The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Anyone have any ideas?” Thunder asks in desperation. “I’m open to suggestions.” Our opponents are closing in fast. Emolga was still pinned down by one of them, and Dunsparce is still in harms way.  It’s not a good scenario.

    “Just stay on the move. Don’t let them land a hit.” I said. Thunder is fast. And I’m agile. We could outmaneuver them easily, but they could easily take us down if they get a good strike in. Tactically, my greatest concern is the Venipede. Thunder tells me they are poison types. The last thing I need is venom pumping through my veins.

    “What about Emolga?”

    “See if you can distract that Galvantula long enough for him to get free. We’re not going to win this fight, so our best chance is to escape with everyone in tow.”

    “Alright. Let’s do this.” One of the Galvantulas lunges at us. We quickly dodge the attack and start weaving through the enemies. Thunder breaks off to engage Emolga’s attacker. He fires off a bolt of electricity at the spider, causing it to turn its attention to Thunder. Emolga, recognizing the opportunity for escape, pulls himself free and uses the membrane under his arms to get airborne, pulling off several strafing runs on the Pawniards. The Pawniards duck and cover, giving Dunsparce the opportunity he needs to escape.

    “Alright! Now let’s get out of-” my words are cut short as I was tackled by a Venipede. Crap, I should have been paying more attention! The Venipede sinks its teeth into my back and injects me with venom. I manage to shake him off, but it’s too late. I can feel the effects of the venom already. I feel dizzy and numb where the bite was. I unceremoniously tumble onto the ground, weakened and dying.

    “No! Alex!” Thunder cried out. He tries to run to my aid, but is ensnared in what I can only describe as an electrified spider web. Emolga is hit by the same spider silk shot from another Galvantula and comes crashing down. Any hope we had about surviving this battle was snuffed out almost immediately. One of the Pawniards chuckles.

    “Well now. That was a valiant effort. But you’re not leaving here alive.” He readies his blade and prepares to kill Dunsparce.

    “Dunsparce! No! Don’t do this! Please!” Emolga begs, not wanting to watch his friend perish. We did everything we could. But it wasn’t enough. This canyon is our grave…

    Suddenly, a projectile of some form cuts through the air from behind us. It cuts through the web that has ensnared Thunder and hits the Pawniard in the face, knocking him backwards. We turn to see where this thing came from. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw it. Virizion, Gurrdur, and his Timburr workers.

    Thunder wastes no time. He runs to my side and gets a pecha berry from his bag. “Hurry Alex! Eat this! It’s a detoxifier!” I grab the berry and take a bite, not bothering to chew it. As soon as it hits my stomach, my dizziness begins to subside. But it’s not enough. I still need more. “We need protection! Alex needs a moment to recover.” Virizion nods in acknowledgement and attacks a Galvantula, slamming her horn into it and knocking it aside.

    Soon, the toxin has been purged from by body and I’m feeling much better. Meanwhile, our rescuers are driving the enemy back.

    “We need to get out of here!” One of the Pawniards says. “Retreat! Retreat!” The enemies begin to fall back.

    “That’s right! Run, you cowards!” Gurrdur yells.

    And just like that, the battle is over. I breathe out a shaky sigh of relief. “That… That was too close.”

    “You can say that again.” Thunder agrees. He turns to address our rescuers. “Thank you, guys. You saved our tails there.”

    “Yeah… If you’d been a second later, at least one of us would be dead.” I say.

    “I am so grateful for all of you. You put your lives at risk for me. I will never forget that.” Dunsparce says.

    “Thank you Gurrdur. You and your crew came in the nick of time.” Emolga says.

    “What? No thanks for Virizion?” I ask Emolga.

    “Absolutely not! It’s because of her we were in that situation in the first place!” I let out an exasperated sigh. He seriously is going to hold that against her even after she came to our aid?

    “You know… In spite of everything, we actually worked well together.” Thunder says. “Alex, you were able to coordinate us before things went sour. Emolga, you were able to get Dunsparce out of harms way. Gurrdur, Virizion, you two were able to back us up when we failed. So… Do you guys want to form a team?” The question catches all of us by surprise. We hardly even know them, yet Thunder is asking to join up with them.

    “I’d love to, but I have a job. I can’t just abandon that.” Gurrdur replies.

    “Of course we would!” Emolga says. “Though only if she isn’t allowed to join.” Not this again…

    “I do wish to join, but if it would be better that I didn’t, I’ll stay behind.” Virizion replies.

    “We can’t just exclude her.” I say. “That would be unfair.”

    “Like I said. She joins, we go.” Emolga says. “Right, Dunsparce? …Dunsparce?” Dunsparce was currently staring off into space, daydreaming. “Dunsparce! Snap out of it! I need your support here!”

    “…huh? Oh! Sorry. I was just thinking how much I would enjoy being with Virizion.” I had to fight the urge to chuckle there.

    “Seriously?! You too?! Come on! Thunder! Just tell her to go jump off a cliff or something!”

    We wait for a short while as Thunder ponders it. “…you can join us, Virizion.”

    “What?! I… Are you all crazy?! After what she did?!”

    “She cared enough to come try and rescue Dunsparce. I’d say she deserves a second chance.”

    “…well… Dunsparce is staying so… Fine! I’ll stay… In not happy about this, though!”

    “Yeah!” Thunder exclaims. “We have a team now! This is going to be awesome!” There’s that infectious enthusiasm again. We have a team of five now. More than enough to be recognized officially. The future looks bright. But… I can’t shake this feeling… That a storm is brewing… And we’re going to get caught in the middle of it…


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