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    I am running ideas through my head, trying to figure out how we’re going to get out of this. But I’m coming up with nothing.

    “Why, Munna?” I ask. “Why drag me all the way to an entirely different planet just to kill me?”

    “Do you really think I’m stupid enough to tell you my intentions? What am I, some fictional supervillain?” She scoffs. “No. All that’s going to happen is that we’re going to kill you. And that’s that.”

    “And Thunder?”

    “Your friend? I really wish you didn’t bring him along. Because now he has to die as well.”

    “Munna…” Thunder says nervously. “Don’t do this… You don’t have to do this…”

    “No. For everyone’s sake, I have to kill you. And every other human brought here.” Wait, there are others?! Other humans were brought here as well?! “Enough talk. We’ve wasted enough time. Kill them!” 

    “Right away, Mistress Munna!” Toxicroak replies. They are closing rapidly. Either we’re going to pull a narrow escape or become permanent residents of the afterlife. There has to be a way out! Wait… The Chandelure… They provide the light… If we were to hit them and temporarily knock their lights out… It may give us the chance we need to get away. I look to Thunder, subtly gesturing to him, then to the left Chandelure. He nods. Here’s hoping I was clear enough in my directions. I yell and charge right into the Chandelure on the right. Thunder takes the cue and does the same for the other one. Our hits connect, plunging the cavern into darkness. I can’t see a thing, but the good news is neither can they. 

    “Hey!” Munna yells. “What in the…”

    “They knocked out our lights!” One of the Chandelure responds. “Give us a minute and we’ll have them back on.”

    “Well make it fast! They’re getting away!” Indeed we were. I blindly stumble through the darkness, deliberately heading in the opposite direction of their voices. I can only assume that Thunder is doing the same. With any luck we won’t find ourselves trapped in a dead end.

    Is… Is that light? Outside light at the end of the tunnel? Yes! I think it is! I redouble my efforts to reach it, hoping my attackers aren’t close behind. It would seem that the sun has started rising and the night sky is vanishing to the sheer power of the sun. I have to shield my eyes as I have gotten acclimated to the dark. 

    “I think we lost them, Thunder.” I pant as I exit the cave. Wait a minute… Where’s… “Thunder? Are you there?” Looking around I see no sign of him. We must have been separated when the lights went out. Oh… I really hope they didn’t catch him… I couldn’t bear to lose a friend like him.

    “Look! There he is!” A voice from behind calls.

    “Oh, crap!” I mutter under my breath. I hadn’t lost them. I can’t stop now. I need to keep moving.

    I am really getting tired at this point. I’m not sure how long I can keep this up before fatigue sets in. But with my life on the line, I have to keep going. Unfortunately for me, I’m not given a choice in the matter. I end up running right up to the edge of a sheer cliff. Looking down just confirms my suspicions. I would never survive a fall like that. This means one thing, I’m trapped.

    “Well well well…” Toxicroak’s voice echoes from behind me. I turn around to see him, the Chandelure, and the Gigalith. A poison type and two fire types… The Gigalith I might be able to take, but the other three… There’s no way I’m getting out of this alive. “You sent us for quite the chase. You’re clever, I admit that. But it won’t save you this time.” 

    “Probably not…” I pant. “But… I’m not going out… Without a fight.”

    Toxicroak chuckles. “I was hoping you’d say that. Alright everyone. Let’s finish him.”

    My attackers are quick to spring into action. The Chandelure start spraying purple fire my way. I react quickly, rolling out of the way, consequently coming face to face with one of the Gigalith, who tries to stomp me. I react with an energy ball, sending him staggering back. Toxicroak is the next to strike. I do my best to avoid his strikes. Which I surprisingly manage to pull off. 

    The Chandelure open fire once more, catching me off guard. I take a hit, but it’s not enough to keep me down. Realizing that my agility will be the deciding factor, I gun it, dashing through the attacking group. Turning around, I take a blast seed and wing it in their direction. The blast forces them back. I ready myself for their retaliation, but it never comes. The answer soon becomes apparent, reinforcements have arrived. A steel claw rips through my back, causing me to cry out in pain. Turning around I see the Excadrill and a… Oh you have got to be kidding me… A Salamence…

    Still staggered, I am unable to respond as the attacking Excadrill impales me through the gut with its center claw. The pain is excruciating. He throws me back towards the cliff. Thankfully I manage to grab hold on the edge just before I fall. But it’s clear that it’s only delaying the inevitable. Considering I’m now mortally wounded, bleeding profusely, and dangling off the edge of a cliff. 

    “Shame… I thought you’d put up more of a fight than that.” Toxicroak mocks. “But, the end result is still the same. Salamence… End it.” The massive dragon stomps over to the edge, raising his foot to crush my hand underneath it. Not that it would matter. My grip is close to failing anyway. Well… This is it… I did what I could… But in the end, I guess I was destined to die…

    My thoughts are interrupted when a beam of energy slams into the Salamence. Knocking him backwards. I turn around to see who my rescuer is. …wait… That’s… Hydreigon… He’s… Helping me? 

    I couldn’t hold on any longer. I lose my grip and begin falling, screaming the whole way down. Hydreigon spots me and dives right at me, jaws open. Is he going to eat me? Catch me? I… I can’t think… I must have lost too much blood… I’m feeling lightheaded… Can’t… Stay… Awake…


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