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    This story was originally uploaded to Wattpad and from Jun/2016-Jul/2016
    New chapters every Wednesday and Saturday until I’m caught up with my backlog.
    This installment was my first “original” story ever completed. I made it as an attempt to give the Gates to Infinity postgame a little more meat. Firstly, I did away with the whole “we wanted to remember you so bad that we did” thing as it made that entire plot point worthless. I figured it’d be more interesting this way. Not only that, but I decided to give Munna the spotlight this time.
    Looking back, I do cringe somewhat at a few of the choices I made. But at the same time I’m not about to shy away from it. This was a stepping stone to where I am now. Far be it from me to throw it in a dark corner to rot.

    “Sorting out fact from fiction with these legends and myths is always a pain.” Thunder muses, scanning the library’s extensive collection of mythology books. The topics ranged from ancient prophecies to the biggest and most powerful legendaries and, of course, humans. “There are just so many contradictions and things lost to time. It’s so hard to pin down what we would want to find.”

    “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to figure this out.”

    “I know Munna… I just wish it was a bit easier to figure out.” Munna can understand that. Life loves to make people work for things. And this is no different. “‘Some humans, whom called themselves trainers, would hold Pokemon in orbs to be released in dire circumstances…’ Strange.”

    “Try looking for things related to memory.” Munna says as she uses psychic to pull a book off the shelf. ” that will be our best bet.” As quiet fell between the two, Munna’s mind drifted back to the mountains. Would she have been better off letting Empoleon kill her? After all, it’s all she deserves for her atrocities… All the deaths she was responsible for

    “Thunder?” Munna asks.

    “Yes Munna?”

    “Have you ever… Done something that you know was wrong?”

    “How wrong are we talking about?”

    “…very wrong.”

    “I might have at some point, but I’m not sure. Why?” He shuts the book he was looking at and turns his full attention to Munna. “Is something bothering you?”

    “You wouldn’t understand…”

    “Try me.”

    “I keep remembering the humans I killed… The lives I ruined. The hearts I’ve broken… An I find myself wondering if I deserve to die by Empoleon’s hand. If I should be left to rot until the end of time in the Dark World.”

    “Munna…” Thunder replied in a soft voice. “Everyone has done something wrong. I am no different. I’ve made mistakes. The only real difference is the effect they had on others. But I believe that no matter how bad someone is there is a way to help them. And that if they’re willing to, they can move on and be wonderful people. You are no different. I mean look, you saved my life. And potentially someone else’s. You are a good person. You’ve just made some bad choices.”

    “But these ‘bad choices’ have resulted in the murders of innocent people! How could anyone be expected to forgive that?!”

    “I don’t know… But I do. Because I know you want to change. You want to live a peaceful life again. So I say that you deserve a second chance.” As much as she wants to believe him, Munna is very unsure. Thunder is being very compassionate, yes. And she really does appreciate it. But… Does she deserve it? That question hasn’t been answered. And it is not an easy one to answer by any means. Everyone will have their own interpretation. So in the end it’s up to her to make the judgement.

    “Thank you for trying to cheer me up, Thunder. I appreciate it.”

    “Of course, Munna. Anytime. Now. Shall we continue the search?

    “Yeah. Let’s.”

    Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They must have scoured the entire mythology section. But not once was the memory loss by human departure ever referenced. Thunder is freaking out. He swears by his life that there’s something going on. But without evidence to back it up nothing can be done.

    Meanwhile Munna is musing on the words that Thunder had said on a cliff face overlooking Paradise. She wants to agree with him. But she just can’t. It’s too much. The suffering she caused was too much. No amount of forgiveness can atone for that. She may as well end it now. Save everyone the trouble. Just walk on back to Lakeview. Empoleon would see her coming. Then just let her have her way.

    The world has branded her a murderer. There’s nothing left for her here. So, she may as well go. But even on that she hesitates. Because maybe Thunder is right. Maybe, just maybe she can redeem herself. Do some good in the world. But would that atone for everything? Will a few random acts of kindness be enough to counter the bloodshed?

    She didn’t even notice she was crying. She’s confused. Afraid. Stuck in the middle between her desire for redemption and her feeling of payment for the horrific acts she has committed.

    “What do I do?” She says quietly to herself. Then a thought hits her. She has never been one for faith, but now is as good a time as any… “Arceus… If you can hear me, I need guidance. Or forgiveness. Or whatever. I really don’t know what I need. But I’m asking you now. Please. Help me. I don’t know what to do…” She waits… Nothing. No response. Even Arceus is ignoring her pleas.

    “You truly are at wits end, aren’t you?” A strange voice calls from behind. She jumps and cries out of fright. “Sincerest apologies. I did not mean to frighten you.” The figure was tall and had two arms. But that’s all she could get from him. He wore a full body cloak that hid everything about his physical form.

    “Who… Who are you?”

    “Who I am is not important. What I’m here for, however, is. I can see you are broken. You wish for guidance.” Wait… Did Arceus send him?

    “Yes! Yes I do!”

    “Then you will get what you seek. A chance to redeem yourself. And make a massive stride to atone for what you have done.”

    “Tell me. Please. What do I have to do?”

    “In due time. There is someone else who must hear what I have to say. The current leader of Team New Hope, Thunder. Go to him. Tell him to come to this place when the sun rises in the morning tomorrow. Only then will I tell you what must be done.”

    “Thank you. For giving me this opportunity. I am in your debt.”

    “It is my pleasure. Munna. Now go. Inform your friend. And prepare. For the road ahead is a treacherous one indeed…”

    Yeah… I pulled a pure deus ex machina here. Not my finest work, I admit. It was meant to tie into future stories. I suppose it still could. But the original intent behind this cloaked character is long gone.


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