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    Words can’t fully describe what it is that I see before me. But I’ll certainly try. It’s a massive mountain of icy spikes. It towers over us like a skyscraper. And it appears that the whole peak of the glacier is completely hollow! We’re inside a massive chamber inside of a glacial mountain! And there’s this… Structure inside it! This huge icy structure! How! Why!

    “I take back what I said about it not being artificial…” Virizion says, awestruck by the sight. “Because there is no way that’s a natural formation.”

    “How do you even hollow out a mountain of ice without it collapsing?” Umbreon muses.

    “I have no idea…” Espeon replies.

    “Who, or what, made this?” I say aloud.

    “Well… There’s only one way to find out.” Dunsparce says. “We go explore it. I can see an entry into it.”

    “I second the notion.” Thunder eagerly replies.

    “Espeon and I are definitely in.” Umbreon answers.

    “If there’s any evidence of Keldeo, it’s there.” Virizion states definitively.

    “Then it’s settled. We go in.” I say. “Forward!” With that, the entire team rushes in, excited to discover the secrets that lie within. But as for me… Something feels wrong. I hesitate, lagging behind everyone else. Thunder must have noticed this. Because he slowed down a bit to roll right up beside me. 

    “Is something wrong, Alex?” He asks.

    “I don’t know… It might be my imagination but… That thing… It feels… Dark… Sad… Devoid of joy or hope… Like something’s stealing it away…”

    “You’re probably thinking too hard. Come on, enjoy yourself. Forget this doom and gloom stuff. We’re here to have fun!”

    “…I guess you’re right. Let’s get to it, then.”

    This place is apparently some sort of building. It’s got the layout of a maze, though. I’m going to hazard a guess and say it’s a mystery dungeon. Probably the first I’ve seen to actually look “mysterious.” That may partially explain this whole thing. But not completely.

    “Woah… Look at this!” Thunder calls out. He points to several large chunks of ice that are… Floating?

    “Well… Chalk up floating ice chunks on my list of ‘things I did not expect to see today.’ Right under ‘giant ice palace.'” I say, humorously.

    “Umbreon…” Espeon says, intrigued. “This correlates to those legends. Large objects levitating without apparent external influence. Evidence of the existence of the Great Crystal.”

    “You’re right.” Umbreon agrees. “The Great Crystal is probably responsible. We sho- oh my… No way… Are these what I think they are?” He turns his attention to several ornate vases scattered across the floor. Part of me wanted to think he was a bit out of it, but with everything I’ve seen in this past day alone , it wouldn’t surprise me if it were some sort of ancient artifact with evil powers. 

    “Frisms?!” Virizion exclaims in surprise. “Incredible! These things are super rare.”

    “Frisms? What are those?” Thunder asks. You know what, it’s nice not being the only one who has little to no idea how everything works or what something is.

    “It’s more fun to show you.” Espeon replies. “Here. Take one, and say something into it. Anything you can think of.”

    “Ok…” Thunder says. He quickly tries to think of something to say into the frism. “Uh… Hello? Um… This… Is Team New Hope!” Suddenly, the top freezes over with a thin layer of ice. “Huh?! Is… Is that supposed to happen?”

    “It is. The sound has been frozen. You melt the ice, the sound plays back just as it was received.” …I really want to pick apart the logic behind this. But there’s no point. At all. This is normal here. And no amount of apparent disregard for the laws of physics will change that. Thunder breathes out onto the “frozen sound” and melts the ice. Thunder’s voice is heard from the frism.

    “Uh… Hello? Um… This… Is Team New Hope!” It’s flawless. An exact replica of what was said. Every minute detail was captured in the recording. That is incredible. “That is awesome! I am definitely taking this with me.”

    “Hey. Look over there.” Dunsparce calls out. “That one has a voice in it.” Sure enough, the frism he’s looking at has that same thin layer of ice on it.

    “Odd…” Umbreon says. “Maybe it picked up a falling ice stalactite.”

    “I don’t think so.” I respond. “Thunder had to speak directly into it for it to work. And none of the others froze over while we were talking. So I’m not confident it picked up falling ice.”

    “Well…” Dunsparce says. “There’s only one way to find out.” He bounces up to the frism and breaths on the opening, melting the ice on it.

    A male voice starts speaking. “Hellooooo? Can anyone heeeeeaaaaar meeeeee? Hehe… I love messing with things like this. So, uh… What should I talk about? Hm… Well… I may be the first Pokemon to set foot on this land. And let me tell you, this place is incredible. And so full of mystery… As any good mystery dungeon should be. But this… This is in a league of its own. Well… I should probably stop playing with this and get back to exploring. So… Goodbye, I guess.”

    After a short while, I break the silence. “Well. It’s confirmed now. We were beaten to the punch. Whoever made that recording was here before us.”

    “Virizion?” Dunsparce asks. “Are you… Crying?” 

    “She probably is.” Umbreon answers quietly. “That was Keldeo’s voice.” Oh… Yeah… That would probably do it.

    “I always loved that about you, Keldeo…” Virizion says through a shaky, sobbing voice. “Always joking. Always lighthearted. We used to have such a good time together… Why? Why did you leave me?! You were my friend! Like a Brother… I thought you liked me! Why, Keldeo! Why did you have to go?! Why!? …why…” All of those bottled up emotions, all that sadness and heartbreak, all being released here and now as she lets herself collapse on the floor. I can’t help but feel sorry for her.

    “That’s right, Virizion… Let it all out.” Espeon consoles. “We’re all friends here… You don’t have to hold it in any longer.” We all rest our hands (or tails in Dunsparce’s case) on Virizion’s back, as if we were trying to absorb her pain, moving it away from her.

    “Keldeo… Please come back, Keldeo… I miss you… I miss you…”


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