The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Are these sorts of things everywhere on earth?” Thunder asks me as we make our way to Post Town. We’re going to check on Umbreon and Espeon to see how their project is coming along. The ability to traverse any distance like this is ground breaking and has piqued my interest.

    “You mean the Entercards? Absolutely not. That’s not something I think humanity will create for many centuries. Especially since they seem to be a combination of technology and mystical energy. We don’t have mystic energies on earth.”

    “Well… You still have technology. What have humans made with that?”

    “Lots of things. Vehicles of all forms, handheld devices with so many different abilities and features, a global network of electronic information, even vehicles that escape the gravitational pull of the earth itself.” 

    “You mean you’ve been in space?!”

    “Well, not me personally, no. Only a few have. But it’s still exciting to think about.” I’m actually on the fence about if I’d actually want to go to space. It’s always fascinated me, but with all the inherent risks involved… I’m just not sure. As we approach the town, we end the conversation. Just like always, I’m trying to keep my true nature as a human under wraps. I’d rather not think about what sort of asylums or mental institutions exist here. Or if they’re any better or worse than on earth. Soon, we reach the eeveelution duo (Thunder taught me about the evolution of Pokemon. A very strange concept to be honest.) on the hill in post town. 

    “Hey guys.” Thunder says cheerfully. “How’s the Magnagate stuff going?”

    “Very, very well.” Espeon responds. 

    “We’re just fine tuning a few things.” Umbreon adds. “In a few days, we should be ready to use it.”

    “Where will you go for your first actual use of it?” I ask.

    Espeon starts to explain. “We’re planning on going to the Great Glacier to-“

    “Woah! Hold up!” Thunder interrupts. “Did you just say that you’re going to the Great Glacier? THE Great Glacier? The one no one has ever gotten to?”

    “That’s the one. Rumor has it that there’s something called the Great Crystal there. Reportedly able to levitate objects by its mere presence.”

    “Forget the crystal!” I exclaim. “We’re talking about a major historical event here! We will go down in history as the first to reach this place! Our names will be in the history books for years to come!” 

    “‘We?'” Umbreon asks.

    “Well, I’m sure that New Hope would want to come, right, Thunder?”

    “Heck yeah!” Thunder responds. “Of course we would!”

    “…what do you think, Espeon?” Umbreon asks. “Could they come?”

    “I don’t see why not.” She responds. And just like that, Thunder went nuts.

    “Yes! Yes! Thank you! Thank you so much! Woooo! We’re going to the Great Glacier!” Well… Now the entire continent knows. Not that it mattered. Word would spread regardless. 

    “We should get the others informed.” I say. “It’s a big trip. We’ll need to be ready.”



    This morning Alex and Thunder had announced the big news. We were going to the Great Glacier. Everyone was ecstatic. Himself included. He was excited. So much so that he couldn’t get to sleep no matter how hard he tried. It is late and he’s up on the hill, gazing and the silhouette of the Glacier against the starry backdrop of the night sky. How could anyone expect to sleep after hearing this?! It’s not possible.

    “Is there room for one more?” A feminine voice asks from behind him, making him jump. It’s Virizion. Dunsparce feels himself blush.

    “Agh! Uh… Virizion? What are you doing up this late?!”

    “I couldn’t sleep. Too much energy.”

    “Same here, actually. You’re welcome to stay.” Virizion smiles in response and lays down next to him. 

    “You really want to go, don’t you?

    “Absolutely. I… I’ve always wanted to do something like this since I was a hatchling. Do something big. Historic. Important. But… I’ve never done much… And when I try I always botch it up. When I first met you, I was so afraid that I would mess up.”

    “I could tell. And… I wanted to say… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did. I hurt you so badly with my words.”

    “It’s fine. I mean, you’re with me now. Er… Uh… I hope that didn’t sound… Uh…” He begins stuttering nervously, unsure if he acted too forward with her and ruined his chances. Virizion merely chucked quietly in response. “W-Well… I noticed something else as well.” He says, desperate to change the subject. “Ever since I joined New Hope I’ve felt more… Confident. Like being around the creative Alex and the upbeat and optimistic Thunder makes me feel stronger. More capable. Able to do things I would have thought impossible before. Joining the team was the best thing to ever happen to me. No doubt. And now… I’m about to make history with them…

    “I’m glad to hear. And whatever happens, I guarantee you that I will back you up. We will back you up. You have our support. We’re here for you whenever you need us.”

    “You mean that?”

    “Absolutely. You’re a part of the family. And in a family no one is put aside.”

    “T-thank you Virizion… You have no idea what this means to me.”

    “I can certainly guess.” With that, the two of them sat quietly, staring out over the horizon, imagining what they will find when they make the journey.



    Emolga couldn’t sleep either. He was just too excited at the prospect of actually going to the great glacier. To try to work off some of that energy, he decided to take a short walk around Post Town. That’s when he spotted Dunsparce and Virizion. Hiding behind a shrub on the hill, he eavesdropped, catching the tail end of the conversation. Dunsparce is right. Ever since they Joined, Emolga noticed his more positive attitude. And it took him by surprise that Virizion gave him her support. Of course Emolga would show support. He wouldn’t be a very good friend if he didn’t. But Virizion? Maybe Alex is right. Maybe she is trying to change. Trying to make amends. That doesn’t mean he’s going to let up on her, though. Not after what was done to Dunsparce…


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