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    Originally uploaded to Wattpad and from Nov/2016 to Jun/2017
    New uploads every Wednesday and Friday until I’ve caught up with my backlog
    Ah yes. My “edgy” phase. Definitely took things farther than I usually do. A bit bloodier, a bit more violent. I felt the need to do so as the main themes regarding war necessitated making things more viceral.

    A few days have passed since we discovered the spy. My actions have made the Raichu a little more trusting of me. Though I’m not sure that’s a good thing. I made it clear that I didn’t want the prisoner hurt too badly, though the majority of responses were laughs, eye rolls, or any other dismissive gestures. I seriously hoped that they weren’t abusing him… Though that seems very likely.

    “Alex? Are you ok?” Thunder asks me. It’s approaching nighttime and we are getting ready to tuck in. Sadu has said that he’s sent some men to get our Entercards back so we can get back home. He says that if everything goes well, they should be back by tomorrow morning. But my mind is centered on… other things.

    “I can’t stop thinking about the Zorua. That look he gave me when he was found out… that was the face of someone fearing for their life. You’d think that being a prisoner, you’d be able to return to your life when all is said and done.”

    “You think he knows something that we don’t?”

    “That’s my fear.”

    “Then maybe we should see? Check to be sure.”

    “Yeah. That could help. Let’s do that.”

    I was hoping that it wasn’t true. I was hoping that the Raichu would at the very least treat their prisoners with some measure of decency. I couldn’t be farther from the truth. The fact that practicality every cell was empty and blood stained was a sign of that. The entire prison area was outside and exposed to the elements. Anyone in the cells would have no choice but to face the cold nights or rain in the event of a storm. I have to fight my gag reflex to endure the potent stench of blood and smoking fur (likely from electric shocks) that permeates the entire section.

    “This is what I was afraid of… I think this is more akin to death row than a prison… just waiting your turn for the slaughterhouse.”

    “Oh look.” I hear a strained voice call from a nearby cell. “My captors. You’ve come to gloat?” It’s the spy. And he looks terrible. Beaten, burned and bleeding.

    “No. We haven’t.” I respond. “What have they done to you…”

    “Interrogation. Though it’s more like torture. I don’t think they truly care if the get the information.”

    “I can’t believe it’s this bad… This is just cruel…”

    “It’s not like my side is any better. The Zoroark are just as if not more sadistic to their captives. This whole conflict is just an exercise in cruelty.”

    “I’ve noticed. It’s just horrific.”

    “I can’t believe my father would allow this…” Thunder mutters, shocked at the state the Zorua is in.

    “Your father did this to me personally. I’m surprised his son would feel sympathy for me when he wouldn’t.” His words shook Thunder to the core. To hear that it was his own father who did this must be too much to bear.

    “No… No he couldn’t have… Not him… That’s…” Tears start to well in his eyes. I lay a hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him.

    “You know, it’s nice to see that there are those on their side who think that this is wrong. Maybe peace is an option…”

    “Huh? What do you mean?” If he knows something that could end this conflict peacefully, I’m all for it.

    “There are some on my side that feel that this has gone on for too long. They’re trying to convince our leader, Asva, that we need to stop. Though we keep it mostly under wraps because one of the commanders, Kavi, has a nasty habit of ‘demoting’ those he sees as traitors.” Yeesh. Sounds like someone to avoid.

    “Sadly I haven’t heard anything like that around here. The people wanting peace, I mean. Not the commander. But perhaps Thunder could talk sense into Sadu…”

    “I say it’s worth a try.” My friend agrees.

    “And if you let me out, I could perhaps bring you to help with convincing the other side.” Zorua tells me.

    “We need some assurance that you won’t bail on us given the opportunity.” I respond. “For all we know this could be an elaborate trick to escape.”

    “That’s true… But would my escape be that bad? If I stay here I’ll die for sure. But if I’m out I have a chance to make it.” Augh… This decision again… Let him out and risk having him reporting back and sending an army to slaughter the Raichu, or leave him here to die a likely excruciating death. But at the same time, if he is telling the truth… Is it worth the risk?

    I turn to face my companion. “I’d love some input here, Thunder.”

    “Go for it. If things go wrong we can easily pop back over to Paradise tomorrow morning to get some help.”

    “…Alright. Then let’s do it. Now, thing is if someone sees your cage empty it will raise red flags. So I’ll have to ‘kill’ you.” I use air quotes to make sure he understands. Judging by the smirk he appears to agree. His expression quickly changes to one of pleading and fear.

    “Wait!” He screams. “I have a family! Friends! Don’t kill me! Please!” At first I’m confused, but his wink tells me that he was acting. And it was convincing. Now for my turn… I put on the best sinister grin I could conjure up.

    “So you do… Well, we’ll get to them soon enough. Enjoy burning in the dark world, worthless blackfur!” I bring my leaf tail’s sharpened point down into the muddy floor of the cell. Taking the cue, the Zorua screams in fear, then does the most disturbingly realistic death gurgle I have ever heard.

    After a moment of silence, Thunder speaks up. “Arceus, your little killer act scared me. I’m glad you’re so opposed to killing.”

    “Yeah.” The Zorua adds. “My fear act was not entirely made up. Part of me thought you would actually kill me.”

    “You were really good yourself.” I add. “I guarantee you that anyone in the prison area is thoroughly convinced you died. Now,” I slap my tail in the bloody mud in on the cell floor. Trying to make it look like I had actually stabbed someone. Ugh… It just occurred to me how horrific this is… “I should carry your ‘dead’ body out to wherever they take the corpses. That way we won’t have to worry about you getting caught.”

    “Sounds good. And… Thank you for doing this.”

    “Yeah. Let’s just hope that we are getting closer to ending this war…”


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