only left the jungle, but also interacted with a common Pokemon, an act I knew was forbidden. And yet I did it. Sure, it was to save her in the end. We escaped near-fatal danger, danger she likely would have fell victim to looking back. Afterwards though, that was not as much of a necessity. I chose to escort her myself.

    And not only did I do that, but I also lied to the pokemon I could call a father. The one pokemon I knew I could trust and yet I chose to deceive him…


    For the next month or so, I mostly stayed in Zarude’s abode, managing chores, the garden, and whatnot. It was a bore, a very necessary bore for my “safety”…or rather the safety of our status quo.

    Zarude spent the days roaming the jungle, looking for the group I described. He was on the lookout for when they returned. That’s what he told me anyway. Never saw him much, I was just alone with my thoughts.

    Even after the month of isolation passed and I was free to roam as I pleased for the most part, that day refused to leave my mind. That adventure during the test brought about an unrivaled amount of life into my being. …I wasn’t sure what to make of this odd change. Was it obsession, or some desire for more than just what I had now?


    The nights were where the plagued thoughts were at their worst. My imagination ran wildly. The Shinx — Patra became prominent in my dreams. It bothered me since it was only one day. One day and now my dreams were all about her? Or was it her kind? How could I recall? There were so many nights, so many images, yet none of it connected. They were islands that lacked bridges. I almost thought they were different kittens, but no. I didn’t believe that was the case and for whatever reason, I still don’t.

    Either way, I guess I started obsessing over this particular Shinx. Whether it was Patra or not didn’t matter in the slightest. Sure, there was also the odd occasion where some type of creature was there, but that aspect never made sense in my dreams at all. Would it be possible for one to dream such nonsense? The shape certainly didn’t look like a Pokemon I knew of. I never did bring that up to Creselia or Darkrai. Why would I do that after years of waiting? That would make no sense, right? 

    I couldn’t, and still can’t, recall the exact details of some of those stranger dreams. So I chose to dismiss them as just the odd depths of my imagination.

    In spite of my efforts to ignore and forget, nothing could steer my mind away. It eventually got to the point where every possible moment had some kind of visceral reaction; just a singular thought would spur the imagination once more. Even Zarude noticed my restlessness from time to time.


    Finally, enough was enough for me. The curiosity was far too overwhelming. There was only one thing to do, taking a chance.

    That’s all it took for the trap of madness to ensnare me, leading me down a road blighted by reality most foul.

    Turn the page…


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