The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    I give the little guy this, he sure can hide. We’ve been searching for over half an hour and found nothing.

    “For goodness sake, Dunsparce,” Emolga mutters. “Where on Pokèmar are you?”

    “Maybe we should be asking around. Maybe someone around here has seen him.” I suggest.

    “Good idea, Alex.” Emolga gestures to Quagsire to ask him about his friend’s whereabouts. “Have you seen a Dunsparce around in the last half hour? Probably holding a crystal?”

    “Hmmm… I believe so. Hmmm… He was talking with some Pawniards who said they could help him.”

    Thunder grows nervous. “Pawniards? How many were there?”

    “Hmmm… Two, I believe.”

    Thunder’s concerned expression grew. Is there something wrong with Pawniards? “Did one of them have a scar on their left arm?!”

    “Hmmm… I believe so.”

    “Oh no… This is not good…”

    “Thunder?” I ask. “What’s wrong?”

    “I know who they are. The Pawniard Brothers. Leaders of a team of thieves. And if they have Dunsparce…”

    “They’ll rob him blind.” Emolga interjects. “We need to help him! Quagsire! Where were they going?!”

    “Hmmm… To Desolate Canyon, I believe.”

    “Of course. A remote area in the middle of nowhere.” Thunder says to himself. “No one will be there to help him…” He turns to us. “We need to hurry. Get your things and let’s go!”



    Virizion quietly sips her drink, thinking about what had just happened. People looking for her affection was far from anything new. Quite the contrary. It’s hard for her not to get asked by someone. Of course the response was all the same. No. She made it clear and blunt. It hardly mattered to her if it hurt them. She doesn’t trust anyone but herself. Not after what he did to her. She refuses to risk that sort of pain again. But… This time feels different. She feels guilty. She plays the Emolga’s words over in her head. “He opened his heart to you and you just spat in it without so much as an apology!”

    He’s right. She did do that. She unapologetically tore into the Dunsparce’s heart without even acknowledging the damage she caused. Just like him. What was she doing?! This isn’t like her! She’s better that this. Than him. Unfortunately the damage was done. An apology won’t heal a shattered heart, but it’s the best she can do. She leaves the inn and encounters Quagsire.

    “Hey… Quagsire?”

    “Hmmm… Yes?”

    “Have you seen Dunsparce around? I have something to say to him.”

    “Hmmm… Alex, Thunder, and Emolga all asked me the same thing. Hmmm… Two Pawniards took him to Desolate Canyon.” It didn’t take long for her to work out why that was bad. She considers abandoning the plan, but thinks about it and realizes that this is her responsibility. She caused this. So she needs to resolve it.

    “Wait… Desolate Canyon?!” A voice from behind them announces. “That place is a breeding ground for unsavory characters!” Virizion turns around and sees Gurrdur walk up behind her. “If Dunsparce is there, odds are he’s going to be dead in the following week. You’re going to need some help. Let me and my crew come. We’ll make short work of anyone who stands in our way.” Virizion hesitates. Can he be trusted? After all, he was a criminal for a long while. He could very easily turn on her. But… He’s right. Desolate Canyon is dangerous. The more firepower she has on by her side, the more likely it is that she will live through this.

    “…alright.” She finally says. Let’s go.”



    “Thank you two for helping me. I really appreciate it.” Dunsparce tells his Pawniard companions. About half an hour ago, they came up to him in post town and offered to help him woo Virizion. How could he say no? That’s all he’s ever wanted. To be with her. They told him that they’d have to go to their base of operations out here in Desolate Canyon.

    “It’s absolutely no trouble at all.” One of them says. “We’re happy to help.” As happy as Dunsparce is, having a chance to try again with Virizion, he can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong…

    “How far is it?” He asks.

    “It’s not far now.” The Pawniard replies again. “We’re almost there.” Eventualy, they stop. “And… We’re here.”

    Dunsparce looks around. There’s nothing there. Just barren rock. No buildings, no people, nothing. “Uh… Are you sure? I’m not seeing anything…”

    “Oh yes… We’re sure…” The second says in a menacing tone. “I’m afraid that you’ve been lied to.”

    “What? Lied to?”

    “That’s right. Now, hand over everything of value you have. Now.”

    “W-what?!” Are… Are they robbing him?!

    “You heard my partner. Hand over your Pokè. Or are we going to have to cut you down a bit?”

    “N-no… Please don’t!” Dunsparce shakes in terror. There was no way he could fight the both of them. “I don’t have anything on me! I swear! Please! Let me go!

    “Is that so? Then we have no more use for you.” The Pawniards approach, blades ready. This is it… They were going to kill him… He begged for someone to recuse him. But that was unlikely…



    “Fricking heck, they went way into the canyon.” I say aloud.

    “We can’t be far now. Keep going!” Thunder says.

    “Wait… I see him! They’re going to kill him!” Emolga cries out. “Try and kill my best friend, huh? Well I’ll show you!” Emolga carelessly dashes headlong into them.

    “Emolga!” Thunder calls out. “Wait!” But it was too little too late. Emolga gets jumped by a yellow… Oh no… Not a spider… Why spiders?

    “We’re not your run of the mill petty thieves, here. We come prepared.” One of the Pawniards tells us. I hear footsteps behind us. Turning around we see more spiders and some red beetle bugs.

    “Galvantulas and Venipede… This is not good…” Thunder says. We were surrounded. And there are far too many for us to fight. We’re doomed.

    “Kill them.” One of the Pawniards say, and they all move in to attack.


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