The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    This story was originally uploaded to Wattpad and from Jun/2016-Jul/2016
    New chapters every Wednesday and Saturday until I’m caught up with my backlog.
    This installment was my first “original” story ever completed. I made it as an attempt to give the Gates to Infinity postgame a little more meat. Firstly, I did away with the whole “we wanted to remember you so bad that we did” thing as it made that entire plot point worthless. I figured it’d be more interesting this way. Not only that, but I decided to give Munna the spotlight this time.
    Looking back, I do cringe somewhat at a few of the choices I made. But at the same time I’m not about to shy away from it. This was a stepping stone to where I am now. Far be it from me to throw it in a dark corner to rot.

    A human by the name of Alex Russet received a call for aid in his dreams. A desperate plea for help from another world. He answered the call and was taken to a new, unfamiliar world known as Pokemar. A planet inhabited by the wildly diverse species known as pokemon. Upon his arrival he had transformed into one of these pokemon, specifically, a Snivy. He was met by a Pikachu who quickly warmed up to him. This Pikachu, nicknamed Thunder by Alex, had a plan to create a haven for like-minded pokemon to thrive that he planned to call Paradise. Alex agreed to help and the beginnings of a friendship started to form. 

    Alex quickly learned that this world was in a bad state. A lot of people acted in their own interests at the expense of others. More still callously disregarded the feelings of their peers. But in this darkness the two of them found allies in an Emolga, Dunsparce, and, eventually, Virizion. Together they formed Team New Hope, an organization dedicated to being a beacon of hope in a world dark and uncaring.

    An encounter with an Umbreon and his Espeon sister granted them access to Entercards, devices capable of bridging two points in space with a Mystery Dungeon, an ever-shifting labyrinth filled with riches and danger in equal measure. Using the Entercards they visit the Great Glacier, a grand expedition that would be remembered for years to come, but not for the reasons they thought.

    After the expedition the pokemon who summoned Alex, Munna, contacted them and asked to meet face to face to discuss a matter of grave importance. Upon reaching her, however, they found that they’d been lied to. Munna hadn’t summoned them. She was, in fact, trying to kill Alex. In the ensuing escape Alex came across Hydregion, the Voice of Life, who informed him of the truth.

    All the darkness and negativity in the world was being fed into a single entity known as the Bittercold. Fate decrees that it would bring all life on Pokemar to an end. Being the Voice of Life Hydreigon sought any possible option to preserve the world. And so he recruited humans to assist. They were the only ones who could possibly get close enough to the Bittercold to destroy it. All other humans had been hunted down and killed by Munna and her allies, leaving only Alex to finish the job.

    With a crisis on the horizon, Team New Hope set up a plan of attack and returned to the Great Glacier, where the Bittercold waited. An encounter with Munna revealed her motives. She and her companions had been beaten down and abused for a long time. When a chance came to bring it to an end, they took it. With the Bittercold the world could be reset and a kinder one created in its place. However the raw determination of New Hope and their willingness to give their lives for others lit a spark of hope in her and she assisted the team in their mission. 

    After a tense encounter with the Bittercold Alex barely managed to bring the entity down, ending the crisis and allowing New Hope to usher in a new, brighter future. Not all was perfect, however.

    With his job done Alex was told that he could not stay on Pokemar. Doing so would risk rending the very fabric of reality. What’s worse, all his friends would not remember him. With a heavy heart and no other option Alex agrees to leave, holding onto the frail hope that maybe, just maybe, something of his time there survived…


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