The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    This story was originally uploaded to Wattpad and from Jun/2016-Jul/2016
    New chapters every Wednesday and Saturday until I’m caught up with my backlog.
    This installment was my first “original” story ever completed. I made it as an attempt to give the Gates to Infinity postgame a little more meat. Firstly, I did away with the whole “we wanted to remember you so bad that we did” thing as it made that entire plot point worthless. I figured it’d be more interesting this way. Not only that, but I decided to give Munna the spotlight this time.
    Looking back, I do cringe somewhat at a few of the choices I made. But at the same time I’m not about to shy away from it. This was a stepping stone to where I am now. Far be it from me to throw it in a dark corner to rot.

    Munna, Toxicroak, And Salamence were passing over the mountains at this very moment. The halfway marker back to their home. However, Munna’s mind was fixed elsewhere. The memories of what she did at Glass Lake playing front and center in her head…

    It had been one of the first runs that she and her gang had been sent on. She had been hounding this particular human for a while now. The form he took on this world was that of a Charmander. So it wouldn’t be hard to eliminate him. All that was needed was water. So, she had lured him to the far end of Glass Lake. Too far from Lakeview for anyone to interfere. She told him the same ruse she would use again and again. A way to stop Hydreigon. A way to save the world. And he believed every word. All she had to do was wait. Wait for him to walk right into her trap.

    “Mistress Munna…” Toxicroak said to her. The sun had just set. She had contemplated getting some sleep, but she needed to be ready for the target to show up.

    “Don’t…” She grumbled. “What is it?”

    “He’s almost here. We need to get ready.” The time had come. It was time to rid Pokèmar of this danger to their plans.

    “Alright, you remember our plan?”

    “Yes. But another thing. He brought a friend. A Piplup.” So another Pokemon was involved? This complicated things. But nothing they couldn’t account for.

    “Guess we’ll improvise a bit. Have Purugly use that coiled tail to ensnare our new friend. Toxicroak, you’ll focus on the human.”

    “I think that will work. Now let’s go.” Toxicroak dashed into the nearby shrubbery alongside Purugly, ready to pounce when the time came. Munna set herself down on the ground, curling in the fetal position and acting like she was in pain.

    Soon, the Charmander and Piplup arrived. The Charmander was using his tail as a torch to light the way. Unfortunately, the light was not enough to illuminate Munna. She still needed to draw them in. She let out a few pained moans as well as uttering the Charmander’s human name, James.

    “Munna?” The Charmander called out. “Are you there?”

    “Hydreigon… Still hunting… Hurry…” She said in her “weakened” voice.

    “Hold tight, Munna! We’re on our way!” The Piplup yelled. After guiding them right in front of her, the Piplup kneeled down to inspect Munna. “So… Where’s the wound? I don’t see anything.”

    Munna glanced back to see if her allies were moving in to capture the two Pokemon. And sure enough, they were right behind the two. Ready to snatch them up.

    “There is no wound. Never was. I was pretending.”

    “Wait, prete-” James was interrupted by Toxicroak’s arms wrapping around him. “Hey! Let me go! Piplup! Help!”

    “Somethings got me! Someone help!” Piplup screamed. She was entangled in Purugly’s spiral tail, coiled tight around her midsection. The plan worked beautifully.

    “You know, I expected more of a fight from you two.” Toxicroak mocked. “It’s almost like you’ve never fought in your lives.”

    “We haven’t! Please! Let’s us go! We did nothing wrong.”

    “It’s sad, really. So innocently nieve. Makes me feel genuinely sorry for what we’re about to do to you two.” The eyes of the two helpless Pokemon lit up in fear, no doubt fearing what these “thugs” were about to do to them.

    “W-what are you going to do?” James whimpered.

    “Short and simply, kill you. Nothing else. It’s just that you’re a threat to this planet.”

    “Wait! No! Stop! You can’t just kill us!” James screamed as he struggled to get free. Toxicroak responded by injecting a paralyzing toxin into his system. His muscles seize up, refusing to move. Tears were flowing down James’ eyes. Poor thing was terrified. “Why are you doing this, Munna!?”

    “Because there’s no other way.” She nodded to Toxicroak who started carrying him towards the lake. His efforts to escape redoubled. But with the toxin in his system, he could do nothing.

    “Don’t do this to me! Please! I don’t want to die!” He sobbed. Munna felt her heart wrench. Was she really doing this? Was she really going to sentence these two to death? …yes… Yes she was. But only so Pokèmar could start with a clean slate.

    “Don’t hurt him! Please! Don’t kill him!” Piplup screamed, thrashing against the coiled tail. “He’s my friend! I can’t lose him! Please!

    Toxicroak hesitated for a second, contemplating what he was about to do. But he went through with it. He released James over the lake, the horrified Charmander unable to do anything to keep himself above the surface. Not that it mattered when his tail was submerged. The poor Charmander cried out in agony as his very life was being extinguished. As he screamed his body sunk lower into the lake, water starts pouring into his mouth. The screams gave way to gurgling and choking. It was horrifying to listen to.

    Soon, the sounds fade. And the body grows limp. The flame on the tail has died out completely. The body begins to glow yellow as it gathered into an orb. The orb began its ascent, leaving behind only the ripples in the smooth water as the only evidence of the horrific event that had just transpired.

    “He’s… He’s gone…” The Piplup began to break down. “You… You monsters! You killed him!” She completely breaks down into a sobbing mess. It was then that a familiar thought creeped into Munna’s head. One that would be echoed many, many times: “what have I done?”

    “…let her go.” Munna says reluctantly.

    “Munna? Are you serious?” Purugly asked, surprised.

    “We got what we came for. There’s no reason to kill her.”

    “…alright.” Purugly released the sobbing mess of a Piplup as she continued to lament the events that had just transpired.

    “Munna…” She said between sobs. “I promise you… You will pay for this… I will hunt you down. I will destroy everything you care about! I will kill everyone you hold dear! I will make you watch as I tear you apart, piece by piece before I finally end your miserable existence! Do you hear me?! I will see you suffer!”

    Those words have plagued her ever since… She pushed the little one to such hatred… Maybe she deserves that… Maybe she deserves to die for what she did not just to her and James, but to every human she murdered…

    Her thoughts are cut short by the sound of Salamence in pain. Followed by them plummeting to the ground. It looks like something punched right through Salamence’s right wing, leaving a massive hole in it.

    “We’re going down!” Toxicroak yells, stating the obvious. Thankfully Salamence knows enough about flying to execute an emergency landing. He manages to skid across the snowy mountain top to a complete stop with zero casualties.

    “What… What the heck just happened?” Munna asks, dazed.

    “I’ll tell you what happened, Munna.” An unsettlingly familiar feminine voice calls to them. “Your retribution has begun…”


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