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    Let me be the first to say, traveling through that Magnagate felt like I just overdosed on both LSD and acid. At the same time. I could see massive ropes of energy, presumably ley lines, Crisscrossing everywhere, random colors pulsing through them at high speed. And there was just so much background visual noise that I could hardly figure out what was happening at any given moment! I could feel nausea setting in. Please don’t puke…

    A white vortex appears below me. Without any say in the matter, I am sucked into it. Next thing I know, I’m inside of the Magnagate ring with the rest of the team. It isn’t long until the ring collapses in the familiar whirlwind of air. I soon feel bile rising in my throat. With no other real option available to me, I vomit. It appears everyone except Umbreon and Espeon are in a similar, if not identical situation. 

    “Oh… Yeah… I should have told you to close your eyes for the ride.” Espeon says with a slight hint of amusement. “What you see in there does a number to your sense of orientation. And, consequently, your stomach.”

    “Yeah.” I say, slightly perturbed. “Thanks for the warning.” With the unpleasantness over I take in my surroundings. We’re in a cave. The rocks are colored in shades of tan. Like sandstone. A thin cloud of mist fills the cavern. It definitely has a mysterious vibe to it.

    “I can’t believe Emolga did that.” Dunsparce says in a confused tone. Oh yeah! I had almost forgotten about that! All the excitement of the trip distracted me. “Why would he give up his chance to go?”

    “I guess he saw how heartbroken you were.” Thunder responds. “I guess he felt that it was more important that you come along over him.” 

    “Dunsparce…” I add. “You have an amazing friend there. He’s willing to give up the trip of a lifetime just so you can experience it instead. A friend like that can be hard to come by. Make sure he knows how grateful you are when we get back.”

    After a moment of silent thought Dunsparce speaks up. “…you’re right. I will. I will tell him.” 

    “That’s good to hear.” Umbreon says. “Now, shall we begin our expedition?”

    “Absolutely!” Thunder says excitedly. “Lead the way!”

    We enter another Magnagate ring at the end of the dungeon. Entering it, I take Espeon’s advice and shut my eyes. I already lost my breakfast. I don’t need to lose my intestinal tract as well. While the experience is still… Weird… It’s significantly less nauseating this time around. I wait until I hear the gate close before I open my eyes again. The first thing I notice is the icy landscape that lays before us. Second thing I notice is the freezing cold air.

    “We… We did it. We’re actually here.” Thunder says aloud. “We’re on the Great Glacier!”

    “This is amazing!” Dunsparce adds. “I only ever dreamed of this! And yet… Here I am…”

    “It truly is a sight to behold.” Says Virizion. “Let’s keep moving to see what else this place has for us to find.”

    “Agreed. Let’s go.” Umbreon agrees.

    “So, Umbreon, Espeon,” I inquire. “What prompted you to come to the Great Glacier in the first place?”

    “Mostly a legend about something called the Great Crystal.” Espeon answers. “It’s a crystalline structure that creates antigravity. Objects in its vicinity are levitated. Legend has it that it rests here. At the Great Glacier.”

    “So it wasn’t just the idea of going to this famous location that brought you here?” Thunder asks.

    “No.” Umbreon replies. “We prefer to have a tangible reason behind our little adventures. Usually furthering our research in some way, shape, or form. Or, you know. For fun, occasionally, when there’s nothing to do.”

    “So you want to be sure to make the most of your time.” I say. “Makes sense. You only live for so long. Wait a minute… What’s that?” I point off into the distance. As we approach it we see something etched into the glacial ice. An intricate circular pattern. Hold on a moment! Isn’t this…

    “That’s a Magnagate echo!” Espeon exclaims in surprise. “What on Pokèmar is this doing here?”

    “Aren’t these created after a Magnagate disappears?” I ask.

    “They are.” She answers. “But who else could use a Magnagate?”

    “Keldeo.” Virizion chimes in. “You said to yourself, he knew how to make them. It’s possible this is from him traveling here.” 

    “That’s a good point.” She agrees.

    “Is there any way to see where he came from or went to using it?” I ask.

    “Yes, actually. If we just activate the Entercards in the middle of the echo, theoretically it should default to the gate opened that created the echo.”

    “Well what are we waiting for?” Thunder says excitedly. “Let’s do it!” Umbreon nods and sets the Magnagate generator down in the center of the intricate pattern. He presses down on it and we all stand back, waiting for the gate to open. We are greeted by the familiar effects synonymous with the creation of a Magnagate. But there’s something else. Behind the gate a few miles out, a pillar of golden light shines through the ground. And then another even farther out. It’s a trail of golden pillars of light leading all the way to the glacier’s peak.

    “Woah…” I utter quietly. “Is that supposed to happen?”

    “I wouldn’t know.” Umbreon replies. “I’ve never done this before. I guess it means that he went to the peak.”

    “So… We follow?”

    “I don’t see why not. Alright everyone. Get into the gate before it closes. Wouldn’t want anyone left behind.”

    We exit the Glacial Underpass mystery dungeon created by the Entercards into a tunnel inside the glacier. With nowhere to go, we follow the tunnel.

    “I didn’t think glaciers could have hollowed out sections.” I observe. “Could it be artificial?”

    “I doubt it.” Virizion responds. “No one else except maybe Keldeo has been here. I don’t think he could make something like this.”

    “Oh! Look! There’s a light ahead!” Thunder calls out. Sure enough there was indeed a light. We pick up the pace and find that the cave opens up into a large area with… is… Is that… How… What…

    “Holy-” is all I can think to say…


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