The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Despite what legends may say, there is a system for the lives of Legendary Pokemon, for better or worse. When it comes to the mythicals especially, they’re basically bound by a contract. This contract is meant to keep them all in check during the long life-span.

    While there are many MANY rules to follow, there are only a few that apply to everyone. First, never venture outside of the decreed area unless absolutely necessary, whether it’s on land, under the sea, or elsewhere. Second, fulfill the assigned purpose in order to keep the world’s balance. Last and “most importantly of all”, never associate with the common folk before or during the time of purpose; that’s anyone like a Pikachu or anything that is not a legendary.

    Personally, I don’t get the last rule. Aren’t they the ones we’re trying to protect? Aren’t they why we bother gracing them with our presence and power at all? I always asked that, but whenever I do, no one ever wants to answer.


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