The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Rise and shine, Alex! It’s a new day!”

    I get up and yawn in response to hearing the cheerful voice of Thunder. That was the best rest I’ve had in a few days. I never thought that straw nest beds could be so comfortable. Course, then again, we’ve been using those archaic sleeping bags for the last week. Anything will feel like an expensive King-size bed after that.

    “Morning Thunder. Sleep well?” I asked.

    “Absolutely. A roof over my head, a warm bed to sleep in, it was so peaceful compared to before.” He replied.

    “No argument there. So, what’s the plan for today?”

    “Follow me. I’ll show you.”

    At the entrance to Paradise, things have changed. There are a few basic buildings manned by various Pokemon. “When did this happen?” I asked.

    “It’s been going on for a while. You were so busy with the house that you didn’t notice it.” Thunder replied.

    “Well, look who’s up and about.” A familiar voice rang out. Gurrdur? I turn to the right to face the source of the voice. Sure enough, there he was. Him and his team. The had build their own residence here. The structure itself was rectangular in nature and has I-beams framing the outside.

    “Gurrdur! Good to see you again.” I replied.

    “Your friend asked is we would be willing to help build Pokemon Paradise. After everything you’ve done for us, how could I refuse? Besides, I need to get back in the groove.”

    “That’s awesome, Gurrdur! Thank you! But… How will we pay for your services?”

    Thunder chimes in. “That’s where the request board comes in.” He gestures to the notice board behind us. It was covered in flyers asking for assistance in some way, shape, or form. This is updated daily by Azumarill here,” the blue, spherical, rabbit eared Pokemon manning the desk to our right waves in response. “with requests from Pokemon in need. Be it rescue, recovery, escort, or even outlaw takedowns.”

    “Can we even handle outlaw hunting?” I ask.

    “With practice, sure. Each request has a reward attached to it. So essentially, we get paid to help people.”

    “Sounds like a good deal.”

    “Yeah. I can’t wait to actually have a team to help us.”

    “A team?”

    “That’s right. A team. There’s an organization called HAPPI that can supply us with equipment should we qualify as a team.”

    “What qualifications are those?”

    “Not much, really. Just a minimum of four members, an agreement to help those in need, and a base to operate from.”

    “So we’re two members short. Maybe we’ll find someone while on a mission.”

    “That’s the hope.” Thunder takes a flyer from the board. Apparently it’s from an “Emolga” asking for help to find his “Dunsparce” friend at Stompstump Peak.

    “That’s the one you want to do?” I ask.

    “Yeah. Sure the reward’s a bit small, but it really doesn’t matter. I just want to help someone.” That’s quite the selfless attitude. I like it. “Ready to go when you are.”

    “Let’s go rescue a Dunsparce.”

    “I’m starting to get a hang of this combat stuff.” I say as I force a Bagon into a retreat. Stompstump Peak is far from a safe place. Despite this, early indications pointed to this place being a public recreational area of sorts. Visitors were challenged to make it to the peak. Guess fighting is nowhere near as big a deal on Pokèmar than it is on earth as we have been battling enemies left and right in these caves. Though most of them were unable to do any significant damage. Still, I’d expect a bit more in the way of safety in a location that’s open to the general public.

    “Good to hear. The better you can fight, the better off you’ll be.” Thunder replied.

    “Hang on… I think I found something.”

    “Huh? What its it?” Thunder dashes over to me. What I had found were two blue bandanas. They were a bit dusty, but were in good shape.

    “Might these have been dropped by our Dunsparce?”

    “Hard to say. These things have a tendency to just appear in dungeons. Best hold onto them. Just in case.” He picks them up and puts them in his bag.

    “So these bandanas just… Appear?”

    “Pretty much.”

    “I’m pretty sure that would be a violation of the Law of the Conservation of Mass.” Thunder just stares at me, confused. Guess he doesn’t study science like I do. “Never mind. I’m friends with someone who can summon thunderstorms. I’m in no position to say what is and isn’t possib-holy crap…” My words were cut short after encountering an incredible sight. A massive crystal formation. Sky blue crystals jutting out from the wall reflecting light and bathing the cavern in a blue glow.

    “That’s amazing… I’ve never seen anything like it.” Thunder says in awe of the spectacle.

    “I kinda want a, piece as a keepsake.”

    “Same here.” Thunder grabs onto one of the smaller crystals and yanks it free. “Now comes the trouble of where it’ll go in our house.”

    “One step at a time, Thunder. We still have a rescue to finish.”

    “Oh yeah! Sorry, I got sidetracked. Lead on.”

    “I think I see someone ahead.” I say, spotting what looks to be a cream colored snakelike Pokemon.

    “Dunsparce?” Thunder asks.

    “It’s likely. Come on!” We pick up the pace, soon reaching the Pokemon, who seems somewhat timid from our presence.

    “What do you want? Don’t hurt me!”

    “Relax.” I say. “We’re here to help you. We’re getting you out of here.”

    “Who sent you?” He asked.

    “Someone named Emolga. He sent out a request for asking for someone to find you.” With that, he relaxes, breathing a sigh of relief.

    “Good old Emolga. Always looking out for me. Best to not keep him waiting. He can be a bit impatient.”

    “Then let’s not keep him waiting.” Thunder says. “Let’s go.” We start back towards the entrance with Thunder and I acting as escort for Dunsparce.


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