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    I slowly wake up from my slumber. I feel weak. Very weak. I open my eyes and survey my surroundings. First thing that catches my eye is that my bandana is now tied at my midriff and heavily soaked in blood. By the looks of it, someone used it as a makeshift bandage. Well, guess it’s better than nothing. Tearing my eyes away from my body I look around. Stone walls I’m in a cave. Just your run of the mill cave.

    “Ah! Good. You’re awake.” A voice says from behind. I turn around to address it. What greets me is none other than Hydreigon himself. In a brief moment of panic I try to get away, but only succeed in putting myself in much more pain. “No! Stop! You’re still recovering! Don’t worry. I’m not going to eat you.” 

    “You’re Hydreigon, right?” I respond. “The Hydreigon that Munna told me about? The ravenous monster?”

    “Do you really want to trust the word of someone who tried to have you killed? And boy, did they do a number on you. You had lost so much blood. And that wound in your gut? I think I was able to see internal organs. I was worried your intestines would start-“

    “Alright! Enough! I’ve lost enough fluid as is! Don’t make me puke out the rest. Please.”

    “…ah… Fair enough.” A brief moment of silence fills the cave.

    “I don’t get it… Why would Munna take me halfway across the universe just to kill me? It doesn’t make sense…”

    “That’s because she didn’t. I did. And it was to an entirely different universe. But, you know, technicalities.”

    “Wait, you?”

    “She’s clever. That’s for sure. She found a way to hijack my telepathic signal and send you false information. And lead you into a trap.”

    “Forgive me if I’m hesitant to trust you.” 

    “Look, if I was really as bad as she makes me out to be, you wouldn’t be here to talk about it.” He makes a good point. And Munna isn’t exactly trustworthy, as I learned the hard way, so I would make sense that Hydreigon is actually kind.

    “…I guess you’re right… So… Care to tell me the real reason I’m here?”

    “…The Bittercold.”

    “Is that supposed to be familiar to me?”

    “Not likely. It also goes by the name of the Great Crystal.” Wait, that thing that Umbreon and Espeon were searching for in the Great Glacier? That’s why I’m here? “You see… Long ago, during the early days of Pokèmar, there was a prophecy, woven into the fabric of fate. And this prophecy talked about the world growing cold, callous, cruel, and evil. And that all those dark and negative feelings would coalesce into an entity, the Bittercold. The Bittercold, once large enough, would then destroy every single living thing on the face of the planet so that Arceus could start anew.”

    “The apocalypse… And this is happening soon?”

    “Very. Less than a week.”

    “Well what do you expect me to do? How on earth am I supposed to defeat something that fate has declared will win?”

    “Let me finish. You see, I am the Voice of Life, the manifestation of the will to live of every life form on this planet. And the reason I brought you here is what’s known as the Winds of Despair. You see, these winds feed the negativity of the planet into it and will cause any Pokemon who crosses their path to suffocate. No Pokemon could ever get close to it. But… Only Pokemon are influenced.”

    “So humans are immune?”

    “To my knowledge, yes. Humans are unaffected. That’s why I summoned you and many other humans. I had hoped to lead all of you there to end this, but Munna, under Kyurem’s command, hijacked my signal and lured them into traps, one by one. Those yellow orbs you likely saw? Those are the consciousnesses of the slain humans. To my knowledge, you’re the last one still alive.”

    “I see… That’s a lot to take in…”

    “You’re the last hope for this world. I’m sorry to put this much pressure on you, but you’re all that’s left.”

    “…well… I can’t sit idly by while the world is wiped out. I’ll do whatever I can. Even if I’m fighting fate.” A distant roar interrupts our conversation. “What… Was that?”

    “Salamence? I thought I lost him!”

    “It appears not. Are we safe here?”

    “No we’re not. He has our scent. It will only be a matter of time before he checks here. Are you feeling well enough to walk?” I stand up and take a few test steps. It’s painful, but I can manage. Not like I have much of a choice.

    “Borderline. But yeah.”

    “Then follow me. We need to get away fast. Ochre Quarry is to the west of here. It should give us enough cover to stay hidden.”

    “Alright. Lead on.”

    Well… One thing I learned. When spending a long time alone with Hydreigon, no matter how tempting it may be, do not make small talk with him. He. Will. Never. Shut. Up. It’s so hard to remain calm with him constantly rambling on about whatever random thing pops into his head(s).

    Regardless of my annoyances, progress has been slow. Mostly because of my wounds. We camp out in a secure location for the night and head off into the Withered Savannah the next morning. Salamence apparently decides to stop his pursuit when we enter the mystery dungeon.

    “Why did he turn back?” I ask Hydreigon. “Is the Withered Savannah that dangerous?”

    “Not really.” He answers. “It’s perplexing…” 

    “I guess, as an old earth saying goes, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

    “…what’s a gift horse?”

    “Never mind.” Just as soon as I finish that thought, we are ambushed. The two Excadrill of Munna’s gang burrow up from underneath the ground ahead of us.

    “Well, look who it is.” One of them says in a taunting tone. “I would have thought you would have bled out by now, human.”

    “Ok… First off, the name’s Alex. Second off, you really want to mess with me when I have a dragon protecting me?”

    “Which is why we aren’t here to fight. Rather, we’re here to give you a piece of information you’re bound to find interesting.” 

    “And that is…”

    “Your Pikachu friend? Thunder? Well… We caught him. He’s ours now. And he’s probably not going to live for much longer.”


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