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    My name is Vera. I don’t want to think about what happened to me if you’re reading this, but… I think writing will help me calm down, it always has before. So just stick with me.

    (gonna write on the lines, sorry whoever)

    I was taken by the voiders. They raided our camp in the middle of the night. I had friends with me. Shane, Zach, Ori, and Lucia. I think we all scattered, but before I was taken, I saw Shane and Ori fighting. I don’t know if they made it out. I don’t know where Zach and Lucia ended up. I hope everyone’s okay. They have to be okay. I know they’re okay.

    I’m in a desert. It’s dark, aside from a ball of something in the sky. From my research before we left, I think it’s a voider’s power source. I’m not too sure, but it being the only light source gives me a bad feeling. Where did I end up after they captured me?

    I suppose I’ve always wondered.

    I’ve been wandering through the desert for several days, and I’m starting to run low on food and water. To make it worse, there’s still no landmark in sight. I had thought maybe if I just continued heading in one direction, I would eventually find some place I could rest and find help, but there’s nothing here. Literally nothing.


    Gotta keep going I guess.

    It feels weird here. The air has this humid thickness to it, like you could cut through it with a Steel Wing. It’s clinging to my wings a ton when I walk, it’s really annoying. It’s kind of cold, too. It is a desert at night, yeah, but it’s not that kind of cold. I can’t see my breath fogging up. It just feels cold, and it’s getting colder the farther I go.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if there weren’t all this sand. I can’t gather up the energy to try flying if static’s always being sucked up by the sand. Get me out of the desert.

    And then there’s the sky. I don’t really know how I’d put it. It’s not any sky I’ve ever seen.

    It always seems like it’s nighttime, but there aren’t any stars. It’s always dark except for this one thing in the sky, something I can’t figure out. It’s this ball that’s always shifting, if that makes any sense? I get Butterfree in my chest when I look at it, something about it doesn’t sit right.

    It gives off a dull orangeish light. Yeah, that’s the only light source I have here, a random purple death ball’s glow. What an adventure.

    What was it I had called it before? A power source?

    I guess if there’s no stars, is it a moon?

    It feels like I’m slipping. I don’t know why. Every hour that goes by I forget another thing about myself. I know my name, I know I’m here. I at least know I exist. Right?

    Let’s not think about that actually.

    I know I had family before I came here. I see names in the stuff in this book. Shane. Lucia. Zach. They’re familiar. Their faces are itching the back of my brain, I know them. I know I know them. Every time I reach for them they get farther away but I know them UGH I FUCKING HATE IT HERE

    Am I going insane?

    I just looked at the moon again. Maybe I am.

    You know what it feels like? It’s like a bad dream. I don’t remember sleeping here, but I’m never that tired. Nothing feels that real. The farther I go, the more the sand just seems like floor.

    And the more I walk, the more I notice that the moon isn’t moving. The glow isn’t getting any duller, it’s not fading into the distance or anything. It’s the same size. Maybe larger.

    If I’m not seeing anything walking away from it, what if I tried walking toward it?

    I think it’s worth a shot. If anymon ever finds this journal, I guess you’ll know.

    It’s getting warmer,

    My name is Emolga.

    This book was from someone named Vera. At first I thought it was mine since I woke up with it, but it doesn’t really sound like my name, I don’t know. I’m just Emolga. I don’t remember names that well. Been forever since I’ve seen anymon.

    Don’t know how long it’s been.

    I’m feeling a bit tired. I always like to write something before I try sleeping, since it helps me calm down. Kinda weird, isn’t it? Why does scribbling nonsense help your eyes close?

    I’m laying under the moon now. It’s beautiful in a haunting sort of way. Every now and then some cracks form on the outside, and this fascinating red color shines down. There’s a heat to it. A heat that I don’t feel anywhere else in this desert, and I like it. It’s nice. Cozy, even.

    Ah, it’s already helping. I feel like I’m gonna nod off soon, but I guess if somemon else had this journal before I woke up here, I’ll keep their tradition going. As I said, my name’s Emolga. Other than that, my mind’s kind of a blank.

    That’s fine. Even if I’m in the middle of nowhere with this book, I have a feeling I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I didn’t know moons could affect the temperature, but the warmth of the moon above me is unlike anything I could have imagined.

    I could stare at it all day.

    I’m surprised there aren’t any other pokemon out here to see this. You’d think this would be one of the wonders of the world, or something. Why is it just me out here, anyway?

    Know what? Doesn’t matter! I’m gonna enjoy it.

    Maybe I’ll see somemon tomorrow. I know I’m not the only one who would come all this way to see something this breathtaking. It was totally worth it.

    I’ll write more tomorr


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