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    Originally uploaded to Wattpad and from Nov/2016 to Jun/2017
    New uploads every Wednesday and Friday until I’ve caught up with my backlog
    Ah yes. My “edgy” phase. Definitely took things farther than I usually do. A bit bloodier, a bit more violent. I felt the need to do so as the main themes regarding war necessitated making things more viceral.

    “Come on, Thunder…” I mumble silently to myself. “I should have heard something by now…” Thoughts run through my head. Was he able to convince Sadu? Was he hurt in some way? No… no this train of thought won’t go anywhere but bad places. I need to stay focused… I may need to return to the Raichu base. Though there’s no garentee that I’ll be welcomed back…

    A distant clap of thunder catches my attention. I had heard that a big storm was headed our way, so I wanted to see what everyone was talking about. Looking over the horizon I can see a large storm cloud slowly inching its way northward. Judging by the sheer frequency of lightning bolts arcing between the sky and ground, it’s going to be one heck of a storm. I’ll have to stay inside the Zoroark base tonight… but that means increasing the likelihood of being killed by Kavi.

    I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I almost missed something darting across the corner of my vision. At first I dismiss it as jumping at shadows, but seeing it again makes me thing otherwise. I’m not alone here.

    “I know you’re there!” I call out. “And I’m not fond of being stalked!” I wait for a moment. No response. I can feel my body preparing for the worst. preparing to fight to survive. I use my “Snivy Sense” to try and get a read on my stalker. Zoroark scent… not a good sign…

    “Is that you, Kavi?” I ask, beginning to become paranoid. If it is him, he’s probably toying with me. Another flash of black, closer this time. He’s playing on my fears. trying to get me to panic and make a mistake. And it’s starting to work. I can feel my heartbeat pulse inside my chest, a steady thumping of my terrified body.

    He streaks past my vision again. He’s only a few feet away now. “Just stop toying with me and actually show yourself!” I scream. I have long since lost my composure. I am ill prepared for what he does next.

    “As you wish…” Kavi’s voice echoes from every direction. Fantastic… I’m trapped in an illusion… a world of his own making. Suddenly several copies of Kavi flash into being, charging at me teeth bared. By sheer luck I manage to avoid being chomped in half. At least the initial shock has worn off. Now I can actually concentrate on the situation.

    I let my experience take over, rolling, dodging and evading what he throws my way.

    “I’m impressed.” his voice echoes. “But we both know that it’s only a matter of time before you slip up. Then you’ll be mine…” He’s right… sooner or later I’ll mess up. And he’ll be there for the kill. One of these guys must be the real Kavi… I just need to stall for time. Figure out which one to attack.

    “Not really a fair fight, is it? I see honor is not really a strong suit of yours.”

    “What good is honor if it gets you killed? It’s dirty, but necessary.” Another flurry of strikes follows. He’s trying to put me off balance. And if I’m not careful, he will. But I need to find where he’s at. Which one… which one. “I can do this all day, Alex. And please don’t hand this to me. It’s not satisfying if it’s not earned.”

    “Not planning on it…” I notice one of the clones trying to stay towards the back while the rest lead the charge. Could that be the real Kavi? Only one way to find out. Prepping several razor leaves, I steel myself for the next wave.

    “Good. now how about we end this?” With that, they charge headlong at me. I fan out my Razor Leaves so they all connect with a target. And one by one, the clones vanish in plumes of smoke. But to my surprise, there’s no one left. No true Kavi to focus on. He couldn’t have just van-

    My questions were answered by a Shadow Ball to the back of my skull, slamming my face hard into the ground. In the confusion he must have slipped around behind me. “You actually thought that would work?” he taunts. “You insult me. And I don’t take kindly to insults, snake.” I feel his fingers wrap around the back of my head, gripping tight. Squeezing. Trying to crush me. “What’s the matter? I would had hoped the great Alex Russet would put up more of a fight.”

    “There’s an old-ergh… saying from back on Earth…” I mutter through pained breaths. “‘Be careful what you wish for… you might… just get it!'” To show him what I mean, I use my Giga Drain attack, grabbing hold of one of his claws and sucking away a portion of his vitality and using it to revitalize myself.

    It’s enough to force him to let go as he hollers in pain. Seeing my chance, I push the attack. I utilize my Leaf Tornado move to confuse and disorient him. In his dazed state, he is unprepared for my attacks. But it’s not enough to put him down. With a growl he uppercuts me with a Night Slash, sending me reeling and tumbling down the grassy hill.

    “Enough! We’ve wasted enough time. This is where you meet your end, human!” He roars. I get back up. Beaten, but not broken. I cant fight him like this. His experienced against trained soldiers easily surpasses my fights with crooks and outlaws. There has got to be a way to outmaneuver him…

    He gives me not more time to think, charging at me on all fours. I barely manage to sidestep out of harms way. For a split second my attention drifts to the feeling of liquid on my tail. Am I bleeding? No. A quick glance tells me that it’s only water. Looks like the storm’s arrived. The frequency of raindrops quickly grows, easily soaking us in short order.

    I wait for Kavi to make his next move. That way I can decide what to do myself. But to my surprise, he doesn’t. He isn’t even focused on me. Rather, something behind me. I turn to look and the reason why becomes clear. Raichu. An army of them. They must have created the storm as cover. And now they are bearing down on the Cerulean Caves.

    It appears Thunder was unsuccessful. As was I in escaping without drawing attention. Someone must have followed me here and told the others. Regardless of the cause, the result is clear. A massacre is about to begin…


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