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    Originally uploaded to Wattpad and from Nov/2016 to Jun/2017
    New uploads every Wednesday and Friday until I’ve caught up with my backlog
    Ah yes. My “edgy” phase. Definitely took things farther than I usually do. A bit bloodier, a bit more violent. I felt the need to do so as the main themes regarding war necessitated making things more viceral.

    Raichu Sadu

    Sadu watches as the two of them leave to get some much needed sleep. It was good to see his son again. It had been so long. For the longest time he had feared the worst. Until he saw his picture in the newspaper. It relived him to see his son alive and well.

    Memories flood his mind. And the fun he had with him before everything fell apart. But the memory that sticks out the most was the fateful day that everything changed…

    “I can’t believe this!” Sadu yelled in anger. “They’re firing me! They’d rather save face than keep me! I’ve worked there for over thirty years!” Sparks started emitting from his cheeks as he became more and more frustrated.

    “I’m sorry, honey.” Kosa said as she sat next to him at the dining room table. “I’m sure there are other places that would hire you in their stead.”

    “Not sure any business would want to employ a killer.”

    “Come on. It was an accident. You know that.”

    “That’s not what the press seems to think.”

    “We just need to wait for it to blow over. I’m sure my job can cover us in the meantime.” Sadu’s only response was a sigh. He just couldn’t believe that his friends and colleagues would believe overblown media hype over his own word. Well… except for Jasi. That Raichu wouldn’t leave his side for anything. But with everyone else, it felt like a stab in the back. “You know, maybe a night out will cheer you up. Our Haxorus neighbors are offering to pay for dinner out with us. Plus I’m sure Dova would love to see Axew Ason again.”

    As usual, she was right. A gathering with friends would probably help lighten the mood. “Is Dova done with his schoolwork?” He asked.

    “Just about. He should be ready by-” Kosa stopped mid sentence as her eyes darted to the window.

    “What’s wrong?”

    “There’s a stranger outside. Just… staring…” Sadu turned to face the figure. Almost instantly he recognized who it was.

    “Asva…” No doubt he was here for revenge as he swore the night of the incident. “Kosa, get Dova somewhere safe. He wants me.” Kosa opened her mouth to retort, but Sadu cut her short. “Now is not the time to argue. Hurry.” After a momentary hesitation, she agreed and went upstairs to see to Dova’s safety.

    Seeing this sudden movement, Asva made his move. Lunging through the window at the Raichu. Though this attack was fruitless as Sadu quickly dodged out of the way.

    “I should have killed you long before you fought my son.” The Zoroark growled angrily. “I suppose I should remedy that.”

    “Asva, I never meant to hurt him! I promise you!”

    “I will not be trapped in your lies, Raichu! I will see to it that this house is painted red when I’m done with you!” He lunged forward, his claws swinging through the air, narrowly missing their target. Sadu doesn’t miss a beat, using his skills learned from his years of experience to get an edge. He struck with each misstep, slowly whittling down his opponent’s stamina. The fight appeared in his favor. But then he gave Asva an opening. And he took advantage of it. A heavy strike cut across his chest, staggering the Raichu and doing significant harm. Blood dripped from the wound and the attackers claw, though you couldn’t tell with the latter as it blended in with the claw’s natural red color.

    With that mistake the fight quickly shifted balance. Relentless attack after relentless attack. Before long, Sadu was laying on the ground, defeated.

    “Now, time to end this.” Asva growled as he readies a shadow ball.

    “Daddy!” Came the young voice of his Pichu son. Dova had rushed out to see what was happening.

    “So you have a son as well?” Asva chuckles, a dark grin creeping across his face. “Then I guess it’s ‘eye for an eye’ then.” He turns to face the tiny Pokemon, looming over him. Sadu couldn’t believe his ears. Was he actually going to kill Dova?!

    “Dova! Run!” He yelled. But the young child was frozen in fear. Shivering timidly as his assailant stared down at him.

    “Say goodbye to your beloved kid, Sadu.” Asva readied to impale the young one with his claws. All the while Sadu was helpless to do anything. He cried out in desperation, begging for him to spare his son’s life.

    Just as he was about to deal the lethal blow, however, Kosa intervened. Pushing Dova out of harms way. This, unfortunately, put her in the firing line. Asva brought his razor sharp claws down on his target, stabbing them deep into Kosa’s form. A cry of pain was all she could do before her life was taken.

    “NO! KOSA!” Sadu screamed. This monster had killed his wife! The love of his life! He refused to show it, but his heart shattered. Seeing the woman he met so very long ago, adored, proposed to, and built a family with taken before his very eyes was a blow that crushed him.

    “I think that will suffice as revenge.” Asva said to him. “Be thankful I’m not killing you as well. If I see you again, it will be the last time. Goodbye.” And with that, he left.

    Sadu had lost everything. His career, his wife, his family. Dova was nowhere to be seen. Must have fled in panic. And then there’s the corpse of his wife and soulmate. Unable to keep his stoic image any longer, he broke down into tears. Consumed by grief and rage. It was all Asva’s fault. He did this. He ruined his life. And he will suffer for it. Oh, he will suffer…

    He had searched for Dova for so long. Hoping to find him hiding in the town. But no such luck. At the time he was as good as gone. From that point on, things changed. The war began and the fighting started. For 20 years this fight has raged. And his anger still burns bright. He will see to it that Asva perishes. And he will not let anyone get in his way…


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