The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 26 – The Pack Hunter (Enzo)

    The road out of Amber Heights was a steady, downward slope. Most of the trees had begun shedding their autumn leaves– piles of red and orange scattered over the forest floor. Enzo walked along quietly, listening to the others talk.

    “You guys ever been to the capital before?” Leon asked.

    “Nah,” Chase answered.

    “Me neither,” Corvo said.

    “I wouldn’t know,” William replied.

    “I have,” Andrew said. “Pa and I took a boat through a couple years back.”

    “So if we take one of those boats,” Leon said, “we should get to Silver Shore in about two days, right?”

    Andrew nodded. “That’s right.”

    Enzo had been to Caldera before. He didn’t see a point in saying so– they’d be there soon enough. Besides, he didn’t want to think of his old family, and how they delivered steel to the capital. As he pushed those thoughts out, the team reached the end of the trail.

    Corvo unfolded his map. “Here we…! Are?”

    Ahead of them was a long, slanted wall of igneous stone, loosely curving around the landscape. Encircling that wall was a channel of water. The only buildings in sight were a few shacks and tents along the riverbank. The typical noise of a city was nowhere to be heard.

    “Hang on,” Leon said. “We didn’t go the wrong way, did we?”

    Andrew checked his map as well. “No, this is the right spot.”

    “Really?” Chase made a weird face. “Is it like, underground, or something?”

    “That wall,” Enzo spoke up, “is a volcano. Caldera is inside.”

    “Seriously?” Corvo scoffed. “Brother, you’ve gotta be thicker than a Snorlax in a bakery to build on toppa lava.”

    “It’s dormant,” Enzo said. “Has a lake now.”

    “No lava?” Chase said with a frown. “Aw, that’s lame.”

    “That lake has a harbor,” Andrew explained. “It connects to the river system through canals. We just need to find a boat– like that one over there,” he pointed.

    Around the bend a small sailboat appeared. The sails appeared calm, though the vessel was pulled by a small team of Lapras. The boat leisurely sailed past the team, moving toward the east. The motion drew their attention further down the channel, where they spotted a stone arch bridge, leading to the southern city gates. 

    “That must be a way into Caldera,” William said, pointing at the bridge.

    The team walked along the water toward the stone bridge. If the big city was anything like Enzo remembered, it was ten times the size of Wolfhaven, and always had something under construction. That was the main reason why his family did so much business here.

    As they reached the bridge and twin gates came into view, so did a lone Hawlucha, standing in front of the entrance. As they began the cross, the vibrant bird stepped toward the center.

    “Hold there,” Hawlucha called, raising his wings. “Before I let you into Caldera, you need to pay the toll.”

    “A toll?” Leon echoed. “We have to pay just to get in?”

    “Yes,” Hawlucha answered. “You see, it’s the Autumn revelry. The city needs to collect taxes to pay for damages from partygoers, like yourselves. So, I’ll need fifty gold from each of you.”

    The team uttered their reactions at once.

    “Whoa, what?!”


    “That’s three-hundred between all of us!”

    The gate guard shrugged. “It’s pricey, but the rules are the rules. I’m afraid you won’t get in otherwise, my squad is waiting behind this door.”

    While Enzo stood at the back of the group, he noticed the ghost of a grin lingering on the bird’s face.

    Leon gestured for the team to huddle around him. “If we pay that much,” he spoke in a low voice, “we won’t have enough to ride the ferry. If anyone has any ideas, I’m listening.”

    “Maybe we climb the walls?” Chase offered. “They’re slanted enough to give us traction.”

    “No,” Andrew replied. “They have watchtowers on the other side, they’d spot us. Not to mention, we couldn’t get down. Too tall.”

    William rested his club on his shoulder. “Perhaps we could–”

    Enzo stopped listening. He broke from the group and walked towards Hawlucha. “Move,” he ordered.

    Hawlucha blinked. Smugness left his face. “Excuse me?”

    “You’re no guard,” Enzo challenged. “This is a shakedown.”

    Behind him, Enzo’s teammates looked on. “I think he’s onto something,” Leon said.

    Hawlucha’s expression turned nasty. “I’ll have you know–”

    “There’s no ‘revel,’ either,” Enzo continued as if he heard nothing. “Get lost.”

    The guard tucked in his wings, staring daggers into Enzo. “You… Do you want to be arrested?”

    The Quilava took another step forward. He steeled his voice. “How loud will you squawk when your feathers ignite?” His vents flared with sinister fire, making Hawlucha flinch. “Think you’ll hear it over the flames?”

    The ‘guard’ stumbled back, his beak hanging open in silence.

    “I should’ve known,” Leon said, stepping forward. “You’re just another con!”

    “Trying to steal what little we got!” Andrew added.

    “And honestly,” Corvo pitched in, “you suck at it.”

    Enzo almost smiled. He could easily toss this guy over the bridge. With the look on his face, the bird bandit seemed close to doing it himself.

    Suddenly his ears flicked as he picked up a faint whistling sound. Enzo turned to the right, spotting an orange blur speeding toward the bridge.

    The Hawlucha also took notice. “Oh sh–!”


    The blur crashed into Hawlucha, spinning him around before he collapsed to the ground.

    Everyone turned their heads as the assailant flew back around. It was a plump, light-orange dragon with teal-blue wings: a Dragonite. “Gotcha!” she called as she landed.

    “What… Was that?” Leon uttered.

    “A successful hit-and-run!” Dragonite said. “This guy’s been swindling people for almost a week. He kept scrambling away every time one of us guards got close.” She turned to the knocked-out Hawlucha and began binding him in ropes. “Then you boys came along and made the perfect distraction. Thanks!”

    “I thought we were gonna have a fight on our hands,” Andrew said. “That makes it easier.”

    Easier, sure. But Enzo’s vents fizzled like he got sprayed with water. A chance to shine, snatched from him.

    “Sorry you had to deal with him,” Dragonite said, hoisting Hawlucha on her shoulders. “But I’m hoping the rest of the city will treat you better.”

    “It’s all good!” Chase smiled. “That was awesome!”

    “With any luck,” William continued, “we’ll get to the harbor with no further incidents.”

    “Taking a ferry, eh?” Dragonite said. “Heard there’s a fancy new ship taking her maiden voyage today, you just might catch her. Anyway, lemme get the door for you…” With a crouch and a leap she took flight again, beating her wings as she flew up the volcanic wall, landing on one of the watchtowers over the rim.

    Soon the twin doors creaked and parted, opening into Caldera.

    “Well, this is it,” Leon said. “Let’s check out the big city, huh?”

    “Me first!” Chase darted ahead.

    “Hey, wait up!” Andrew followed, and so did everyone else. Though Enzo was a tad slow and entered last, behind William.

    “Enzo?” The Cubone glanced over his shoulder. “Are you alright?

    “I’m fine,” he answered. It wasn’t not like any of them actually cared. They were just making conversation.

    Beyond the gates, the vast city of Caldera sprawled out before them. Towering buildings of chiseled basalt and ceramic roof tiles spanned as far as the eye could see, densely packed together. Between those buildings were sprawling streets of marble bricks and polished blue minerals, forming a mosaic of connected streets.

    Mons of all kinds moved to and fro, three-times as bustling as Wolfhaven on the day of the scavenger hunt. A Passimian pushed a cart of melons east, while a Swanna led a flock of Duckletts west, and noise filled the air as an indecipherable chorus.

    “Now this is a city!” Chase beamed.

    “Sure is,” Corvo agreed. “Lottsa different places to explore.”

    “Would be nice if we had time to explore,” William remarked. “But our top priority is finding the harbor.”

    Andrew nodded. “Right. If we go straight we’re gonna run into crowded places. We oughta swing around the west side, pass through the campus and gardens.”

    “Alright then,” Leon said. “Stick together, or we might get lost.”

    As the team immersed themselves in the flow of Caldera’s traffic, Enzo hung toward the back. His vents were cold and he blew out a quiet sigh, drowned out by the noise of the city. Everyone had a chance to speak up, except for him. He may not have had a comment to add, but still…

    In any case, it looked like this walk through Caldera was gonna be like every other walk they’ve had so far. The team making plans, while Enzo was left alone with his thoughts. They moved through the city counter-clockwise, navigating through south-side neighborhoods. Eventually, they reached the campus Andrew had mentioned.

    Caldera’s university had more ornate buildings, with larger windows and colored glass, spread out over grassy plains with a few trees. Many students moved around carrying books. Near the volcanic wall was a domed building perched on the crater’s rim– an observatory, which William seemed keenly interested in.

    While they stopped for directions, Enzo glanced around at the students. He spotted a pair near a maple tree, a Buizel and a Chikorita, sparring together.

    The latter used Razor Leaf, while the former tumbled to dodge. Buizel flipped back, leaves sailing past his arcing body as he landed on his hands. He sprung back to his feet, then retaliated with Water Gun. Chikorita parried by spinning the leaf on her head, deflecting the stream into spirals.

    “Nice one!” Buizel said.

    “You too!” Chikorita replied.

    Enzo blinked. They were friendly with each other. No jeering or threats, unlike other spars Enzo had been in before.

    “Got it, we’ll head that way,” Leon said to whoever gave him directions. “Alright guys, let’s move.”

    And so they walked again, moving further north. Along the way, Enzo spotted other pairs of mons spending time together. There was a Bidoof with a blue bandana and a Riolu with a fuzzy mane. They sat together on a bench, both leaning into a book sitting between them. The site stirred an unfamiliar longing within Enzo.

    Though before he could dwell on it he realized he was falling behind, and scampered to catch up with the team.

    A mile later they reached the city gardens. Among the meadows were flowerbeds, making rivers of orange, pink, and magenta pedals. One of the gardens had a large sundial in the middle, and another had jumping fountains, shooting jets of water in arcs over their heads. There was even a hedge maze, where a few mons leaped up as they tried to find the exit.

    While his teammates made idle comments on their surroundings, Enzo watched the other mons around them.

    On the trimmed grass, an Espeon and a Fennekin laid upon a checkered picnic cloth. Between them was a basket of fruit, bread, and a jar of peanut butter. They talked over their meal, and at one point the couple touched noses.

    On the other side of the path was a Dewott and a fellow Quilava. They were both lying down in the grass, near a patch of lavender. Each one took turns pointing at the sky, probably discussing what the clouds looked like. At one point they turned their heads toward each other and smiled.

    Enzo noticed a pattern. All of these mons were in pairs. They were friends, and sometimes more intimate than that. His teammates were close with each other, too. Leon had Jacob, obviously. The bond between William and Andrew hadn’t escaped Enzo’s attention, either.

    Why did that make him feel longing? Was it some kind of envy? Maybe it would go away if he finally did something worthwhile for the team. It’d be like his relationship with his sister, Excella. Though that one wasn’t so cheery, to put it mildly. Competing for their parents’ approval…

    Enzo blinked away his daydreams. He had lagged behind the group again. For a moment he considered waiting, to see how long before they noticed his absence. But he shook his head and hurried to rejoin them.

    As they turned east, heading toward the crater lake harbor, Chase beckoned toward a large structure in the north. “Check that out!” the Bulbasaur said. “It’s like a big palace!”

    Sitting on the city skyline was a grand citadel, towering above the other buildings and even surpassing the volcanic rim. Chase was right, the building was indeed a palace. It was the seat of power in the city, and by extension, Chronovania.

    “I see some other structures around it,” William noted. Indeed, there were other, small towers of skeletal steel around the palace, hinting that renovations were underway.

    “They’re expanding?” Andrew said. “Where in the world are they gettin’ that much metal?”

    Enzo could take a guess: from his family’s steel mill at Ashmill. As much as he didn’t want to think about them, he wondered how they were doing since he left home. If Excella’s parting words were any hint, they were glad to be rid of him.

    “So it’s true then?” Enzo’s older sister, another Quilava, leaned against the doorframe to his room. Her eyes had a glint of mischief that matched the flash of teeth in her smug smile. “You’re running away after all?”

    Enzo, who was loading his backpack, merely scowled at her.

    “You really think you’ll stand a chance somewhere else?” she pressed.

    “Why are you here, Excella?” Enzo replied.

    “Why?” She strutted inside, her pleased grin unrelenting. “I wanted to wish my little brother good luck, nothing more.”

    Enzo looked away, choosing to focus on his backpack.

    “After all, you’ll need it. But there’s a silver lining– you won’t have to worry about disappointing mother and father when you fail.”

    Her words made Enzo’s blood boil. He fought to keep his vents from glowing while he continued packing.

    “And steel production will run like normal. It’s not like you ever did anything for the family business anyway; they might not even notice you’re gone.”

    Hot air blew out of Enzo’s nostrils. It took all of his willpower to not turn around and slug her.

    “Better yet, they might not even remember you. So when you come back as a beggar, they might spare you a coin if you grovel enough.”

    Enzo’s fists curled up tight, and a small flame sparked from his head. He swung his backpack around, not caring if he smacked his sister with it. In one swift motion he had his pack strapped on, more than ready to be rid of this place. Without another word he walked past Excella, out of his room, and bound for the exit.

    “Ciao, Enzo! Don’t let the door hit your back on the way out.”

    He stopped at the front door of the house, glaring daggers at Excella one last time. “Fuck you, too,” he called back.

    He didn’t bother closing the door. Outside, Ashmill’s ebony grass and smoke-plumed skies greeted him. Enzo quickened his pace, not knowing or caring if anyone in town stopped to acknowledge him. Soon he tread past the edge of town, bound southeast. In a few days time he’d be in Wolfhaven.


    Someone’s voice rattled him out of his spell. It had been a while since Enzo had daydreamed that vividly. A quick glance showed that the citadel was out of sight they must have moved to another part of the city.

    Beside him was William, while everyone else stood a short distance away. 

    “I’m here,” Enzo said plainly.

    “Beg your pardon?” William said. “I just asked you if you’re hungry.”

    Enzo blinked. “Oh… Sure.”

    “Check this guy out!” Chase beckoned them. The team had joined a crowd, and above their heads pieces of food were tossed up, then chopped by a swift blade. Enzo and William joined them and nudged their way to the front. In the center of the crowd was a Raichu, putting on a cooking show.

    He lobbed potatoes in the air and flailed his whiplike tail. In a flash the thunderbolt blade sliced the spuds, which fell into a pan, pitter-pattering on the metal like a drum. The food sizzled in hot oil above a fire, and after a minute Raichu added cheese curds, gravy, and a sprinkling of herbs. With one last flip he served his dish onto a number of baskets.

    “Order up!”

    The crowd cheered.

    “That looks appetizing!” Andrew praised. “Let’s get some!”

    “…I’ll get a table,” Enzo said. While the others joined the queue, he claimed a glass table with an umbrella just outside of a café. Soon they all regrouped, with six servings of Raichu’s fried potatoes.

    “We should visit Caldera again sometime,” William said. “I’d like to see the colosseum I had heard about.”

    “Oh yeah, I heard the champion is an Infernape!” Chase replied. “I saw some posters of her back at the campus.”

    “Between here and Amber Heights,” Andrew said, “it almost feels like a vacation.” He paused to take a bite of his cheesy potatoes.

    “We shouldn’t be far from the harbor,” Leon said. “I’m pretty sure we have enough coins to get tickets for all of us.”

    “And if we don’t,” Corvo spoke, “then you can get out and push the boat, right?”

    Leon opened his mouth, but hesitated before answering. “…Only if you help me paddle with that big tail of yours.” 

    Corvo reeled back. “What, you want me to shake this floppy thing?” He pointed at his big leaf. “This ain’t gonna move a boat– all that’s gonna do is attract some mates!”

    “You’re gonna help Leon get a girlfriend?” Chase said, chuckling. “How about the rest of us?”

    “Milotics for everyone!” Andrew cheered, winning more laughs from around the table.

    “See Corvo?” William said. “I knew you were a gentlemon.”

    The Snivy rolled his eyes, but grinned nonetheless.

    Enzo found himself smiling, too. Sure, everything these guys were saying was nonsense. But they were having fun. And somehow, he was, too. He wanted to speak up and add to the joke, but… nothing came to mind.

    As his teammates carried on, Enzo spotted something in the corner of his vision. A few yards away was a maroon, gray, and white mon, with steel appendages as sharp as his gaze– a Bisharp.

    He was speaking with a Kadabra, but locked eyes with Enzo.

    Enzo had never seen this mon before, but his intuition told him he was trouble. As they stared each other down, Bisharp waved away the Kadabra he was speaking to, then made a few hand gestures, as if he was signaling to someone Enzo couldn’t see. Finally, he began approaching their table.

    “…Enzo?” William spoke. “Is something wrong?”

    The Quilava turned to him. “Everyone,” he said in a hushed voice. “Someone’s coming.”

    The cheerful atmosphere flicked at Enzo’s urgent tone. His teammates looked toward him.

    “Someone?” Leon echoed. “What do you mean?”

    “Behind you,” Enzo pointed.

    Leon and the rest of the team turned around–

    “Afternoon,” Bisharp said coldly. “I understand you lot had a misunderstanding with a Hawlucha at the gates.”

    An uncomfortable pause hung in the air as all eyes settled on him.

    “We did,” Leon eventually spoke. “Why do you–” he stopped, squinting at Bisharp. “Hang on, haven’t I seen you before?”

    Bisharp folded his arms, keeping the blades pointed outward. “I’m surprised that you remember me without that burn on my face.”

    “What?” Chase remarked. “You guys know each other?”

    “Unfortunately, yeah,” Leon said. “He attacked me and Jacob!”

    “That voice,” William noted. “We’ve met him, too.”

    “From the mines in Cloudcroft,” Corvo added. “Just a few days ago!”

    Andrew shot up in his seat. “You nearly buried us alive!”

    Any semblance of joy disintegrated as tensions flared. Almost everyone at the table had history with this Bisharp, and none of it was good. Enzo’s vents heated up.

    “How convenient that you all came back for your due justice,” Bisharp said coldly. “Assaulting an officer, destruction of property, oh, and taking away my toll collector.” He sharpened his arm blades against each other, flashing sparks.

    “That Hawlucha worked for you?!” Leon exclaimed.

    “What a surprise,” Andrew said sarcastically. “Two rotten mons working together.”

    Enzo’s eyes darted around, spotting a dozen Pawniards mons closing in on them. Seemed like it was much more than just two rotten mons.

    “You’re all coming with me to the barracks,” Bisharp continued. “If you run, you’ll only make it worse on yourself.”

    Everyone tensed up, sensing an inevitable conflict as they too noticed Bisharp’s backup. The steel soldiers circled around the café patio.

    Enzo didn’t hesitate.

    He leaped onto the table with his vents ignited– a blistering Flamethrower erupted from his maw, staggering the Bisharp.

    As the bad cop fell back on his elbow, Enzo uttered a command.


    The whole team scrambled away as chaos erupted. Tables flipped and chairs fell as they made a break for it, and city residents steered clear while Bisharp’s lackeys ran to intercept.

    Enzo flared again and breathed out an infernal beam of a Flamethrower, cutting a path through their foes like oil through water.

    “Halt!” Bisharp hollered.

    The sound of metal on stone rang through the air, followed by a battle cry, and a hiss of pain.

    “Chase!” Leon hollered.

    Enzo glanced back, and the Bulbasaur had a wide cut on his hind leg, forcing him to hobble. Leon ran back to help him, while William threw a Bonemerang to cover them both. Enzo spat a fireball toward Bisharp for good measure. As Leon helped Chase, the team continued running.

    Startled cityfolk rushed to get out of their way as they dashed south. A cacophony of shouts filled the streets, drowned out by their huffs for breath. Enzo and Andrew kept spinning and shooting fire at their pursuers to keep them at bay, though Enzo knew they couldn’t run forever. Especially with Chase being wounded.

    As they came to an intersection, Corvo burst toward the front of the pack.

    “This way!” he called, taking the lead.

    Enzo fell back, allowing the others to follow Corvo while he took the rear guard. The noise muffled as the team weaved between the buildings, navigating narrow alleys. Around every corner, Enzo fired Smokescreens to cover their tracks, hoping to misdirect their pursuers. After a minute of running Corvo ushered them into a derelict building far from the streets.

    “Get in,” he urged.

    Leon, Chase, William, and Andrew piled through the open door.

    With one last glance over his shoulder, Enzo joined the rest of them, and Corvo promptly shut the door behind him. The team arrived at an old warehouse, with a layer of dust coating the floor and walls. They gathered around some crates toward the back.

    “So much for a ‘vacation,’” Andrew remarked, sitting on one of the crates.

    Across from him, Leon helped Chase rest on another crate, offering him an Oran berry.

    “So all you guys ran into this dude before?” Chase asked, then bit into the berry.

    Leon nodded. “Like I said earlier, he attacked Jacob and I, outside of Moonrise Canyon. He just… Went off for no reason.” He turned toward William. “You said you ran into him, too?”

    “We have,” William answered. “Corvo, Andrew, and I, we encountered that Bisharp in a mineshaft. And he explicitly stated that he wanted Jacob’s pocket watch.”

    “Seriously?!” Leon put a hand to his forehead. “I guess that explains why he attacked us, too.”

    “I know what it’s like,” Corvo said, “to be on the receiving end of a grudge. Ya think this guy might be one of ‘em? An ‘Eidolon’?”

    “He’s gotta be one,” Leon answered. “But he’s a city guard too. Or he’s pretending to be one. And he’s got backup…”

    Enzo cleared his throat. “The harbor.”

    “Enzo’s right,” Leon said. “We still need to catch a ferry.”

    “Normally, I’d say we take the rooftops,” Corvo said. “But Chase is in no shape for climbin’, not with that wound.”

    “Sorry guys…” Chase said with a grimace.

    “Nothing to apologize for,” William assured. “Given the distance, and that there’s six of us, I’m not sure if any stealth will be feasible. Does anyone have other ideas?

    The room fell silent. Everyone seemed to wait for someone else to pitch a plan. Seconds ticked by, yet no one spoke. Enzo took the opportunity to finally speak.

    “We break through,” he declared with a spout of flame from his scalp. “Hit ‘em hard, move fast, board the boat before they can get up.”

    The silence resumed, with all eyes resting on him.

    “I appreciate the confidence, Enzo,” Leon replied. “But I don’t think we can overpower that many of them.” 

    “You won’t have to,” Enzo countered. “I’ll knock ‘em down. Rest of you run.”

    “But if we leave you behind,” William said, “you’ll be captured for sure.”

    Enzo looked away and lowered his voice. “…I know.”

    Déjà vu welled up within him. This was like the time he left home– leaving a group that he didn’t fit in with. It wasn’t ideal, but it was necessary. Besides, once they left Caldera the team would do just fine without him. It wasn’t like he was all that important, anyway…

    Though as those thoughts stung his mind, all around Enzo were expressions of worry and disapproval. It wasn’t the same kind of disapproval his parents had given him before. There was something different about how his teammates looked at him.

    “Brother, that’s crazy,” Corvo said.

    “More than crazy– it’s reckless!” Andrew asserted.

    “Yeah, we can’t leave you and your flames behind!” Chase chimed, then winced at his own cut.

    A sense of warmth welled up within Enzo. It wasn’t his natural heat– it was something unfamiliar. “You…” he uttered, trying to find his words. “…Want me to stay?”

    “Of course we do,” William said, stepping closer to him. “Why would we want to leave you behind?”

    Emotional whiplash surged through Enzo. He felt as if he walked into a room expecting a fight, but found something he had never expected. “I… thought I wasn’t important,” he said.

    “Why would you think that?” Leon asked.

    Several things came to mind. Too many for Enzo to pick. When the team made plans, he didn’t get to speak up. The only one who asked for his input was Chase. Yet one thing bothered Enzo more than anything else.

    “Every chance I get to help,” Enzo explained, “someone else takes over. The Hippowdon, the aqueduct…”

    All of their faces became even more bewildered.

    “What do ya mean?” Andrew asked.

    “Enzo…” William began. “Are you saying you need a chance to prove yourself?”

    A cold chill ran down Enzo’s back, extinguishing the heat in both of his vents. William had put Enzo’s own thoughts into words before even he could explain it to himself.

    The Cubone walked toward him. “There’s no denying your courage. And I didn’t recruit you by accident.”

    “You needed my strength,” Enzo said. “Let me use it.”

    “By throwing yourself at the enemy, alone?” William shook his head. “Enzo, we didn’t pick you just because you’re strong. We picked you because, like all of us, you’re strong and you have room for growth.”

    Enzo blinked. He was already as strong as he could get in his present form. Whatever William meant by ‘room for growth,’ Enzo wasn’t sure what he meant.

    “…It’s bad enough that we’re missing Jacob,” Leon spoke. “We don’t need to lose you, too. Besides, didn’t you say yesterday that going alone is crazy?”

    So now they were tossing that idea back and forth like a game ball. “I did,” Enzo said.

    “Well listen up,” Leon continued. “I know a thing or two about crazy ideas. One of them is that bad ideas lead to good stories. And another is that they’re always better with a friend.” He gave Enzo an encouraging smile. “I’ll go with you, and watch each other’s backs.”

    “I will as well,” William added. “With the three of us, we can coordinate an effective resistance while Corvo and Andrew get Chase to safety.”

    Corvo nodded. “A distraction will help us get to the harbor.”

    “More importantly,” William went on, “we can’t lose you, Enzo. We may not have shown our appreciation enough, but you’re important to us.”

    “That’s right,” Andrew added.

    After those few words, everyone was nodding and smiling at Enzo. As they did, he felt the rising heat of another, unfamiliar emotion. But whatever it was, it felt good. Inspiring.

    Though it was cut short as a stomping stampede outside caught their attention.

    “Spread out!” someone called. “Check these buildings!”

    “Out of time,” Corvo said. He approached a window to the left, and beckoned Chase and Andrew to follow. “I’ll get their attention first. Set ya up to blindside ‘em.”

    “After that, head straight for the harbor,” Leon said. “We’ll catch up when we can.”

    “We won’t be gone long,” William added, raising his club. He looked toward Enzo. “Are you ready?

    The Quilava nodded, his resolve steeled and a bright flame enkindled on his head.

    “Let’s do this.”

    Bisharp faced the door to a warehouse, flanked by two Pawniards. The rest of his squad scouted the vicinity, searching for any signs of their quarry. Though he seemed set on the building before him.

    “On the count of three,” he ordered, taking position. His Pawniards mimicked him, readying for a charge. “One… two… th–”


    Suddenly their attention was drawn to the left.

    A lone Snivy stood out in the open, holding something shiny. One of the targets.

    “You,” Bisharp barked. “Where are the others? I know you’re hiding them.”

    “Heh.” The Snivy flicked his coin and caught it again. “How badly ya wanna know?”

    “Do not test me,” Bisharp said coldly. The blades on his arm rang as he brandished them

    The Snivy’s smirk persisted. “Behind you.”

    Bisharp’s blades rang as he sharpened them. “I’m not falling for that one. You’re going–”


    An infernal wave roasted his backside, sending Bisharp reeling forward– he just barely avoided a serious burn. His Pawniards scattered into adjacent alleys.

    “Told you!” Corvo taunted, then vanished behind cover.

    On the opposite end, Enzo stood between William and Leon. Their plan was in motion: after that first strike, Corvo and Andrew would help Chase get to the harbor safely. Meanwhile, they’d face off against Bisharp– maybe even knock him out– and make a break for the harbor.

    Enzo pushed the advantage. His vents flared and he ran ahead, flames coating his body with Flame Wheel. As he closed in, Bisharp pulled out a glass orb, which glinted with a strange energy. He shook the orb, and it responded with a subtle flash of green light.

    Suddenly, a forceful wind swept through the alley from behind Bisharp. Enzo’s momentum halted as the gale blew into him, extinguishing his flames. He was sent sliding back towards Leon and William, who braced themselves against the storm.

    “Did you really believe that would work twice?” Bisharp called.

    “W-what did he just do?” Leon said, standing upright.

    “That orb,” William spoke. “It holds some kind of power. Be careful!”

    Enzo held steady, glaring down the Bisharp. The orb in his hand was slightly dimmer. Maybe it had limited uses. Regardless, the Pawniards returned from their hiding spots, closing in on the trio. Their blades rang as they sharpened them against each other.

    “Don’t have to win,” Enzo said in a low voice. “Just lead them away.”

    Leon and William nodded in unison.

    At Bisharp’s command, the dark steel soldiers charged toward them. Enzo flared and shot a Smokescreen, raising a black curtain of smog to cover their tracks. He then turned and ran out of the alley, leading back to the open streets. Dozens of city residents walked up and down the road, coming and going from various buildings.

    “Spread out,” Enzo said. “Split them up, head north!”

    The trio dispersed into the flow of foot traffic, fanning out with Enzo on the right, William in the middle, and Leon on the left. Meanwhile, the clatter of metallic footfalls signaled the approaching squad of Pawniards.

    Enzo dashed over marble bricks, weaving past a Gogoat and Quagsire as most others scattered to get out of their way. Several yards later he glanced over his shoulder to count how many Pawniards pursued him.

    There were none.

    He stopped and looked toward William. He too, had no one chasing after him, and the Cubone took notice as well. If neither of them were being targeted, then…

    Leon stumbled on the other side of the street. Six Pawniards were on his tail, lunging at him and swinging their blades. The Totodile turned and blasted one with his Water Gun, yet the others rushed toward him with their blades flashing.

    “Leon!” William called.

    He and Enzo rushed toward him, hurling flames and a Bonemerang at the Pawniards swarming him. The soldiers fumbled as they were flanked– two reeled away from the heat, while another was conked on the head by the bone.

    As they intercepted, Leon tangled with another Pawniard who Slashed at him with his blades. Though Leon sidestepped, he couldn’t dodge all the attacks and got a cut on the shoulder. Leon promptly shoved them away and blasted them with another Water Gun.

    “Leon, you okay?” Enzo called, repelling the crowd with more fire.

    “I’ll be fine,” Leon replied, holding his shoulder.

    Suddenly, a Pawniard burst through the flames and lunged toward Enzo. The Quilava stood and held up his paws, holding back the assailant’s Iron Head. The two were locked in a power struggle, with Pawniard trying to dig his steel into Enzo.

    Enzo grunted with effort, and tilted his head down. Flames erupted from his vents, sending a faceful of fire into the steel-type. The pressure on Enzo’s arms ebbed as the Pawniard slumped over, thoroughly charred.

    To the side, William slugged another soldier with his club. “It’s too chaotic here,” he said. “We need cover!”

    Enzo had to agree– they were too exposed. Not to mention, all the bystanders were staring at their spectacle. Attention would do them no favors. He snapped his gaze toward a nearby alley, an escape route.

    “This way!” He led the charge, William and Leon following close behind.

    The trio shuffled into the narrow alley. Enzo decided not to leave another smokescreen, as the Pawniards may use it as a clue to track them down. In the shadows, the street noise was muffled.

    “They’re targeting me,” Leon said, “cuz they want the watch. Bisharp wants it, and somehow they know I’m carrying it.”

    “It’s logical,” William added. “Out of all of us, you’re the most likely to have it.”

    “Change of plans,” Enzo spoke. “Keep Leon covered. We go to the harbor, and we regroup–”

    A sudden, sharp pain tore across his left side, digging from his left shoulder and all the way down to his flank. A pained hiss escaped Enzo’s mouth, and his whole body jerked on reflex.

    “Enzo!” Leon called. “Are you alright?”

    “I-I’ll live,” Enzo replied through gritted teeth.

    The Quilava scanned their surroundings. All around them were walls and open air. There was no sign of any attacker, yet the pain he felt was all too real. Enzo cautiously stepped to the right… And he promptly reeled away as another sting poked him.

    “What the hell?” Enzo muttered. He narrowed his eyes, trying to make sense of whatever was carving him. It could have been his imagination, yet he swore that a shard of blurry air was levitating a few inches away. Cautiously, he held up his paw, and reached out to tap the blur.

    At his touch, the air itself rippled like water on a pond. He promptly curled his paw and punched the anomaly.


    A sharp stone materialized out of the air, clattering to the ground.

    “Stealth Rocks,” Enzo concluded. “They’ve laid a trap.”

    “How?” William asked. “Could they have predicted we’d come this way?”

    “They–” Enzo uttered, but quickly stopped. The pain on his left side sizzled, and Enzo could feel an unsettling, warm wetness trickling through his fur.

    “Don’t move,” Leon cautioned. From his pack he produced an Oran berry and some bandages. “I know we gotta go, but we can’t leave this untreated.”

    “Tend to his wounds,” William said. The Cubone raised his bone club. “I’ll disarm these Stealth Rocks.”

    So William walked ahead, methodically knocking down the cloaked stones with his club. Falling rocks echoed off the walls. Meanwhile, Enzo stood still and ate the medicinal berry while Leon bandaged him. He was mad at himself for not seeing the trap sooner. Yet… he also had to admit that, without Leon and William, his situation would’ve been much more dire.

    “…There, that should stop the bleeding,” Leon said. “Are you feeling okay?”

    That was a question Enzo didn’t receive often. “I’ve had worse,” he answered.

    “Not a yes or a no,” Leon shook his head. “But in any case, I think William’s done knocking those rocks down.”

    Several yards away William had reached the end of the passage, leaving a trail of fallen rocks between. “I believe that’s all of them,” he announced. “The path should be clear.”

    Enzo nodded, but before he took a step his eyes darted upward. Sharp figures raced across the rooftops above, closing in on the other side…

    “William!” Enzo warned. Just as he did a squad of Pawniards leaped off the ledge, falling toward the Cubone.

    Sparks flashed as steel blades collided with his bone club, William parrying the slashes just in time. Yet with four Pawniards swarming him, he couldn’t fight back– all he could do was block and backpedal.

    Enzo burst into a sprint, ignoring his pain and running straight towards the brawl. The fallen stones clattered under his feet.

    “Enzo, wait!” Leon called.

    More metallic footsteps sounded off behind him. Enzo spun around and saw more Pawniards dropping down, slashing at Leon. Just like William, the Totodile stood no chance against their numbers– all he could do was back away and try to dodge.

    “Leon!” Enzo flared and shot a fireball down the alley. He knocked over one of the soldiers, but the rest effectively pushed Leon back out into the open. Over his shoulder, the same happened to William as he and his enemies vanished around a corner.

    “Dammit!” Enzo snarled.

    Before he could think, the remaining Pawniards ambushed him as well– dropping from the rooftops. He flared his vents, readying himself for an intense battle. But against his instincts, he reconsidered.

    Fighting wasn’t the solution– not now. They were dividing the trio, forcing them into battles of one versus four. They had to be reunited.

    As one of the soldiers lunged at him, Enzo leaped back onto his hind paws. He sprung forth, jumping up onto the back of Pawniard’s head, avoiding the blade. He then jumped off of their head, leaping onto a wall with missing bricks, clinging on like a ladder.

    He deftly scaled the wall, hoisting himself onto the rooftop before the Pawniards could react. His ears turned, honing in on the sounds of clashing steel and water blasts, and he ran to the other end of the building.

    From there, he spotted an open street with a downward slope spanning left to right.

    On the right, at the bottom of the slope, William continued to parry blows with his club from two foes.

    In the middle of the street was Leon, with another two Pawniards circling him.

    “C’mon then!” Leon taunted. “Make my day!” He blasted one with Water Gun, then spun around to blast the other who tried to run at him.

    So many Pawniards, and no sign of Bisharp. Where was he?

    Enzo tensed himself, ready to jump down into the fray. But on the left side, something at the top of the slope caught his attention.

    The other Pawniards were there, pushing a large, wooden fruit cart. They had it lined up to roll down the middle of the street, poised to run right over Leon…

    Just as they pushed the cart over the precipice, Enzo sprung into action.

    He launched himself off the building, and hit the ground running just as the cart began rolling, both picking up speed.

    “Enzo?!” Leon hollered. “Where are you–”

    Enzo leaped toward the cart, yards away from Leon and speeding toward him. Arms outstretched, he wrapped his paws around the front pole and swung himself around. As he did, he shifted the weight of the cart, sending it careening away from Leon. He then landed in the middle of the cart itself, bumpily riding along with the fruit and seeds it contained.

    “Watch out!” A Pawniard shouted.

    One of Leon’s foes turned his head just before the cart collided with him–


    The whole cart jerked as it rolled over the unfortunate steel-type, its wheels rattling with the sound of wood on metal. Yet it didn’t slow, still speeding toward the bottom of the hill– towards William and the Pawniards around him.

    Enzo glanced down at the cart, searching for a brake to stop this thing. There were fruits, vegetables, berries, seeds… Blast Seeds. Enzo discarded his plan to stop the cart– he would take out these bastards in one fell swoop.

    “RUN, WILLIAM!” Enzo yelled.

    He immediately spat an Ember at the cluster of Blast Seeds beneath his feet. The explosives started glowing red hot. They were primed, detonation was imminent.

    The cart kept speeding and bouncing, fruit shaking as it rushed toward the crowd at the bottom of the slope. William dashed to the right, sprinting out of the way. Smoke plumed from the glowing Blast Seeds.

    Enzo leaped toward the back of the cart. He pushed against the rear, launching himself off the runaway wagon and tumbling over the bricks.

    The fruit cart bowled into the Pawniards, pinning them to the pavement as it crashed into the wall. Then the Blast Seeds erupted–


    –exploding with a burst of light and heat that shredded the whole cart. The wheels were blown off, the cart fractured and caught fire, and the Pawniards laid scattered across the bricks. They moaned and rolled, having caught the full force of the crashing, exploding cart. A couple seconds later, chunks of fruit rained down, hitting one Pawniard in the head with a split watermelon.

    The remaining soldiers ran away, scattering like embers in the wind.

    “Enzo!” Leon called, rushing down toward him. “Are you alright?”

    He glanced at Leon, then back towards the charred Pawniwards, who were barely clinging to consciousness.

    “I’m a hell of a lot better than them,” Enzo said.

    To the right, William appeared from behind a barrel. He rejoined the trio, shifting his gaze between Enzo and the smoldering ruins of the cart.

    “Well, that was destructive,” William remarked. “And impressive.”

    “I did what I could,” Enzo said. Though he couldn’t deny the sense of pride he felt from coming up with a quick and flashy solution to their problem. Nonetheless, they weren’t finished yet. “We’re near the harbor.”

    Leon nodded. “Right, let’s hurry. The others are waiting for us.”

    In the center of Caldera laid the crater lake they had been searching for. A ring of rocky ridges surrounded the city’s aquatic center. The water was sapphire blue, with a solitary island toward the back. A number of sailboats and water mons were scattered across the lake, moving to and from tunnels on either side of the lake– the canal system.

    On their edge of the lake was a dockyard where more ships and a fleet of Lapras waited near the piers.

    “Alright, we’ve gotta find Corvo, Chase, and Andrew,” Leon said.

    “Do you think they found their way here?” William asked.

    Enzo stepped toward the harbor. “Only one way to find out.”

    The trio immersed themselves in the harbor’s foot traffic, following signs that said which boats were sailing where. All the while they checked for signs of Bisharp and his Pawniard underlings. Before long they found a sign that read “Harvest,” the town closest to Silver Shore.

    “Look, over there!” Leon pointed. At the far end of the dock were three mons, all different shades of green. “I think that’s them– let’s regroup and find our boat!”

    Enzo, Leon, and William ran together toward the farthest pier, bound for the boat and the other half of their team. Around the corner, the three green mons came into view.

    “Guys, we–” Leon began, but stopped.

    Enzo caught up beside him, and spotted their remaining teammates– Corvo, Chase, and Andrew, sitting on the dock with their hands tied in ropes. Standing behind them was Bisharp, who clanged his metallic hands in a slow clap.

    “You are finally here,” he announced, looming over his hostages. “Your attempt at a diversion was admirable, but futile. I suspected that your ultimate destination would be here, and lo.”

    Enzo flared his vents. Beside him, Leon and William assumed combative stances.

    “Release them,” William demanded, brandishing his club.

    Bisharp responded by presenting a glass orb, the same one he had used to blow Enzo back. “You will stand down,” he commanded. “Unless you want one of your friends here to take a dive.” He gestured toward the lake. “How long will they float, bound in ropes as they are? I doubt you’d be able to save them all.”

    Fear flashed across their teammates’ faces. Reluctantly, William took a step back.

    Leon bared his teeth. “You… you’re a monster! Why are you doing this!?”

    Bisharp regarded him coldly. “For reasons beyond you. Now…” He beckoned. “The artifact. Hand it over.”

    Tension simmered in the air, much like the heat above Enzo’s vents. Beside him Leon shook as he curled his hands into fists, knuckles turning white. Much like William did, gripping his club.

    “…What about Jacob?” Leon asked.

    Bisharp fixed his steel gaze on Leon, and lifted his orb. “Hand. It. Over,” he repeated. “I won’t ask again.”

    Leon gritted his teeth, swearing under his breath. Their captive teammates looked on with fear in their eyes.

    While they were locked in a standoff, Enzo set his eyes upon Bisharp’s orb. Something about it seemed off. It was dark green, less luminous than earlier… A ploy came to mind. He could only hope it would pay off. 

    “Leon,” Enzo said. “Give it to me.”

    “W-what?” Leon stuttered, broken out of his trance.

    “The watch. I have an idea.”

    The Totodile’s gaze shifted between him and Bisharp, tensions rising as all eyes were on them. The pause lingered, practically daring any of them to take a breath. Eventually, Leon nodded.

    “Okay. I’ll… trust you.”

    Leon handed Jacob’s pocket watch to Enzo, wrapped in its chain. Enzo accepted it, stood up on his hind legs, and approached Bisharp.

    The former’s metal visage hardly changed, though there was a glint of satisfaction in his eyes.

    “I knew we could resolve this civilly,” he said. “Hand it over, and your friends will walk free.”

    Enzo held up the copper watch, holding it close to his chest. “How badly do you want this?”

    Bisharp blinked. “…What?”

    “I said, how badly do you want this?” Enzo repeated, waving the watch.

    Bisharp’s visage hardened. “There will be no games. If you do not comply, your friends will–”

    “What if I throw this in the lake?” Enzo threatened.

    Bisharp’s eyes bulged– the reaction Enzo wanted. “You will do no such thing!”

    “Enzo,” Leon cautioned.

    “I will,” Enzo pressed, sparking flames from his scalp.

    Bisharp’s eyes reflected Enzo’s flames. “If you sink that, so will your friends!” He brandished his orb, challenging Enzo.

    Corvo, Chase, and Andrew looked on with pleading expressions.

    Enzo met each of their eyes, one at a time, silently conveying his determination. His vents steadily burned with defiant flames. “Do it,” he challenged. “Touch them, and this watch goes to the bottom of the lake.”

    Everyone froze, all waiting for Enzo or Bisharp to make their move. The latter held up his dim orb, which rattled as his arms shook. Corvo, Chase, and Andrew held their collective breath. Behind Enzo, Leon and William stood spring-loaded, ready to attack. Enzo remained resolute, growing ever more confident that his gamble was about to pay off.

    He locked eyes with their foe. Then, he reeled his paw back, holding out the pocket watch.

    “Go get it.”

    And he threw the copper shell toward the lake–

    “NO!!!” Bisharp leaped over his hostages, throwing his arms out to snatch his prize out of the air.

    Enzo yanked the chain and pulled the watch back. He had exposed Bisharp in more ways than one. “Now!”

    Enzo, Leon, and William all blitzed the Bisharp instantly. Flamethrower, Water Gun, and Bonemerang assaulted the steel-type.

    Bisharp– scorched, soaked, and clanged– fell onto his back. His orb fell to the floor.

    “Come ‘ere!”

    Leon threw himself at Bisharp as the latter sat up, and he swung his fists with unrestrained fury. Metal rang out with each punch– a body blow, an uppercut, and finally a straight punch to the right eye.

    Bisharp fell over, motionless.

    “That…” Leon said, shaking his sore fist. “Was for Jacob!”

    Enzo steadied his breathing, still swept up in his adrenaline rush. Meanwhile, William approached Corvo, Chase, and Andrew, untying their ropes and setting them free.

    “Alright,” Corvo said as he stood up. “Let’s never do that again.”

    “Hear hear…” Andrew wearily agreed.

    Chase was oddly quiet, though as he met Enzo’s eyes, the Quilava detected a sense of gratitude.


    Nearby, Bisharp’s orb had rolled off the dock and into the water. It promptly sank.

    Enzo then approached Leon, tapping his shoulder and returning the pocket watch. Leon took a long breath, and accepted it.

    A sudden gale blew behind them, followed by a dull thud . Enzo turned and spotted a Dragonite who had just landed a yard away from them. She glanced around, surveying the situation.

    “You boys again? One of you must be my good-luck charm– helped me snatch two crooks in one day.”

    “Wait, two?” Andrew uttered.

    “So, he was a wanted criminal?” William asked, gesturing toward the unconscious Bisharp.

    “As of five minutes ago,” Dragonite nodded. “Long story short, he was masquerading as an officer. So I took off to find him, and rounded up some Pawniards along the way. Spotted a wrecked food cart, too… Don’t suppose you all would know about that?”

    Leon sighed. “That’s a long story. We were just trying to catch the next boat to Harvest, then this guy went after us…”

    Dragonite raised a hand to her chin. “Well boys, I’ll tell you what. I’ll get this guy cuffed and brought back to the precinct. But first, tell me everything that happened, and I’ll make sure you catch your ride. Sound fair?”

    Collective relief washed over the whole team. After this whole disastrous chase through the city, things were looking up.

    Leon nodded. “You’ve got a deal.”

    Later that evening, the sun dipped below Caldera’s volcanic rim. The sky had faded to orange, tinting the crater lake into a similarly warm color. The Dragonite kept her promise, and the team had boarded the next boat bound for Harvest.

    Rather than the sailboat pulled by Lapras, they had boarded a larger, more advanced vessel. A large pipe protruded from the top of the boat, billowing steam every now and then. At the stern there was a large, red paddlewheel that chopped the water, pushing the ship forward. The vessel’s name was engraved on its hull: the PS Volcanion.

    As the steamboat approached the east canal tunnel, most of the team had gathered toward the bow. Leon, William, and Andrew spoke with another traveling team– an Axew, a Litleo, and a Dewott, all wearing navy-colored scarves. The two Axews laughed as if they were joking, while the Litleo rolled her eyes.

    Enzo, meanwhile, stood on the stern with Chase. The two watched the city sail away as the paddlewheel churned.

    “I didn’t think today would be so scary,” Chase said, glancing at his bandaged leg.

    Enzo looked toward the pier where their showdown took place. “No one did.”

    “That’s true,” Chase agreed. “Still don’t know why those Eidolons are causing so much mayhem. First Jacob, then half of us, all for a watch?”

    Enzo shook his head. There was no point in speculating, or pretending to understand the motives of these ‘Eidolons.’ Defeating them is what mattered. “Bisharp’s the first. We’ll get the rest.”

    “With you on our side? We sure will,” Chase nodded. Though after a few seconds his smile dimmed. “I’ve gotta ask you something, though.”

    “Ask away.”

    “If it came down to it, would you really have let him… You know. Throw us in the water?”

    Enzo had wondered about that himself. Since they left Wolfhaven, he had been focused on the goal. He accepted that any of them could be spent like pawns, including himself. But after he volunteered himself, and the way everyone reacted to that, he reconsidered. If they cared about him that much, even though he hadn’t been very open or talkative, maybe he could return the favor, and see where it would lead.

    “No,” he answered.

    Chase’s warm smile returned. “I thought so.”

    Enzo tilted his head down. “…I’m sorry. If I scared you.”

    “It’s okay.” Chase raised his front paw, rubbing Enzo’s back. 

    The boat gradually passed into the canal tunnel, and the orange sky gave way into a stone-arch ceiling. The light dimmed as well as the temperature.

    The Bulbasaur shivered. “Brrr… Maybe we should go meet up with the others and stay warm?”

    Enzo took a step closer to Chase, his vents kindling a gentle flame that offered him warmth.

    Chase stepped closer. “Thanks Enzo.”

    Despite his fatigue, Enzo smiled.


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