The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    This story was originally uploaded to Wattpad and from Jun/2016-Jul/2016
    New chapters every Wednesday and Saturday until I’m caught up with my backlog.
    This installment was my first “original” story ever completed. I made it as an attempt to give the Gates to Infinity postgame a little more meat. Firstly, I did away with the whole “we wanted to remember you so bad that we did” thing as it made that entire plot point worthless. I figured it’d be more interesting this way. Not only that, but I decided to give Munna the spotlight this time.
    Looking back, I do cringe somewhat at a few of the choices I made. But at the same time I’m not about to shy away from it. This was a stepping stone to where I am now. Far be it from me to throw it in a dark corner to rot.

    Trudging up a mountain is not the easiest endeavor ever. But who said rescuing people was supposed to be easy? Thunder, Emolga, Umbreon, and Espeon were making good time in spite of the adverse conditions. It wouldn’t be long until they reached the peak. Then came the task of locating their targets. Espeon is sending out periodic “pings” of psychic energy. Sooner or later the psychic type Munna would pick up on them and send a ping back.

    “Anything, Espeon?” Emolga asks.

    Espeon’s forehead gem flashes slightly as she sends out another ping. “Nothing yet. Though I am picking up someone else. They appear to be searching.”

    “Empoleon?” Thunder asks.

    “Definitely a possibility.”

    “Well let’s try not to cross paths. But type advantage is on our side should the need arise.” Umbreon adds.



    “I’m… F-freezing…” Toxicroak muttered through chattering teeth. “Soon I’m going to be an ice sculpture. I can feel it.”

    “Could you stop complaining?” Munna says, exasperated. “We’re all cold. Huddle up with Salamence like me. That’ll help to some degree.”

    “I’m not stepping near him. I think he’s asleep. I’m not about to be the one who wakes him up.” Is he? Munna looks at the dragon. Sure enough he had fell asleep. Granted it was early the next day. It appears his exhaustion caught up with him. Unfortunately that complicates things for the rescue. Waking him up will not be a safe task.

    At that moment Munna felt something. A ping of psychic energy. Could that mean… She responds with a ping of her own.



    “Woah, hold on a minute…” Espeon halts all movement. “I thought I sensed something.”

    “Is it Munna?” Thunder asks.

    “I think so… It could just be some random energy spike…” Her gem starts flashing again. This time it flashes in a set pattern. Flash-pause-flash-pause-flash-flash. A moment of silence…



    …a pattern of them… Ping…ping…ping ping. “Someone is out there… I think it’s our friends.” Munna says aloud.

    “Our rescuers are here?” Toxicroak asks.

    “It would appear that way.” She sends the same pattern of signals back, hoping that it will signal them that it’s them.



    “The same pattern. The same pattern was sent back to me. It’s Munna. It’s got to be.”

    “Well what are we waiting for?! Let’s hurry! Lead the way!” Thunder says, eager to possibly solve his mystery. Espeon galloped forward, pinging to make sure she stays on course. Within minutes the team comes across a cave carved into the mountain top.

    “She’s in here.” Espeon says as they enter.

    “Umbreon, use flash to give us some light to work with.”

    “On it.” Umbreon’s rings begin to glow brightly, bathing the cavern in a yellow glow. And in the far corner was Munna, Salamence, and Toxicroak. “There! That’s them!”

    “Thunder!” Munna calls out. “Thanks for coming.”

    “What, you think I’d ignore a call for help?” He responds. “You guys look worse for wear. Glad we got to you when we did.”

    “About that…” Toxicroak adds.

    “What’s wrong?” Thunder asks.

    “You see, Salamence can get… Violent when he gets woken up. Like ‘I will turn you into a bloody pulp’ violent. He tried to stay awake, but he gave in.”

    “Then what do we do? We can’t just leave him.”

    “Munna’s a psychic type so she sends calming thoughts to him. So for everyone’s safety, don’t disturb her.”

    “I know the technique myself.” Espeon adds. “We’ll be over here setting up the Entercards. We’ll let you know when we’re ready.” With that, everyone set to work with their tasks. Thunder ever more eager to discuss his theory with Munna.



    Ok… Time to wake up Salamence. Something she’s done several times before. She makes the connection. “Alright, Toxicroak. I’m ready.” Soon she would be free. No longer hunted by her vengeful foe. But the thought of her deserving it comes to mind. Maybe she should stay behind. Let everyone else escape. After all, it’s her that Empoleon wants.

    A roar snaps her back to reality. Oh no… She let herself be distracted. She forgot to calm Salamence! Her connection is still there so she tries to start calming him now. But Salamence has other plans. His tail slams into Munna, knocking her onto the Magnagate generator and scattering the Entercards.

    “Munna?!” Thunder yelps in surprise.

    “What happened Munna?!” Toxicroak yells. “He’s far from calm right now!” Salamence bellows out another roar as if to drive the point home.

    “I got distracted…”

    “What on Pokèmar could you have possibly gotten distracted by?!”

    “Enough!” Espeon interrupts. “I’ll handle it.” Espeon quickly establishes a psychic connection and reduces the dragon’s anger. All in a matter of seconds.

    “…I…” A newly calmed Salamence begins. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

    “It’s fine. Let’s just get that Magnagate open and get you out of here.” With that Espeon turns to recover the scattered Entercards.

    “I really hope Empoleon didn’t hear that…” Toxicroak mumbles.

    “Thing is, I’m sure the entire region heard that.” The unwelcome voice of Empoleon echoes through the cavern. “And what a surprise… Team New Hope… The ‘Heroes of Pokèmar,’ have been caught red handed trying to help a murderer escape punishment. Seems you aren’t so high and mighty after all.”

    “There’s a difference between justice and revenge, Empoleon.” Thunder responds. “As near as I can tell, you fall into the latter catagory. And that’s what we’re protecting her from.”

    “So you’d help a dangerous Pokemon who, as a matter of fact, tried to kill you?”

    “There’s more to the story, you know. She’s trying to change.”

    “Sure. I’ll believe that when I see it. Once an outlaw, always an outlaw.”

    “Well, I think we’ve made clear that we’re not about to change each other’s minds.”

    “I’d rather not be labeled as the Pokemon who killed New Hope. But I will do it. So stand aside.”

    “Not a chance. Plus, I don’t think you want to deal with two electric types.”

    “I don’t care. Now step away, or I will  cut you in half.” At that moment, the Magnagate flashes to life. Thunder had been stalling for time.

    “Alright everyone. Let’s head back home.” Thunder says calmly.

    “No! You cowards! She’s mine! Don’t you dare leave!” The Empoleon dashes forward, intent on cutting everyone to pieces. However, a thunder wave from Thunder quickly halts any chance of that happening.

    “Don’t worry. The paralysis will wear off in a few minutes. Now we will take our leave.” Thunder steps into the Magnagate as it begins to close.

    “Some heroes you are! Protecting an outlaw! Especially one who wanted your head!”

    “That is not something I hold against her. And I think she deserves another chance.” On that note the gate closes, creating a brief whirlwind of air around the space the gate once occupied.


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