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    Cover of PMD: Trailblazers

    PMD: Trailblazers

    by neffrey43

    Fabian and Nero are both children of some of the most well-known political figures of their time, both of them fully dedicated to following in their footsteps. While one dreams of being a respected Guildmaster, the other plots to see the entire world annihilated without a trace. But when their paths cross and they begin to question their worldviews, they are both forced to grapple with the same uncomfortable truth: there’s nothing fulfilling about following a dream that isn’t yours.

    New chapter every Friday!

    Feel free to use this story's content in any way you'd like, provided that you don't profit from it in any way and proper credit is given.
    1. Chapter 1: Worlds Apart1. Worlds Apart
      4,303 Words
    2. Chapter 2: Inherited Fate2. Inherited Fate
      3,642 Words
    3. Chapter 3: Enemies3. Enemies
      4,925 Words
    4. Chapter 4: Falling Down4. Falling Down
      4,752 Words
    5. Chapter 5: Ferrumark City5. Ferrumark City
      4,356 Words
    6. Chapter 6: Cogs and Machines6. Cogs and Machines
      4,422 Words
    7. Chapter 7: Cornered7. Cornered
      4,737 Words