The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

         “It’s been 13 years since Dad died and Mom got sick.”

         “Has it really been that long?”

    Two Marill walked along a dirt path under a calm breeze. The older one took careful steps, while the younger skipped along behind his brother.

         “Yes, we were still Azurill back then. It wasn’t as bad as it is now.”

         “Did you find out what happened back then?”

    The older brother sighed and closed his eyes. He stopped and tried to collect his thoughts. It really had been such a long time. Their childhood, although a hard one, was also happy. At least it was for his younger brother. He was the one who decided to find work in Treasure Town when their mother couldn’t, anyway. He didn’t make as much money as an explorer, but it was enough to make a living.

         “Miles? You there? Helloooooo?”

         “Hm? Oh, sorry about that, Arthur. Just thinking about how we got here.”

    They started walking again as the town got closer into view. Miles couldn’t focus. He looked at his arm. 

         “Is this really all that’s left of you, Dad?”

    A blue ring resembling a floatie adorned Miles’ right arm. It shone in the sunlight, and mysterious symbols engraved in its surface glistened. His father had obtained it from a ruin up north, but even he couldn’t decode its message. He knew it was a Water Float, a rare artifact that bolstered the stamina of his species. Miles knew it was an engagement ring used by their mother to propose.

    It was the only thing their mother brought back after that fateful expedition.


    Even after decades, Treasure Town was still bustled with activity. Wigglytuff’s Guild had remained prestigious across the Grass Continent, so the town became a hotspot for explorers and their teams. Miles and Arthur weren’t explorers: they were simply in town to buy groceries and catch up with friends. The recent weather had brought Pokémon from all over the continent, swarming the streets. 

    Arthur took in the sights and sounds of the town he called home. As they passed the crossroads, they saw explorer teams heading down from the Wigglytuff shaped tent on the top of the nearby hill; some on their way to work, some on their way for a drink. Said drinks were being advertised by a Monferno next to a staircase with a sign that proudly declared “Spinda’s Cafe”. The guild members were the fresh talent of his generation. He tried to remember those he saw as a child. He was pretty sure Bidoof, Chimecho, and Croagunk still remained, but everyone else had long since graduated and formed teams of their own. Arthur smiled as he saw a glimpse of a Raichu and a Glaceon before they walked into the main portion of town. “10 years ago, huh? I wonder what happened to that Darkrai guy…”

    The guild wasn’t the only thing that stood the test of time. Duskull, or Dusclops as he was now known as, still kept his bank open. Electivire still continued his link business, a service vital to the continued growth of the guild and its members. Marowak’s dojo didn’t change much: partly because of preservation, partly because of budget. Auntie Kangaskhan still kept her storage, Xatu still opened his boxes. All the old stores faced competition from new and aspiring businessmon, but it was hard to beat tried and true shops that delivered on their promises.


    After picking up some money at Dusclops’ Bank, the two brothers walked down to the Kecleon Shop for groceries. Miles knew the Kecleon brothers well, he’d been shopping there for most of his life. He gave a hearty wave as he walked up to the counter.

         “Ah, morning, brothers! You’re here to get the groceries for your ma?” the green Kecleon spoke.

         “Yep. We’ll get the usual stock of berries and seeds,” Miles replied.

         The purple Kecleon walked up to the counter upon seeing the brothers: “Ah, Miles, Arthur! How are you two doing today?”

         “We’re doing great!” Arthur piped up.

         “Good for you, boys. How’s your ma doing?”

         “She hasn’t gotten worse, thankfully,” Miles answered.

         “That’s nice to hear,” said the green Kecleon. “When are you two gonna head up to Wigglytuff to start your team? I hear they’re in need of some fresh talent.”

         “We’re not making a team!” interjected Arthur. “We don’t have a reason to go out into the world when we have Treasure Town!”

         The purple Kecleon chuckled: “Now, now. I see you two going up to the dojo every once in a while. I know you have your father’s blood in you.”

    Miles went stiff. He clutched his float, and heard the jingling of Poké mixed with Arthur’s laughter. They grew quieter as he spiraled back into his memories. His father was a great man. A doting husband, a daring adventurer, and a loving parent. Most people in Treasure Town and even the guild respected him for who he was. “Is this what I’m meant to be? Do I have to watch my father die right before my eyes a second time?”

          “Miles? You gonna pay them or what? You know better than to separate a Kecleon from their Poké.”

          “…Oh! Sorry about that! Here’s 350 Poké, that should cover everything.”

         The green Kecleon frowned. “Miles, it’s not like you to suddenly shut up like that. Something the matter?”

         “I’m fine, it’s just…”

         “Is it about your father?”

         “It’s always about my father. Yes, it’s been a long time since.”

         The purple Kecleon spoke up. “I’m sorry that you had a hard life. But always know that the people of this town are there for you. Noone expected you to have to become a father so soon.”

         “I didn’t know I had to become a father a second time. You ready, Arthur?” Miles smiled at his brother.

         “Yep!” Arthur was still cheerful. “Thanks for being a good dad.”


         “Miles, I’m thirsty. Can we stop by Spinda’s for a juice?”

    Miles opened his bag. “You ok with Orans today? We’re a bit low on Pechas.”

         “Alright! We’re getting juice!” Arthur rolled into a ball and sped off toward the crossroads.

         “Hey! Arthur! Wait uppp! Don’t run off like that! Arthur! It’s just a walk, why’d he have to Rollout his way there?!

    Miles’ stubby legs didn’t help with running after his brother. Although he was entirely familiar with Treasure Town, he had a nagging feeling at the back of his head that something bad would happen. It had happened in the past, after all.

    He’d been kidnapped by a Drowzee. If it wasn’t for the new rescue team that showed up recently, who knows what would’ve happened to his brother? He’d known Drowzee for a long time now. He was reformed, and actually a swell guy once you got to know him. It’s just that there were other Pokémon like how he used to be out there. Miles scanned the area as he ran. A Grimer, a pair of Nidoran, a Beedrill alongside a Weedle. No Arthur in sight. He continued to run.

    Panting and winded, Miles arrived at the entrance to the cafe. “Arthur?” he called out. The Monferno from before spoke to Miles. “Your brother’s already inside, man! What’d you promise him this time?” he grinned.
     “All this for a glass of juice…” Miles grumbled.
     “I wish I had a bro like that. Go ahead and treat em, I haven’t seen you two in a while.”
     “Sigh… Thank Manaphy, you’re safe.


    Spinda’s Cafe was bustling at this hour: the line for drinks stretched at least 20 long, and idle chatter and conversation could be heard in every corner. Arthur liked to listen around the cafe: every visit, there’d be a new face in town, either looking to grab the attention of a rescue team, passing through, or they’d even be explorers from the farthest reaches of the continent. The Marill’s ears perked up as he eavesdropped while waiting in line.

         “Any rescue teams looking for a job?!”

         “The other day, I cracked open a Treasure Box…”

         “That bastard ripped me off the other day…”

         “…it looked like a Frillish…”

         “I visited the Air Continent a few weeks ago…”

         “…haven’t seen Paras in days…”

    None of the conversations piqued Arthur’s interest, until he heard a shrill voice rise above the others.

         “Bug off, clown! I ain’t got time for ya!”

    Arthur stared as a Roselia continued to spout at a Bagon, who, frankly, had no idea what he had gotten into. A bored looking Shelmet simply watched and sipped an Aspear smoothie. Both the Roselia and Shelmet wore gold badges from Wigglytuff’s Guild and matching yellow sashes.

         “Uh, miss.. I, uh… I didn’t mean…”

         “You walk up to a pretty, meek little flower, drop a pickup line that sinks faster than a Dhelmise, and you expect me to go out with you? You’ve known me for twenty seconds, and I’d prefer that it doesn’t go to thirty!”

         The Shelmet barely looked up and spoke while sipping his drink: “Amelia.”

         “As you can see, I’m gonna ask you again to bug off, as I have other bugs to attend to.” The Bagon turned around and walked away silently, scratching his head. “Sorry ‘bout that, Seb.”

         “No problem. It seems you’ve drawn some eyes though,” the Shelmet mused, still sipping his drink.

    Amelia looked up to see a Marill looking in their direction with his eyebrow raised. She shrugged and continued to gossip with her partner.

         “So, about that dungeon…”

         “Already told ya, it’s too high level for us. You go in there, you get Silver Wind’d. There’s a reason why Venomoth & Ledian are a newbie team’s greatest fear.”

         “Explorers, huh?” Arthur continued to look until he heard a voice.

         “Arthur!” huff* “Don’t run off like that, please!” huff*

         “Oh, Miles! You got the Orans?”

         huff* “I’ve told you before, man…” huff* “I can’t handle this…” huff*

    The two waited in line until it was their turn to order. Miles dug out two Orans from his bag and handed them over to Spinda. The dopey bear mixed up a shake for both of the brothers.

         “Here’s to more good years of being brothers!” Arthur toasted.

         “To us!”

    They clinked their glasses and downed the shakes.


         “That hit the spot!”

    The sun continued to shine over the crossroads as Miles rummaged through his bag, making sure he didn’t miss or forget anything.  As he passed his paws through berries and seeds, he heard Arthur call out to someone.

         “Hey!!! Aaron! Shizuku!”

    A Raichu and a Glaceon turned upon hearing their names. With a smile, both walked down the steps of Wigglytuff’s Guild to greet their old friend.

         “Hey, Arthur! How’ve you been?” Aaron rubbed his cheeks and prepared to give him a high five. “Kept up with your training recently?”

         “You bet!…Ouch!” Aaron’s high five sparked Arthur, who stumbled backward. “Ok, maybe I’ve been slacking a bit!”

         “Chill with the sparking, Aaron. I don’t want to go back to Lucy having to explain burns on her youngest son.” Miles was a tad miffed over Aaron, but he knew he didn’t mean any harm. The human turned Pokémon had come from the future to save their time period, after all. “You can’t get mad at a Pokémon who saved your only brother on two separate occasions, after all,” he thought.

         “Aaron, please take it easy on the kid. We’ve got some tough jobs to do today, after all.” Shizuku smiled. “Miles, it’s been 10 years since we arrived, hasn’t it?”

         “Sure has. I still can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for us two.” Miles sheepishly said.

         “Hey! You two gone on any cool expeditions lately?” Arthur was obsessed with Team Luminaries, having faint memories of them saving the world and uncovering numerous mystery dungeons in the short amount of time they had been a team.

         “Uhhh… not recently.” Aaron shrugged. “We visited Drowzee at Mt. Travail, but not much else.”

         “Not a single artifact or discovery?”

         “Nope. The teams recently have gotten better and better, at this rate we’ll need to start exploring other continents or the Sea of Wonders,” Shizuku nodded.

         “Awww… anyway, how have you two been? Any plans for the future?” Arthur inquired.

         “We’re not considering eggs at the moment,” Shizuku nonchalantly remarked.

         “WE’RE WHAT?”

         “Uhhhh… Arthur, maybe we should go. Mom’s still waiting on us for the groceries.” Miles knew an awkward situation when he saw one. “They haven’t changed a bit in 5 years, huh? Wonder what it’s like to be a grown up.”

         “What’s wrong with not wanting to have eggs?”

         “You might be a bit young for this.”

         “I’m 15! I know how eggs work! At least, I think I do.”

         Shizuku gave a soft chuckle. “You boys have fun! We’ll tell you if we find anything special this time!”

    The brothers turned around and set off for home. The breeze ran through their fur as they remarked on how nice the weather seemed.


    The family’s home stood at the edge of a river. Although it was relatively close to a mystery dungeon, Serenity River provided clean water and a good place to train if needed. A quaint wooden cottage with a flower garden out front stood in a clearing. For Miles and Arthur, the cottage was the only home they’d ever known. Times spent playing in the river or helping their mother in the garden felt distant, yet close at the same time.

    Miles walked up to the door and gave it a knock.

         “Mom! We’re back with the groceries!”

    No response.

         “Mom? Mom? Mom!” Miles knocked on the door harder.

    Still no response. Arthur hit the door with his tail.

         “Mom! Mom! Are you in there?! MOM!?”

    Bang! Bang! Bang! Arthur continued harder.

    Miles frantically dug into his bag for their house key. Panting, he opened the door.

    Their mother was slumped over on the floor, with a shattered flowerpot at her side containing a Gracidea. Her breathing was ragged, her motion staggered.

         “MOM! WHAT’S WRONG?” Miles threw down the bag of groceries and knelt down to her side. Arthur whimpered as tears formed in his eyes.

         “Miles… is that you?”

    Lucy slumped over again.

         “MOM! I need you! Arthur needs you! Don’t leave us like Dad!


    Chapters 1-3 were released simultaneously on AO3.


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