The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Hei and Key are assigned with their very first delivery outside of Crossroad Town! But before the pair can get too excited about the adventure that awaits, they realize the journey won’t be quite what they were hoping for.

    Hei and Key were very surprised when one day, the Postmaster General called them to her office. They hadn’t seen her in many days; the little Shaymin was an elusive sight around the Azure Hill headquarters due to her unending responsibilities. Calling them now could only mean they were in trouble, or at least that is what Key convinced Hei of in a paranoid rant. Because of this, the deliverymon duo was rightfully nervous when they once again stood in front of the imposing office doors. With a polite knock, they tiptoed in the room where Aldora awaited atop her formidable desk. Though the stateliness of her office was intimidating, the Postmaster simply flashed her signature smile at the recruits and hopped down the desk to meet them at eye level.

    “Good morning, Hei, Kei!” She greeted. The children murmured their own ‘good morning’s before she continued. “How have you been enjoying life here at the delivery service?”

    “S’alright, I guess…” Key mumbled, kicking his paw against the mossy ground.

    His companion was far more enthusiastic. “I really like it here, Miss Aldora!”

    Aldora seemed to be pleased by their responses. “I’m glad. The staff has been telling me how well you fit in, and how good of a job you’re doing.”

    Key was confused by the praise. “Really?”

    “Of course. You two are simply naturals.” She nodded. “In fact, I wished to personally assign you with a delivery today, one that will mark a change in your careers here.”

    Both Eevee and Zorua stood silently in anticipation upon hearing this.

    “Today, I would like you two to make your first delivery outside of Crossroads Town.” The Shaymin announced.

    Key practically hit the ceiling at the news. “Really? We finally get to do some proper adventuring?!”

    “That’s right.”

    “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” The Zorua smiled from ear to ear, wagging his tail excitedly behind him. “So, where to, Aldora?  Post Town? Baram Town? Wait, don’t tell me… Treasure Town?!

    “Not quite…” Aldora giggled at the young fox’s excitement. “You two will be delivering a package to someone in Senke Town.”

    Key’s grin disappeared, now usurped by an indignant frown. “Senke Town?! You mean the town a measly hour from Crossroads Town?! That’s not an adventure at all!”

    Hei tugged at her friend’s tail concernedly. “Key, it’ll still be fun…”

    “Fun, my left paw…” He grumbled, plopping on to the floor like all of his motivation was suddenly siphoned from him.

    “You shouldn’t be so quick to give up hope, Key…” Aldora said in a kind voice. She plucked a yellow seed from her grassy coat and brought it to the youngster’s view. “After all, excitement can be found in even the most unexpected places.”

    As if on cue, the seed popped open to reveal a lovely pink blossom. She nestled the flower in Key’s neck fur as he watched on in astonishment.

    “Every journey begins with the first step,” She continued. “If you do well on this delivery, maybe next time you’ll go somewhere even further.”

    To that, Key had no more complaints. “Okay.”

    “Excellent!” The Shaymin chirped. “Coco will set you up with everything you need. Don’t keep her waiting, now.”

    Hei’s fluffy chest puffed up with determination. “We won’t let you down, Miss Aldora!”

    “Safe journeys, young ones,” the Postmaster’s voice was melodious like the chiming of silver bells. “Have fun!”

    A few minutes later, the pair of deliverymon were down in Coco’s tower, suited up and bestowed with their parcels of the day: a bulk parcel of around fifty Plain Seeds.

    “Who’d even order this junk?” Key huffed indignantly as he stuffed the crates of seeds into his courier bag.

    “That question is above your pay grade, short stack,” Lum jeered, circling the base of Coco’s towering neck. “You just gotta take it from here to there.”

    The Alolan Exeggutor laughed over the Zorua’s growling. “Alright, settle down. Now that you’re all geared up, make you way down the western road towards the Cloverful Fen. A rescue team will be waiting to guide you through all the way to Senke Town.”

    As soon as Key heard the words ‘rescue’ and ‘team’, his face contorted into a disgusted grimace.

    Rescue team?!” He spat. “We’re not even going by ourselves?!”

    Coco’s tail gave a stern look (or as stern as it could look). “The Cloverful Fen is a mystery dungeon, you know. Low ranking employees like yourselves need to be escorted. It’s a service-wide policy.”

    No, no, no!” The Dark type hissed. “We don’t need any help from rescue team bozos!  Me and Hei can clear the mystery dungeon by ourselves!”

    “That’s enough backtalk, rookie!” Suddenly, Lum hopped from Coco’s neck to meet the Zorua face to face. “You don’t get a say in the matter! Now drop the temper tantrum and do your job, or you’ll be stuck mopping floor for the next month!” 

    The Pansage’s ferocity left Key speechless. Not even Hei tried to smoothen out the mood.

    Coco awkwardly cleared her throat. “W-well, it’s best you two get going. Good luck out there.”


    With his final grumble, Key stomped off, a flustered Hei trailing behind him. As they marched down Azure Hill, the Eevee finally caught up enough to see his face. Large tears pooled under his glistening yellow eyes.

    “Key!” She exclaimed. “Are you crying?”

    “N-no!” He hurriedly wipes his face on his mane. “I-it’s just allergies!”

    That didn’t stop his friend from nuzzling her nose against his cheek. Her snout was warm and soft; Key found himself relaxing a bit despite himself.

    “It’s okay. Don’t cry. We’ll still have fun.” Her voice was gentle and surprisingly mature.

    The Zorua sniffed, forcing a wet drop back in his nostril. “I-it’s not that…”

    Before either of them could continue, their ears picked up on a distinct ‘psst!’ sound coming from up the hill. Looking back, they spotted the bubbly blue pompadour of Oran, the youngest of the Pan brothers. He beckoned them closer, sneaking furtive glances around as if scared of being caught out in the open. The deliverymon approached him, tilting their heads.

    “I gotta make this quick,” The Panpour whispered. “Because they think I’m in the bathroom. But I just wanted to apologize for my brother’s behavior. He used to yell at me and Cheri all the time when we were younger. He might sound mean, but it’s only because he cares. I’m sure he’s beating himself up for being so harsh back there.”

    The spray Pokemon gave them a cheerful thumbs up along with a beaming grin. “So don’t feel blue!”

    Key smiled weakly at Oran. “Th-thanks.”

    “You’re welcome! Good luck on your delivery today!” The Panpour held out his paw, revealing a peeled Chestnut. “Here, you can have my snack. It always puts me in a good mood!”

    The young fox couldn’t help but feel touched at his senior’s kindness. A wave of guilt washed over him, and then of embarrassment over his previous outburst. He must have really sounded like a bratty kid.

    “Thanks, Mister Oran. Really.” He said finally, storing the Chestnut in his bag to eat on the road.

    “Yup, yup!” With a final wave, the Panpour began to hustle back to the building. “Bye bye!”

    Once Oran was out of sight, the duo continued their walk towards the western end of Crossroad Town.

    “That was really nice of Mister Oran.” Hei hummed.

    “Yeah…” Her friend nodded. “He didn’t need to do that.”

    “Hey, Key…” She began. “What made you so upset to begin with?”

    The Zorua grimaced. “I guess I wanted to go on another exploration just the two of us, like last time. But really, when I heard we’re going to be babysat by a rescue team of all things, it just pushed me over the line.”

    “A rescue team?” Hei repeated. “What’s that, anyway?”

    Key stuck his tongue out in disgust. “A bunch of con artists, if you ask me. They’re teams of Pokemon who charge an arm and a leg for rescue services, like escorting and item retrieval. The Rescue Team Federation used to be a really big deal in the past, but now only rich or desperate Pokemon use their services. You’re better off asking the Expedition Society for help.”

    “So they’re like… bodyguards?”

    “I guess. Greedy, arrogant bodyguards.”

    “I thought you liked those kinds of Pokemon.”

    Key shot her a look.

    “I mean, because you used to be a thief and all!” The Eevee corrected herself. “If they’re crooks like you say, why don’t you get along with them?”

    “Humph!” Key snorted haughtily. “I may be a thief, but I don’t go around acting like I’m doing others a favor! And I certainly don’t go extorting people who need help.”

    “So even criminals have standards…”

    He smirked. “Of course.”

    Down the western path, the ground began to flatten out. They passed the sign marking Crossroad Town’s edge, and the wide open road met them with open arms. As the scenery became wilder, grassier and rougher around the edges, the two children almost forgot they were on duty, excitedly trotting circles around each other, pretending to be great explorers on their way to find countless treasures.

    Their excitement quickly petered out once they were met with the wooden sign warning them of the Cloverful Fen up ahead.

    The mystery dungeon loomed behind a wall of trees, lying low and bogged down by stagnant, muddy water partially carpeted by a thick layer of clover. A handful of white sprightly flowers peppered the rich green lawn of clovers (true to the fen’s name), tempting the young Pokemon to frolic around the puddly fields shrouded in the mystic aura that all mystery dungeons were coated in.

    But a trio of Pokemon blocked their way into the fen: an eager-looking Poliwhirl hoisting an enormous backpack on his shoulders, a Lairon with scratches all over his dense metal armor, and in the center, a proud Tranquill donning a leather vest with a polished egg-shaped badge pinned on it. Upon spotting the duo, their eyes lit up with interest. 

    “You there!” The Tranquill called out. “You must be the two deliverymon from Shaymin’s, right?”

    “Yeah…” Key grumbled.

    “Nice to meet you.” Hei said politely. “I’m Hei and this is my friend Key.”

    “Charmed.” The Flying-type Pokemon said, looking not at all charmed. “The name’s Sorin, the fearless leader of Team All-Terrain!”

    As if on cue, the trio of rescuers struck a flashy pose. 

    “When it comes to the sky, I’m your guy.” The wild pigeon Pokemon said.

    “I’m who to trust when it comes to land, especially underground.” The Lairon spoke up. “Call me Stein.”

    “And swimming’s in my genes, so I handle the water! I’m Hyugo, delighted to work with you!” The Poliwhirl chirped.

    Hei stood on her hind legs to give the rescue team a round of applause, oohing and aahing (much to Key’s annoyance).

    “Heh heh, don’t mention it.” Sorin chuckled. “Say, I don’t recognize you rug rats. You new recruits or something?”

    The Zorua grit his teeth at the ‘rug rat’ comment, but felt like he’d already yelled enough today, leaving his partner to cover for him.

    “Yep, we started a while ago. This is our first delivery outside of Crossroads Town!”

    “Oh, how nice!” Hyugo clasped his mitten-like hands together. 

    “Well, you’re in good paws, kid.” Stein flashed a haughty grin. “We go through this route all the time. Your delivery service hires us for most deliveries ‘round these parts.”

    “That’s why we oughta do less blabbing and more walking!” Sorin interrupted, whipping out his wing towards the Cloverful Fen. “Onwards, crew!”

    He spared a look at the two youngsters. “Stick close, kids. Leave the heavy lifting to the adults.”

    With the courageous leader’s declaration, the party descended towards the mystery dungeon (the Zorua trying his best not to chomp down on Sorin’s tail feathers). The air inside the fen felt different almost instantly: oppressive and dangerous despite the clear skies that were reflected in the inundated pools the team waded in. Hei was reminded of Mildew Forest. Perhaps all mystery dungeons shared this electrifying atmosphere. It even seemed to put a spring in Key’s step, despite his annoyance towards the rescue team.

    The rescuers themselves, for all of their gloating, did seem like pros. They instantly spread out once in the fen; Sorin gliding a few meters above, patrolling the area for any potential enemies, Hyugo diving inside the deeper swamps with astonishing speed and dexterity for a froggy ball, and Stein carrying the two deliverymon on his back as he sloshed through the waterlogged fields of grass.

    The Eevee quite liked being carried around, quickly forgetting they were on a delivery and treating the outing as more of a joyride through the admittedly beautiful landscape of the fen. As she jerked her head every which way, trying to take in every detail, Key was stuck with the task of avoiding her floppy ears from hitting him in the face.

    “Mister Stein, are you feeling tired? Are we too heavy?” Hei asked after a while, less out of concern and more out of restlessness.

    “You lot are as light as a Flittle’s feather!” The Lairon joked. “Don’t worry, Fluffy. These old bones have had to carry far worse.”

    “You guys sure talk big for a team that’s only Bronze Rank.” Key pointed out, gesturing at the green Badge pinned to Stein’s leather vest.

    Hearing those words made Sorin dive down instantly, landing right next to Key with a furious expression. “That just goes to show how rigorous the rescue team ranking system is, rug rat! The Federation only allows elite Pokemon to join its renowned organization! Why, even Normal Rank teams could clear this dungeon, for starters!”

    “Please,” The Dark-type rolled his eyes. “Everyone knows that rescue teams are just wannabe greedy explorers.”

    What was that?!” Stein roared, skidding to a halt.

    “Key!” Hei cried. “That wasn’t nice to say.”

    Hyugo trotted up to the stalling party, confused. “What’s wrong, guys?”

    “This little hairball is talking smack about rescue teams!” Sorin sneered at Key.

    “Not talking smack, just stating facts!” Key shot his nose in the air with a huff.

    “Now, now…” The Poliwhirl’s voice was still carefree. “It’s true rescuers don’t have the best reputation these days. Rescue teams work differently than in olden times. But that doesn’t mean we’re not just as important! If it weren’t for us, well, folks like you couldn’t travel safely. Then what would happen?”

    “Yeah!” The team leader said triumphantly. “Don’t you forget that a Hero was part of a rescue team too! The world would have been smashed to bits by a meteor if it weren’t for them!”

    All they did was tell Rayquaza to look up…” Key grumbled. “Well, whatever. Yada yada, we all love rescue teams. Let’s just get a move on.”

    “Sheesh, the nerve of kids these days.” Stein growled, but resumed their trek. Another length of time goes by, where they wander deeper into the mystery dungeon. Team All-Terrain made fast progress, lugging their two clients around while also taking down the savage Pokemon that sprung out of thickets and mud.

    “Take that!” Sorin screeched as he delivered a finishing blow to an airborne Yanma. The Bug-type zoomed off, clearly having enough.

    “Mud Shot!” Hyugo spat out a roaring stream of mud at an unsuspecting Grimer.

    “Hang on, kids!” Stein bellowed when blocked off by a charging Lombre. With a swift leap, he ducked down, tearing at the loamy soil underneath until he and the two terrified Pokemon clinging for dear life on his back were fully underground. In a flash, the Lairon changed directions, now digging upwards, then breaking through and careening towards the Lombre, hurling it high up in the sky.

    “How’d you lot like my Dig attack?” Stein snickered with pride, but the two deliverymon were too preoccupied with spitting clods of dirt out of their mouths and trying to remember which was was up.

    The more progress they made in the mystery dungeon, the more frequent and violent the wild Pokemon became. It was scary, but thrilling nonetheless. As much as it killed Key to admit, he never could have gotten through the fen without Team All-Terrain. Watching them defeat their foes so effortlessly… it was a little cool. Just a bit.

    “Wow!” Hei gasped as she watched Hyugo perform a flawless Waterfall against a Dewott. She clumsily imitated him, hopping up with a front paw aimed toward the sky. “Waterfall!”

    “Ha, ha!” Stein cackled. “Nice one, Fluffy! Maybe you can join Team All-Terrain when you’re older! Just don’t bring the brat with ya.” He twists his hips, nearly causing Key to fall in the mud.

    “Like I’d wanna join your team!” The fox Pokemon hissed.

    While the two Pokemon bickered, Hei returned to admiring the safari. Suddenly, she spotted something odd hidden behind a cluster of reeds.

    “Wait, Mister Stein!” She called, pointing at the curious green figure in between the cattails. “What’s that?”

    Stein cocked his head, and stomped closer to the direction she indicated. For the first time in the expedition, Hei hopped down the Lairon’s back, landing on the filthy fen soil with a splash. She brushed the foliage away, revealing the curious lump of green to be a Deerling passed out in a shallow puddle.

    “Oh my!” She yelped. “Someone’s fainted!”

    Drawn by the commotion, the other two rescuers gathered around Hei.

    “What’s all this?” Sorin demanded, immediately taking control of the situation.

    Hei revealed the collapsed Pokemon at her feet. “Look at this, Mister Sorin!” 

    Gingerly, she poked the Deerling’s face. He barely reacted to her prodding, merely wincing at the sensation of her paws. All it did was trigger a loud rumbling from his stomach.

    “His… tummy growled?” Hei asked.

    “Poor fella must have collapsed from hunger.” Hyugo explained, shaking his head. “Must not have packed enough Apples.”

    “That’s awful!” The Eevee said. “Quick, get him something to eat!”

    But Sorin just sighed. “This has got nothing to do with us, Fluffy. You see this stuff all the time in mystery dungeons. We can’t go wasting our items on every hungry rando out there or we’d be clean outta Apples ourselves. Don’t worry, he’ll wind up back at the start of the fen soon enough, and he’ll know to be prepared next time.”

    What?!” Hei was outraged. “You’re a rescue team, aren’t you?! Rescue is in the name! You won’t help this poor boy out because you’ll use up an Apple?!”

    “We were hired to guide you lot, not to rescue a Deerling!”

    “So you’ll only do the right thing if you get paid then?” Key scoffed, hopping off of the Lairon’s back to join his friend. “I should’ve figured you’d have a rotten attitude like that.”

    “Key was right about you guys!” Hei shot. “You’re just greedy con artists!”

    The trio was stunned. “Wha—?!

    “We’ll help him ourselves!” The Eevee snapped. She began rustling around her delivery bag, only to grimace at the lack of personal supplies. She wasn’t the best at preparing for expedition, it seemed. Regardless, she had to find something to help the poor Deerling. In the end, she brought out five or so of the Plain Seeds she intended to deliver.

    “Maybe this will keep him going until we reach the end.” She muttered.

    “Fluffy, are you outta your mind?!” The Tranquill squawked. “That’s part of your delivery load right there! You can’t just hand it out to whoever!”

    “I can if it helps someone in need!” She retaliated. “Miss Aldora taught me that!”

    She titled the Deerling’s head towards her, opening his mouth and preparing to feed him the first Plain Seed. She would give him however many he needed until they were safe from harm, even if she ended up using all fifty.

    “Wait, Hei!” Key nipped her tail. “I’ve got it!”

    He dug around his Delivery bag until he pulled out the Peeled Chestnut Oran had gifted him in the morning. “This is way more filling! Give him this!”

    His partner’s eyes lit up. She obeyed, and slipped the Chestnut in the Deerling’s mouth, watching him weakly chew on it until his face began to regain some color. Slowly, very slowly, his chewing grew more animated, until he finally swallowed with an audible gulp. The group of Pokemon stared at him in anticipation.

    The Deerling’s eyes opened.


    Key and Hei glanced at each other with elated smiles.

    “You’re okay!”

    The duo cheered to themselves, bouncing and dancing in circles, and consequently splattering the other Pokemon in mud.

    “Uh… It’s cool that we’re all happy, but I’m a little confused.” The Deerling said, wobbling on his legs as he stood up.

    “We found you conked out here.” Key explained. “You passed out from hunger so we gave you something to eat.”

    The Deerling licked his chops. “Yeah… A Chestnut. Mama gives me those sometimes. Thanks.”

    Key squinted at the season Pokemon. He looked a little dense. Must be to pass out in a mystery dungeon.

    “Wh-what are you doing here in the first place?” Sorin interjected, trying to ignore the stinkeye Hei was giving him.

    “Trying to find the tastiest clovers.” The Deerling said. “They grow really good ones here… so leafy and crunchy. And the flowers… uh, anyways, then, I remember being scared. What was it…”

    The rescue team gaped at him incredulously as the young lad hemmed and hawed.

    “Oh yeah!” His face lit up. “Something big and scary was chasing me. I ran and ran until I got so hungry I fell asleep.”

    “Even after eating all that clover…” Key grimaced.

    “Something big and scary…?” Hei repeated.

    A giant shadow engulfed the group of Pokemon. They only had a second to process what had suddenly reared its head before gangly legs swept all of them into the air with a swoosh.

    Hei tumbled to the ground some paces off from the threat, her vision now impaired by mud pouring down her face. Still, she managed to behold the massive Araquanid that attacked them.

    “INTRUDERS!” The Araquanid screeched. “WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!”

    “Yipes!” The Deerling cried. “That’s what was chasing me!”

    “An Araquanid! A boss no less!” Sorin exclaimed, already on his feet, or rather, on his wings, flying circles around the enormous six-legged Pokemon.

    “TRESPASSERS WILL RECEIVE NO MERCY!” She screamed, the pure power of her voice fizzling the water bubble around her head.

    “Let’s make a break for it!” The Tranquill shouted

    The others had no objection. Eevee, Zorua, Poliwhirl, Lairon and Deerling all followed Sorin’s lead, making a mad dash towards the winding gaps in between trees. They must have been close to the exit.

    Hei heard a splash behind her. The clumsy Deerling had tripped over some clover and fell down, his hoofs entangled in the vegetation.

    Help!” He yelped. 

    Without a second thought, the Eevee heeded his call and rushed to his side. Key noticed and rushed to join her.

    “What are you doing?!” He barked. “Let’s go!”

    “He’s stuck!”

    The season Pokemon tumbled around the patch of clovers as if to prove her point. His limited wits had been completely taken by panic, so his struggling only worsened the knots around his legs.

    “Oh, sweet Mew—!” Key sputtered. In a flash, his claws were out, and he swiped at the clovers hoping to slash the Darling’s way to freedom. But the gruesome noise of six legs striking water quickly caught up to them. The trio of young Pokemon helplessly stared into the merciless, shimmering, enormous eyes of the Araquanid.

    “PERHAPS NOW YOU WILL LEARN YOUR LESSON!” The beast roared, and raised a leg for another slashing attack.

    But the Araquanid never got the opportunity to strike, for a blinding light suddenly erupted from the trio, stunning her. Once the light subsided, one of the children had drastically changed.

    The little Eevee now stood over her friends, her legs long and muscular and fur yellow and sharp like lightning. Indeed, she was a Jolteon now.

    “WHA—!” The water bubble Pokemon staggered back, but the Jolteon jumped forward, closing the gap.

    “You leave us alone, or it’ll mean big trouble for you!” She declared.

    “Hei!” Key gasped. “You’ve evolved again!”

    “INSOLENT PEST!” The Araquanid hissed. With that, she fired a Hydro Pump at the Jolteon. However, the agile Electric-type was far too quick, and easily dodged the devastating jet. Hei landed behind the boss and began to bristle her rough fur. She could feel her entire being charging up with electricity.

    She released a Thunderbolt, striking the Araquanid’s rear. She howled out in pain, trembling at the shock waves that ran through her water bubbles. Hei took this opportunity to lure the Bug-type away from Key and the Deerling, winking at her partner as if to say ‘get going!’ As conflicted as Key was, he also knew he’d only be in the way for this battle. He bit down on the Deerling’s ear and yanked him free from the clovers and towards the exit.

    It’s up to you now, Hei…!

    The battle between the Jolteon and the Araquanid raged on. Though Hei had the beast beat when it came to type advantage and speed, she lacked the experience to make her hits count. She fired off another Thunderbolt, only narrowly missing her target, who retreating into a thicker patch of clovers.

    “No use hiding!” The fleet-footed lightning Pokemon said, and pounced in the tall grass after her. But the Araquanid skittered off, revealing her true plan. Before she knew it, Hei had landed in a Sticky Web her opponent had sneakily spun within the clover.

    Yuck!” She stuck her tongue out, trying to free her legs from the adhesive threads, but the web was far too sturdy for even her powerful kicks to shake off. Her ears lowered with the realization that she was trapped.

    A horrible clicking sound emanated from the Araquanid as she crawled closer to Hei. She reared her front legs, positioning her water bubble right above the Jolteon. Once the Pokemon lunged down, she would drown her prey. Hei’s struggling became more panicked and violent, but much like the Deerling’s efforts, she only worsened her entanglement.

    “NO MERCY FOR TRESPASSERS!” The Araquanid shrieked.

    Hei closed her eyes, awaiting her watery grave. She waited for five seconds, but it never came. Confused, she opened her eyes only to be met with Sorin clawing at the Araquanid’s back with his talons.

    “Hands off the rugrat!” He shouted at the boss.

    His Aerial Ace startled the Bug-type and she skittered away from her Sticky Web to avoid another blow, but the Tranquill chased after her, swooping in to hack and slash at the nasty bug. He suddenly dove close to the ground, soaring just above the water’s edge until passing by Hei, leaving a perfectly sheared line of grass in his wake. With a single cut, she felt the web constricting her loosen, and she swiftly jumped free.

    “Thanks, Mister Sorin!” She exclaimed gleefully. 

    “Thank me once we’re done, kid!” He responded, unable to contain a smirk.

    It didn’t take long for the unlikely duo to wear down the Araquanid. The creepy crawly’s movements became sloppier, her attacks weaker, and soon, she stumbled to a halt.

    “Let’s finish this!” The Tranquill prepared his talons for a final strike. Hei nodded, charging up her pelt for one more shock. Together, they charged towards the Araquanid, and hit her with all they had.

    “ARRGH!” The beast gurgled, frozen in place. Now behind her, the Pokemon turned around, ready for a possible counterattack. But the giant bug merely trembled in place, croaking out a wavering tone of pain that filled her water bubble with pathetic little air pockets. With a final, strained ‘ack’, the beast finally, finally, fell.

    Jolteon and Tranquill looked at each other, scared to move. But at last, they allowed themselves to erupt in a triumphant:

    “WE DID IT!”

    “I can’t believe we actually beat her!” Hei jumped for joy.

    “That was the toughest fight I’ve had since… ever!” Sorin laughed, flying donuts in the air.

    Perhaps their celebrations were too soon, because it was then that the Araquanid began to stir.

    “Oh no!” Hei gulped. “She wants round two?”

    No, no…” The Araquanid spoke up in a hoarse voice. “I’m quite done with you two. Meddling in my affairs… Just let me leave in peace…”

    “Um, okay.” The Electric-type could find no reason to deny this. “But, um, Miss Araquanid, before you go… can I ask why you attacked us?”

    “You foolish young thing…” The Araquanid sighed, looking at her with those unfathomable blue eyes. “Here in the wild, matters are settled with brute strength. That is how one survives. The Deerling… he was encroaching my territory… gobbling up all of the clover meant for my prey… so I treated him as such.”

    The Jolteon titled her head, her earring jangling with it. “That seems like a pretty extreme punishment just for some clover.”

    Sorin matches her incredulousness. “For real.”

    “Perhaps to those who have lost the ways of the wild…” The Araquanid brushed them off (it still seemed like a pretty lousy excuse to Hei). “We must secure all we can in these foreboding times…”

    This struck Hei. “Foreboding times?”

    “My Dewpider children tell me many things. They hear the townsfolk speak of dangerous creatures, unnaturally strong. In far-off lands, they terrorize others. Soon, they could come for us. So I fight for every moment.”

    Hei wanted to ask her for more information. Sorin, however, splayed a wing out impatiently.

    “We’ve heard enough. You’re free to go. Just don’t bother us again.”

    The Araquanid leered at him. “Know your place, badged one. You were the first to flee.”

    With that, she crawled off, sinking into the deepest mires of a massive pool of water. Neither Hei nor Sorin said anything for many seconds. Wordlessly, they turned and headed to find the others.

    Now landed and wading through the damp ground, Sorin cocked his head up sheepishly. “Sh-She’s right. I suppose I owe you and your annoying friend and apology. I failed as a leader today. I… I forgot what rescue teams are supposed to be.”

    Hei smiled at him. “I’m glad you remembered, then! Let’s go meet up with everyone else and you can say everything you need to.”


    As expected, the other two thirds of Team All-Terrain, as well as Key and the gluttonous Deerling were waiting for them in the outskirts of Cloverful Fen. They rushed towards the two as soon as they were in sight.

    Hei!” Key bounded towards his friend, surprised at her height once he was close enough. “Thank Arceus you’re okay! You were beyond awesome! And look at you, you’re a Jolteon now!”

    “I’m glad you’re okay too!” She chirped. “Though my fur feels scratchy now…”

    “How did you even manage to evolve all of a sudden?” The wild pigeon Pokemon butted in.

    “I don’t really get it myself, but I guess my earring lets me do it.” Hei flicked her ear, showing off the twinkling pink stone.

    Sorin inspected the earring carefully. “Hm… pretty weird. But I guess you’re no ordinary sort. As expected of Shaymin’s Delivery Service.”

    “Yeah, you lot got some real guts.” Stein stomped over to them. “Standing up to a boss Pokemon like that.”

    “You really should consider joining us when you’re a little older!” Hyugo chimed in.

    Sorin delivered a swift Wing Attack on both of their heads. “Enough schmoozing, team! We oughta be ashamed of ourselves for getting shown up by a couple of rug rats! Let’s deliver our professional apologies!”

    The other two muttered in agreement, and in unison, Team All-Terrain bowed their heads in shame.

    “We’re sorry.”

    The two deliverymon smiled.

    “Just don’t let it happen again!” Key closed his eyes with incredible smugness.

    “I think you should really be apologizing to him.” Hei motioned her head towards the Deerling, who was absentmindedly sniffing the ground, no doubt looking for another snack.

    They seemed to agree with her, and huddled around the young Grass-type.

    “Glad to see you’re doing okay, junior.” Sorin started awkwardly.

    “Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m a little hungry, though.” The Deerling looked up at him with lazy eyes.

    “Well, it’s not much of an apology, but maybe this will help.” Hyugo turned to forage around in his large waterproof bag, eventually whipping out a Perfect Apple.

    “An official ‘I’m-sorry’ gift from Team All-Terrain.” The Poliwhirl handed the Apple to the boy, who balanced it on his head flower. 

    The Deerling grew excited for the first time all day. “Oh boy! Thanks, misters!”

    With surprising agileness, the season Pokemon bounced the Perfect Apple on his head higher and higher, until opening his mouth wide and catching the fruit midair, swallowing it whole like a Seviper.

    Mmmm!” He hummed over his loud crunchy chewing. “Daff’s gud schtuff!

    “This kid’s kinda weird…” Stein whispered to his teammates, who silently nodded along, unable to tear their eyes from the Deerling.

    “What’s your name anyways?” Sorin asked.

    Mmm?” The lad mumbled before swallowing his snack with an audible gulp. “My name’s Clover. My mama named me after the fen.”

    “Ah, so I assume you live nearby.”

    “Yup.” Clover nodded. “I’m from Senke Town. Just up ahead.”

    Hei perked up at the mention of the name. “Ah, we’re heading to Senke Town, too! Wanna come with?”

    “Sure.” With a goofy grin, Clover clumsily pranced down the dirt road, stopping to look at the others. “This way!”

    With now re-energized Clover as their usher, the ragtag group of Pokemon soon spotted the Deerling’s hometown. Senke Town might have been a generous name for it, because it was really more of a village than anything else. It was built over an expansive mire; stilt houses connected by thatched straw roads all hanging comfortably over the reflective water below. A formidable village plaza stood in the center of the maze, made of robust wooden planks in the shape of a hexagon. A variety of Water, Bug and Grass types ambled through the overhead walkways, ranging from Spinarak to Palpitoad to Tangrowth. The summer-coated Deerling guided his guests up the stairs that led to the town proper. “Welp, here we are. Where is it you gotta go?”

    Key checked the address they were given. “Uh… Says here this package is for a Miss Fescue.”

    Clover’s ears shot straight up. “That’s my mama! So you’re delivering our Plain Seeds, huh?”

    “That’s a heck of a coincidence.” Sorin whistled. “Me and the team are gonna sit this one out. We’ll be waiting near the outskirts, okay?”


    “Come on, I’ll show you my house.” The Deerling trotted ahead, leading them around Senke Town, bleating out his hellos to the friendly town Pokemon that all seemed to recognize him.

    Clover’s house was lower to the ground than most, attached to a fairly solid plot of land overgrown with clovers, reeds, and all sorts of wildgrasses. The wooden structure resembled more of a stable than anything, which Hei supposed made sense for a Deerling. 

    Mamaaaa!” The youngster called out. “Delivery’s here!”

    Within a few seconds, a lovely Sawsbuck emerged from the house, clothed in her vibrant summertime pelt: a rich dark brown fur dappled with green spots to match the full canopy of leaves and vines sprouting from her antlers.

    “Oh, hello there. You’re from Shaymin’s Delivery Service?” Fescue asked the two Pokemon sporting the service’s signature colors.

    “Yes, m’am.” They answered. From their delivery bags, they retrieved the heaping parcels containing all fifty of the Plain Seeds.

    “Oh, wonderful!” The Sawsbuck hastened to grab one of the parcels with her mouth and carry it towards the back of the house, where a large opening gave way to the outside.

    The duo followed her and looked in awe that impressive garden that awaited them. It was by no means your average garden. The plants were wild, coiled, curled and poised in a bizarre and beautiful way. Mangroves sunk their roots to the crystal clear water beneath, where Barboach zigzagged in between each impressive stalk. The grass was silky and long, swaying in the wind like spun gold. For a garden, it lacked blooming bushes of flowers, but the savage ones that poked out from the clovers and cattails in their white, purple and blue glory added a wonderful element of charm that tied the scenic view together.

    “This is Mama’s garden.” Clover announced. “It’s the pride and joy of Senke Town.”

    “Clover loves to exaggerate,” Fescue gave her son a loving lick on the forehead once she sat the parcel off to the side. “How did you meet these Pokemon, sweetheart?”

    “Oh, they saved me from the Cloverful Fen.”

    What?!” His mother’s tender gaze sharpened into an angry glare, and she yanked the naughty Deerling up by the ear. “How many times do I need to tell you to stay away from that place?!”

    But Mamaaaa…” Clover whines. “I was gettin’ hungry…”

    “You and your appetite!” She scolded. “Mercy knows what would have happened to you if these nice folks didn’t show up.”

    She flung her son on a soft bed of moss nearby, and lowered her head carefully so as not to harm anyone with her leafy antlers.

    “Thank you for looking after my son. We’re very grateful.”

    “Don’t mention it.” Key said. “I’m just a little curious… why did you order so many Plain Seeds? They’re worthless!”

    “Ah!” Fescue grinned. “They may seem worthless, but they’re actually an amazing fertilizer! They have all sorts of nutrients that are hard to come by around these parts. If you mix them with this and that, you get top quality mulch!”

    “So you buy them for cheap and end up with a really valuable tool!” Hei said, amazed.

    “That’s right! In fact, if you two aren’t in a hurry, you can watch me grind these Seeds down.”

    The pair looked at each other, exchanging a curious smile.


    After Fescue ordered her now grounded son to fetch their guests some delicious Blended Gummis, she treated them to a display of her fierce Stomping Tantrum (after washing her hooves of course), crushing the Plain Seeds into a fine powder. Even Clover managed to crack one or two with a well-placed Double Kick.

    “So cool!” Hei clapped. “Key, you can shapeshift, right? Do you wanna give it a try?”

    “Ah, well…” The trickster fox Pokemon turned sheepish. “Even if I were to transform into a Pokemon like Sawsbuck, I wouldn’t actually gain their powers… I just make illusions.”

    “That’s still awesome! Can you turn into me?”

    “Oh, sure!” Eager to show his skills off, he disappeared in a puff of smoke, revealing another Jolteon where he once stood.

    I’m Hei!” He imitated in a shrilly, high-pitched squeal. “I got cotton candy in my head and I make Key eat all my Wepear Berries!

    The real Hei and the others erupted in laughter at the faux-her. The good times continued until the afternoon sun began to tinge the garden a deep orange hue. With Clover letting out a wide yawn, the two friends understood it was time to be heading back. Fescue offered another round of thanks (and some more Blended Gummis) before seeing the youngsters to the door along with her sleepy son in tow.

    “Bye, guys!” Clover said.

    “Are you sure you two wouldn’t rather spend the night and return in the morning?” Fescue asked, somewhat concerned.

    “No thanks, m’am.” Hei assured her. “We gotta report to our boss!”

    “So responsible!” The Sawsbuck praised. “Well, please take care on your way home, dears! And here, take this!”

    Fescue grabbed a small burlap bag that was obviously handmade. She placed the sack in front of them. “A free sample of my mulch. I’m not sure how much use you’ll find, but it’s the least I could offer for the Pokemon who personally delivered the ingredients!”

    Both Jolteon and Zorua felt their hearts warm up.

    “Thanks very much!” They exclaimed in unison.

    The sun had nearly set by the time Hei, Key, and Team All-Terrain had cleared the Cloverful Fen once more and returned to the gates of Crossroad Town. The trip back was relatively uneventful compared to the morning. The fearsome Araquanid did not bother them this time in what Hei hoped to be an understanding that they meant no ill will. Once their mission was complete, Team All-Terrain halted just outside the town.

    “That’s as far as we go.” Sorin said. “You rug rats okay getting back to Azure Hill by yourselves?”

    Please,” Key scoffed. “We’re professionals.”

    The Tranquill let out an amused wheeze. “You’ve got quite the mouth on you. Reminds me of myself when I was a tyke.”

    “Not sure if that’s a compliment.”

    His Jolteon partner extended a paw towards the leader of the rescuers. “Thanks for helping us. It was fun!”

    “You got it, Fluffy.” Sorin took her paw in his wing, shaking it. “We should team up again one day. You guys keep us young.”

    “We should be thanking you!” Hyugo added.

    “As much as you peeved me off, hairball, you had a point. We nearly forgot about what makes rescue teams so exceptional.” Stein said.

    “Well, cheers.” With a final swish of his wings, Sorin took flight. “I have a feeling we’ll see each other again. Make sure to get stronger until then!”

    Hei and Key waved them off. “You bet!”

    The trek back to the delivery service was filled with laughter and emphatic recounting of the very, very hectic day. Despite the pair’s exhaustion, they were still abuzz with the spirit of adventure.

    “I can’t stand you stealing all the spotlight like that, Hei!” Key nudged her with a mischievous smirk. “I’ll bring shame to the Yellow-Eyed Mirage’s name if I don’t start busting out my really cool tricks!”

    “Like your shapeshifting?” Hei asked. “I wanna see more of that for sure!”

    “Yeah, well… looking tough can only get you so far. I’d kill to have your cool powers.”

    “I prefer being my regular self.” The Jolteon counters. “I want my fluffy fur back.”

    “Well if it’s anything like last time, you’ll be back to normal by tomorrow.”

    The glow of the Delivery Service beckoned them home. Once inside the main hall, they greeted the main receptionist, an elderly Pelipper, but something stopped them dead in their tracks before they could even think about going to the mess hall for dinner. Or rather, someone.

    “Took you guys long enough!” Lum was waiting for them on a nearby bench. “You kids should’ve been back hours ago!”

    Hei lowered her ears, embarrassed. “Sorry Mister Lum… we got a little distracted.”

    Sheesh!” The Passage huffed. “Give a guy a heart attack! I was worried sick! And look at you, all yellow and spiky! What in the name of Ho-Oh were you guys up to?”

    Hei and Key proceeded to give a full report of the day’s adventures. Despite Lum’s irate expression, even he couldn’t help but twitch in excitement during some of the parts.

    “I see..” He muttered once they were finished. “You knuckleheads seem to have a penchant for trouble.”

    “I, uh…” Key spoke up. “I just wanna say that… I’m sorry for being a brat this morning. We would’ve been toast without the rescue team. So… yeah.”

    His senior covered his mouth with a paw. Seeing the Zorua’s timid expression startled him. 

    “You… you weren’t being a brat.” Lum said gruffly. “I’m sorry I blew up at you. I can be a bit of a Primeape sometimes.”

    The two Pokemon fidgeted around for a bit more, suddenly bashful. Hei only looked on with a wide smile.

    “We oughta say thanks to Oran too!” She added. “He gave us an item that really helped us!”

    “Oh, is that right…?” Lum scratched his fur. “He and Cheri should be waiting for me in the mess hall. I bet you two must be starving too.”

    The youngsters licked their lips at the mere mention of food. “We sure are.”

    In the end, Hei and Key spent the evening eating a hearty meal with the Pan brothers. The monkey Pokemon were a lively bunch, especially together, so their table was by far the loudest of the lot. Mano tromped up to them a couple of times to tell them to hush up (Miss Daisy was trying to solve the crossword puzzle and needed to concentrate).

    After a filling their bellies and taking a warm refreshing bath in the communal bathhouse to clean away the fen’s mud and grime, the deliverymon finally bid their coworkers goodnight and headed to their room. Life at the delivery service quickly taught them how good returning home can feel after a long day. Hei pulled out the gift Fescue had given them.

    “What should we do with it?” Key asked.

    “For now…” His friend glanced towards their Deposit Box. “ Why don’t we store it somewhere safe? It’s our very first treasure!”

    Key liked that idea a lot. And so, Fescue’s wonderful powder was safely cached in their Deposit Box, their first and only item worthy of being stored.

    Thank you for reading! Here is this fic’s annual update… I kid, but I’ll admit I haven’t been writing enough for this story. I love it a lot, but the longer chapter lengths conflict with my other ongoing work (plus the dreaded real life responsibilities), so it’s kept me from updating DoL for a while. Still happy with what I wrote, and I hope everyone enjoys too.

    Take it easy and stay safe.

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    1. Feb 28, '24 at 5:28 pm

      and trying to remember which was was up.

      Repeated word. I win

      I really loved this story. I can’t wait for more.