The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Post town is… Unusually nervous today. There is an atmosphere of fear and tension as everyone is discussing… Something… Naturally, Swanna’s Inn is the hub for this odd activity. Everyone is nervous and on edge.

    “I don’t like this…” I say aloud. “Something’s going on here. Everyone’s jumping at their own shadow.”

    “Yeah… Should we ask around?” Thunder asks.

    “That would be the logical step.” We seat ourselves at the counter and order breakfast, Occa berries and a Leafstorm Drink for me, and Shuca berries and a Thunderbolt Drink for Thunder. “Hey, Swanna?”

    “Yes dear?” The swan Pokemon responds.

    “What’s with the town? Everyone looks like they’re paranoid about something.”

    “You two haven’t heard?”

    “Heard what?” Thunder interjects.

    “About the sightings of the suspicious Pokemon. Over the past few days, people have been claiming to see a figure lurking around in the night. With sightings growing more and more frequent, people are starting to worry.”

    “Has anyone tried to talk to it?” I ask.

    “No. Whenever someone looked its way, it fled.” Huh… Hardly seems like a threat. It’s acting like a scared animal.

    “It sounds like it’s more scared of us than we are of it. I see no reason to be suspicious.”

    “Fair point, but it appears to be watching us. For what reason, no one knows. A few fear mongers stirred up some trouble and now everyone thinks they’re being spied on 24/7.” Ah. Now it makes sense. Leave it to a mischievous group to escalate a previously semi-docile situation.

    “Does anyone know which Pokemon it is?” Thunder asks.

    “No. No one is certain. That’s another reason why everyone’s paranoid. There is so little we know about it. Or if it wants to harm us. Still. Keep an eye open.”

    “We will. Thanks Swanna.” With that, we finish our meals and leave.

    “So, what is the plan for today?” I ask Thunder as we make our way back to Paradise.

    “I was thinking about doing a few training battles.” He responds.

    “Training battles?”

    “Yeah. We’d fight each other to build up our strength and tactics.”

    “So sparring.”

    “Yeah. Basically the same thing.”

    “Sound like a pla-“

    “Hey! Alex! Thunder! Wait!” We hear Emolga’s voice crying from behind us. When we turn around we see him, Dunsparce, a cream colored canine Pokemon about our size and a tall, insect-like Pokemon that looks like she’s dressed in leaves.

    “Emolga? Dunsparce? What’s wrong?” Thunder asks.

    “Guys, this is Leavanny and Lillipup.” Emolga points to the tall insect and the canine respectively.

    “You two are from Team New Hope, right?” Leavanny asks in a desperate tone.

    “Yeah.” I respond, becoming concerned. Why would she need New Hope unless she needed our services? “Why? Is someone in trouble?”

    “My son… He went missing.” I see now. That explains it.

    “Where did you last see him?” Thunder asks.

    “Well… He mentioned going to Inflora Forest when I last saw him.” Lillipup says. “I didn’t think much of it since we go there all the time.”

    “What?!” Leavanny looks like she’s going into a mental breakdown. “You and Swadloon went to Inflora Forest?! You know that you’re not allowed to go there! Especially when this suspicious Pokemon is out and about! Wait till Herdier hears about this!”

    “Ack! No! Please don’t tell him! I’m sorry!”

    “Right… Sorry, Thunder. Guess training is postponed. We have more urgent matters at hand. Dunsparce, Emolga, you’re with us. We’re going to track down your son, Leavanny. I promise.”

    Her face lights up as if she has a semblance of hope for her son’s safety. “Good luck then! Please… Bring him back safely.”

    “We’ll do everything in our power to bring him back.” Thunder assures her.

    “Right! Let’s move out!” I say, leading the team to Inflora Forest.

    Inflora Forest… This place is lush with plant life. It’s quite pretty. But… It’s also easy to get lost in. Thunder is charring the grass in places with his electricity so that we know where we’ve been so the rescue team doesn’t end up needing rescue themselves.

    “Wow. This place is dense!” I observe. “How on earth do those two ever find their way around?”

    “Probably the same way we are. By leaving breadcrumbs.” Thunder responds, shocking another patch of grass into a smoldering black patch.

    “I hope we find him soon.” Emolga interjects. “I have a bad feeling about this place. Like we’re being watched.”

    Suddenly, a scream echoes through the forest. The scream of a child! “That must be Swadloon! Pick up the pace everyone! We need to get to him before it’s too late!” I say. We start running at full speed towards the source of the scream, praying that he’s still alive…

    “There! I see him!” Dunsparce cries. Ahead there’s another Pokemon, a face wrapped up in a leaf that for some reason, looks perpetually stuck with the expression of “I’m so done with your crap.”

    “Swadloon! Are you hurt!?” I cry out.

    “No. I’m fine.” He responds quietly.

    “Come on.” Thunder says. “Your mother’s worried sick about you. We should get you home.”

    “Ok.” Is his response. Huh…isn’t this the same kid that was screaming a short while ago? Thing is, he doesn’t look shaken or frightened. Well… Actually… He does seem nervous. But in the way that makes it seem like he’s hiding something.

    “You sure you’re ok?” I ask. “We heard you screaming a short while ago. We feared the worst.”

    “No. Really. Everything’s fine. I just got spooked by something. That’s all.”

    “No one tried to hurt you?”


    “…very well. Anyways, we should get you back to Leavanny and Lillipup. Let them see that you’re ok.”

    “Sure.” Ok. I seriously think he’s hiding something from us. Course, him being a kid it could just be some petty thing that he wants to keep under wraps. Plus I’d rather not “interrogate” a child.

    “Swadloon! Thank Arceus you’re safe!” Let’s just say that Leavanny was… Grateful… For our help. “I can’t thank you enough! You have my thanks.”

    “Don’t worry about it, Leavanny.” Thunder replies. “We’re just glad he’s safe.”

    “It’s getting dark, we should get some sleep.” I say.

    “Yeah. You’re right Alex.” We say our goodnights and crawl into bed, tired from the day’s exploits.

    “See you tomorrow, Thunder.”

    “Sleep tight, Alex.”


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