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    I’m lying on the forest floor. I’m not doing anything, really, just laying there. Why am I just lazing around, you ask? Well, that’s because I lost something dear to me…

    My life.

    That Marshtomp lying there with their face in the ground? That’s me. At least, I’m pretty sure it is. Don’t see any other bodies lying around nearby, anyway. Why or how? To be honest, I’m not sure, but I do intend to find out. There is another question, however, that’s just as pressing…

    Who am I?

    Just as I began to ponder this, however, I heard a rustling of leaves in the distance. It was a small Eevee, donned with a green scarf. I hear a little tune they’re humming to themself. Then, they saw my body.

    “What the? Hey,  are you okay?” They quickly rush over to my corpse, although I don’t think they’re aware of the fact that I’m not alive anymore, “Hey, wake up! C’mon, we gotta get you some help,” they jostle my body a little bit until it seems like they finally understand what’s happened, “Hello? Oh, no… they’re… dead?” Panic quickly sets into their face, “A dead body, and I’ve only been a rescuer for a week! I gotta get back to HQ ASAP!” So, they’re a rescuer, huh? Well, I sure wish someone would’ve come and rescued me sooner.

    When the Eevee finally came out of the trance the sight of my corpse afflicted, they ran off. I decided then that I should follow them, as they’re the only real lead I’ve got, even though they don’t seem to know who I am. I try to move my legs, and then I realize I don’t actually have any, or any limbs at all, actually. I suppose I’m some kind of spirit right now. Eventually, I figured out how to move, which feels like swimming underwater, in a way. But now I had to catch up with that Eevee, who was by now already gone from here. I went above the trees, trying to see if there was anything, and sure enough, I saw a town in the distance. I figured this must be where that Eevee was heading, and so I went towards it. When I arrived there, I saw a lively little town, with small little lights strewn around the place, well into the night. I looked around for anything that may resemble a headquarters for the rescuers. After some searching, I determined that the giant imposing building in the center of town was the most probable candidate. Once inside, I found that little Eevee I was looking for, speaking to a Blastoise who seems to be their superior.

    “Look kid, are you absolutely sure that the  guy was dead when you found him?” The Blastoise asked.

    “Yes, I’m certain! I checked his pulse and everything, there wasn’t a single sign of life on him, sir!” The Eevee hastily explained.

    “Alright, fine, I’ll send someone over there, just calm down,” the Blastoise turned to a Sylveon, wearing a red velvet scarf,  and a Flygon, with a sky blue scarf,  on the other side of the room, “Hey, Milly, Fran, Luke says he saw a dead body in the forest. Can you guys go check on that?”

    The two of them turned to the Blastoise, “What? Good Arceus… We’ll get over there right away.” The Sylveon said.

    “Well, this is interesting,” said the Flygon, “At least it’s not just some random kid who got lost again, eh Milly?”

    “Fran.” Milly said sternly.

    “Okay, sorry, not the time,” Fran changed the subject, “Hey buddy, can you show us where you found… uh, y’know, that.”

    The little Eevee looked scared, “B-but I don’t wanna see it again!”

    “I understand that, but please, try to hold it together, okay?” Milly reassured the Eevee.

    “Okay…”  Luke reluctantly went out of the building, with Milly and Fran in tow.

    And so, I followed the three of them back to my corpse.

    “T-there it is!” Luke pointed at my body, and quickly hid behind Milly.

    “Hey, looks like the kid’s really took a liking to you, Milly.” Teased the Flygon.

    Milly rolled her eyes, “It’ll be alright, Luke. Go stay with Fran, I need to look at the body.” The Sylveon stroked Luke’s hair, which seemed to calm them down a bit.

    “If you say so, Miss Milly…”

    Milly went over next to my corpse and began inspecting it, which, to be frank, it’s very weird to watch someone conduct your autopsy.

    “Was the body like this when you found it, Luke?” Milly asked.


    “I see…” She turned my body around, and I finally got to see my face, “Oh dear…”

    “What is it, Milly?” Said Fran.

    “Look at his neck, there’s marks all over it!” Sure enough, on my neck were several painful looking ligature marks.

    “So this guy was strangled?”

    “Well, I’d have to make sure, but I’d say it’s highly probable,” the Sylveon took a closer look, “From the looks of it, It seems we’re  dealing with a grass type.”

    So, I was strangled, by a grass type no less? Damn, and here I was, hoping I had a painless death.

    “Are you sure it wasn’t Sylveon ribbons?” Fran remarked wryly.

    “What? No! Fran, please take this seriously.” Milly stated.

    “Okay, sorry. It’s just, I wanna lighten the mood a bit, y’know?” Fran looked a bit apologetic.

    “I know, Fran. I didn’t mean to be harsh, you know I love you.” Milly fidgeted with one of her ribbons.

    “Nah, it’s all good. You know I feel the same.” Fran responded.

    Milly’s face blushed slightly, “Um, let’s wait until this is over.”

    “Yeah, fair point. That body’s kinda killing the vibe.” Fran said. Personally, I’m a bit offended, but I can understand her statement.

    “Miss Milly?” Luke said.

    “Oh, what is it Luke?” Milly turned toward the little Eevee.

    “Are we finished?”

    “Oh, yes, I think we’re done here. I don’t think our murderer left too many clues behind.”

    “No calling card?” Fran asked, sounding almost disappointed.

    “This isn’t a book, Fran, no one’s dumb enough to actually do that.”


    “Too bad there isn’t a single clue regarding his identity…” Milly took a long look at my corpse. From the way she’s staring, I think it’s clear I can trust her to get to the bottom of my death.

    With that, the three of them head out of the forest, leaving my body behind once again. As I follow them back, I try to think of what all of this means. Firstly, it’s pretty apparent that I was murdered, presumably strangled by a grass type. Second, there isn’t anything pointing towards who I am, or why I was killed. Third, my best hope for getting to the truth are these rescuers.

    “Um, Miss Milly, can I ask you something?” Luke turned his head toward the Sylveon.

    “Sure, what is it?” Milly replied.

    “Um, are you and Miss Fran, um, a thing?” Luke asks innocently.

    Milly’s face turned red, “What?”

    Fran chuckled, “Well, aren’t you direct? I thought you were still shaken up about that… y’know.”

    “Well, yeah, but… I am kind of curious, to be honest.” Luke said.

    “Um, I…” Milly looked around, “…Yes. But, don’t tell anyone yet, okay?”

    “C’mon, Milly, I’m pretty sure most people know by this point.” Fran said with a knowing look on her face.

    “Well, maybe, but…” The Sylveon started getting more flustered, “Let’s just get going, alright?”

    Fran let out a small laugh, “Alright alright, sure.”

    Eventually, the trio made it back to the rescuer headquarters, and met up back with that Blastoise.

    “Hey boss, we’re back!” Fran called out.

    “Oh? And what did you find out?” The Blastoise asked.

    “Well, we found the victim lying face down in the forest, sir.” Milly reported.

    “Victim? You mean…” The Blastoise looked surprised.

    “Yes, this was a murder, no doubt about it.” The Sylveon said with a grim expression.

    “Damn, I see. Well, can you tell us more about him?” The Blastoise asked.

    “Well, at the moment, nothing, sir. We have no idea who he is. All we could tell was that he was strangled by a grass type.”

    “Is that so…” The Blastoise looked deep in thought, “Well, let’s put out a reward and see if anyone can offer up some info.”

    “Sure thing, boss.” Fran replied, and went to work.

    The little Eevee still looked shaken however, and Milly seemed to notice this as well, “Are you alright, Luke?”

    “Well, it’s just…” Luke looked down at the floor, “I didn’t think this would happen when I’ve just begun my training here…”

    “Don’t worry Luke, we’ll get to the bottom of this, I promise.” Milly hugged the Eevee tight with her ribbons.

    “…Miss Milly? Why would anyone kill that Marshtomp?” Luke asks, frightened.

    “Well, I don’t know yet, Luke, but it could be quite a number of things.” Milly states gravely.

    “Like what?”

    “Money, power, fear, vengeance, could be anything, really. But I’m sure we’ll find out.”

    “I hope so…” Luke looked into Milly’s eyes, “Miss Milly, have you seen a dead body before?”

    Milly then had a faraway look on her face, “…Yes. I have, a long time ago, not long after I got this job,” Milly gave Luke a firm hug, “Why don’t you get some rest? You must be exhausted.”

    Luke let out a yawn, “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Luke breaks out of Milly’s embrace and goes toward their room, “Good night, Miss Milly.”

    “Good night, Luke.”

    As I watch the Eevee walk back to their room, I suddenly get an overwhelming feeling of loss. All these rescuers are like family to each other. Sure, they mess with each other, and sometimes get on each other’s nerves, but they will always comfort one another and stick together in times of need. I don’t have that now. I then start to really wonder who I was, and all the friends and family I might’ve had. I wonder if they’re worrying about me right now. I realize how lonely this existence is. Being able to watch all these Pokémon live their lives, and not being able to interact with them at all. I really must get down to the truth of my death, and who I was. It’s the only thing I really have left, after all.

    Then, something snaps me out of my thoughts.

    “Boss! Someone’s here!” Fran burst through the door, with a Venusaur beside her.

    “What is it?” The Blastoise asked in surprise.

    “This Venusaur here says she has a huge scoop on the death of that Marshtomp!”

    “What?” Milly and the Blastoise were both stunned.

    “Well then, quick. What’s your name, and what have you come to tell us?” The Blastoise demanded of the Venusaur.

    “My name is Vivian,” she took a deep breath before continuing, “And I have come to make a confession. I… was the one who killed that Marshtomp.”

    Everyone, including me, stood, frozen.

    Was this my killer? Something didn’t feel right. It can’t be this easy, no, I’m certain.

    There is much more to my death, than meets the eye…

    Started as an entry for a writing contest in the Pokémon Workshop Discord server, now a full story… hopefully.


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