The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Hydreigon…” I say. “I think we’re going to want some evasive maneuvers.”

    “Hydreigon?!” Thunder exclaims, shocked. “You mean this is-“

    “Not the time, Thunder! I don’t care what it takes, Hydreigon, shake him off our tail!”

    “On it!” He replies. He banks left to dodge an incoming dragon beam, followed by a corkscrew dive underneath Salamence and doing a 180° turn back upwards. I’m beginning to regret saying that I don’t care what it takes. But, I guess, if we lose Salamence it’s worth enduring a few blackouts. The next few minutes consist of elaborate and complicated aerial maneuvers in an attempt to force Salamence to lose track of us. These maneuvers are so abrupt and sudden we leave pretty sizable vapor trails behind us. We weave through the Holehills, hugging the terrain while our attacker continues to try and get a shot off at us.

    “He’s not letting up!” Thunder calls out. “We need a new plan!”

    “I’ve got something. You’re not going to like it though.” Hydreigon replies.

    “What are you-” I don’t have to finish that sentence. It’s pretty clear what’s happening. He’s going into the network of holes in the terrain. “Oh sweet mother of mercy…” Flying at high speed in tight and confined spaces… Not ideal…

    Hydreigon dodges and weaves through the cave networks, occasionally flying out to the surface for a moment to search for another network. Eventually, though, our luck runs out. We eventually come across a dead end hole. Thankfully Hydreigon has the reaction time to come to a full stop before we are splattered on the rock.

    “Well, this is bad.” Hydreigon muses. “How are we going to get out of this?”

    “The only way we can.” I reply. “We blast our way out. Hydreigon, fly back out the way we came. And the moment Salamence shows his face, we hit him as hard as you can.

    “That includes me?” Thunder asks.

    “And me. I learned a new trick while I was with Hydreigon.” I generate a small green energy ball in my hand to show what I mean.

    “Alright. I’m ready.”

    “Then it’s now or never! Gun it, Hydreigon!” Hydrogen responds by accelerating towards the exit hole. Soon enough, Salamence enters through the same way. If this doesn’t work we are screwed. “Now!” Hydreigon fires his dragon beam, Thunder lets loose a massive bolt of electricity, and I hurl several energy balls at the dragon target. He tanks the energy balls, but the dragon beam and thunderbolt hit hard, sending Salamence spiraling into the rocky terrain below. 

    “That’s it!” Thunder exclaims gleefully. “We’re free!” 

    “Yeah!” I whoop. “That’s what I’m talking about!” Hydreigon glides out from the cavern, relieved to have lost the pursuer. 

    “So, do you guys have a home where we can work on planning?” He asks.

    “Yeah.” I reply. “Off a ways to the northeast. Near Post Town.”

    “Ok. I’m relying on you two for navigation.”

    “We’ll do our best.” Thunder says in reply.

    “The end of the world?!” Thunder exclaims in disbelief. “Are you serious?!” We’re at the edge of the Scorching Desert (ok… Who’s the bright son of a gun who gave it that name?). Thankfully though we reached it at night. So it’s colder. Though maybe a bit too cold.

    “I’m afraid so. And it’s very soon. That’s the whole reason I was brought here.”

    “I… I just can’t comprehend that… Everyone I know. Everyone I ever met and millions more. They’ll all just… Die… Why would anyone do that?”

    “Apparently it’s been prophesied since time immemorial. Decreed by fate.”

    “So… Fate itself is against us… That’s not good…”

    “I never believed in fate. Some ethereal force plotting out our every move like pieces on a game board. I mean, if our only purpose is to reenact a prophecy, why give us the freedom of choice?” I notice that Hydreigon has set down, his jaws releasing our backs. 

    “I can’t…” Hydreigon pants. “I can’t fly any more… I’m too tired…” 

     “Well, you’ve been flying us this entire way for the whole time. I think it’s only fair we walk the rest of the way. Thankfully it’s only a few miles from here. We should be able to get back and rest so we’re ready to take on the Bittercold.” Here’s hoping we even stand a chance…

    “…I’m getting the feeling we’re being watched…” I quietly announce.

    “You sure it’s not lack of sleep getting to you?” Hydreigon asks.

    “No… I can’t explain it but… I’m positive someone’s out there. And they’re not friendly.”

    “Probably a bandit or something. Just ignore it we have more impo-” Hydreigon is immediately cut off by a roar. Standing in front of us was none other than the protector of the Bittercold himself, Kyurem. Using the moment of shock and surprise to his advantage he blasts Hydreigon with an ice beam, coating the three headed dragon in a thick layer of ice. Then with a powerful roar, he shatters the brittle ice statue. And Hydreigon. The scattered pieces of the Voice of Life fade and dissipate into colorful fragments of light that are whisked away in the wind.

    “No!” I call out. “Hydreigon!” This can’t be real… He was my only guide to finding out how to stop the Bittercold! And Kyurem just killed him! “No… He’s…” Kyurem doesn’t let me finish my sentence. I am blasted with a dragon pulse. As if my current wounded state wasn’t bad enough. Now I’m a sitting duck. 

    “Alex!” Thunder cries out in fear and concern. And of course Kyurem doesn’t stop there. I watch helplessly as the massive dragon looms over me. He raises his foot and brings it down on me. Hard. I swear I heard bones breaking. He’s not content with just incapacitating me. He wants me dead. Another stomp. More agony. I can’t ever cry out due to the extent of my injuries. “Kyurem! Stop! Don’t kill him! Please!” I hear Thunder beg. Kyurem pays him no mind. He just continues to crush me under his foot. I can’t endure this any longer… I feel my brain shutting down… This is it… This is how I die… And everything goes black…


    He can’t do this! Not to Alex! Not to his closest friend! It might already be too late… Alex may just be another kill for him… No… He cannot let that happen! “ STOP! ” Thunder gets between Kyurem and Alex, holding his arms outstretched as if to create a barrier. “Please!” Tears begin to flow from his eyes. “Don’t kill him… He’s my friend! The first person I can truly call a friend… He means everything to me… If you have to kill someone, kill me! But please… Leave him alone…”

    A tense silence follows. “You no longer wish to defy me.” Kyurem finally says. “So I will stop. It hardly matters anyway. You will all perish in a matter of days. Go. Enjoy your last moments. But know that if you decide to defy me once again, I will devote every cell of my being to killing the both of you. And there will be no mercy from me. Now go.” And with that, Kyurem leaves. Thunder quickly runs to Alex’s side to see if his beloved friend is still alive. But the evidence favors the darker outcome. Broken bones, blood flowing from many places, and absolutely no movement whatsoever. 

    “Alex, come on. Get up.” Nothing. “You can’t be dead… You can’t be… We still have to stop the Bittercold, remember?” Thunder’s voice is beginning to get choked up as the tears start falling once more. It’s true, isn’t it? Alex is dead. He’s gone. But he can’t be… “Alex! Please! Don’t do this to me! I can’t lose you! Alex! Please get up! Alex… I… I can’t live without you… Please…” his pleas become sobs as he loses control of his emotions. He grabs hold of and embraces Alex, not caring about getting blood on his fur. Sobbing. He’s truly gone, isn’t he? He’ll never see him again…


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