The account update is here, check out the patch notes!




    A lone Breloom shifted around jagged fangs of rock, with only remnants of light as guidance to above. Reaching inside the dark green poncho that covered his body, he took out a small orb and flashed it upwards. Looming spire of rocks hanging overhead resembled the maws of a great beast wedged into the earth. Wet dirt was squashed beneath his hooves with each step as he brushed the cavern’s damp walls dripping with water. As he looked down a twisting path illuminated with a faint orange glow, he smirked at his target’s carelessness.

    This is way too easy! Either these bandits are brave enough to leave the door open, or just plain stupid!

    Sprinting through the dim corridor, the emptiness of the cavern dawned on him. Where were the wild rock types that prowled past every dim corner?  Had the bandits cleared out the floor, or were they keeping away? 

    Oh well, less bumps in the road for ole’ Claude  to deal with!

    At the end of the tunnel came a clearing. Crouching behind a small formation of rocks, he peeped through a small crevice between. Lit in the clearing’s center was a small, flickering flame, complete with three figures huddled around it. One, a Krokorok, crossed their scarred arms with a scowl on their face. To their right was a Nidoran, nursing a broken horn, while towering over both was a Tangrowth with crossed arms. The Tangrowth stumbled over to the Nidoran, rubbing a vine on their shoulder. Without the huge obstruction, he was able to see a fourth resident: a Cleffa bound by vines. Despite the obvious distress of their situation, they didn’t move an inch.

    Claude rubbed the rim of his cap slowly. In a perilous situation like this, a wrong move could be deadly. Reaching inside his poncho once again, he took out another orb, this one possessing swirling gas inside. He tilted his head up, measuring the distance with only one extended claw. With a crouched step back, he tensed up before lobbing the orb as high as he could. It only took a few seconds before it shattered into smoke, plunging the cavern into confusion. The effect was instant: a chorus of shouts followed by shuffling stomps.  

    Just the moment he was waiting for. 


    The Breloom sprung forward, leaping at his first target, the Krokorok. The ground-type coughed repeatedly as they futilely attempted to fan the smoke away. Energy coated fists slammed into their side, sending them flying into a wall. They slumped forward, leaving behind a dent in the wall.

    That’s one.

    His next target, the Nidoran, yelled in alarm at their fallen partner. With smoke still obscuring their vision, they failed to notice the cloak figure at their rear. Vines ensnared their feet and lifted them into the air. Coating a fist in blue energy, he slammed a sky uppercut into their chest. With a flip he slammed his tail into the poison types back, launching them into the earth. The resulting crater was all the proof he needed that his foe wasn’t getting back up.

    Now it’s two!

    He dashed over to the campsite, only to be greeted with little more than torn bindings. Claude scratched his cap as he looked from shoulder to shoulder. It was as if the Cleffa had vanished into thin air. And where was the Tangrowth? There was no way a pokemon that big could make a clean getaway. 

    A pebble from above bounced off his head. An innocent enough moment, but enough to make him look up.

    “Look out below!” A high pitched voice cried out from above.

    Claude jumped back right in time, as a massive spire of rock fell on his position. Looking up, he was face to face with the tangrowth hanging from vines on the ceiling, with the Cleffa tied to their chest.

    “Phew! You’re a crafty one, I see!” The Breloom chuckled. “I can’t say I expected a bit of actual skill from some two-bit bandits!”

    The Tangrowth fell back down to earth, landing in a shower of dirt. The Cleffa was bound by vines to the top of the bandit’s head. “Some praise from a mon dumb enough to come alone.” The Tangrowth spat in a gravely male’s voice. “Bet you’re some kinda hotshot looking for an easy bounty!”

    Claude waggled a claw. “Oh no no no! I’m the real deal!” He swished his tail over to the bandit’s fallen comrades. “How about we call it a day? You surrender without another fuss, hand over the darling miss, and I won’t smack you into kindling! That good enough?”

    A vine lashed out from the Tangrowth’s form, smashing the ground in front of Claude to pieces. Wiping dust from his cap, he crossed his arms and stared down the bandit with narrowed eyes and a terse smile.

    “Wrong answer, buddy.”

    He leaped into the air before diving head on, concealing his claws behind his cloak. More vines shot forth, twisting into grassy spears. Claude weaved around each one, homing in on his target’s side before unleashing a mighty kick dead center into the bandit’s chest. The Tangrowth wobbled back, giving a good enough window for Claude to lash out his tail at his target’s feet. Unfortunately, the bandit caught wind fast enough to wrap a vine around the appendage. The explorer let out a small gasp as he was lifted into the air and spun around and around, before being tossed into a jagged stalagmite. Dull pain coursed through his body as he leapt back up. There was no time to rest with an army of vines approaching!

    Not good, I have to change it up a bit. Now let’s see..

    He reached inside his poncho again, feeling around until a familiar rough seed came into possession. Viola! His grip tightened around the X-Eye seed, the rough edges digging into his palm. Now he just needed to close in one more time and then..

    The Breloom’s legs kicked into overdrive as he ran head on at the diving tentacles. With a tilt of his cap, he slid along the ground, weaving around each strike as his poncho weathered each stray pierce he couldn’t account for. Within seconds, he was in Tangrowth’s face again.

    “Hey, it’s a gift for yah!”

    The seed exploded into a purple haze, blinding the unlucky bandit. Vines rubbed at his eyes in a futile attempt. As he stumbled back, Claude charged his fist with energy, prepared to home in on the bound Cleffa. 

    Here goes! 

    To his surprise, he felt something tug on his tail again right before being lifted off his feet.  Somehow in his confusion, one of the Tangrowth’s vines had found their mark. Once again the Breloom was tossed back and forth without relent, ending in a mighty slam into the ground. As he was lifted up again, he covered his face for the next impact.


    Only to drop back down on his feet. The wind tickled at his skin, confusing him. It’s not like the cave had airflow. 


    His eyes widened into saucers as a blur sped straight through the Tangrowth, slashing apart vines and flinging the Cleffa free. Without a second thought, Claude sprung forward and took the hostage into his arms. The blur sped right past him, blitzing through the bandit a second time, before curving back around again and again. The stricken Tangrowth stumbled back with a groan, raising a vine at Claude in one last defiant act, but the attack never came. He wobbled one foot forward before slamming face first into the ground.

    A woman’s voice, soft and refined, echoed through the cavern. “That one gave you a bit of trouble, didn’t he?” Claude froze after hearing that unmistakable tone. A figure gracefully flipped through the air and landed on the back of the defeated Tangrowth’s head. Even in the dimming light of the campfire, her features were distinct: a humanoid plant-like pokemon with long, thin limbs, yellow feet and green body obscured by a dark green cloak. Pink eyes with white irises watched Claude’s every move. Covering her head was a massive, disc shaped straw hat with a red tassel wrapped around a curved edge. 

    The Liligant tilted her head as she spoke. “Is something wrong, Claude? This is quite sloppy for a rescue operation.”

    That got him to straighten up. “S-seriously Hana! Me, sloppy?” He puffed his cheeks. “I’ll have you know I was giving him a fighting chance! I could have ended it any time I wanted!”

    “I figured.” The liligant shook her head. Raising her arm, vines enveloped the downed bandits, compressing them together. “Now then, let’s wrap this up.”

    Sand for miles and miles around stretched over the scarlet horizon, surrounding the dungeon in an earthen sea. Waves of heat rolled across countless dunes, blasting any mon unlucky to find any makeshift shade. Emphasis on unlucky, which fit Claude’s group to a T.

    “Aww hell, I should have called a skyrider!” Claude lamented, slumping down near an overturned rock pillar. His poncho, tattered from battle, failed to disperse the heat. The Cleffa huddling in his arms, as well as his partner, remained unfazed.

    “No need, I’ve already done that. I figured you might forget.” She sighed. “I’m used to you going off on your own now” 

    A shudder went down his back. He really hoped his partner wasn’t holding this against him. He didn’t want to end his last mission on a sour note!

    “Yeah, don’t have to tell me twice.”

    Out of the corner of his eye, a mass bound in vines began to stir. A brown snout peaked its way out and let out a groan. “Ugh, my aching head. H-how come I can’t see anything?” The captive Krokorok attempted to wiggle free, but the bindings only tightened. Claude stifled a chuckle at the scene. Those bandits just dunno know when to quit!

    “Take it easy, pal! You’re bleedin’ enough energy as it is! You’re already caught, so just save yourself the trouble.”

    The Krokorok flashed his teeth. “Speak for yourself! This would’ve never happened to us if we had hightailed it out of the desert like I told that big dumb lug! It’s not even our fault! We wouldn’t have to bribe our way outta this mess if those damn cultists didn’t kick us out of our own cave!”

    Claude clenched his jaw, looking down at the sleeping Cleffa to his right. A child placed in danger due to a unforseen domino effect. 

    A stirring memory of a child looking up at a world clad in fire, with no hope, no rescue. At least until..

    He slapped the ground with his tail, kicking up sand onto the bandit. “Excuses, excuses. The moment you involve someone innocent in your schemes, you reap what you sow.” 

    “Save the speeches for someone who cares, cap head! You’ll see what I mean if those crazy guys get their way. It’s already a struggle to survive out here!”

    Claude balled up a fist. “Tsk! You don’t know what you’re saying! Save the complaints for a jail ce-”

    “Save the heart to heart for later, Claud. We have a mission to report.”

    He froze as Hana passed by him. In her grasp was a shimmering gold badge in the shape of a wing, with an orb placed dead-center. She tilted her head in his direction, eyes narrowed into daggers. “You’re getting a bit caught up in the words of some lowly criminal. Not your style at all, right?”

    A sigh escaped him. Typical Hana-based scolding session, but she was right. Why was he letting this get to his head?

    “My bad, I think I’ve been a lil too much on edge lately! Shame on me!” Claude tilted his cap down. “Well, which one of us do you want to make the call this time?”

    She glanced down at the badge, then over to him. After a few seconds, she lobbed the badge into his open claws. “Your turn.”

    He tipped his cap up with a wide grin. “Sure thing, my little wildflower!”

    With a gentle tap in the center, and the twist of a small feather shaped notch on the back, the badge sparkled with light. A blue light poured out of the badge’s gem, condensing into the shape of a blue Porygon-Z’s head. It spun around for a few seconds before stopping to look Claude in the eyes.


    Claude winced at the hologram’s blaring. No matter how many times they edited the badge’s settings, the message always blared out.

    “I am calling to report a successful mission.. And PLEASE lower the volume, thank you.”

    Beeps echoed followed by the hologram resuming its speech. “Acknowledged. Is it in regards to the rescue mission at Bristim’s Maw?

    “Yep! It was a success. Criminals caught, hostage rescued, and now we’re on our way back!”

    Acknowledged. Congrats on another successful mission! Another plus score has been added to your official record! Will that be all for today?

    Claude nodded. “Yep, that’s all!”

    Wonderful! Thank you for your active service in assisting those in need near and far. Your contributions help bring forth a brighter tomorrow for all! Until next time!” The holographic head spun in place before dispersing into light. Claude slackened and sat down on an overturned pillar, caught in thought again. Brighter tomorrow, eh? I wonder..

    Hana took her badge and placed it into her cloak. “That’s that. Now then, I see our ride has arrived.” She pointed in the direction of two shapes soaring in their direction. As they passed overhead, the familiar shape of a Corviknight filled his vision. A smile cracked on his face.

    “Took em long enough! I’m beat!”

    All in all, the flight was a quiet affair. Keeping a tight grip on the Cleffa the whole way, Clyde watched as the sea of sand below twisted and turned over the fading ruins of a civilization long since passed, and nestled at the heels of pokemon gathered in domed, brick villages dotting the landscape. Even when the desert winds knocked over their rackety carts, or the shoddy straw padding their houses fell through, they would laugh it over and resume their daily life. No matter how harsh the condition, life persevered all the same. In the months he had spent in the Sand Continent, he had grown to appreciate the simplicity of it all. 

    And yet, there was still something he felt was missing. 

    No matter where I roam, it’s like things never change. The harsher the setting, the better brought out of all of us. And yet some still choose to do wrong. It’s a burden for everyone, and not one with a simple answer. 

    I have to find it, one way or another..

    His thoughts continued to cycle, only relenting when their destination came into view. First was an elevated stone wall, wrapping around many stone buildings enclosed beyond a towering gate. Towards the city’s heart, pointed buildings with complex structures raised higher and higher into the sky, culminating in a breathtaking multifaceted gem structure that unfurled like the petals of a flower. The heart of the mighty city of Erena, the desert rose of the Sand Continent, welcomed travelers from all across the land. Now, with nightfall approaching, the gem structure’s petals sprayed rainbow light across the city in mesmerizing patterns.

    “Guess we picked the right time to come back.” He softly murmured. The pair of Corviknight came to a landing in front of the city’s gate. As the group disembarked, various guards quickly swarmed, giving him only seconds to produce his own guild badge. Despite being licensed to travel freely in and out, the city’s strict screening policy could care less.

    Claude groaned as a Furret guard sniffed and poked around his cloak. “Oh come on, it’s already in tatters! Don’t make it worse!”

    Ignoring his pleas for a few more minutes, the guards concluded their inspection and took the bandits into custody, providing them passage into the city. The first stop past the gate was the open plaza of the city’s square, comprised of bricks lade into the foundation and a star attraction of a massive Milotic shaped fountain. Past moving crowds of pokemon, one lone mon waited at the base of the fountain.

    “And there she is, Hana!”

    The hunched over figure of a Clefable sparked to life as her rescued grandchild leaped into her arms. With tears in her eyes and a smile on her face, she handed them a sack full of poke, only for Claude to shake his head. “Nope! You keep it, for a job well done!” With that, the pair departed into the restless city traffic.

    Hana kept her gaze on Claude as the two weaved around pulled carts and galloping hooves.“You’re quite in high spirits today.” She said, “Is something going on?”

    “Eh, just felt we didn’t need the money. Top brass line our pockets enough as is.” The Breloom snickered. 

    Through streets and alleyways littered with sand, the pokemon of Erena went about daily life. Jewelry-clade merchants sold locally grown berries and seeds alongside exotic imports, while quadruped pokemon like Musdale and Tauros pulled wagons down the road.  Down a slightly narrow stone road, the pair passed by simple wooden stalls, brick stores, and everything in between. No matter the look, the reactions from dwelling pokemon echoed the same sentiment.

    “Hey Claude, good to see yah!”

    “Cappy, lookin’ good!”

    “Brother Cappy, care to stop by?”

    “Mr Claude! Have a blessed day!”

    Mons, large and small, gave their regards. Hana leaned in, raising a leaf to her face. “You’re quite popular today.” She teased. “And here I hoped we’d have time to ourselves.”

    Claude tipped his hat, trying hard to ignore the rising heat in his cheeks. “I’m a reliable mon, what else can I say? Now if only the locals saw me as more of a handyman..”

    The two of them shared a chuckle. Hana’s leaflike arm wrapped around his claw, drawing the two closer together. As the sun slid beneath the horizon, changing the sky to indigo, street lights illuminated the path ahead. As the streets began to narrow, so did the traffic thin out, leaving the two by themselves as they approached a cerulean, two story building with a feather shaped symbol attached above the door. A private location, reserved for those of the Radiance Guild’s overseas wing. Inside, papers were stacked on a table in the living room, marked with information compounded over months of local research. Down the hall were rows of personal rooms, all unoccupied save two at the end. With most other members of the branch busy in neighboring towns, it left the pair as the sole tenants. Not that Claude minded, it was less work having to organize only two pokemon.

    Claude glanced down at his ruined poncho, letting out a hefty sigh before removing it and tossing it into a nearby bin. “Feels good to finally change out of this thing. Hey Hana, anything you need before I hit the hay?”

    The Lilligant, absorbed in her daily item sorting task, didn’t even bat an eye. “Feel free to rest, Claude. I’ll join you shortly.”

    He rubbed his neck, letting out a yawn. “Works for me! G’night!” 

    Unlocking the door at the end of the hall, he stepped into their room. A small bookshelf, neatly organized, rested on one side. On the other was an intricately carved wooden desk, paperwork from the other day clipped under a lamp. A pair of beds were parked towards the back, one marked with a C, the other with an H. 

    Claude gently closed the door behind him, careful his partner wouldn’t see. He reached inside a small drawer and pulled out a golden locket in the shape of a four pointed star. He pressed down on a diamond shaped button in the center, revealing a gem shining with violet light. A frown fell on his face. Months ago when he had first arrived here, the stone was an illustrious blue. As time passed, so did the colors shift to green, yellow, orange, red, and now its current hue. He closed the locket, gripped it tightly, and brought it to his chest. His eyes drifted to a small bouquet of blue flowers, exotically imported.

    Well, won’t be too long now. Just two more days. 


    His gaze fell on a large pink petal resting next to his bed. His partner’s personal gift. There was still so much he wanted to say to her, which is why he would make these next two days count. 

    No point in complaining about it now. I chose to commit to a larger purpose beyond this job, and that’s what I plan to do. Even if it means leaving her behind…


    “Harisa, wait for an opening.”

    Sunlight beamed down on a Skiddo and a Nickit locked in battle. As both of the combatants were blown back from another clash, their makeshift coaches traded looks.

    “I agree with letting Salim focus on pure power, but little thought will lead to the Skiddo’s quick defeat.” Hana mused. “Harisa respects my advice at least.”

    Claude put his claws on his hip, wrinkling his replacement poncho underneath. “That she did! But remember, you can’t always take it slow! Staying on em and wearing them down can be all you need!” He tipped his cap upward. “Now guess which method of ours I’m a fan of!”

    The Liligant shrugged. “We’ll see.”

    Another clash sent dust flying as the two locked attacks again, Salim’s horns vs Harisa’s claws. But in a flash, Harisa rolled to her side, letting Salim’s momentum cause him to stumble. The Nicket flicked her claws across his side, causing him to fall over with a yelp.

    “Ah, you were saying?” Hana teased. Claude quickly rushed over to Salim. The Skiddo groaned as he was lifted up to his feet, and looked away with rosey cheeks. In comparison, Harisa wagged her tail with a smug grin.

    “Okay, let’s call it here! Good stuff from the both of you!” Claude said. He patted Salim’s uninjured side before pulling out an Oran berry from his cloak. “Remember, getting better at things takes time. It’s just one loss.”

    “And even when you win, don’t let your victory cloud your judgment.” Hana chimed in, causing Harisa to straighten up. Resting a leafy arm on Claude’s shoulder, she addressed them both. “You two both have budding potential.”

    That made Salim look up for once. “Are we closer to going on our first mission? I want to get out there too!” 

    The Breloom’s tail waggled in front of the Skiddo’s face. “No can do, kid! She said you have potential, not that you’re a pro. If I were you, I’d give myself a bit more time in the oven before thinking about it!”

    Salim puffed out his cheeks. “You said that two months ago! How much longer do we have to wait?” 

    “Till you’re ready, ahahaha! I mean, it’s not like I’m gonna be around much long-ack!

    A prod in his side stopped him in his tracks. The heat emanating from his partner’s glare was enough to shut him up. 

    Salim paused and tilted his head. “What do you mean, Mr. Claude?”

    He glanced at his partner, silence overtaking them both. It was an honest question, but cut straight to the bone. A part of him had been dreading this moment for months on end. Hell, he’d practically ripped his heart out telling Hana! 

    Ah well, no point in beating around the bush. With a clear throat, he straightened up, and put on his best imitation of a serious tone.

    “You see here children, the time has come for me to leave the Sand Continent, potentially for good.” 

    It only took a second for the pair’s jaws to drop. Wide eyes looked Claude up and down, hoping and pleading for a semblance of a joke, but not a smile was present on the Breloom’s face. A yowl came from Harisa as she flashed her fangs. “You’re lying! There’s no way you’re gonna just go and leave us behind! Not after all that talk! Say you’re joking, right Salim?” 

    The Skiddo silently stared at the ground, not once looking her way. 

    Claude grimaced. He knew they wouldn’t take it well.  “I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out. Things change, pokemon change. I don’t have the same feeling for being an explorer anymore. I know it’s hard to grasp but..” He raised a claw at Hana. “My lovely partner is more than enough for you two! She’ll have you all trained up in no time!”

    Said partner twitched and turned away, yet said nothing as he continued. “I have duties and responsibilities to handle outside of my job, and I want to prioritize them from now on. It’s a tough gummi to swallow, but please, don’t be discouraged! I know you’ll make it!” Relaxing his posture, he swept his poncho forward, sending dust into the air. “Now then, let’s not dwell on it too long! What say we get you two home?”

    Silence lingered as the children looked at each other, then back to the Breloom. A bead of sweat fell down his face as he chuckled to himself. I..guess I didn’t stick the landing, huh?

    They’re sensitive children, no doubt about it. 

    Thankfully, the pair relented, and nodded in agreement. “Okay Mr. Claude, we get it. But..can you promise to visit us, at least once a while?” Salim pleaded with tearful eyes. 

     “And if you say no, we’re gonna get so strong we’ll drag you back here and make you say hello!” Harissa snarled, glaring daggers at Claude. 

    Both of Claude’s arm’s shot up. “Okay, okay! I promise! It won’t be too often, so don’t feel happy yet! Now then, let’s call it a day!” 

    But they have strong wills. If only they could use that passion elsewhere.

    With another set of nods, they set off with Claude in front, the children in the middle, and Hana trailing in the back. Out of the corner of his eye, Claude thought he saw Hana staring back at him, but the Liligant’s attention was on their guild’s building. And yet, anxiousness gnawed away at his mind.

    Things won’t be easy for them in the future, not at all.

    As the Sun sat in the center of the sky, beaming unmitigated on the streets of Erena, the group found themselves weaving through traffic. Claude took extra care to not speed around corners fast enough to lose sight of the children, while also leaving them enough of a gap to follow. Eventually, they reached the wider path of a primary street, giving them much needed room to space out and check their surroundings. Squat brick buildings gave way to angular, multistoried buildings with vivid blue and red tarp draped across their railings. On some, the rose-shaped symbol of the city was painted on their walls. The familiar sight of the city’s apartment district told the sign that their destination was quite literally around the corner.

    “Alrighty! Almost there. Just be sure to stick close with us regardless!” He chimed. Right as he took another step, the Breloom froze. In front of them, scores of pokemon had gathered near a constructed podium with violet and golden banners on each side. A small group of pokemon, each wearing similarly colored scarves, held the crowd’s attention. Murmurs and gossip bounced between the onlookers, only coming to the stop as one mon stepped up to speak. It was a bisharp wearing a billowing sash colored like the banners, with a shimmering, four pointed star amulet around his neck. He raised his arm before swinging it to the side, causing his fellow members to spread out.

    Claude felt his blood turn to ice in his veins as his heart thumped around in his chest. What kind of cruel timing was this?

     As he froze up, all eyes fell on the Bisharp as he cleared his throat.

    “Pokemon of Erena, it is an honor to speak with you. I see many new members have come to hear of our word, the simple word of the Deciders. I, Aker, have humbly come to ask you this: why must we continue to lavish in this desert paradise while the pokemon of the sands wither away? Why do we turn away as our fellow pokemon struggle against one another, no different from the wild mons prowling the dunes? Outlaws and rowdy thieves prey upon the less fortunate in a lawless land, yet the powers of this city do naught but watch! I ask you, what have they done for you? They send out their own guards to merely clean up the trash of the streets, but never go after the source. Even the explorers they bring do naught but cover up the festering wounds which have yet to heal! In what world is any of this justifiable? Pokemon travel again and again to dangerous dungeons, all in the service of their fellow mons, only for the process to repeat itself time and time again. Has the world found itself victim to a constant cycle? Or is there a way out of this chain?”

    The Bisharp threw both of his arms into the air, causing gasps to ring out. Cuts and grooves lined his arm blades, while rust covered wounds lined his hands. Silence swept over pokemon after pokemon, as everyone, even Claude himself, waited for the speaker’s next response.

    “To answer this question, I must ask that the pokemon of Erena do but one thing: THINK! Think of the life you live now. Is it true happiness? Do you go about your day without giving thought to the blessing of life at your fingertips? Think about what good you could do for the pokemon around you, how you could change the cycle these fools above have yet to do! Just recently, newfound members of the Deciders chased off scores of bandits left uncleared by the so-called explorers meant to keep peace! Just THINK! You too could take life into your own hands! THINK!”

    Claude looked over to his group. Both Salim and Harisa had huddled together, trembling as Hana kneeled to wrap her arms around them. Not a word escaped from her mouth as she looked on, drawing the children in closer.

    “Now then,” the Bisharp sneered.“Which one of you would like to give your own feelings on the matter?” Angular eyes scanned over the crowd, searching for the perfect target. First, he settled for a quivering vulpix, who immediately hid behind a boldore. Next, a stout Crocanaw that pulled over a Noctowl in their place. Many others held their breath, turning towards others as uncertainty hung like a curtain above. 

    And then his focus turned towards Claude’s group, with the Breloom himself staring head-on at the eccentric Bisharp. The steel type’s eyes widened at his presence before narrowing into slits. What few seconds passed felt like an eternity as Aker’s hardened gaze and anxious followers leaned in for an answer. Claude rubbed his cap as he felt a migraine coming on. 

    Just my damn luck

    Singling out a random mon in the crowd, he raised a claw. 

    The grin on Aker’s face deepened. Identifying his newfound target, the bisharp homed in. “You, Noctowl! What say you?”

    Whatever answer that pokemon had, Claude wouldn’t see as he was yanked into a nearby alleyway. He turned around to be greeted with the sight of the shivering pair of children, huddled behind his glaring partner.

    “What are you doing?” She said, crossing her arms. “You froze up back there. Did that fool’s ravings leave you in a trance or something?”

    Ignoring the lump in his throat, Claude scoffed. “Oh really, you’d think a speech like that would impress me? I’ve heard better from a snaggletoothed criminal!” 

    Salim and Harisa giggled at the joke, lightening the mood, but Hana returned the gesture with a raised brow.

    “Hmph, if you insist.” 

    The rest of the way passed without incident. It only took a few more blocks for the group to reach their destination, complete with a quick goodbye hug to the younger pair. As Claude and Hana made their way back, the sun was setting, and with it the traffic began to die off in droves. Even the unexpected sermon had cleared out quick, leaving behind only an empty podium. While Claude was tempted to breathe a sigh of relief as their home came into view, an uneasy feeling clawed into his mind. Something felt off, really off.

    “Claude, there’s something I want to talk about inside.”

    He froze right as he twisted the door knob. The lump in his throat returned as the Breloom tilted his hat downward. “About what, ma’am?” 

    “Let’s go in first. I’d like to keep this private.” The Lilligant said, moving into the house first. Each of them grabbed a chair and sat down at the wooden table, silence passing for a few moments before Hana placed a tea set dead center. Although the cups were empty, the sentiment was one his partner would never deviate from as a leftover token of her homeland. Alas, this also indicated his worst fear. 

    Hana meant business.

    “You’ve been acting strange lately. Going on missions by yourself, being late to report your rewards or not claiming them, and you’ve spent a lot more time working on…something in your spare time. And yet, you’ve not spoken a word to me or checked in with the guild about it.” She leaned over the table, resting her chin in her arms. “Claude, is there something bothering you? I want you to be honest with me, as a partner.” A leafy arm rested itself on his claw, invigorating him with warmth. “Is it the stress of leaving, or having second thoughts? Or perhaps, something deeper?”

    He bit his lip, wracking his brain for a suitable answer. Of course it would come to this, and he knew he had to come up with a good excuse to not give it all away. Should he lie, push her away from knowing the truth, or stop lying to the one he trusted more than anyone else? There’s no way she’d believe him, or better yet, even if she did, there’s no way she’d trust him again. 

    Cmon, Claude! Think, think, THINK! There’s an obvious method out of this! I just have to-

    Her leafy arm wrapped gently around his claws, snapping him out of thought. The hardened stare in her eyes had relaxed into a warm, comforting glow. Those lovely eyes of hers, as pink as the petals on her head, lured him in. 

    “Claude, you can trust me. Always remember that.”

    Doubts began to wash away, replaced by budding embarrassment. All he needed to do was give her the least some of it. 

    No need to overthink it, just give her enough to be satisfied. 

    He shrugged his shoulders. “Well, yah got me! The stress of leaving is getting to me, alright. I’ve been trying to get some things in order, at least as privately as I can without making a fuss. I wanted to make sure you’d have as little trouble left when I’m gone. You’re a strong explorer, but even a one-woman show is gonna need a little oomf to keep it going. And that’s why, I’m leaving you with half of my personal funds, free of charge!”

    Hana rose out of her chair, nearly knocking over her cup as she slammed her arms on the table. “You what?! That’s almost 50, 000 poke! I thought your family needed it more? I can’t possibly accept even a sliver of it!”

    Reclining back, he continued. “I know, I know. Sounds crazy right? But hey, you’re a part of my life too! I always repay my debts, one way or another! Hell, you can even use that money to get those two youngsters their own mini-base! I can see their pelts flying into outer space the moment they see that sack, haha!” 

    “This is serious, Claude! You scraped this all together yourself through every mission in the burning sands! What right do I have to accept it?” 

    A grin spread across his face. Just the moment he’s been waiting for, hook, line and sinker. 

    “You have every right, as the woman in my life, to accept it. You are a part of my family. A home away from home! In fact, tomorrow, I got just the place to show you to prove it!”

    The Liligant slumped back into her seat, rubbing at her temple. “What’s up your sleeve this time? Are you trying to make me wilt?”

    “Of course not!” He puffed out his chest. “What I got for you is gonna blow you away, way more than just a sum of money!” 

    If Hana was interested, she didn’t show it beyond a raised brow. “Is that so, Mr. Cappy? I suppose I’ll hold you to it.”

    With a tip of his cap, he got up and gave her a wink. “It’ll be a heck of a last date, wildflower!”

    To neither of their surprise, he was the first one to get out and about. Hana had given him an hour’s head start to get things together, which was more than enough time for what he had planned. On a small hill right outside the city, a singular tree stood defiantly amidst the desert sand, the perfect shade for Claude to rest under. He reclined back, taking in the clear view of the city below with a smirk. All he had to do now was wait. Seconds ticked by, turning into minutes followed by an hour mark passed. As pokemon went to and from, Claude picked out features on them, from hanging scarfs around their necks, to dragging jewelry pinned to tails. Lost in his little game of eye-spy, he failed to notice a small figure brush by his hand. 

    He jumped back, feeling paper crumple in his claws. “What the hell?” 

    The patter of scurrying feet let him hone into a blue and gold scarfed figure diving into the sand. Before the Breloom could react, they had already sped over a dune, long gone. 

    That son of a-! What did he leave me?

    The paper was beige and covered in ink symbols, arranged in a paragraph. To the average eye it would be nothing more but gibberish, but for Claude the message was as clear as day.

    The Shepard has flown with his newfound flock. When the moon rises tonight, so shall the Overseer leave with his family. Your task here has been completed, Overseer. Return to us, the Deciders, to fulfill your next purpose.

    Mission Accomplished? Claude let out a whistle. Within seconds the paper was torn to shreds and scraps spread to the wind.  

    I sure as hell know that horned bastard doesn’t write his own speeches, so who taught him that? Would it kill him to not bother his superior when he’s on break?

    Just for one moment, he’d forget about his mission. A little self-indulgence couldn’t hurt, right? And sure enough, his partner was fast approaching. 

    Hana ran a leafy arm through her hair, looking the tree up and down. “You sent me on quite the Ducklett chase over Erena. What’s so important you wanted to keep me in the dark?”

    Claude kept silent, instead waving for her to follow as he slid down a ridge just right behind the tree. He stopped in front of a patch of green, tapping on the side of his cap. “It took me a while to get these things ready. A desert isn’t a good place to grow a garden, ya know!”

    “Grow a- what?!

    She stopped in place, falling to her knees in front of a small patch of flowers growing in tiled soil. Each flower had vivid blue triangular petals in full bloom, arranged in a hexagonal bouquet. After looking over all of them, she plucked one and handed it to Claude. “These flowers only grow-”

    “In your homeland!” Claude interrupted. “I know you must miss your home, and your home away from home, so I brought a little of it with me! Cashed some favors with a local merchant and then had to figure out the rest.”

    Hana’s eyes widened. “How long did it take you?”

    “Well uhh, about six months!” He said, rubbing his chin. “It was really touch and go at times! Thankfully some of the locals stepped up to help out.. Shame I didn’t thank em enough in time…” 

    His partner went silent for a few minutes, turning away while examining the flower some more. When she turned back around, the flower had been placed right below her own petal crown. A tinge of pink touched her cheeks, and her eyes were watery with tears. In a split second, she embraced Claude, causing him to freeze up before returning the hug. Warmth erupted from his chest, while dampness flooded over his face. He rubbed his cheeks with his claw, curiosity bubbling up from inside.

    Why am I happy? I’m putting this life behind me for a greater purpose, and hell, there’s no good chance I see her again. Yet here I am, and I’ve never felt happier. I don’t get it.

    “I don’t want you to go.”

    “I know.”

    “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”


    He glanced back over to the simple, yet solitary tree, then to the glittering and noisy city. Each had their own way of life, and neither had intervened with each other. His life was on its own course, and there was no turning back. 

    But that didn’t mean it had to stay that way forever.

    “Hey wildflower, my answer is..”


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