The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “What a piece of junk! Seriously! How much did you pay for this place?!” Is Emolga’s first response to seeing Pokemon Paradise for the first time. Sure it’s a wasteland. But he could at least be tactful about it.

    “It’s not much, but it’s what we call home.” I respond. “In time, I’m sure this place will rival the likes of Paris or Rome. I exaggerate, of course.”

    “Paris? Rome? Where are those?” Dunsparce asks. Oh… Right… Earth cities. Not on earth. Should I tell them? No… No, that’s a bad idea. Thunder said that humans are mythical beings here. If someone back home claimed they were a unicorn or dragon in human form, they would be quickly dismissed as crazy. I see no reason why it wouldn’t be different here. The last thing I need is the team to question my sanity.

    “Uh… They’re… Actually, I can’t remember. Maybe I got mixed up with someplace else.” I say in an attempt to cover up my mistake. Thankfully, they seem to have bought it.

    “Geography not your strong suit?” Emolga asks.

    “No, not really.” I respond. Whew… I just saved myself from a rather unpleasant conversation there. “So, Thunder. How do we contact HAPPI about our new team?

    “Simple. We mail the information to them.” He replies. “Come on. Let’s head over to our home.”

    “Right. First off, we need a team name. Any ideas?” Thunder askes us all.

    “Ooh! I know! How about ‘Emolga’s Enforcers!'” Emolga butted in. Sheesh. Got a bit of an ego, I see.

    “I don’t think that would work.” I respond. “I think that the team name shouldn’t be made to show off a particular member. It seems unfair.” Emolga just grunts in disappointment. “How about… New Hope?”

    “New Hope?” Thunder echoes.

    “Yeah. You said it yourself, Thunder. Pokèmar has become callous. What this world needs is a beacon to shine through the darkness of the evil in this world. Something to look up to. Something to rekindle the fires of hope. Hope for a better future. Hope that things will change. I saw we become that. The new hope for the world.”

    “Aren’t you setting your expectations too high?” Virizion asks, skeptical. “We’re only five people. How could we change the world in any meaningful way?”

    “Yeah. Especially when one of them is an ice cold monster of a person with no regard for other’s feelings.” Emolga says, making a verbal jab at Virizion. Though she hardly flinches in response.

    “Sure we are only a small group.” I respond. “But some of the greatest people in history were just that. People. Just ordinary people who wanted to instigate change. And they did. We’re no different. And while it’s true that we may not ever reach out across the whole planet, we can at least make a difference here and now. No matter how small.”

    “You’re right. Alex.” Said Thunder. “We can. All it takes is one spark to start a fire. Let’s be that spark.”

    “I second the motion.” Virizion chimes in.

    “I’m all for it.” Dunsparce replies.

    Emolga hesitates before finally answering. “Oh, what the hey. Why not?”

    “Then from this day forward, we are Team New Hope.” I say. “We will shine as a beacon in the darkness, give hope to those who have none, and protect those who cannot protect themselves.”

    “That might make a good mantra.” Thunder says. Yeah. It would. I like that.

    “So. What else do we need before we send our application in?”

    “Let’s see… A team badge design if we want a custom one and our signatures.”

    “Got ideas for a custom badge?”

    “Yes, actually.” He picks up a pencil and starts sketching an image onto a sheet of paper. And he’s really skilled. The end result looks like some sort of yellow Phoenix with flames under the wings, covering the tail feathers, and on the top of the head. What… It couldn’t be a Phoenix. The legend of the Phoenix is from earth. They couldn’t have that here.

    “What is that, Thunder?” I ask.

    “That is a Moltres. The Flame Pokemon. Part of the elemental bird trio. When she’s injured, she will fly into a volcano and incinerate herself, to be reborn fresh and new from the ashes. It’s a sign of hope. That no matter what you go through, there’s always something to look forward to after your hardships. There’s always hope.” Wow. Very similar to the Phoenix legend.

    “Cool. That would be the perfect emblem for our team. Also, where’d you learn to draw like that?”

    “It’s a side hobby of mine. I sort of trained myself.”

    “Well, you’ve gotten good at it, clearly. Oh! I almost forgot!” I pull out the bandanas from our bag. “Thunder and I found these while searching Stompstump Peak I was wondering if they belonged to you, Dunsparce.”

    “No.” He responds. “I’ve never seen those before. Guess they just appeared in the dungeon.” So they belong to no one? Hm. I decide to put one on. I tie the ends around my neck, letting the front drape over my chest.

    “How do I look?” I ask.

    “Pretty good.” Thunder replies. “It suits you. May I try the other one?”

    “Be my guest.” I hand the bandana over to Thunder who puts it on in much the same fashion. “Not half bad. Looks good.”

    “Thanks, Alex. Now, let’s get our signatures on this and mail it out.” Thunder writes his signature on the sheet. As he writes, it dawns on me that his writing is not in English or any earth written language. But rather, it looks like a string of footprint marks. I follow suit. What’s weird is I actually know how to write in that same written language. It was like I knew my whole life. This was strange… After I finish, the others do the same. “Now then, let’s get this thing sent.” He leads us to the “Pelliper Postal Service” who happily take our application to HAPPI.

    “How long until we hear back from them?” I ask.

    “Probably midday tomorrow. They respond fast.” Thunder replies.

    “Well it’s getting late anyway. We should probably get some rest.”

    “You’re right. I guess we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Thunder tells the others.

    “Goodnight Thunder. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Emolga replies as they leave. With that done, Thunder and I return home and sleep after a hectic day.


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