The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Through the slightly parted window of a dome shaped house, the sun’s rays dripped in. Clouds slowly drifted further apart, betwixt them more and more of the star’s light.


    Inside the home, on a bed of tightly packed straw lay a Blaziken. She groaned as a bit of the light of the sun stirred her, the warmth pouring into her shut eyes. 


    On the bedding, she rolled to the side, to block the white light from rousing her further. But it didn’t last. 


    The Blaziken’s eyes shot open. Head barely craned off the ground, she slowly blinked. “Today’s the day Roselyn,” her gentle voice whispered, weakened by sleep’s embrace. 


    The Blaziken sniffled and bent down toward the fireplace linked-chimney behind her bed. She clacked her beak as her blue eyes peered at the charred wood pieces.


    Roselyn placed a claw underneath her side and sat upright. She shuddered as her plume of white, yellow, and red feathers twitched from awakening, and effort. The Blaziken sighed and cleared her throat. “My plans shall align with the stars.” Her voice was still soft and light, now without rasp.


    With a grunt, she staggered upright, her talons firm on the wood floor. Roselyn’s thoughts spun in a fiery whirlwind as she took in a deep breath and scanned the room. We planned a date, and maybe much more! I’ll finally be able to meet Enid today!


    The Blaziken ran her claws across her arms and glanced at the furniture of the room. Surrounding her was a small side table, a few drawers, and a couple of pots. “I wish Enid was here with me. It’s been so long.” Roselyn lowered her hand, toward her waist and raised it gradually. From what I remember, that psychic-Raichu normally stands down here but she can float up anywhere.


    A glint of light shone from her left and drew her eyes toward a small cabinet, with a collection of badges. Normal, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond, all arranged neatly into rows on a box with seven indents. One badge was missing, Roselyn had it no longer. Next to the badges sat an almost wrinkled yellow neckerchief. The Blaziken leaned toward it, about half of the scarf had stitching red threads along the edges, linking two pieces of cloth. She picked up the Diamond rank badge, fastened it near a corner of the scarf and tied the fabric around her neck. 


    It fit snugly atop her feathers. Not too tight, but not too loose. All was good. For a moment. A rumble from outside reverberated throughout the house, rattling the ajar window pane. 


    “Sorry!” a voice called, and the mild tremors ceased.


    Just another Pokemon. Roselyn peered through the glass. Beyond the small forest of verdant, light sage-leaved trees laid the road to Pokemon Square. Two new Pokemon, a Donphan and a Torterra stopped beside a fallen tree, and a buzzing Beedrill.


    With narrowed eyes, the Blaziken took in a shaky breath. She had never seen those Pokemon before. “Pokemon Square really is changing,” she said as she backed away from the window. Roselyn latched it closed. 


    I should get going. She made her way back to the table with her badges and glanced down at her talons. No Rescue Team bag rested on the floor. With a shake of her head, Roselyn peered at the small golden pile above the badges. In muddy brown pouches, spilled a bit of poke the Blaziken saved up, not in… In somewhere. Around three thousand coins worth of poke spilled out of the bag’s pouch.


    Roselyn scooped up the leftover coins into a pouch and tied it to a string on her scarf. Cracking her knuckles and rolling her shoulders, the Blaziken finally exited her house. The warm gale from the summer’s winds softly dusted her feathers as she took note of her empty Torchic-shaped mailbox. Behind Roselyn, a large swath of fabric wavered in the air, with a soft rattle. She made her way to the pathway in front of her mailbox, out onto the dirt crossroads. 


    Still stalwart, the Blaziken’s Torchic-head shaped home was now empty. Slightly chipped paint on the walls, rain and wind-washed roofing faded, but still strong. The flag, the noise above, waved hello as her eyes traced it. Roselyn glanced over at the way to Pokemon Square, and then the way to numerous possibilities and opportunities.The Friend Area or the Mystery Dungeons or the wilds. She traced her Diamond badges surface as she made her way over to the first of her camps. There was a light blue circular portal labeled ‘Plains’, and there were twenty-six more, each with a different title.


    Each was an environment perfect for the Rescue Team members to refresh, relax, and recharge before a mission. Suited to a multitude of climates, designs, and species of Pokemon Roselyn and Enid wanted, and once had alongside them in dangerous requests. 


    If the Friend Areas were so great, why were each of them barren? Not a single soul roamed the forests, crags, ponds, and wastelands. Solemn winds howled as the Blaziken searched through the empty and lonesome areas. Eventually she sighed and returned back in front of her home, the fading light from the ‘Southern Sea’ portal flashing farewell. Roselyn hadn’t encountered any Pokemon. 


    She had spent enough time on this, but another stop wouldn’t hurt. Another dome shaped house, made of light beige bricks. Unlike Roselyn’s home, this one was fitted with a door, and blinds along the four circular windows that sat beside the door and chimney in the back alike. Enid’s home was also empty. 


    The Blaziken placed her head against the locked door and fiddled with the pair of ring handles. The blinds were closed as well. What did that Raichu have inside that she didn’t want others to see? A new renovation? Treasure? The subtle jingle of the poke in her pouch lifted her head. 


    Roselyn dusted off her yellow scarf and took a couple of steps away from her partner’s home. The only place left to go before her meetup would be Pokemon Square, and daylight wasn’t getting much brighter. As more clouds drifted throughout the late morning sky the Blaziken finally made her way toward Pokemon Square.


    As she rounded the corner, the new hustle and bustle of the town grew louder and louder. It wasn’t out of control like a cacophony, but she heard the noise of the various townsfolk, both new and old. More houses and huts took over the once quiet forest beyond the shops. 


    On the path to the Kecleon Shop a Fearow and a pair of Wingull soared above, while a Furret and another new Pokemon … A Shinx walked side by side, a pair of blue scarves on their necks. Each group of Pokemon paid no mind to Roselyn as she finally got to her destination.


    “Hello Roselyn,” Kecleon called as the Blaziken craned her neck down to his level. 


    Roselyn untied her coin pouch and peered at the array of items before her. Special Attack Scarves, Hail and Rainy Orbs, Totter Seeds, an assortment of gems, Sticks, and a Mud Shot TM disc. She glanced back over to Kecleon. “Hi, sorry I only have three thousand with me today, and nothing to sell.”


    Kecleon shook his head before he replied. “No it’s okay, any business is good business.”


    The Blaziken grabbed a clawful of sticks, and the Totter Seeds before she took a step back, brow furrowed. There was an empty spot next to Kecleon, fit perfectly for something, someone.“Speaking of business, where is your brother?”


    “You forgot even though it’s been months?”




    “He left to find rare items to trade and sell for our family,” Kecleon answered, his tail lowering.


    “I see.” Roselyn ran a claw underneath her chin as the myriad of colors sparkled from the jewels in the back of the stand. The allure of the rainbow, the precious crystals created an inescapable draw to the beholder. “I’d like to buy one of the gems in the collection,” the Blaziken stated.“The ruby.”


    Kecleon pulled out the various price cards and placed them on the counter. “Oh, someone wants a jewel to polish? And all that stuff?”


    “Yes,” Roselyn answered, her eyes narrow.


    “You’re getting yet another batch of interesting items Roselyn?”


    She blinked as she pulled on her coin pouch. “Another?”


    “You don’t remember? You bought whole bunch of Totter Seeds yesterday, but that time you got Gravelrocks.”


    “I’m fine Kecleon, just don’t tell anyone.”


    He chuckled as a smirk curled onto his maw. “Don’t want me telling Enid about your secret stash eh?”


    A fuzzy image of the psychic-Raichu came to Roselyn’s mind. “Enid?”


    Kecleon pulled out a small felt case for the ruby and a drawstring bag for the seeds and sticks. “She came by earlier and asked for some Rollcall Orbs and Reviver Seeds,” he explained with a flick of his tongue. “Wish I could have given her some, but I ran out because a pair of Squirtle and Skitty lads took ‘em out like hotcakes. Fresh faces in a Rescue Team too, but they knew their game.”


    Roselyn’s eyes widened. “What?” her question came out strained.


    “She’s trying her best to keep you guys and your Rescue Team on the map after everything you’ve done.”


    Everything we’ve done. The Blaziken dropped her items on the table. With an exhale, she shoveled the seeds and sticks into a bag alongside the now sealed ruby. Before Kecleon could even blink, she poured out the required amount of poke, ‘two thousand four hundred’ onto the register and walked away.


    “Uh, see ya tomorrow?” Kecleon murmured as he stumbled backward. He peered down at the pile of coins in front of them and quickly assorted them into the register. “Hope you’re okay after yesterday.” 


    “I need to go,” was her only comment before her mind once again wandered off. Pelipper Post Office. Roselyn tossed her remaining coins and the pouch into her new bag and rushed toward the edge of town. Her path was not empty however.


    Far back in the calm dusty path, four small Pokemon slowly walked together. A Charmander, and a Bulbasaur pair and a Mudkip and a Pikachu pair. Each slightly downtrodden, eyes, and tails low. The Blaziken placed one of her claws into her beak and glanced at them, the path, and back at them again. Platinum badges on their bodies. Why were they staring? Roselyn held her bag close. Maybe they’ve found her?


    As a breeze rolled through, the Charmander briefly glanced her way.


    Now or never. “Have you four seen Enid?” Roselyn asked.


    “Who?” Bulbasaur tilted their head at her.


    “What do you mean who?”


    Mudkip chimed in. “I haven’t heard of a Pokemon called Enid.”


    “Me neither,” the Pikachu beside them added.


    “Enid the Raichu,” the Blaziken explained. “She’s one of the heroes who saved our lands from the Meteor, you know? A Torchic and a Pikachu. She was alongside me.”


    “Uhm, what are you talking about?” Charmander asked.   


    Roselyn placed a claw on her chest. “I was the Torchic from that story, and Enid was the Pikachu.”


    Bulbasaur gestured to her. “Wait, you’re this Torchic that did all that?”


    “It’s been a while, so I evolved into a Blaziken.”


    “Really?” Mudkip rolled their eyes.


    “Yes, please just tell me you’ve seen Enid.”


    Pikachu cleared their throat before they spoke.“I swore I’ve seen you before though.”


    “Me?” Roselyn asked.


    “Yeah, yesterday evening,” Mudkip said, “leaving a Mystery Dungeon.”


    The Blaziken clenched her fists. “Why would I be there?”


    “I don’t know Blaziken,” Charmander added. “I think I saw you too.”


    “It’s Roselyn,” she corrected. “What’s so important about that Mystery Dungeon?”


    “Sinister Woods. It’s where we had a terrible run where we lost almost all our stuff!”


    “That has to do with me?”


    “We saw you!”


    Roselyn shook her head. “I haven’t been there in a few years, what are you talking about?”


    Charmander crossed their arms. “We saw you, and that’s where we had three Monster Houses while trying to do our requests.”


    The Blaziken clenched her claws and stared down at the four Pokemon. “Listen kids, sometimes you just get unlucky,” she growled, eyes sharp. “I’m sorry. Now just tell me if you’ve seen Enid.”


    “Let’s get out of here!” Bulbasaur gasped and wobbled away from Roselyn.


    Lightning fast, she reached out. “Please stay-”


    A light yellow crackle flashed through the sky and a bit of static buzzed on the Blaziken’s claw, stunning her. “Now now,” a voice from above chimed in. It was gentle, higher-pitched. “Don’t scare away these guys looking for silly old me! You’re just like Teru!”


    Who? “Huh?” Roselyn glanced around. 


    Above her and the four other Pokemon stood a psychic-Raichu, her surfboard-like tail in line with the towering tree branches. Her warm blue eyes wide, and a red scarf loose on her neck, on it a Lucario-head shaped badge glistening in the sun. Behind her, hung a rather large brown and green backpack, fastened tight to the straps across her light brown body.


    The Raichu floated closer to Roselyn’s level and leaned forward. Her nose brushed against the Blaziken’s forehead before she nuzzled her yellow cheeks against her beak. “Hello Roselyn sweetie.”


    Woah! “Enid?” Roselyn’s eyes widened as she swayed. “I’m glad to see you.”


    Charmander gasped. “What?” 


    “You four can go on your way,” the Raichu said as she held out two Apples. “I’m sorry for Rosie here.” 


    Without a word, Charmander and Mudkip slowly shuffled forward and took the fruit from Enid’s paws. She pointed to her Lucario badge and smiled.


    The four muttered to themselves but went no further.


    Roselyn stepped closer. “Enid-”


    Enid’s ears lowered a bit as she sighed. “We’ve had a dry spout for a while now so she’s got a bit of a temper, forgive her for me won’t you?”


    “Okay,” Pikachu mumbled.


    The Blaziken held her claws together. “Ah… My apologies Enid.”


    “Don’t apologize to me,” the Raichu demanded. “You scared these Pokemon, not me.”


    The Blaziken faced the four younger Pokemon and rubbed her arms. “Sorry.”


    Below her, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Mudkip, and Pikachu glanced the two over.


    Enid patted her back. “Now you all are free to go, have a good day!” she cheered.


    “Bye Enid! Bye Blaziken,” the four called as they finally headed into Pokemon Square. 


    Roselyn watched, with widened eyes as they finally left.


    In their absence, the Sun’s rays shone, unbridled by the layer of clouds below. A gentle wind picked up from off the cliff and ocean which surrounded the Pelipper Post Office. The breeze ruffled the fur and feathers of the Blaziken and Raichu who stood still for a moment, as their eyes traced one another. 


    Enid’s whiskers twitched as she stepped onto her tail and hovered into the air. 


    She slightly circled Roselyn. What is she looking for? 


    “I know you’re nervous, but don’t go taking it out on other Rescue Teams darling,” the psychic-Raichu’s tone dipped a little as her paws touched the ground. 


    Roselyn nodded with a reply. “I apologize, that was… Unbecoming of me.”


    “Unbecoming hmm?” Enid asked as she adjusted her backpack. “Well I get to take you on something more ‘becoming’ of a Rescue Team leader.” 




    The Raichu slid her paw into her partner’s claw. “Yeah, on a walk.”


    Enid pulled Roselyn along the path back in the Pokemon Square, the same sunshine they took in now covered by a soft blanket of clouds with more wind rolling in. The weather wouldn’t be fair all day long in this area but they weren’t going to stay here for long. 


    The Blaziken looked around at the various shops. Many of them either changed their decor or had new workers who looked a little different. Many of the original owners were still there. Kecleon waved as they passed by his stand and the Raichu waved back. Roselyn looked away for a moment and gave a small wave just as they walked out of sight.


    She once again saw the orange dome of her Torchic head shaped home and finally tugged on the Raichu’s paw. “B-but what about the talks we wanted?”


    “Let’s save ‘em for later, Roselyn,” Enid said, her eyes low. “I’ve got some questions for you in the meantime.”


    “You do?”


    The Raichu guided them down the path beside the Mystery Dungeons, into the wild. “Where is your proper badge, your Lucario rank badge?”


    “Uh, I didn’t want to flex.”


    “Flexing on the Silvers and Golds running through the Square huh? I get it. Where is your Rescue Team bag?”


    “Please don’t get mad.” The Blaziken flinched, “I… Well I lost it.”


    Enid shook her head. “I’ll help you look for it later.”




    “I see you stopped by Kecleon’s Shop again,” the Raichu said, and grinned. “What do you have in that drawstring bag?”


    Roselyn hid it with her claws. “It’s a surprise for later today.”


    “I see.”


    The two got further away from civilization and into the great expanse of forest surrounding Pokemon Square. Parting through the thicket and grasses, Roselyn glanced over at Enid, who watched her every move. The silence unnerved her like no other.


    The Blaziken broke the ice. “What have you been up to these days?” 


    “Sorry Rosie, weeks and months really,” the Raichu sighed.


    “It’s been that long?”


    “Sorting through and delivering piles of mail, deliveries, and requests with Pelipper Post Office. I’ve also been looking for recruitment opportunities. I think I’ve struck it big with this one Pokemon: Teru, and- -Oh you’ll be so surprised when you meet later!”


    “Oh really now, that’s another interesting surprise.”


    “Yep, I’m sure full of ‘em!”


    The two continued onward through the lightly wooded area for a bit before the Blaziken blinked.“We’re near Tiny Woods?” Roselyn asked, as she glanced at the various dark sage trees, and the light brown dirt path ahead. 


    Enid hummed a note and tapped her paws onto the ground. “What better place to take you?”


    Shade offered by the swaying leaves soon left as the pair got closer to their destination. The clearing in the treeline along with the absence of clouds, emphasized the sun’s warmth even as the height of the grass trailed up their bodies, almost obscuring the Raichu’s vision.


    With a laugh, Enid floated only inches above blades and stalks in their path. Finally she and Roselyn made it around the bend and to the end of the unruly pathway.


    Tiny Woods’ rows and columns of trees offered all sorts of cover in its inner depths, a Mystery Dungeon. Before the entrance to the Mystery Dungeon, barely rustling in the wind lay a red and white checkered picnic blanket. On top of it sat a bouquet of white lilies, yellow roses and violet hibiscus. In the center was a light brown basket filled to the brim with berries and sweets. Despite its position, it lay undisturbed gently blown in the wind of the woods.


    “Here we are Roselyn!” Enid cheered before she zipped into the air. 


    The Blaziken held her claws as she scanned the picnic spread.“You did all this for me?”




    “Oh, thank you!” 


    The pair opened up the basket and pulled out an assortment of berries and pastries. Roselyn’s eyes gravitated towards the scones, ones buttered and packed to the brim with apple jam, ginger, and soft cream. 


    Enid held up one of them, and a warm blush filled her muzzle. “You’d like one?” she asked, her tail whipping.


    The Blaziken nodded and held out a claw and Enid passed the treat to her. Before Roselyn stuffed the scone into her beak she peered further into the basket. She pulled out a bundle of Grepa berries. “Would you like one of these?”


    Without batting an eye, the Raichu ate a whole berry straight from her grasp. Stifled laughter escaped Enid’s maw through bites of Grepa as Roselyn nearly fell over. What? What was that? Eventually the Blaziken cleared her throat.


    “I’ve got a surprise for you too,” Roselyn said as she pulled out the felt box.


    Enid opened the lid and squealed at the bright red jewel. “Wow. It’s so beautiful Roselyn!” the Raichu cheered as she darted around with the ruby. 


    In the light of the lowering sun every shade of red sparkled. Each side was filled with a kaleidoscope of color: carmine, maroon, scarlet, auburn, pink-red, and blood red. Each hue rested in tiny fragments of crystals all inside the ruby.


    The Blaziken nodded as the splendor of the jewel lit up under the darkening sky. “I had a feeling you’d like it.”


    Now seated, Enid held the ruby in her paws; she traced a pad across its surface and then placed it back into the felt container. She closed the box and placed it into her bag. When it was closed, the Raichu leaned back over to the picnic basket. “Let’s finish this and head on our way. We’ve got a few more stops on our trip before we get to a secret.”


    “A secret, well okay.”


    In the warm embrace of the forest the two sat in relative silence and ate everything in the basket. It wasn’t too filling or not enough for a day’s journey. Enid folded the checkered blanket and shook out the crumbs from inside the basket. The Raichu placed the cloth inside with a sleepy yawn. Shaking her head, she latched the basket to the back of her backpack and floated up. Her cheeks sparkled as she faced Roselyn. “All right let’s go,” Enid said once she had eye contact.


    “Okay.” The Blaziken wiped her chin. “Don’t want to miss out on the secret.”


    Roselyn followed the psychic-Raichu out of Tiny Woods and the more rocky path, still littered with trees, flora and wide open expanses brimming with grass. Further along more and more patches of darker grass with some thin streams from the run-off above.


    As they continued onward, the view of a mountain approached, its tall body high in the clouds surrounded by hills and trees below. Behind those sparse clouds, the sky turned darker. These all towered over the thin trees and hills below. Rivers and lakes dove off the stony reaches sides and barreled down toward the pathways all around. The road less taken was still marked along the way. ‘Silent Chasm’ a wooden sign read, marked just off the side of a fallen tree.


    Slowly the forest path grew mountainous, with inclines, knolls and outcropping filling with firmer soil. Thicker trees and rocks abound, the grasses thinned as more stones littered the winding road, all throughout the land.


    Despite the terrifying name of the location, Silent Chasm, at least the outside of the Mystery Dungeon, was a place of solitude. Gentle sweeping patterns of stone in various shades of grey, with hints of white and black, all arranged down the majestic canyon. The view was peaceful. Unlike the first time the pair visited, Enid waltzed right over to the edge of the chasm and grinned as Roselyn slowly followed her. Wind blew in her fur, a powerful strong gale, not enough to shake her. As the two settled down into the walking path the Blaziken glanced over at the Raichu. The road before them although wide wasn’t unburdened, nor was it the path of least resistance, it was the only way.


    Here we go. With a deep breath, Roselyn once again reached out to the Raichu. “I know we aren’t done with our walk but I have something to tell you.”  


    “Is it about our relationship?” Enid asked, her ears folded.


    “No,” the Blaziken clarified. “I still love you and want to be with you.”


    The Raichu perked back up with a grin. “Well, that’s great! I feel the same way. Sowhat’s this about?”


    A simple question and air grew quiet. 


    “It’s about our other relationship.”


    Enid looked back, her eyes wide. “What?”


    “I want us to quit our Rescue Team,” Roselyn said.


    The Raichu below her blinked. “Is it because of those Pokemon?”


    “Yes and no.”


    “I can’t believe it, why?”


    “I’m tired, it’s simple.”


    “You want to quit after all these years?”


    “Yes,” the Blaziken sighed. “I feel like we’ve been wasting our time and it’s pointless trying to continue.”


    After avoiding more jagged rocks on the road, Enid stepped onto her tail. “After everything we’ve done, all the places we went.”


    “Yes, but these new Pokemon, they’re talented and they’re taking all of our positions. After our injuries all those years ago we can’t keep up.”


    “I know we haven’t been able to but that’s not true, we still have a purpose, the Rescue Team means a lot to me.” 


    Roselyn turned away and walked further down the stony trail. “The team also meant something to me. I just think we have to let it go.”


    In a blip, Enid floated at her pace, even over the dips and curves. “Do you remember how many years we’ve been doing this?”


    “I don’t.”


    “You don’t? It’s been seven years.”


    “Wow, time really does fly.” Roselyn caught her breath as the path before them grew sandy, with fewer plant life. Past the ridge, a dark mountain covered in grey storm clouds in the nearing distance: Mount Thunder. “… But we’re not having fun anymore.” 


    “It was never about fun.” Enid poked the Blaziken on her chest. “We’ve bled for this, red is our Rescue Team. We’ve gone through the seas and all the way up into the sky, blue is our Rescue Team. We’ve gone through countless dungeons doing all sorts of other missions, crossing paths with so many dangerous foes, DX is our Rescue Team.” 


    Roselyn flinched away from her. “I know, I just-”


    “You want to give up on that after all we’ve been through. Is it really just that simple, that pointless?”


    “Yes I do.”


    “That’s your secret?”


    The wind rustled the Blaziken’s feathers as she turned. “Come on, we should hurry.”


    “We’ve still got some time.” Enid’s paws pounded across the sand toward the side of the squall-heavy mountain, a bristle of electricity coursing through her fur.


    Roselyn nearly stumbled on the uneven path as she dashed after her. “Where are you going?”


    The Raichu pointed at the setting sun and back at the expanse of mountainside before them. “I’ve gotta take us to the secret before it flies off.”


    “We can’t go flying off the rails.”


    Once the sun finally hung low enough in the sky for stars to shine, the pair ventured far enough to where cacti dwelled, and sand along with clay ruled the land: the desert. 


    Sprawling craglands awaited the Blaziken and Raichu for miles, fine thin soil crackled into the reaches of the earth, up and down the hills.


    “This might be where my stuff is!” Roselyn dug through a small pit of sand. 


    Enid pulled her claws out and pointed to the depths below. A cascade of sand fell from the cliffs that surrounded the trailing mountains and dusty valleys, up all the way to the dusky skies of the desert lookout. “We can look for it later, okay.” 


    “Where are we even going?” the Blaziken asked. “There’s nothing here.”


    The Raichu chuckled. “You’ll know it when you see it. The secret.” 


    They finally entered the arid oasis, miles of stone submerged beneath the sands, all swept in a gentle chilling current. Calls and cries of ferals deep in their burrows echoed just past the boundary of the Mystery Dungeon. In the sky above, stars twinkled and danced, a light gray plume of clouds softly covering them. Their light shone bright enough to pierce through.


    The vast beauty of the bespeckled indigo sky and the light golden sands, lit up in the splendor of twilight, brought Roselyn and Enid to a standstill.


    “We’re finally here, at the Great Canyon,” Enid said, tail wavering.


    The Blaziken beside her gasped.“Your secret? To watch the scattering stars fall?”


    “You remember what we did here?” the Raichu asked. 


    Roselyn placed her claws behind her back. “Unfortunately, no.” 


    “Unbelievable,” Enid stifled a growl before she spoke again. “Roselyn, it’s where we conquered our fears of the Meteor so long ago, and for a moment, where I lost you.” 


    I think we should go. The Blaziken hung her head. “I’m here now, even if just for a bit.”


    In the canopy of the celestial beyond, a glitter of turquoise twinkled. More of the faint barrage dazzled through the night sky, far in reaches above.


    All around, the mighty depths of the canyon’s sandy walls surrounded them. These walls trapped in the night wind and funneled it around into storms of dust, grit, and sand, one danced along the edges of the land.


    “I hope you’ll forgive me for being so distant,” Enid said, her ears low. “My work with Pelipper is no excuse for leaving you alone.”


    “It’s okay.”


    The shower of stars subsided.


    “Are you sure?”


    The Blaziken ran a claw along her head feathers, the chill setting in. I need to change the subject, and get her more relaxed. “Baby, let’s go back to your place, haven’t been there in a while.”


    “Baby? My place?” the Raichu questioned. “Your place is much bigger, Roselyn.”


    “Yeah but, I wanna see your new decorations.”


    “Oh okay, but first we need to do something we haven’t done in a while.”


    “What’s that?”


    “You should know, silly.”


    “Enid, I can’t go to a Mystery Dungeon, I uh,” Roselyn paused as the sand whirled around her talons. “… Hurt my back real bad the other day while training.”


    Enid nodded with a grin. “Aw it’s okay Roselyn, all you have to do is take a little something from me. To make sure you’re still in fighting shape.”


    Take? The Blaziken gulped. “Fighting shape?”


    “Yes, we are a Rescue Team, remember.”


    “Yeah but-”


    “We always do this when we meet, you can even go first!”


    “No, you go first-” Roselyn begged.


    The Raichu narrowed her eyes and floated up to the Blaziken’s line of sight. Her cheeks sparked as she crossed her arms. Roselyn ran a claw along her shoulder as she looked away. 


    “Roselyn,” Enid said as she floated a bit away from the Blaziken. “Are you hiding something else from me?” 


    “Hiding?” Roselyn asked.


    “Don’t play with me,” the Raichu growled. “You can’t remember what we did on our journey, you say you want to quit our Rescue Team, you won’t fight, and you won’t tell me the truth!” 


    “The truth just escapes me,” the Blaziken laughed, her tail low. 


    “Okay so tell me this, the truth that you’ve been hiding!” Enid started. 


    The truth? What truth? “What’s the question darling?”


    “What is the name of our Rescue Team?”


    The name? Why would she ask me that? I was so close. Roselyn thought as she took a step back. 


    The Raichu placed a paw on her Lucario badge and raised it towards Roselyn. Her tail whipped as the wind behind her picked up. “We’re the Conduits, Roselyn,” the Raichu explained. “Conduits spark, and conduits blaze.”


    “Oh, thank you, I forgot everything after that happened yesterday,” the Blaziken sighed.


    “Yesterday?” Enid repeated, and her ears flickered as Roselyn eyed the ground at their feet.




    “How could you forget our Rescue Team name? Don’t ever forget that.” 


    “I got robbed yesterday.” Roselyn held up her arms. “And I didn’t have a good time after we met up.”


    “Oh? You weren’t pleased with last night? I thought you had a great time?”


    “I just want to relax at home.” 


    “I know you’re hiding something,” the Raichu crossed her arms. “You look just like her, but you’re not.” 


    “What?” The Blaziken asked, feathers rustled. “How could you say that?”


    “Prove it to me.” 




    “I need to see what you’ve got,” Enid said as she readied her stance.


    She can’t. Roselyn’s head crest flared as she glanced behind her. Nothing but barren desert sands cloaked in a tumultuous sandstorm, dusty grey grit flying around in a wild rumble. It’s over.


    She bolted away, kicking up a torrent of dust and sand as the stars fell, one by one. They lit the amethyst sky in streaks of blue, white, and green.


    “Roselyn!?” Enid yelped and jetted after her.


    The Raichu was fast but the Blaziken was faster, her long legs carried her far down the off-beat path back up the canyon, right toward the gusts of sand. 


    “Get back here!” 


    “I can’t!” 


    The Blaziken jumped up large chunks of stone over part of the canyon wall, even closer to the raging torrent of grit and dirt, and left Enid behind. 


    Not for long, as a pair of red eyes gleamed through the sandstorm. 


    A teal beam of energy burst out through the dust cloud, and barreled right into Roselyn’s side. The fierce draconic flames pierced through her body, straight like an arrow. On impact, the blow toppled the Blaziken into the sands below where she collapsed. 


    Enid flinched as the remnant of the Dragon Pulse flared out just a whisker away from her head and she dropped to the ground.


    As the Blaziken fell, her body slowly shrunk. She curled her legs into her chest. But she didn’t go unconscious as her limbs dangled onto the grit and her head rolled to the side. 


    Enid slowly approached as the feathers and skin of her turned and molted to a light shade of lavender. Red-like no more.


    Her body morphed further and further into one no longer Blaziken shaped, but, of a Ditto.


    This Roselyn was a Ditto.


    “I can’t believe it!” The Raichu sobbed. “I didn’t want to believe it.” 


    Ditto rolled an eye as it shifted. “Believe what?” 


    Electricity crackled off her cheeks.“That you were a fake, a Ditto!” 


    “Of course I was!” Ditto slunk upright and hurried off through the underbrush. “I can’t believe that I started to like you!”




    “I’ve never got to like someone as a Ditto, we swindled each other!”




    Right before Ditto ran free, another attack, this time a whirlwind of bladed leaves sliced the sand in front of it.


    “Why now?!” Ditto squealed and tumbled over.


    “Did’cha think ya could get away!?” a voice called out from the sandstorm, and out parted a Serperior. Just above her small leafy arms sat a blue scarf and a Perfect-rank badge with three silver rings. “I stopped ya once and I’ll do it again!”


    Enid’s eyes lit up. “Teru?!”


    “And I’m not alone,” the Serperior said as she slithered closer. 


    Draped over the length of Teru’s lengthy body, was a Blaziken, one with a familiar Lucario-head shaped badge, and brown Rescue Team bag across her shoulders. Feathers disheveled, and caked in sand. Her huge yellow scarf, tight across her right shoulder, and partially torn with rips.


    “Roselyn?” the Raichu gasped, her ears perking. A single tear spilled down her reddened cheeks, as a crackle of electricity whipped off her pouches. “My Roselyn?”


    “Enid, don’t get too excited!” Ditto crawled away from the Serperior. “What I told you is what Roselyn told me! She wanted to quit and make those guys suffer!”


    “Is that true?”


    “I…” the Blaziken shuffled out of Teru’s grasp.


    Ditto smirked. “Tell her Roselyn, tell her your truth!”


    Roselyn held the Lucario badge on her chest feathers, she clutched it for dear life before she spoke. “It’s true, I was the one who caused all those Monster Houses for that Charmander, Bulbasaur, Mudkip, and Pikachu on their missions. I used a few Monster Orbs. I’m the one who left the Gravelrocks and Totter Seeds for the ferals to find and throw at them.”


    “Roselyn,” Enid gasped, her eyes wide. “I can’t believe it. They were right.”


    “I’m sorry. Really, I am.” 


    “Are you?!” Ditto yelled. “You’re the one who came to me with your troubles!”


    “Yesterday I believed in you! You stabbed me in the back!” the Blaziken swayed to the side as she clutched her waist. “But today I believe in the future! No matter what!”


    Ditto blinked. “The future?”


    The Raichu glanced over at Teru for a brief moment before returning to her partner. “You do?”


    “Yes, again, I’ll make it up to them. To you, to everyone.” Roselyn took a step away from the Serperior as flames engulfed her legs. 


    “Do what you must,” Teru said, and backed away.


    “Let’s show this Ditto how we roll! ” Enid yelled, a smile plastered to her muzzle. 


    With a whimper, Ditto shrunk into the sandy soil in front of Teru as a wall of heat approached. “Roselyn, wait!” it cried as the Blaziken made her way over, limbs ablaze. “We can talk this oveeeerrr!”


    In a blinding thunderclap and flash, along with a roar of flames, Roselyn and Enid rammed into Ditto. The Blaze Kick and Thunder struck Ditto’s chest and back which finally knocked it out. The Blaziken and the Raichu brimmed with a fusillade of vigor after it all, still in fighting shape as a Rescue Team.


    Roselyn, Enid, and Teru stood in silence of the night-time, all the while the chilling winds rolled across the desert sands of Great Canyon.


    Enid took in a shuddering breath. “I’m so glad to see you, the real you.” 


    “I’m also glad to see you. I’m so sorry, I got us into this mess,” Roselyn replied and staggered forward.


    “Was everything that Ditto said true?” the Raichu sobbed. “How? Did it know your will, Roselyn?!”


    The Serperior from afar slowly approached. “If I may, Ditto can copy your whole essence, your moves, your abilities, your nature and your emotions. Ditto cannot copy your memories. But that doesn’t mean that it didn’t know what you really wanted.”


    “Roselyn?” Enid asked in a sniffled cry, her eyes on the brink of watering once again.


    “Yes, it was true.” The Blaziken knelt down and held her whole body, “all of it. The feelings anyway. I don’t know everything it did.”


    “It never hugged for one, looked like it didn’t know that much about you or what you usually did.”


    Roselyn kissed Enid’s forehead and rubbed her nose with her beak. “I had a feeling you knew something was up.”


    “What happened?”


    “I heard that Ditto sold Monster Orbs and other rare items out here. After we talked about the team it told me that it could fix my life. It pressed a button that led to a trap. The place we were in sank and that’s how I got trapped underground.”


    “I’m glad that you’re really you.” Enid ran her paws along her dirty feathers. “But I’m still worried.”


    The Blaziken massaged her clean fur back. “About what I said?”


    “Yes, you really wanted us to quit.”


    “I didn’t know of another opportunity and you were always so far away. Our teammates left to go do other jobs or back to their homes. All alone, I saw the others flourishing. I couldn’t stand it. It drove me mad.”


    “I distracted myself with recruitment and work to keep the anger at bay, it wasn’t easy being ignored,” the Raichu explained, ears low.


    Roselyn sighed. “Believe me, I tried to be nice and help but they didn’t seem to even care about all the work I’ve done. That was my breaking point, when none of them knew what we did. I knew even if it was wrong, somewhere in my twisted heart I wanted them to suffer.”


    “But we’re not alone anymore, we’ve got Teru.”


    “Thank you for pulling me out of that cave. The limestone one Ditto trapped me in,” Roselyn hugged Teru’s body tight. “You’ve definitely got talent as a future Rescue Team member, if you’d like of course.”


    The Serperior nodded and slid her head up. “I’m here for a similar reason. From the Mist Continent, Post Town. I was forgotten as well. I left my partner at Paradise and came here in search of a new opportunity. When Enid told me that she needed help I decided to join your Rescue Team, the Conduits.”


    Roselyn let go. “To do what?”


    “We can offer a service that these rescue teams cannot because of their lack of experience and it won’t be a competition; Mentorship. The Makuhita Dojo can only help so much,” the Raichu explained.


    “We could?” 


    “And that’s where we’ll come in as tutors,” Teru added. “We can still try ta find some jobs. Now that I’m here it should be easier.”


    “Roselyn, I’m sorry,” Enid held the sides of  her face, caressing her feathers. “I’ve been so distant running around searching for opportunity that I never stopped to check in on you. You’ve been alone for months now without seeing me. I thought that our little rendezvous was enough for you but it’s not. I’ll stay with you.”


    Tears dribbled down the Blaziken’s eyes as she held her shoulders.“Can you forgive me for what I’ve done?” Her voice trembled. “Do I even deserve your company?”


    “Yes,” the Raichu replied. She held on tight. “Everyone makes mistakes but we can fix them.” 


    “How?” Roselyn asked, her eyes wide.




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