The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    “Guys, good news.” Emolga says. “I found her. Bad news, they found her first.” Sure enough, there she is. Cornered and about to be killed. We cannot let that happen.

    “Thunder, hand me a blast seed.” I say. He immediately reaches into the bag and pulls one out, handing it to me. One of the many things I learned about this world was that there are a metric ton of seed types. These things have unbelievable properties when ingested or thrown. There are seeds that can put someone to sleep, teleport them, make them breathe fire, cure ailments, pretty much everything. This blast seed is the fire breathing one. Same stuff that was in the heat wave drink I had the misfortune of gulping down so long ago. But I came up with a better use for it. A grenade.

    “Fire in the hole!” I yell to grab the attacker’s attention and keep it away from Espeon. And if that didn’t work, the blast seed absolutely will. I sling the seed right at them. And the one thing I take particular note of was the moment that they realized what I just did. The “oh crap” look on their faces. Priceless.

    The blast was small, but effective, throwing both of the assailants away from their wounded prey.

    “V-Vrizion?!” Espeon sputters, surprised. Where did-“

    “We’ll have time for pleasantries and explanations later.” She replies. “Right now, stay low.”

    “Thunder, Emolga, you take the Toxicroak.” I say. “Virizion and I will handle Purugly.”

    We split into two groups to take on our attackers. “Did no one ever teach you numbskulls to keep your noses out of the affairs of others?” Purugly growls.

    “I consider that concept null and void when someone’s life hangs in the balance.” My reply angers him. Good. More anger means more impulsive actions and more mistakes.

    “Null and void. Interesting choice of words. Because that’s what you and your little ragtag team will be when we’re through with you.”

    “I hear a lot of talk and not a lot backing it up. So let’s cut to the chase.” I dash at him, sliding under his legs, emerging behind him. He turns to face me, but also turns away from Virizion in the process. She slashes at him with her horns, doing some damage in the process. I leap onto his back, extending my vines and wrapping them around his neck, trying to get him unconscious. He does a good job banging me around trying to get me off. But inevitably he succumbs to the lack of oxygen (I assume oxygen. I mean, we could be breathing argon for all I know).

    Thunder and Emolga appear to be keeping their distance, repeatedly shocking him from two completely different directions before he collapses on the ground. It still amazes me just how much punishment a Pokemon can endure without long term effects. One of those bolts would probably cripple a human.

    “Thank you. All of you.” Espeon says. “I owe you my life. Care to introduce yourselves?”

    “Of course. I’m Alex. This is Thunder and Emolga. I know you and Virizion have met before.”

    “Come on. Let’s head to Post Town. Umbreon’s worried sick.” Virizion says.

    “Umbreon?! But… They said they… They…” Espeon says in disbelief.

    “They were just messing with you. He’s the one who told us you were missing. So we came to find you.”

    Espeon’s face is one of confusion. She has heard two conflicting stories about her brother’s fate. She must be deciding whether to trust her attackers or her acquaintance. “… Alright. I trust you. Lead the way.”

    “Espeon! Thank Arceus you’re alive!” Umbreon darts full speed to his sister, in spite of doctors orders to avoid strenuous activity. But what the hey. He just learned his sister is alive and well. I’m sure we can let it slide this time.

    The two make contact, wrapping their forepaws around each other in a hug. Both are crying tears of joy. “They told me you were dead… I was so worried…” Espeon manages to choke out.

    “It’s ok. We’re together again. And we have all four Entercards again.”

    “About that… I don’t have them. Someone else does.”

    “That’s ok. They got them, we can make more.”

    “No, not the thugs. Someone-.

    “Excuse me? Miss Espeon?” A young voice calls out from behind us. To our surprise, it’s Swadloon. And he’s carrying two Entercards! Behind him is his confused mother. “I kept your promise. Here’s your things back.” He sets them down in front of her while the rest of us look in confusion. How did he get ahold of those?

    “I suppose you want an explanation for this. Well… I’ll tell you. I was trying to lose my pursuers in Inflora Forest. I dug a hole for my cards and a gem that I carry with me and buried them so I wouldn’t risk them. When I thought that I’d lost them, I came back to find that he dug them up. In my haste to get my things back, he screamed, which would most certainly alert my pursuers. He wanted the gem to give to his mother so I struck a deal. He kept the cards safe and hidden away until I came to get them and he could keep the gem. I told him not to tell anyone. By the expressions on everyone’s faces, it appears that he kept his end of the deal. But…” She turns to Leavanny with a sorrowful look in her eyes. “…I’m sorry for putting your son in the firing line like that. If they had figured out that he had the cards… I am so, so sorry. I put him in danger… Can you forgive me?

    There is a moment of silence as Leavanny contemplates her words. “…I would rather he not be in danger, yes. But nothing happened to him, thankfully. And I’m proud of him for keeping his word. So… I forgive you.”

    Espeon lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me. Anyway, we should probably continue our research.”

    “Yeah.” Umbreon agrees. “Thank you, New Hope. We are forever in your debt.”

    “Don’t worry about it. It’s what we do.” Thunder replies.


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