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    “An intriguing tale… But why show me this?”

    “Because that human is far more important than anyone realizes.”

    “Are you saying he is one of The Four?”

    “Patience. All will be revealed in time. For the Bittercold was but a thunderclap in the storm. One of many to come. And this human will be integral in it.”

    “So will we return him?”

    “Not yet… The time is not right. We must wait…”

    “As you wish, my Lord.”

    To be continued in…

    Munna’s Retribution

    Right so… This part was meant to tease my plans for the rest of the Pokemar series. However, my plans have changed since then, but I think I can still make this fit. But yeah. Now this goes beyond just some bog standard chosen one plot line.


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